Doesn't seem to be any way to change a military uniform once it's made, you can change a individual militarydwarf's gear but not he uniform itself.
Also assign a uniform to one dwarf.
Show a number indicator for how many dwarfs are assigned to each labor and how many don't have any labors assigned.
Maybe also the number of tasks without a dwarf assigned to complete them?
Have a way to select and deselect all dwarfs from a labor.
What about the "Everybody does this" and "Only selected do this" buttons? They're handy. I'd also like to see "Only guild members do this", "Only civilians do this" and "Only military do this". Being able to set a minimum skill level to do it would be good too.
Have a toggle button that's on by default that hides anything that's used in a building or is deployed somewhere, or is being worn by someone. It would help speed up the menu loading if it didn't have to load all of it at once, but also it clutters up the menu alot.
I think it does more than clutter the menu. If I want to know how many chairs I have then the stock menu is currently useless and I need to pretend to place a chair instead.
A faster way to dump seeds and deep creatures from cages, or have the seeds inside the cage be visible when just looking at the care without clicking on it.
Or they just fall out because it's a cage. If the cage is assumed to have a floor then they could fall out when the cage is moved. A few seeds shouldn't stop a cage being reused anyway.
A simple way to filter out things that elves won't buy.
It could be treated as a mandate when an elven caravan is visiting, using the same button as noble trade restrictions.
When having a tool active, like the digging tool or the zone painting tool, next to the cursor should be the icon for what zone you're trying to place or what digging tool you're using.
And an indication of the size of rectangle you're dragging out?
A single Order for smelting down any available ore in the Smelter's menu.
Also any iron ore, any copper ore...
Allow multiple dwarfs to be assigned to a zone, like a shared office or a shared bedroom or a shared dinning room.
A handy convenience, but you can already put multiple zones inside a physical room. My manager and bookkeeper share and in a previous fort they had desks in the library.
When you place a screwpump it resets the direction gui, it shouldn't do this.
Same goes for rollers and bridges.
When designating a image for engraving a wall or for a statue and picking historical person, have a filter for people only in your fort or on the map right now.
Or recently deceased, known to your citizens, significant in your civilisation's history, gods of your civilisation, gods of your citizens, named beasts encountered... And put a little info with each entity to try to explain who they are - something like the text that would be engraved on their slab.
In the world map reports screen, have the spoils report entry groupped with the mission entry, and have the spoils have a image rendered of each item, like if you were looking at the stocks screen.
And have an option not to do the one-line at a time thing. I am consistently walking away from the game and coming back to read the report when it stops moving.
Announcement for when creatures grow up are unnecessary.
Unless you want to assign training for war, hunting or domestication. But it would be nice to set up rules for this and not get the notification.
Sparring and Slaughtered announcements are unnecessary and spammy
Unless you want to follow that fat to the kitchen so you can tell them to reserve it for soap making. But there should be a way to set the policy for ingredients that aren't currently in your fort anyway.
Toppled announcement, when someone topples a building doesn't have a button for going to where that building was toppled at.
Also a lot of announcements go to the place where a dwarf made a decision instead of the building, workshop or whatever that is relevant to that decision.
For the "attracted no migrants this season" announcement, having it display a reason why, would help alot.
Interesting, perhaps it would. I've pretty much accepted that I'll get a few migrants in the first year, none in the second, then loads if the fort survives to a third year.
The game pauses after you close the message for a "vile force of darkness" but does not pause when a werebeast has arrived, it should!
And when a large herd of agitated unicorns shows up you should get "vile force of lightness" alert and a paused game.
You can set infinite amounts but it would be nice if you could set a order to something like "do until out of resources", meaning that the order will just run until it runs out of ingredients and then it'll clear itself from the orders screen, with a completion announcement instead of a job cancellation. This could just be when it's on infinite and you click on minus again.
Or instead of the current infinite? Is that useful at all?
No information in the Word Orders or in Workshops of what ingredients a work order needs, like nothing tells you how many logs are needed for a barrel or how many metal bars are needed for a cabinet.
Suggested triggers for work orders could also default to the number of items required to complete the work order instead of always being 10.
The suggestions need adjusting here and there too, like lye-containing items instead of lye.
Altars don't have a stockpile selection entry.
Neither do the various hair-threads.
When assigning a Take/Give stockpile target, have a list of all stockpiles in the bottom left corner of the screen, with a search bar, allowing you to pick the stockpile target without having to goto the location on the map where the stockpile is, this could also be done for workshops.
And burrows, it would be very useful to take from burrows for efficient minecart systems or temporary stone workers and wood burners built close to the materials. Maybe zones too, like fruit gathering zones.
Under food in the stockpile menu, split seeds between seeds that can grow on the surface and seed that can't, like plump helmet spawn.
And for fruit and plants, some way to filter for brewable, fiber, flour, dye...
Justice :
Some way for the guard to drag someone away from prayer or socialising to do their duty. Brokers, mechanics, masons, doctors...
Allowing floors to be placed underneath furniture like beds, tables, and chairs without having to remove them first.
Or to order this, then the hauler moves the furniture, places the floor, and puts the furniture back.
Dwarfs wearing crowns don't have their crowns shown on their rendered characters like they do with helmets or hoods.
Weapons don't render in the left hand and shields render in the left even when they are held in the right.
A zone for wood cutting, automatically designate any trees that grow in the zone to be cut.
Or specify the trees that are permitted to grow there. A hazel and oak charcoal coppice, an apple orchard, a nethercap plantation...
Allow dwarfs to use Wheelbarrows when moving stuff from stockpiles to workshops for orders.
Or not from stockpiles, just assign wheelbarrows to workshops and give one to the mechanic and stoneworker by default.
Statues of dwarfs could show the full rendition of the dwarf, like how they are normally rendered but with the material tone applied.
They might need some artistic license with the clothes, unless the game is going to remember what a dwarf is wearing for every event and what they wore most of the time in different phases of their life.
Animals born to parents that are in a pen should be automatically assigned to that pen.
They are.
When building a block of walls, dwarfs should prioritize the center walls then the outer as not to leave holes in the block.
They often need to do the corners first, while there is somewhere to stand. Corners first seems more realistic too as they'd be stronger. But I'm not a builder or architect, that's just my assumption.
Paved roads should link up with floor tiles, as right now there's a natural gap between them.
Wells too, and tracks that have replaced floors.