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Author Topic: Gridhood GPT  (Read 4842 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2022, 05:28:03 am »

Also PTW. I'll let the game progress a little before unleashing what i have in mind. Provided you'll approve of course.


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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2022, 08:05:23 am »

Main dip is on the current turn only a single land. Also for shame whoesoever "would" not add tenses to their civ sheet.

Already know about not really starting with technology. Going to need a skyboat.


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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2022, 12:35:41 pm »

God Name: The Red Grail

Domains: Blood, Decadence and Control

The Red Grail waves a hand at I-10, creating a island made up of flesh and living tissue composing the ground, with blood replacing water and the animals a eldritch mockery of standard nature.  

Can gods do anything other then create lands?


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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2022, 12:57:41 pm »

Turn 2

The basic rules for Civilizations, and the actions you can do have been added to the first post. I am also starting you off with 20 food, to give players a chance to notice their food stockpile rapidly plummeting to oblivion so they can start foraging before they starve completely. View the second post to see what actions a new civilization can do.

Gods cannot take actions aside from creating tiles at this particular moment. This will change.

Through Madness
The dismal reflection of the previous floating island created by the god Through Midnight would likely be a stark and unsettling place. The island would likely be surrounded by a aura of darkness and mystery, and would be suspended in mid-air, as if reflecting the previous island in a twisted and distorted way.

The landscape of the island would be gloomy and foreboding, with a barren and lifeless appearance. The air would be heavy and stagnant, and the climate would be cold and inhospitable. There would likely be a variety of terrain, including rocky cliffs, dark forests, and perhaps even swamps or marshes.

The people who lived on the island would likely be deeply connected to the god Through Midnight and his domains of Success, Darkness, and Monsters. They may be a society that values power and ambition, and that is willing to embrace darkness and violence in order to achieve their goals.

Overall, the dismal reflection of the previous floating island created by the god Through Midnight would be a place of great danger and uncertainty, where the line between good and evil is blurred and the stakes are high. It would be a place where people would need to be constantly on guard and ready to face the unknown, and where they might be forced to confront their own darkness in order to survive.

The Daylight Prince
The warm, sandy plateau created by the god The Daylight Prince would likely be a beautiful and welcoming place. The plateau would be located in a sunny and warm region, with a dry and arid climate that is well-suited to the growth of pale dune grasses and other desert plants.

The landscape of the plateau would be characterized by rolling sand dunes, deep canyons, and cool rivers that run beneath the surface. The oases scattered throughout the plateau would provide a welcome respite from the heat, with clear pools of water surrounded by lush vegetation.

At the edge of the plateau, the land would sheer off into a towering cliff, marking the boundary between the warm, sandy plateau and the great void created by the god Aleph Null. The cliff would likely be a popular spot for travelers and adventurers to stop and rest, as it would offer a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.

Overall, the warm, sandy plateau created by the god The Daylight Prince would be a place of great beauty and diversity, with a landscape that is shaped by the forces of light, heat, and growth. It would be a place where people could find solace and refuge from the harsh desert environment, and where they could connect with the divine in a meaningful and spiritual way.

Aleph Null
Its not quite within Aleph Null's authority to declare the orientation of the map, but its a cool idea so if the other gods are on board that's how its going to be.

The floating island created by Aleph Null below and to the left of the Center Of The Universe would be a place of great mystery and danger. The landscape of the island would be constantly shifting, with ancient ruins appearing and disappearing in an unpredictable fashion. These ruins would be home to a variety of treasures and artifacts, including lost technology from other worlds.

However, anyone seeking these treasures would need to be wary, as the island would be filled with traps and environmental hazards that could pose a threat to unwary travelers. These hazards could take many forms, and could include everything from traps designed to catch or kill intruders to dangerous biomes that are difficult to navigate.

In addition to these dangers, it is possible that the island would be home to a variety of creatures and guardians, who might lurk in the shadows of the ancient ruins. These beings could be benevolent or malevolent, and could pose a threat to anyone who ventures into their domain.

Overall, the floating island created by Aleph Null would be a place of great danger and excitement, with a landscape that is constantly shifting and full of secrets to be discovered. It would be a place where adventurers could test their skills and bravery, and where they could uncover treasures beyond measure.

The Red Grail
The island created by the god The Red Grail is a place of great horror and strangeness. The ground of the island is composed of living flesh and tissue, giving it a grotesque and unsettling appearance. The surface of the island is slick and wet, with blood replacing water and flowing through the valleys and channels that crisscross the landscape.

The animals that inhabit the island are twisted and mutated, resembling standard creatures in only the most superficial of ways. They are grotesque and unsettling, with twisted limbs and misshapen bodies. They lurk in the shadows, stalking their prey with a relentless hunger.

The air of the island is thick with the smell of decay and death, and the atmosphere is charged with a sense of malevolence and wrongness. The god The Red Grail holds sway over this place, and its influence can be felt in every aspect of the island's twisted and corrupted landscape.

Overall, the island created by The Red Grail is a place of great horror and darkness, a place where the line between life and death is blurred and the rules of nature do not apply. It is a place where only the strongest and most cunning creatures can hope to survive, and where the forces of blood, decadence, and control hold sway.

The forest is a dense and verdant place, filled with towering trees that seem to reach up to the sky. The canopy of the forest is so thick that little sunlight filters through, and the air is cool and moist. The forest floor is covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves and pine needles, which cushion the footsteps of the animals that call this place home.

There is a wide variety of plant and animal life in the forest. The trees are home to a variety of birds, who build their nests in the branches and fill the air with their songs. The underbrush is alive with small mammals and insects, who scurry about in search of food. The forest is also home to larger animals, such as deer, bears, and wolves, who roam the woods in search of prey.

The forest is a place of great beauty and mystery, and there is always something new to discover. The trees seem to whisper secrets to those who listen, and the animals go about their business in their own mysterious ways. The forest is a place of peace and tranquility, where the stresses of the outside world seem to fade away.

Aurora Morn
The earliest days in the history of the Aurora Morn civilization would likely be a time of great discovery and exploration, as the Allays encountered the wonders of their new home for the first time. As energy beings colored by nature, the Allays would likely have a deep connection to their environment and would work closely with their surroundings in order to thrive.

On their island in the middle of the void, the Allays would likely have been drawn to the natural beauty of their surroundings, and would have been fascinated by the unique features of their environment. They may have spent their time exploring the island, discovering the various plants, animals, and geological features that made their home unique.

As they explored their new home, the Allays would also have been forced to grapple with the challenges of survival. Without any technological capabilities, they would have needed to rely on their own skills and resources in order to thrive. This might have involved learning how to find food and shelter, how to defend themselves from potential threats, and how to navigate their environment.

Despite these challenges, the Allays would have likely been drawn to the beauty and wonder of their surroundings, and would have been inspired by the natural world around them. They may have begun to develop a belief system or worldview that was centered on their connection to nature and to the original creator, Aleph Null.

Overall, the earliest days in the history of the Aurora Morn civilization would have been a time of great discovery and growth, as the Allays worked to understand and adapt to their new home in the midst of the void. Despite the challenges they faced, they would have been inspired by the beauty and wonder of their environment, and would have worked to create a society that was closely connected to the natural world.

Felid Kingdom
The Felid Kingdom, a civilization of small, clever, and surprisingly cruel felids, would have faced many challenges as they established themselves on the mysterious and dangerous floating island created by Aleph Null. As a species with no technological capabilities, the felids would have needed to rely on their own cunning and resourcefulness in order to survive in this harsh and unpredictable environment.

One of the main challenges that the felids would have faced would have been the constantly shifting landscape of the island. The ancient ruins that dotted the island would have been a source of fascination and mystery, but they would also have been dangerous places to explore, as they were likely filled with traps and hazards. The felids would have needed to be clever and cautious in order to navigate these ruins safely, and they might have developed special skills or techniques for avoiding or disarming traps.

In addition to the traps and hazards that they encountered, the felids might also have had to deal with other creatures and guardians that lurked in the shadows of the ancient ruins. As a species that is known for being sneaky and adept at spying, the felids might have been well-suited to gathering intelligence about these threats and developing strategies for dealing with them. However, they would also need to be prepared to defend themselves against these threats, as they could be malevolent or unpredictable.

Despite these challenges, the felids might have been drawn to the island by the prospect of discovering treasures and artifacts that were hidden within the ancient ruins. They might have sent scouts and spies to explore the island and uncover the secrets that it held, and they might have developed specialized skills for finding and retrieving these treasures.

Overall, the Felid Kingdom would have faced many challenges as they established themselves on the floating island created by Aleph Null. However, with their cunning and resourcefulness, they might have been able to overcome these challenges and thrive in this harsh and unpredictable environment.

The Misty Realm.
The earliest days in the history of the Misty Realm, a civilization of small, winged humanoids known as the Sidhe, would have been a time of great discovery and exploration as they encountered the wonders of the forest for the first time. As a species that is known for their communal nudity, singing, and relative xenophobia, the Sidhe would have had a unique culture and way of life that was shaped by their connection to the natural world.

One of the main challenges that the Sidhe would have faced as they established themselves in the forest would have been the need to find food and shelter. As a species with no technological capabilities, they would have needed to rely on their own skills and resources in order to survive. This might have involved learning how to find and gather food, such as nuts, berries, and insects, and how to build shelter using materials from the forest.

The Sidhe would also have needed to adapt to the challenges of the forest environment. They might have had to contend with the threat of predators, such as bears or wolves, and would have needed to develop strategies for avoiding or defending themselves against these threats. They might also have had to deal with the challenges of finding mates and raising families in this challenging environment.

Despite these challenges, the Sidhe would have likely been drawn to the beauty and wonder of the forest, and would have been inspired by the natural world around them. They may have developed a belief system or worldview that was centered on their connection to nature and the divine, and they might have begun to develop rituals and traditions that reflected this connection.

Overall, the earliest days in the history of the Misty Realm would have been a time of great discovery and growth, as the Sidhe worked to understand and adapt to their new home in the midst of the forest. Despite the challenges they faced, they would have been inspired by the beauty and wonder of their environment, and would have worked to create a society that was closely connected to the natural world.
Being a human is actually a type of bullying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2022, 02:17:17 pm »

Aurora Morn
A new day would dawn over Aurora Morn. How would be in question, but when would not.
3 civilians research Foraging Improvements. [F6]
2 civilians forage for food. [F6]
1 civilian is born for 5 food. [F6]

Spoiler: Aurora Morn (click to show/hide)

AI is pretty much in full future-tense now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2022, 02:46:02 pm »




The Red Grail’s face contorts, revealing a jaw full of sharp teeth that attempt a facsimile of a smile.

Closely connected to the flesh island, a seemingly endless blood ocean filled with lesser terrors and ruled over by fleshy monstrosities called “Titans” appears on H-10.

Sacrifices may be given to earn the Titans favor if they do not wish to be attacked.



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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2022, 04:05:50 pm »

The Misty Realm
The Sidhe of the Misty Realm have just woken up.  There is much that will need to be done…
3 sidhe forage for food on.  [I7]
1 sidhe researches improvements to foraging.  [I7]
1 sidhe prays to the Daylight Prince, asking his blessing and assistance.  [I7]

Spoiler: The Misty Realm. (click to show/hide)

…It’s also speaking in the hypothetical.  Also, it speaks of the Felids being originally from somewhere else…

Edit:  added tile coordinates for actions.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 10:22:02 pm by A_Curious_Cat »
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2022, 09:26:41 pm »

...where are the Sidhe, anyway? I-7?

I'm inclined to -1 the orientation thing, in favor of a more typical map. Verticality sounds confusing, and creatures will have to fly over the void to reach the floating islands anyhow.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2022, 10:21:26 pm »

...where are the Sidhe, anyway? I-7?

I'm inclined to -1 the orientation thing, in favor of a more typical map. Verticality sounds confusing, and creatures will have to fly over the void to reach the floating islands anyhow.

I’m assuming that’s where they are.  They’re currently looking for a tutelary deity and the Daylight Prince seems to be the option that would be most acceptable to them, right now.
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2022, 10:25:42 pm »

...where are the Sidhe, anyway? I-7?

I'm inclined to -1 the orientation thing, in favor of a more typical map. Verticality sounds confusing, and creatures will have to fly over the void to reach the floating islands anyhow.

I’m assuming that’s where they are.  They’re currently looking for a tutelary deity and the Daylight Prince seems to be the option that would be most acceptable to them, right now.

They must face the wolves, the bear. And the worst predator of all... The Deer.

More seriously, there is one forest/jungle on the map and you have no clothes. And the Felids are in the shifting ruins.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 10:30:35 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2022, 10:34:25 pm »

You could live in myyyyyyyyy creations.

Very hospitable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2022, 11:01:28 pm »

...where are the Sidhe, anyway? I-7?

I'm inclined to -1 the orientation thing, in favor of a more typical map. Verticality sounds confusing, and creatures will have to fly over the void to reach the floating islands anyhow.

I’m assuming that’s where they are.  They’re currently looking for a tutelary deity and the Daylight Prince seems to be the option that would be most acceptable to them, right now.

They must face the wolves, the bear. And the worst predator of all... The Deer.

More seriously, there is one forest/jungle on the map and you have no clothes. And the Felids are in the shifting ruins.

The Sidhe aren’t going to be going anywhere where they actually need clothes (that’s why I specified tropical or subtropical).

You could live in myyyyyyyyy creations.

Very hospitable.

Thanks, but no thanks.  I think they’ll pass…
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2022, 11:03:34 pm »

+1 to the vertical map.
I'll be open to any requests from the Felids, as they suit my Spheres quite well.

At E8, pull into existence a verdant labyrinth whose undergrowth holds creatures predator and prey alike. At the center of the forest lies a shimmering lake in which one can witness- and perhaps speak to- the face of adversity and triumph.

Apologies, fixed action.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 11:27:43 pm by VermilionSkies »


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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2022, 11:22:19 pm »

Gonna put in a quick reminder that god players cannot currently do actions aside from making tiles.
Being a human is actually a type of bullying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gridhood GPT
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2022, 11:30:09 pm »

I’m assuming that’s where they are.  They’re currently looking for a tutelary deity and the Daylight Prince seems to be the option that would be most acceptable to them, right now.

Right then!

As the Daylight Prince carves tall cliff-furrows with a burning hand, a lone voice reaches his ear. A supplicant, and so tiny! Its home, so removed from the sun's fierce care!
The Prince considers. Such creatures have need, perhaps, of sheltering mist. Still, they should have a taste at least of warmth and light.

The Daylight Prince creates a sunny plain at H-7, with tall grasses that yield (from their different kinds) two kinds of seed: one fat with grain, the other fibrous and easily carried by the wind. Grazing mammals small and great feast on the bounty; occasional wildcats and running raptors prey on the grazers. At the tile's western edge, the grassland warms to a narrow strip of savannah, dotted with the occasional acacia tree.

(The predators are gonna be scary for little fairy dudes, but such are the demands of an ecosystem :-X)
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 12:20:42 am by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important
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