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Author Topic: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering  (Read 2594 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« on: December 16, 2022, 12:45:00 pm »

The Bodice of Tapering was once a thriving civilization. Now, however, it is barely a surviving civilization.

Perhaps the laws of the universe decreed that one kingdom must be stricken with great misfortune so that another may be luck filled. Maybe it was a cruel trick of the Gods. Or maybe it was just random chance. Regardless of the cause, the Bodice of Tapering found itself in a spiral. Where there were once many fortresses and mountain halls, now there was just two: Sealcharms and Merchant works.

Ask any dwarf from these fortresses, and they'll tell you that the responsible party is the elves. They declared war on the Bodice, angered by the treatment of plants and nature by the dwarves (though some dwarves argue they were purely envious of their homes, or even hungered for their flesh.) The first war, brought on by the Cardinal Swamps, was long and arduous and lasted many years. The Bodice suffered many defeats, many losses, before they were forced to accept defeat and surrender.

And a few short years afterwards, while the kingdom was wounded yet recovering, the second war began. The Mirthful Flutes, either out of opportunism or a desire to finish what their comrades started, struck swiftly and mercilessly. Any sites that hadn't been taken in the previous war or destroyed by beasts and monsters, leaving only the last two mountain halls remaining.

That is where they stand now. Active war, with minimal resources and low population, and the fear of a second attack by their other elven enemies. But if

Yet if the destiny of the Bodice of Tapering is to be wiped off the map, then King Stakud Lolokedan doesn't intend to go out quietly. He has sent out an expedition has been sent out, with orders to establish a new fortress. The beginning of the next generation for his people and a representation of the rebirth of the Bodice. It is also strikingly close to a hillocks conquered by the Mirthful Flutes- a tacit instruction that this new fort will also serve as the beginning of their counterattack against the elves.

Will this new fortress be the key to saving the kingdom, and ascend to greatness once more? Or it will be the final undoing?

That remains to be seen. Either way, a conflict is brewing. That is why these seven brave dwarves have named their new home "Theaterdrum"- for their fortress is the theater in which the drums of war will play.

Welcome to a new succession fort, and the first one I've ever made!

The idea behind this fort is that we're part of a struggling civilization that has been devastated in a war against two different elven civilizations. The overall goal is to help the Bodice of Tapering regain it's strength, hold back the elves and other hostile forces, and who knows, maybe even retake the territory they stole.

Spoiler: Our Embark (click to show/hide)

1. Standard succession fort rules, you have seven days to make it through one year in-game, after which you pass the save onto the next person.
2. The steam version is required if you join, as that's the one where the save originated and compatibility would likely be a problem
3. Choosing to forgo the less efficient way to play in favor of making things interesting is fine and encouraged, but try to avoid doing anything that you know is going to lead to the fort almost certainly being destroyed
4. Since this fortress was made by someone relatively new to fortress mode and is welcoming towards others who are new, don't create incredibly complex system and mechanisms without explaining what exactly they do for the person coming after you.

Turn Order:
1. Noagga76 1
2. Salmeuk 1
3. Grant4455 1
5. AvolitionBrit (Current)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 06:34:22 pm by Noagga76 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2022, 02:24:56 pm »

you know what? Sign me up.  I'm stuck on my ass-laptop but if I grab second turn I very well might get some good diggin' in before the FPS becomes unmanageable.

looking forward to your first post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2022, 02:31:15 pm »

you know what? Sign me up.  I'm stuck on my ass-laptop but if I grab second turn I very well might get some good diggin' in before the FPS becomes unmanageable.

looking forward to your first post!

I'll put you in! And thank you, I'm looking forward to..uh..posting it, I guess is how you'd say that sentence.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dorf-Head and former Urist McStation Player
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2022, 11:19:12 pm »

No stream, or Aquifer in a warm climate?

Yeesh, write off any dorfs who get injured  :P

I'm interested in having a crack at this, I'm a returning 2d-Fortress player from ye olden days.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2022, 06:22:42 pm »

No stream, or Aquifer in a warm climate?

Yeesh, write off any dorfs who get injured  :P

I'm interested in having a crack at this, I'm a returning 2d-Fortress player from ye olden days.

In you go then!

I’ll try to get a post up tonight or tomorrow.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Funk to Funky
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2022, 06:31:03 pm »

Sign me up for a turn please
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2022, 08:45:48 pm »

Sign me up for a turn please

Done, glad to see we've got a few people joining


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2022, 06:59:56 pm »


Excerpts from the journal of Catten Shagoúshrir, expedition leader of Theaterdrum

Spoiler: Illustration of Catten (click to show/hide)
15th of Granite, year 150
And so, we arrived. Our mission, to found a new home for the Dwarves of our kingdom, to replace the ones lost and destroyed in the past years. And our unspoken mission; to build up a new base of power to strike back at the elven scourge, and reclaim what they have stolen.

Our king, of course, made this intention evident by sending us to a location not even a day's travel away from one of their forest retreats.

Still, it is my duty to serve my king, and if Rakúst sees fit to take me in this task, then I am glad to die attempting to aid my kingdom.

At the very least, the overall terrain of our new home is non-perilous in and of itself, and it’s unlikely the Mirthful Flutes will decide a barely built fortress will be a valuable target. So, if we are to die in the line of battle, we have some time before we get there.

I’ve ordered trees cut down to get us started in terms of supplies (which means we’re already angering the elves, I suppose) and I’m having the miners dig out a basic entrance to the fortress, along with some promising ore. And by “the miners”, I mean myself and Åblel, seeing as we’re the only ones with the proper skills.

On that note, it’s time to stop writing and start digging. We don’t have time to waste if we’re to be the saviors of the Bodice of Tapering. Or if we’re going to be the ruin of it, as well.

17th of Granite

Apparently a woodcutter was knocked unconscious briefly while chopping a tree. Thank goodness she survived and was uninjured, I’d hate to have our journey end so soon because of the cruelty of gravity.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

10th of Felsite

Work is going well, we’ve been working throughout Slate and the early part of this month to carve out the first floor of our fortress. The entrance has already been completed, complete with a trade depot for the caravan later in the year.

The progress so far is good. I’ve planned out an area for workshops, food storage, material storage, etcetera. Though our long term goal might be militarily focused, or so the king intends, I have no desire to attempt to force the fort into a fighting shape so early in its lifespan. Leave that to future leaders. My duty is to ensure this fort is habitable and able to sustain itself.

Though I will admit, I would welcome a battle against the cursed friends of nature if they chose to come. Still, it’s likely for the best that they haven’t.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

9th Hematite

Finally, the first floor is fully dug out and ready to be used. We’ve begun moving the items from our wagon to the stockpiles  and I’ve told everyone to stay in the center chamber if they have idle time. The wildlife and surrounding area may have been peaceful so far, but I’d rather be paranoid than dead.

I’ve also decided to have our grazing animals put close to the entrance of the fort, for now. Not very much soil down here, which is somewhat concerning. We can subsist off of fish with ease, but the future might be bleak without a dedicated farm for booze. A problem to be handled later, though.

Other than that, a few necessary workshops are being set up, for crafts, furniture, and food production. I know for sure that everybody will be happier when we’re able to sleep in beds rather than on stone.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

15th of Hematite

Workshops have been set up. Tirist, Ingiz, and Rimtar are manning them currently. I’ve got our carpenters workshops set to make bins, as I want to prevent us from running out of storage space too early. Ingiz, meanwhile, is preparing the fish he’s been catching. Some might get tired of fish after a while, but it’s the most reliable source of food for now.

3rd of Malachite

Rimtar has decided she wants to be a carpenter. Good for her.

5th of Malachite

I’ve decided that I might as well have the still built. Even if we can’t have a dedicated farm at the moment, there’s still enough useable plants strewn about the area  to make booze, and I’d like to avoid going through a withdrawal.

I’ll also admit that I’m getting tired of having to be frugal with my consumption. Is it so wrong to want to be inebriated freely? No, it is not. It is the dwarven way.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

9th of Malachite

To my surprise, we have new arrivals! They’re a family of three. Obok, his wife Kivish, and their child Kadol.

They seem decently skilled at the very least. I’m not sure why exactly they’d choose to move here, perhaps they thought a burgeoning fortress was a safer place to dwell than the mountain halls during this war?

I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of having a child around. The fortress and surrendering territory has been calm so far, but danger has a habit of striking when least expected and from the most unlikely places.

Let us pray that I am wrong, and that Rakúst stays her hand.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
10th of Malachite

Only a day later and we have more new arrivals. A jeweler named Tosid and a single mother named èrith, arriving with her two children. What, exactly, makes our fortress such an appealing place for families?

Clearly, building proper living spaces is now a priority.

15th of Malachite

Me and Åblel have already started digging out a second floor. Hard work, but necessary.   

We’re digging out enough rooms to house our current populace and then some, and we’re doing it in the most efficient yet comfortable pattern known to dwarves. I’ve told the carpenters shop to make as many beds as possible.

 All things considered, completing this should be rather quick now that we’ve got our infrastructure set up.

Oh, and I’ve told the workshop workers to get started on tables and chairs as well. It is about time we have a proper dining room.

18th of Malachite

The bedrooms are all carved out, and the beds have been delivered to them! Most of them, at least. I'm not worried about setting up the extra rooms too quickly , as long as we have enough to house our current population. We can work on furnishings later as well.

On the first floor, the dining hall is now fully set up with tables and chairs. Oh, and I’ve had some mugs made as well. Drinking booze from the tap is…irritating.

25th of Galena

With our fortress now largely sustainable it’s time to consider the necessities of more in depth management. I’ve no desire to add more responsibilities on top of my current role as a miner, expedition leader, and primary architect and overseer of the fortress, so I’ve appointed Obok and Ingiz as the bookkeeper and broker and manager, respectively. Some basic offices where they can do their work have been completed and assigned to them.

In regards to more day to day affairs, I’ve noticed many of the more devout residents of the fortress are restless. Indeed, I myself am slightly uncomfortable  with my present inability to pray to Rakúst. So, time to build a temple, then!

I’ve decided it’ll be near the bedroom area, for ease of access to all residents that wish to use it. Some basic instruments are being made, as well as some statues of the main deities presently worshiped here.

The fact that I am a worshiper of Rakúst has nothing to do with the fact that her statue is the first being made. Besides, I imagine all residents will be able to appreciate the image regardless of who they worship.

2nd of Limestone

The temple is, in its most barebones form, complete. Already people are flocking to it, relieved at being able to communicate with their gods. I’ve already used it myself, and had a very nice, very thought provoking  conversation with a friend of mine as they prayed to Nitig while I did the same to Rakúst.

14th of Limestone

A thought has struck me today. At the moment we’ve barely managed to avoid a long term shortage of booze, and I can only hope that we will continue to do so. But…it is best to be prepared if hope fails. If the beer runs dry, we’ll need another source of drink. And I don’t want that to be on the outside, at a brook that's a good distance away from the fort.

If I remember my underground-above ground mapping classes correctly, the first floor of our fortress shouldn’t be too far from the deeper parts of said brook. I have come up with an idea. A slightly risky one, but with potentially life saving rewards.

Let us hope I am correct.

16th of Limestone

As me and Åblel begin to work on my plan, I am greeted with some very welcome news. The supply caravan has now arrived, and with it the outpost liaison!

I am excited to see what wares they might have, and somewhat nervous what sort of news the liaison may bring.

24th of Limestone

The liaison brought news that is neither miraculous nor tragic. No new attacks from the Mirthful Flutes, no change in territory. Seems the war has entered a cold phase. Good for us, I suppose.

As for updates on the progress of my water plan, a mechanics workshop is being built, to provide the necessary mechanisms. Progress is going well on the mining end.

18th of Sandstone

The caravan has now gone. We did not trade very much, due to a lack of crafts on our end and the painfully low capacity for weight the merchant’s animals had. I’ve told the craftsdwarves to keep working on as many crafts as they can with our surplus logs and shells to avoid repeating this problem next year.

3rd of Timber

I shock. So many new arrivals. Unexpected. We will need to dig out more bedrooms quickly, I suppose.

4th of Timber

A Dwarf approached me with a petition, today, from the Coven of Dents. They say that with the amount of worshippers now residing in my fortress, they require a temple.

I…do not feel comfortable making a decision of this nature. It doesn’t feel right, my position and authority is temporary, and this feels too big for me. I will leave it unanswered for now, for a more proper leader to decide.

1st of Moonstone

Winter has arrived. We can already feel the cold. Hopefully the brook doesn’t freeze, or we may lose access to our main food source.

All the more reason to finish my project and finish it soon.

3rd of Moonstone

It is time, I am at the end of the tunnel. Once I dig through this last stone the water will pour through.

May Rakúst stay her hand.

4th of Moonstone


As I race through to exit the tunnels as the water spilled out behind me I was shocked to see Ingiz moving TOWARDS the direction. I hastily yelled to ask what he thought he was doing, and he far too casually replied that he was “attending a meeting”. Only a meeting with Rakúst awaits you the way you go, fool!

Now he is standing there, refusing to move. The water seems to be slow but it will inevitably flood, and if Ingiz stays where he is he will drown.

I am…at a loss for what to do. I don’t know how to save him.

9th of Moonstone

It is…it is a tragedy. I was informed that Mistém, as she went out to cut wood, was….killed. Her head, obliterated by a falling log.

I…will prepare a tomb to honor her, and lay her spirit to rest. She is with Rakúst now.

Ingiz may soon be as well.

13th of Moonstone

Ingiz still does not move. Almost like he can’t, like something is holding him in place even as water pools around his feet.

We’ve begun digging out a new floor for tombs. I fear it is inevitable we will have two.

26th of Moonstoon

My project is now complete, the water has flooded through the grates to a chamber below where we may now gather water from a well.

If it needs to be refilled, we can use the lever outside the chamber above the water to open the door, which will release more water from the tunnel into the grate, and close it again.

I…am not sure if this success was worth the costs.

12th of Opal

The first tomb is complete, Mistém will be laid to rest soon. May she find peace and joy in the next world.

In less grim news, the well has been built. If the booze ever manages to run completely dry, we will be able to survive off the water and access it safely. If the withdrawal does not kill us first.

14th of Opal


I ordered the door open so as to fill the water chamber just a bit more, and imagine our shock and wonder when Ingiz begins to move, walking out and heading to the dining chamber for sustenance!

Ah, but…my wonder is tempered with a certain fear. Kivish, I am told, suddenly ceased her duties of gathering plants and began to return to the fortress. They say it is like her spirit went silent, only to be replaced by another. At the moment he is standing silently and motionless in Obok’s office…much like Ingiz.

…it is known that the elves of various kingdoms, rather than giving praise to the true gods of the world, worship certain “forces” that they claim to permeate certain forests and regions of the world. Most dwarven scholars believe them to simply be primitive delusions, or misinterpretations of the actual deities. But, there are some mumbling that they are something darker…dark, evil spirits which were long ago banished from corporeal form and exist only as phantoms, manipulating the belief of the tall ones so as to be protected and worshiped, until the day they can return to their full glory.

Within the Mirthful Flutes, the force they believe permeates their own forests, is known as Thalú Amalaromi Atera. With Ingiz’s near death in the water tunnel, and this sudden possession of Kivish…I wonder, could those theories be true? Has this evil spirit been sent by the friends of nature to sabotage our fortress before we can grow to be a threat, before we can save our civilizations?

Perhaps I am simply paranoid. Although that may not necessarily mean that there isn’t something out to get me…

4th of Obsidian

Unfortunately, it seems my continued silence on the Coven of Dents’ petition was taken as an unspoken rejection. Their members seem rather annoyed and dejected at this.

Kivish still has not moved.

24th of Obsidian

Kivish has finally moved, in the worst way possible.

It seems her mind has cracked. She’s no longer speaking any sense, no longer acting with purpose. All she does is run around nakedly, babbling nonsense.

It’s even worse she does it in a holy place such as a temple.

1st of Granite, 151

A full year. Our fortress has survived a full year, or at least most of one.

When I first began to build this fort, I was skeptical. I was not sure that this place would be the savior our king thought it was. I thought we would be destroyed early by opportunistic elves, or ripped apart by local wildlife.

But the territory is safe and calm, the elves have been silent. We have made a good fortress, a good place for dwarves to live. Beyond the ominous nature of Ingiz’s near death, and Kivish’s fate…as well as the tragedy of Mistém… we have done well. We are happy.

I am still not fully convinced that Theaterdrum will manage to defy the Bodice of Tapering’s destiny, that it can bring down the elven scourge…but I am convinced that we can make a damned good attempt.

Though I will remain as expedition leader, for now, my role as active architect and overseer will end here, to be passed on to someone else. The new year marks a new chapter for our fortress. A new dawn.

It is time for a new dwarf to write our story.

And that’s the first year done! Fairly calm, minus some…woodcutting issues. Gotta love when bugs come together in a narrative way, also.

I’ll try to get the pictures uploaded soon, as well as upload the save and DM the first person up.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 07:24:41 pm by Noagga76 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2022, 08:30:39 pm »

nice, picking this up now! any thoughts on a pop-cap? For now I will halt migration.. to save my cpu  ;D

I…do not feel comfortable making a decision of this nature. It doesn’t feel right, my position and authority is temporary, and this feels too big for me. I will leave it unanswered for now, for a more proper leader to decide.


damn. so the trees are full of evil spirits, eh? multiple log strikes and a near-drowning, it's almost as if the land itself is rejecting our intrusion

He has sent out an expedition has been sent out, with orders to establish a new fortress. The beginning of the next generation for his people and a representation of the rebirth of the Bodice. It is also strikingly close to a hillocks conquered by the Mirthful Flutes- a tacit instruction that this new fort will also serve as the beginning of their counterattack against the elves.

the elves will pay for this violence



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2022, 08:34:44 pm »

I… damn. so the trees are full of evil spirits, eh? multiple log strikes and a near-drowning, it's almost as if the land itself is rejecting our intrusion

And that’s why dwarves live underground!

Also, no opinion one way or the other in regards to a pop-cap, I’ll leave that up to you and future overseers for now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2022, 10:05:33 am »

"And our unspoken mission; to build up a new base of power to strike back at the elven scourge, and reclaim what they have stolen."

Minkot Gebthob thought little of fortress life, focusing instead on her three favorite subjects: gemcutting, praying to Nitig, and laying down the law of the land with her silver hammer. It was only natural the dwarves would promote her to Captain of the Guard. Thus titled, she chose to raise two other militia memebers in the name of general defense: Stinthad Archships and Tirist Furyspears.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Stinthad, Tirist, gather close and listen." With permission from Catten, the leader of this expedition, Minkot had relieved the two of their labours and now spoke to them in a secluded corner of the general temple.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Out of our group, you two posess the greatest skill in combat. Let me teach you the way of the hammer, for even now the Elves approach. . ."

Stinthad, a tall muscular fellow who posessed the longest beard in the fortress, suggested that he might equip a crossbow and train as a ranger. But Minkot was quick to deny this.

"The elves live amongst the forest, training with their flimsy bows and wooden arrows from birth. Despite their frailty you would be no match to their assault squads. No, we will train you in the hammer, as is fit for our kind."

The two agreed after some discussion and this first squad was established, "The Granite Warriors".


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The fortress was a-mess with stone and wood, but served the basic functions as well as one might expect. A dangerous well-digging operation the previous fall had given them an internal water source. However, no dwarf worked at planting, and in fact there seemed to be no attempt to muddy a farmroom. The stocks were thin, yet Spring was in the air and the outdoor plants budded fruitfully. Gatherers were sent forth to harvest leaves, pluck berries and dig for tubers.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


That night, Minkot lay in bed with her pet duck, Besmar. Besmar quacked softly, falling asleep, while Minkot dreamt of a great project. A tower of battle, dedicated to Nitig, god of War and Fortresses. Therein the dwarves would lure the elven intruders and crush them with hammer and sword. It would need to be large, but not all that tall. Work would begin tomorrow.... and so Minkot planned in her mind as she dozed.


The masons went to work, and the stocks were reorganized for maximum efficiency. Blocks of microcline and dacite began to pile. Minkot chose a spare room and begun to train the militia, first in wrestling and dodging, then in the art of hammerfighting.

"Use your core muscles, but don't strain yourself, and stay aloof for their archers won't wait for the duel to finish!"


Summer arrived. The dwarves are well stocked. Work begins on the battle tower. The plans are extravagant. Will they be able to complete it before the elves arrive?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Autumn came, and went. The traders were given basic crafts for some food, beer, and cheese. Steel bars were requested, and weaponry, and they said next year they would give a good deal for any windows.

The battle tower is complete. Made from microcline and dacite, the inner courtyard contains an open moat full of streamwater. The cinnibar bridge is lever-linked and would provide safety during a difficult siege. However, the whole building lacks a roof and is susceptible to flying creatures.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Minkot is satisfied with the progress of the militia. Both trainees are now adept at hammerfighting, and the forges have produced many additional weapons should more fighters need equipment. For now, it is just the three of them.


That Winter, the dwarves relaxed, taking on only a few minor projects. A road was constructed, reaching towards the northern border and forested stream. A proper temple to Nitig, replete with silver statues, and ready for a priest.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As well, exploratory staircases were sunk to z-level 20, resulting in the discovery of native gold, cassiterite, and tetrahedrite.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

One of the smaller bedrooms was forcefully vacated and the main gate lever was situated here, a point of high traffic, yet safe from gremlins. Dirty gremlins.


Spring arrived, and Minkot's eyes flashed purple as the fey spirit left her body. The 20 dwarves were now without overseer - what new fascinations would take hold at Theaterdrum?


note: Our metalsmith died after going . . . insane? it is unclear. I only noticed after the turn was written sooo. I would keep an eye on our manager who is in a really poor mood despite having no listed qualms about the fortress. It might be due to his fielding of other's complaints - so maybe he simply needs a vacation.

I kept the layout very simple, and never breached the caverns. Also no migrants?! Is our civ dead or did I fail to trade enough wealth to attract them? I am unsure.

thx for reading, and good luck to Grant!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2022, 05:07:06 pm »

I can't get over how clean yet beautiful the official tileset is. I can tell what everything is although the labeling is the *chef's kiss*

ptw btw


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2022, 07:00:46 pm »

"And our unspoken mission; to build up a new base of power to strike back at the elven scourge, and reclaim what they have stolen."

Minkot Gebthob thought little of fortress life, focusing instead on her three favorite subjects: gemcutting, praying to Nitig, and laying down the law of the land with her silver hammer. It was only natural the dwarves would promote her to Captain of the Guard. Thus titled, she chose to raise two other militia memebers in the name of general defense: Stinthad Archships and Tirist Furyspears.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Stinthad, Tirist, gather close and listen." With permission from Catten, the leader of this expedition, Minkot had relieved the two of their labours and now spoke to them in a secluded corner of the general temple.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Out of our group, you two posess the greatest skill in combat. Let me teach you the way of the hammer, for even now the Elves approach. . ."

Stinthad, a tall muscular fellow who posessed the longest beard in the fortress, suggested that he might equip a crossbow and train as a ranger. But Minkot was quick to deny this.

"The elves live amongst the forest, training with their flimsy bows and wooden arrows from birth. Despite their frailty you would be no match to their assault squads. No, we will train you in the hammer, as is fit for our kind."

The two agreed after some discussion and this first squad was established, "The Granite Warriors".


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The fortress was a-mess with stone and wood, but served the basic functions as well as one might expect. A dangerous well-digging operation the previous fall had given them an internal water source. However, no dwarf worked at planting, and in fact there seemed to be no attempt to muddy a farmroom. The stocks were thin, yet Spring was in the air and the outdoor plants budded fruitfully. Gatherers were sent forth to harvest leaves, pluck berries and dig for tubers.

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That night, Minkot lay in bed with her pet duck, Besmar. Besmar quacked softly, falling asleep, while Minkot dreamt of a great project. A tower of battle, dedicated to Nitig, god of War and Fortresses. Therein the dwarves would lure the elven intruders and crush them with hammer and sword. It would need to be large, but not all that tall. Work would begin tomorrow.... and so Minkot planned in her mind as she dozed.


The masons went to work, and the stocks were reorganized for maximum efficiency. Blocks of microcline and dacite began to pile. Minkot chose a spare room and begun to train the militia, first in wrestling and dodging, then in the art of hammerfighting.

"Use your core muscles, but don't strain yourself, and stay aloof for their archers won't wait for the duel to finish!"


Summer arrived. The dwarves are well stocked. Work begins on the battle tower. The plans are extravagant. Will they be able to complete it before the elves arrive?

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Autumn came, and went. The traders were given basic crafts for some food, beer, and cheese. Steel bars were requested, and weaponry, and they said next year they would give a good deal for any windows.

The battle tower is complete. Made from microcline and dacite, the inner courtyard contains an open moat full of streamwater. The cinnibar bridge is lever-linked and would provide safety during a difficult siege. However, the whole building lacks a roof and is susceptible to flying creatures.
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Minkot is satisfied with the progress of the militia. Both trainees are now adept at hammerfighting, and the forges have produced many additional weapons should more fighters need equipment. For now, it is just the three of them.


That Winter, the dwarves relaxed, taking on only a few minor projects. A road was constructed, reaching towards the northern border and forested stream. A proper temple to Nitig, replete with silver statues, and ready for a priest.

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As well, exploratory staircases were sunk to z-level 20, resulting in the discovery of native gold, cassiterite, and tetrahedrite.
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One of the smaller bedrooms was forcefully vacated and the main gate lever was situated here, a point of high traffic, yet safe from gremlins. Dirty gremlins.


Spring arrived, and Minkot's eyes flashed purple as the fey spirit left her body. The 20 dwarves were now without overseer - what new fascinations would take hold at Theaterdrum?


note: Our metalsmith died after going . . . insane? it is unclear. I only noticed after the turn was written sooo. I would keep an eye on our manager who is in a really poor mood despite having no listed qualms about the fortress. It might be due to his fielding of other's complaints - so maybe he simply needs a vacation.

I kept the layout very simple, and never breached the caverns. Also no migrants?! Is our civ dead or did I fail to trade enough wealth to attract them? I am unsure.

thx for reading, and good luck to Grant!

That was quick, and great turn! I'll go ahead and DM grant.

Our civ has only two fortress outside of us, and the population was like....around 90-ish people? So that might be the reason behind the low migrants.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dorf-Head and former Urist McStation Player
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Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2022, 02:35:22 am »

Ahoy hoy, no need for the DM, I've just finished my turn and am about to upload the save. Sorry for the wait fellows, but I wanted to jump back into succession games with a splash, so to say.  :P Expect a post to follow soon!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dorf-Head and former Urist McStation Player
    • View Profile
Re: Theaterdrum: Last hope of The Bodice of Tapering
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2022, 04:01:48 am »


From the Diary of  Morul 'Grant4455' Omkivish, Overseer of 152

27th of Obsidian;

My trek from the decaying ruin that is Sealcharms has been… Difficult. As an engineer every cliff-face and rock wall I have passed seems more and more promising. I can imagine great battlements struck from naked facies in the venerable mountains, but the scattered and bloodied trail of migrants behind me are a stark reminder of how such high-ideas are now behind us.

 Now, we can only pray to survive. We need to work smarter, not harder, if we are going to recover from the abyss.

1st of Granite

The towering edifice of our outer battlements gives me a little comfort in this place, but my impressions otherwise are poor. It lacks a sealing internal gatehouse, archers parapets, or siege engines. I am not, however, of a military mind, and its the architecture that has bothered me most.

Rather than cavern-streets, we have ant-pods struck from the rock, one floor high. Its too late to correct this for the antichamber of the fortress, but I have plans for deeper below.

The lack of sedimentary rock is worrying; Without coal, we will have to lumber aggressively to keep up a steel industry, if we can even find flux…Ack! No, none of that, work with what we have!

Subterranean agriculture is unimpressive, but its a good start. My first act as overseer is to order an addition. If we’re going to prosper in this place, we are going to need a strong agricultural basis; For that, we need irrigation beyond one lever and one door. I’ve ordered the dwarves hue me out an office to work from near the current farming area, and start work on a cistern.

No sense in not being comfortable in this hole…

7th of Granite

Praise the miners! Gold! The smelters are singing my praises, but they don’t seem to realise I had no idea it was there. Not that I complain about a little extra to my quarters… Still have furniture to move in, and levers to assemble, but my official quarters are now more or less hune out. I am determined to make myself as well-situated as possible here before my tenure is over; I've seen the state of those hovels we've got housing our populace now, and I have no intent of joining them.


Its not a terrible design for a bedroom for the commoners...

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21st of Granite

The love I won with the gold strike is now truly spent. Already I hear moaning about the pointlessness of these ‘winding tunnels’. I ignore it, and order the workshops to produce more mechanisms. Dwarfpower simply will not suffice with our number thus depleted; it will be with clever engineering that we’ll survive, or we won’t survive at all. I don’t trust these lunk-headed bumpkins with anything complicated, so I’m setting up the controls in my personal quarters. We connected up to the old canal today and let it start flowing into the system to build pressure.

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7th of Slate

Our work on the underground irrigation continues apace. The migrants have begun to arrive in a wave. Fortress population stands at 43 and still climbing with births… Mouths to feed…

8th of Slate

To my utter horror I’ve just realised no standing work orders have been issued! These poor hoopleheads have been commissioning all their work orders at the workshops themselves! The previous manager was throwing a hissy fit and refusing to fill any, so I discharged that slacker and took the post myself. The Populace suddenly elected me mayor soon after that, but I have no idea why.

I need to get this place organized, and I think I’ve just found my post-overseer posting…

16th of Slate

A temple?

I had to wipe the sneer off my face when I realised he was serious. A temple!? With elves breathing down our neck and our workforce, they want another temple.



I’ll start drafting blueprints and try not to show my exhaustion…

23rd of Slate

The new high-street is coming along nicely! Two floors, with storage and workshops on the lower level, and apartments above. I call this an ‘Insula’, and want to explore the concept at greater verticalities… Maybe incorporate guildhalls, temples!

… My ambition is running away with me. Farming first…

12th Of Felsite
The primary cistern is filling nicely, but it will be a month or two until we’re ready to begin the mass flood. I pass the time by ordering mechanisms to be made, and millstones readied. This is not merely going to provide water, but also all the mechanical power the fortress will ever need. The first workshops are going up on the high-street, and I’ve ordered granite blocks hune in the hundreds to pave roads and erect artificial structures and workshops on this floor.

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8th of Hematite

The agricultural district is really coming together, and with the primary cistern filled and the pressure building, it will soon be time to inaugurate a new age of Dwarven food security. No more will we have to barter for victules with capricious merchants or venture above ground to fish, or hunt, or gather. Soon we will produce flour, sugar, cloth, and dye in abundance…


19th of Hematite.

We have sealed the chambers and cleared the floorchannel of mining spoil. I’ve ordered the new agricultural district cleared; No sense in tainting this triumph with tragedy.

Open the dam!

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20th of Hematite;

The earth is still trembling, and the sound of rushing water is deafening. No one can hear themselves think in the main stairwell as the cisterns drain across the fortress. The high-pressure sluice instantly blasted the artificial river full, and then overran its banks. The other dwarves glance worryingly at the agricultural districts flood barriers. I merely count the days and watch the depth indicators drop on the cistern above.

6th of Malachite

The trembling has begun to settle. I order the high-pressure sluices shut, and open one of the low-pressure service sluices. The entire fortress now feels like a sauna, the humidity is incredible with the sheer amount of evaporation.

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17th of Malachite. For a long time I merely stared, irritated at my calculations as I survey the aftermath of my work.

I had predicted total submergence of the farming plateaus, but a small portion of the cavern remains unmuddied. No sense in being a perfectionist. I ordered some storage built there, and instruct the stunned populace to begin irrigating our new fields and erecting the waterside structures. Whatever else happens, we shall never again want for farmland.

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1st of Limestone.

The last of the work in the farming chamber is complete. Crops are in the ground, and all 8 wheels are turning. Some dwarf has claimed a workshop, but its just some carpenter, and I don't expect much.

7th of limestone.

Apparently inspired by my work below, he’s created an artifact floodgate! Whilst its unsuitable for work below, this would make a fine display piece. I ordered it stored in the warehouse for the moment.

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15th of Limestone

The caravan! Oh armok, the Caravan! Seeds, please!

Unrelated but, the machinery has stalled. Our flow of water is too low to feed even one low-pressure baffle. I’ve ordered an additional feed-pipe dug to the river. Fingers crossed that solves it. I buy the seeds they have on them (only two bags) and some booze in exchange for some piddly dolomite crafts. I'm happy to have gotten anything for them, and hope to have something more valuable to trade next year. I also request they bring coal, and fluxstone; The sooner we can gird ourselves in steel and stone, the better.

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11th of Sandstone; The new sluices are done and the machinery is running. We have an excess of about 600~ power, so if any overseers that follow me harbor ambitions of pumpstacks and minecart rollers, they now have the means to it. A central power hookup now exists above the farming district. Fishermen have taken to casting their lines between the grates as well.

26th of Timber

Petitions every day, petitions!

Gah… Blasted visitors. Should torch them all…

As the immediate threat of starvation has abaited, I’ve taken up the task of ensuring the long-term survival of our civilisation’s literature. I’ve ordered another Insulae built, 8 apartments on the upper floor, and a library on the lower two floors. Hopefully we can soon stock it. I’ve assigned some lackeys to scribe there, and put myself and one of the militia on duty writing meaningful treatises. It’s hard to fit into my schedule, but I think this is worth the effort. Our supply of paper is limited, but will improve with more pigtails.

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12th of Moonstone

The Craftsdwarves guild have demanded a guildhall, and for once I don’t mind the request; Absent glass, earthenware, and large-scale metalurgy, craftsdwarves are the heart of our economy at the moment. I order another insuale built, and more workshops assigned to its lower floor.

10th of Opal

The militia commander came to me with the most curious question, regarding how much force water can flood with. When I asked why, he indicated towards the rather… Inadequate security post we had on floor 45. After I collected my jaw from the floor, he added that they hadn’t actually breached the caverns, and were merely preparing it for when they did.

I suggested at present, that made us as well-prepared as an blindfolded elf in a forge.

Four cage traps can catch a spider or two, but the need for the means to deal with nastier intruders which may come from below is apparent. I’ve ordered a barracks struck here for a permanent security detail for my successors to stand up, and ordered the construction of an alternate, 'trap' route, with sealing bridge-gates on the current entrance.

I’ve also started work on a… Weapon. In case the system needs… Flushing. Notes to follow.

13th Obsidian

A little known fact, when falling no creature, not even a legendary wrestling megabeast, can avoid a trap. I’ve set up a pitfall room, and a control room next to the new barracks. Pull the lever and anything on the bridge ends up in a box. In fact, there are… Many levers. I encourage you to experiment! Find out what does what! Just DONT PULL THE ORANGE ONE unless you want whatever is in the main chamber to experience the wonderful and fascinating world of delta-P. Oh, and make sure to throw the 'trap gate' lever, or you'll flood the fort.

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Flour Biscuits are steadily replacing other parts of the dwarven diet, as is Syrup. The populace feast like kings and have thrown a celebration in my honor, much to my chagrin. I decided to… Indulge myself a bit. I’ve commissioned statues in silver of my likeness, and ordered them erected in a new Forum around my abode, and reserved for the office of manager an artifact crown struck from native gold one of our craftsdwarves finished this morning. Who else should wear it?

They call me Morul the Good now when I pass them in the corridor… It has been nine months of prosperity, and I think I'm finally getting the respect I deserve from these bumpkins.

23rd Obsidian

… I’m starting to think those remarks about Morul the Good were… Less than sincere, judging by how they  depicted me in these statues…

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I swear, you tell one drunken anecdote about a skinny-dipping incident and its all you can hear...

Perhaps it would be best to settle for Morul the Engineer; They can at least get through that without breaking down laughing.

26th Obsidian

Tragedy! The woodcutter Reg Tatkulet (not that I could pick him from a lineup…) was felled whilst felling something which fell.;

That is, the tree fell on him.

This stark reminder of mortality has lead me to commission the construction of a tomb complex for myself and my fellow overseers as my term draws to a close.

I intend to earmark each tomb for a particular ruler, and allow each that comes after me to decorate it their own final resting place to their pleasing. For our previous two rulers, I have done this already, but they are somewhat spare as their reigns are foreign to me. Perhaps it would be best for a successor to commission some more appropriate decore.

I will finally dedicate that temple I promised at its heart, before these fanatics lynch me...

15th of Granite

My term as overseer has come to a close, and I retire to managerial work with a sense of deep satisfaction. Though the agricultural district is still in its infancy and badly deprived of seeds (Pig tail, sweet pod, and Cave wheat most urgently, the caravan next year is bringing them!), our food situation has greatly improved, both in quantity and quality.

The kitchens now turn out balanced meals with syrup, sugar, flour, fish, meat, and vegetables as we bring them in, and the entire fortress has quarters of their own. The population is now 68 happy, labouring dwarves, and it will swell further soon.

The Clothiers workshop now produces almost constantly from our large output of dyed cloth, and new cloaks, boots, and trousers are being sewn daily. These, combined with our fine meals, should make decent export goods.

I think I have done well as overseer, but I look forward to wandering the library, scribbling away managerial orders, and putting more machinery in.

Still missed however, is a proper metallurgy district. In this respect I have made almost no improvements. With all the workshops moved down from floor 47, this may be a viable interim location until we can spill forth magma.

Without clay or sand, our pottery and glassmaking will only proceed as the caravans bring us these ingredients. Without coal we are dependent on timbre for metallurgy. Without flux, steel is probably out of our reach, but despite these limitations, the fortress is beginning to prosper.


Thank you for your patience! As someone who usually obsessively hunts for just the right spot, this was a breath of improvising fresh-air. The fortress' main layer is mostly untouched, just a bit more bare as I've moved most of our industry deeper into the earth. We have high-pressure water, and shitloads of power for anyone who enjoys making death traps, and the dwarves are unusually happy for one of my forts. I'm attaching at the end of this a 'state of the fortress' at the end of my turn, with images of all the levels I did major construction on.

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Floors 34-37~ saw the greatest degree of change, since this was all solid rock before. As you can see, we've got 2 overflow dormitories. Upper floors are all 2x3 apartments, except for the two guildhalls (which need sprucing up), same format as on the fort's entrance level, workshops, library, guildhalls and what else on this floor. The 2-layer design offers a lot of flexibility and is more visually appealing IMO. I like verticality.

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My only major change to floor 47 was the addition of my dwarf's personal abode and workshops, the walling off of the old farm, and the planning of another block of insulae (apartments) and workshops to its north. That, and most of the industry going to floors 34-37~, with the notable exception of the metalworking and coalmaking.

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Floor 45 saw the addition of an alternate trap-path. The drowning chamber is pretty self explanatory in use, and the pressure-plate seals the cavern-side when wet. Its complete with a draining system, and an optionally-sealable independent cistern. Now that there's a strong water supply, plenty of pressure, and the basic plumbing, anyone interested can make some pretty potent water weapons as they seed fit. You have enough mechanical power to pumpstack from the mantle... Possibly twice, so I'm mostly just excited to see what people use it for.

A word of warning though, there is now a lot high-pressure water in the cisterns and pipes through the fortress. Be very careful when utilising it, or you could flood the entire fortress in a couple in-game weeks. Water pressure is powerful, and there's no internal plug to stop the cistern flowing out, just the bottom-floor channel off map in the agricultural district, and the plug on the drowning chamber.

Save below, and Good luck to AvolitionBrit!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 01:33:19 pm by Grant4455 »
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