Really strange seeing this moving out of proportion by focusing only on very specific things and extrapolating that to mischaracterize people v: especially in depiction of Kitfox/"what it means for me" when, as stated by tons of people around and posts unquoted, what was done was very reasonable and appending further malice onto them...because of not being as connected or inferring by this thread (which looks a ton like not being accountable for one's own actions/feelings/introspection) isn't going to be helpful, though that's one intended effect of downplaying others' integrity and the reductivity/omission that can be an integral part of it.
Kitfox built its community upon works and cultural writing from folks like Victoria Tran (author of the article, "designing communities for kindness") and how many more people still continuing it today. That other people's experiences matter while never diminishing others in turn, etc etc etc. The review process for selecting Discord Moderators is very thorough and people are chosen--not that I actually know but based on my experience--on continuous and genuine depth and character. There will always be more to say because of people who understand the impact of what's up, but not when mischaracterization is focused on instead.
Continuing the complaint as if still justified despite having been notified/told about what happened, instead of moving forward in goodwill/growth...doesn't help anyone. Folks have already covered the issue in full in just less than 5 forum pages; this isn't any conundrum or any moral failing--understanding context matters and people have given that in full.
Especially given the fact that...this is all on an emoticon, and there are tons more available that don't have such connotations. If it's Really, Sincerely, Genuinely about the "rule", that's been thoroughly covered already, especially when being told about details behind it. The question could even move to "are you satisfied with this now that you may know more?" All this effort to reinforce something like spitting at someone who told you in good faith not to so something is really needless (metaphor notwithstanding); it doesn't do more or add to what's going on. I mean, maybe it's a cultural issue seeing the effort into this complaint but passive aggressiveness doesn't go well as a whole, across cultures.
If you'll raise complaints, put as much effort into receiving feedback as you would in turn.