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Author Topic: Greenfingers - Animals are fiends, not food - Overseers welcome!  (Read 7781 times)


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2023, 03:06:36 pm »

Cool thanks.  I've taken stock of the situation.  I have D&D tonight, so I'll probably play tomorrow and spend the next day typing things up.  Looking forwards to it, about to start a 3 day fast, so this'll give me something to take my mind off things.


This is me.  Minway Morulzeg, middle aged, lowborn, unskilled hauler.  Back at home, I didn't amount to much.  Days of drudgery broken up by heading to the tavern to see whatever traveling bard is in town.  I have to admit, it wasn't unbearable, I did like those elf boys.  Set my heart a flutter listening to their fancy words about life in the trees.  That there could be something else beyond dark hallways and endless hauling.  They weren't too bad on the eyes either.
When I heard someone was setting up a new home, elven style, I thought it was my chance.  New small town, plenty of oppurtunity for me to finally do some real crafting, and see the beautiful trees like in the stories.  What followed was a year of broken dreams.  Immediately he pointed downwards, and here I am again.  This time instead of nice stone walls, it's clay.  The kind that leaves a smear everywhere.  Just look at what it's done to my nice silk dress:

Even worse, I'm still hauling.  I got a chance to touch a loom and a workshop... like twice. Otherwise, I'm stuck hauling again.  Now, instead of rocks, ore, and tasty roasts, it's logs and corpses.
Speaking of which, that's where we are now, poor Lolor got run through and half the grove came to pay their respects.  Little Malfol the piglet is delivering the eulogy.

All of a sudden, Mistem burst into the room.  Something had him spooked, as if he saw a grave vision that threatened his manhood.  He nervously scans the room, I try to avoid his gaze, before announcing, "T-T-the new y-y-year is is upon us,  that means a new overseer.  Ummm you, in the ratty dress, y-you'll be in-in charge. T-That means you're responsible for anything that goes wrong.
"Oh great... I'm the scapegoat."  I panic.
I panic more.
I spent the next three days drunk (I think Zefon asked me out), then my term began.
The siege isn't gone and.

Someone is hogging the loom.
When I was drunk, I remembered an old memory from when I was a lass.  Brazen and Infatuated, I asked an elven bard to take me out of my life of drudgery.  He laughed and said, 'Few things are as opposed as the lives of dwarves and elves, but if you ever find yourself in a position of great responsibility and little hope, then take this and say the magic words, "By the Silver Spear, Obeisant Magics,  I agree to the trial."'  Then handed me a piece of embroidery, beautiful and thrumming with sorcery. I've always kept that as a treasure, currently it's sown into my favorite dress, the one I put on for the funeral and have been wearing since...   I need a bath... oh right siege, my fault, panicking.
Out loud I solemnly swear, "By the Silver Spear, Obeisant Magics,  I agree to the trial."  Zefon looks at me strangely.  The magic lights up a microline blue...

Dweomer Organic Relegation Framework For Overseer Reeducation and Training activating.  DORFFORT (experimental) initializing.... oh no
..... ohno
..... ohnoohnoohnooh
...what have I done!?
DORFFORT initialized.  Created and developed by Eriya Plungeglittered, lord friend of the dwarves.
Overseer Interface Node established.  Analyzing situation.  Loading modules.  Commencing takeover of narrative.

I am no longer panicking.  Panic would be poor performance.


Does exist in world and is held by an elf.  Obeisant means Courteously deferential and respectful. I haven't looked up the actual legend viewer history.  However I like my headcannon of a dwarf conquering elf lord who wields a silver spear of enchanted with mind control magic.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2023, 06:09:21 pm by yaimen »


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2023, 04:41:52 pm »

ah, a disaster already. and well-wrought journal entries covering the juicy details, my favorite.

so the fallen ghoul might be a huge issue, those things are frustratingly stronk

I must highlight,

Uhhhh...Everyone grab a log and let's get some fortifications up!

so we're vegan but also huge lumberjacks? something doesn't add up here. changes will have to be made once I take the reins. punishments, too. All those with axes in hand are suspect. No wonder the local bird population sees fit to peck us bloody - we destroyed their nests and spring eggs.

King Zultan

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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2023, 04:27:45 am »

This vegan stuff was a mistake we need to go back to the proper dwarven ways!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2023, 06:25:27 pm »

Woohoo turn's done.  That was fun.  After spring things ended up being nice and peaceful.
Start of Event Log.  Early Spring Year 101:
Node Query:  What am I supposed to do, how do I govern?
Ruling over Dwarves, an Overview by Eriya Plungeglittered.
While the average elf responds to the the loft motivators of Æsthetics Leisure and Fun, the ruler of a group of dwarves need to remember the _LIES principle.
_ - Space is a premium to dwarves, who live in tiny earthen tunnels instead of the wide skies.
L - Labor is the dwarven true love.  An idle dwarf is an unhappy dwarf.  A dwarf isn't paid to craft, for the opportunity to craft is a reward in itself.
I - Inebriation.  A human is 60% water, conversely a dwarf is 60% alcohol.  If used to ruling elves, remember to stock quintuple the amount of ale for dwarves.
E - Excitement.  Dwarven lives are dull, but small events go a long way.  Seeing a nice cloak, hearing a song, or the infrequent fistfight, all keep dwarves tame
S - Safety.  Many dwarves are easily frightened, remember to keep them in their fortress and away from threats.

Designations Completed.  I have instructed the miners to dig out new bedrooms.  Patterned like the elven world trees, this branch has nice wide bedrooms in the leaves and flower, along with space for a new temple and tavern.
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SECURITY WARNING - SIEGE.  Yes we are still under seige Yonale Tiraade, an Swordswelf still stalks the outside.  How are we supposed to deal with a warrior two hundred years older than the world?

Query Detected: "How are we supposed to deal with a warrior two hundred years older than the world?"  A designation has been made and priority escalated.

28th Hematite

Who knew ruling could be this easy?  I just had a thought, and waited a month.  Lo and behold, our glorious taproot of safety.  Secured by a drawbridge, with three barrable doors.  This single width entry is lined with non lethal traps and doesn't leave our dwarves open to crossbow fire, fireballs, or other projectile.

After the final stair is cut... she approaches.

Success! We have broken the siege.  It's time to grab a drink and celebrate CONTINUE WORKING.

Two Days Later:

Giant monkeys are attacking, the gate is down. What do we do?  Giant monkeys are not a threat.

Zefon got scratched, but was sutured quickly.  I may have punched a monkey to death.  There's monkey teeth everywhere now.

I'm not sure what I would do if something bigger came.  I need a champion.
Request acknowledged.  Scanning for candidates.  Champion found.  Champion installed on the roof.

Summer 101:

It's nice having the tropical sun shining on your face, if only the birds weren't so bothersome, they've been chasing del around the entire fort while the rest of us are gathering plants.

SECURITY WARNING - has expired.  Oh the merchant is still here, bleeding all over the dormitory.  I hope he doesn't die there.

Request received, entering autonomous overseer mode.  I feel the microline power take over and walk me into the dorm.  "I have destroyed the trade depot, you may leave or share its fate." The merchant is scared and limps away with his bodyguard and yak.  I felt a little bad, but his guard kept killing the wildlife and that's not very nice around here.

As I was headed back a Capuchin corpse rotted, and I became unsatisfied with the cleaning speed.  Acknowleged, labor and burrows created, random dwarf 'KingZultan' picked and assigned temporarily. (Note for future overseers: cleaning custom labor and cleaning burrow are there to quickly force a dwarf to clear away refuse/corpses from the fort)

My fruit picking was inturrupted by an alert.  Reading through the logs:
- A migrant has arrived.
- A dwarf has been found dead.

The new migrant seems fine, she's ranger, a fine elven profession if I ever heard of one.
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oh no! Urvad is dead.  In the dormitory, Could it have been murder? Inconsequential, resuming more important duties, autumn is upon us and you've spent all of summer picking mangoes and guavas.  No more fruit picking, the world tree must be attended to.

Autumn 101:
The traders arrived and took some of the livestock with them.  They want legware and rings next year.

We also got a new migrant, another ranger!  She'll fit right in.
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hmm the new bedrooms seem to be waterlogged, what's up with that. (OOC: I forgot aquifers dripped down too, spent half a month trying out fixes)

ERROR - does not compute, you can't get water from a stone.
Ugh, aquifers, I guess elves Anti-Sylvan sentiment detected, thoughts expunged.
Umm,  I guess we'll just seal off the one branch and dig into the dry rooms.

Also we seem to be have been attacked by elephants.  We must be really good at punching because I only see corpses, and no one looks injured.

Winter 101:

In between hornbill attacks, we made a dwarf pen, now we can collect fruit in safety.  Well mostly safety.  Giant parakeets killed the nanny goat. (isn't nature majestic)

And then were caught in the traps.

I heard parakeets are as intelligent as human children, so I told the rangers to teach them manners, then we can send them to the mountainhomes to spread the doctrine of veganism and animal rights.

Winter winded down without too much incident.  Sigun got stuck in a tree.  I built stairs up 3 floors to get to him.

The bedrooms are open, with personal craftstations intalled.  I finally have my own loom (I may have claimed the communal one until now).  We have a fledgling cloth and paper industry.  Things are looking good for the first year rule.  I can't wait till the new year.

1st Granite, 102:
Free trial has expired.  Please register a license with Eriya Plungeglittered to reenable DORFFORT.  Have a nice day. nevermind I quit someone else can be overseer

ok that's it for my turn, there's plenty of things left to do, and a lot of dwarves are kinda stressed from being attacked so dang much.  i didn't really touch the military, although I guess the rangers are a good addition to a ranged squad.

I also mostly requested rocks from the trader, so we can have weight to offload our yak and birbs, bit. coal, kaolinite, limonite, and pitchblende.

Save is here
« Last Edit: January 08, 2023, 06:38:00 pm by yaimen »

King Zultan

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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2023, 04:25:35 am »

Aw man I've been turned into a janitor.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2023, 10:37:35 pm »

Giant parakeets killed the nanny goat. (isn't nature majestic)

The sacrifices we make to respect all forms of life are great indeed.

That is a curious style of trapping, what with the cramped corridor. seems unduly effective... just how the dwarves like it.

Ok .. i think it is my turn? Del you should make a turn list in the OP.. now that I've gone and played through the two (!!) other succession games that happened to pop up this same week, I will have time to delve into this vegan community garden.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 10:40:12 pm by Salmeuk »


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2023, 02:14:20 am »

Will do. I spent 5 hours trying to get the original Starcraft to run on my computer, so obviously I've been much to busy with real serious work.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2023, 09:45:28 pm »

Updated! Sorry, I had trouble with my internet yesterday and couldn't upload images. I'll try to finish this out this week - juggling this fort, updating Smallhands, game dev, and a crippling Vampire Survivors addiction.

Yes, Zultan, I'll dorf you next time I play. Any preference?

Crippling VS addiction, you say? I wouldn't know anything about that- THANK GOD IT'S NOT JUST ME. And no, I don't want to join, I'm just here to laugh at vegan dwarves and have a good time.


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2023, 02:53:15 am »

That is a curious style of trapping, what with the cramped corridor. seems unduly effective... just how the dwarves like it.

Thanks, I was trying to be artful, way I see it, traps and seige engines are vegan, since you don't aim, it's not your fault when something wanders into your ballista battery kill corridor. (didn't have time or spare dwarves to train a seige team).

@LeftHandofGod I hope you enjoyed my post, playing "vegan" is actually pretty tough.  Not having fat/leather/fish/bones means much harder soap production, and a lot of materials for crafting.  I had fun with the challenge of even coming up with something to do, since most of my early options were off the table.

@King Zultan, sorry for making you a Janitor, unfortunately there's not much for a bower to do, and I had a hell of a time keeping your dwarf from idling (esp after I forbid the far left side wood b/c of constant hornbill inturrupts).

King Zultan

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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2023, 03:28:27 am »

@King Zultan, sorry for making you a Janitor, unfortunately there's not much for a bower to do, and I had a hell of a time keeping your dwarf from idling (esp after I forbid the far left side wood b/c of constant hornbill inturrupts).
It's not that bad, it's more interesting than hauling stuff.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2023, 05:24:51 pm »

hey, looks like the save is not the correct one - it only gives me the option to start a new game in the world. Perhaps you zipped the OG file somehow?

I have had issues with saves overwriting one another even if I am careful about naming the folders. .I've taken to backing up the save files in a separate directory altogether just to be sure.

edit: legends says
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« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 05:26:58 pm by Salmeuk »


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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2023, 04:43:45 pm »

Yea looks like the correct save was in an autosave directory.  I think I got folder mixed up back when I went back to look at some legend viewer stuff.  Glad I backed up my entire saves folder when I finished my turn just in case.

I've updated the file in the repo, the link should be the same as the old one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2023, 07:24:25 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


"Our greatest curse, our greatest blessing. All that industry kept pushing us deeper - and one day, they say we went too far. Udul Forkcanyons the Gaunt was what we wrought for all our efforts - our own devastation. The Gaunt, his hunger insatiable, drawn from hell by the miasma of our works: Swamfloor was lost, and the few lucky enough to escape the fiend's onslaught ended up either in the hillocks, too drunk and traumatized to warn anyone, or, a few of us, into the woods."

"Iden Floorloves, the king out of the ashes, he lead us to a new path. We learned from the elves and their peace with nature. Their lives of luxury and relaxation. It took some time, but then we had it: The New Ways."

The first year, Del the Vegan led us to this warm-weather forest full of tropical fruits, and helped cultivate a thriving ramie plantation and subsequent cloth industry.

The second year, Minway the Peasant worked to furnish us with large bedrooms, and defended us against many violent threats including fearsome elephants and undead sieges. Things got a little wet, for sure, and blood was spilled. But only in defense!

Now, thanks to the work of these others, the fortress can properly grow past these early stages. It is I, Salmeuk the Ranger, who will lead these fellows into the 102 year of this world, seeking to equip ourselves against the coming threats and outsider interventions, as our adherence to The New Ways of Iden Floorloves (The King out of the Ashes, sacred he be) has provoked many neighbors into total war.


Del, our commander of militia forces, has agreed to merge his squad with my own, and we shall be referred to as Forest Guardians, and so named we will fight for the right of life for all living creatures, and other willful spirits of nature. Our training will consist of wrestling and close combat, and later crossbow accuracy drills, should we find metal to properly equip ourselves with sharpened bolts.

First order of business? Proper fortifications and a surface enclosure. We need more cloth, and the wild animals are aggravated.

Second order is to discover the caverns and search for pasture. Should the stockade be overrun, we might need to retreat our animal companions below and feed them on the great fungal mats.

Perhaps, then, we can consider individual bedrooms, and other industries. Or we could run our own animal sanctuary, collecting and rehabilitating aggressive wildlife..


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The end of granite, the first month of spring, and we are assaulted by two enraged animals. First, a giant moth flew right into our chambers and killed one of our pigs. This was not good, at all, and the moth was taken care of after a few enraged tavern-goers kicked it to pieces.

Second, a giant black mamba slithered into our courtyard, chasing Estan the Carpenter through the woodpile while she screamed for her life. Then, she recalled her training, and turned to fight. Eshtan carried an iron short sword and was strong and agile - would she prevail?
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The fight was exceedingly quick, with the mamba landing numerous enveonomating bites while Eshtan fought back with kicks and punches, as her sword had become tangled in the black, coiling flesh of the giant snake. At one point she kicked out one of the creature's fangs, large as the palm of your hand, with the loose tooth sailing through the air.

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Eshtan's vision blurred as the venom took effect. It was not long before her central nervous system failed, and the mamba seized her by the skull and shook her lifeless.

Kivish the Recruit arrived just in time to see Eshtan's death. The mamba now chased a stray yak towards him. Kivish raised his spear - struck home! Knocking loose the second fang of Acridbuster the Giant Black Mamba.
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However, through some infuriating magical persistence, the Mamba remained able to strike, and Kivish was bitten and pumped full of venom. Kivish lost hold of the spear, yet fought on with the knowledge death was in his veins.

It was here that I, Salmeuk the Guardian of the Forest and Protector of The New Ways, arrived on the scene. I watched as Kivish was crushed to death by the mamba, and I saw that horrid creature slither into the walled orchard to the south, where it coiled itself around a tree branch, resting and recovering.

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Using my training and experience, I snuck close to the dozing snake and leapt forward off the wooden palisade, reaching up and hacking into the snake's face, destroying one of the eyes.

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My copper axe struggled against the steel-muscled foe and remained lodged in the creature's skull. Calling upon all my strength, I yanked free the axe and struck again and again. Acridbuster died, but only after many swings finally cracked the braincase. I was covered in blood and leaves and snake bits, and horrified at my own violent actions. Yet what choice did I have, with this terrible creature eating friends right before my eyes?

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Walls would prevent interactions with these agitated creatures, and save us from causing harm and violence. Priority was to increase their height and prevent climbing beasts from reaching the top. 

As much as Acridbuster the Snake's remains would be worth good money on the market, it was against The New Ways to sell or profit from death. As it stands the giant snake's corpse will be preserved as an artifact to honor the god of death, Vakun, whom a majority of the fortress worship.

A solemn end to Granite, indeed. Two dead with 11 months to go. but on the horizon - migrants! 19 new souls!

Quick, hide the bloodied corpses, we're supposed to be peaceful types.


don't mind my ostentatious titling, it will only get worse should my pawn survive further combat :D

I gotta say - these animals are vicious and varied. its like someone fed the entire captive population of the san diego zoo combat stimulants and let them loose on the streets.

 I'm unsure if the ability of the mamba to inject venom despite losing both fangs is a noted bug, or if it was merely the fact that the fang was knocked loose on the same round of combat as the envenomation and thus still had the proper organ to do the biting. .


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2023, 08:09:44 pm »

Summer brought parakeets and pain. Cage traps were strung along the top of the palisade. This took much of the season, but the results speak for themselves: many flying attackers are trapped as they attempt to cross over the walls.

As well, an artifact floodgate represents the first artifact creation seen:

Autumn brought migrants, traders, and death. Del shipped some of our wooden crafts out for basic vegan foodstuffs. A giant roach attack left two dead, followed by another parakeet attack targeting some plant gatherers, leaving two more un-alived.

Winter was quiet, however, and work continued on the temple to the cult of death as had been requested some months earlier.

Bedrooms were carved out but not completed before spring arrived and my short time at Greenfingers was up.
Things are comfy-er, now, and the inner keep surface is safe-ish. 41 followers of The New Way reside here. Food stocks are low, but the forest remains bountiful. Just watch out for the parakeets.

save here:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Greenfingers - It's Smallhands, but new! (Small fort for bad computers!)
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2023, 09:04:37 pm »

I gotta say - these animals are vicious and varied. its like someone fed the entire captive population of the san diego zoo combat stimulants and let them loose on the streets.
I laughed
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