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Author Topic: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves  (Read 9994 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:57:00 am »

Hello! Anyway, to get down to buisiness, This topic is about showing off the various ways your adventurers have died (or lived).

I shall start off with, well, all you need to know is this. (Grizzly Bear spit's out dwarven leg)


[ November 19, 2006: Message edited by: Keleron ]



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 02:49:00 am »

My most skilled character was killed by a monster so horrific, that he didn't stand his change for long. Now when I think about it, Going to do some cleansing in nearby evil areas was a bad idea. Moments after I arrived there a Skeletal Elephant just came and trambled over me. I thought I could take it since normal elephants didn't prove any difficulties for my hero...


The Skeletal elephant charges at You!
The Skeletal elephant kicks You in the upper body with her left front foot!
It is battered!
The Skeletal elephant collides with You!
You are knocked over and tumble backward!
The Skeletal elephant kicks You in the head with her left rear foot!
It is smashed into the body, an unrecognizable mass!
You have been struck down.

Rest of the battle was me trying to hit it...



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2006, 06:51:00 pm »

I managed to travel all the way to the northern tundra and then into the ice caps.  My adventure ended when I came across a Polar Bear:

The Polar Bear bites you in the right upper arm!
The right upper arm flies off in a bloody arc!
You stab the polar bear in the upper body with your bronze spear!
It is badly pierced!
The polar bear's heart has been pierced!
The bronze spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
The polar bear bites you in the head!
It is badly ripped!
The polar bear shakes You around by the head!
A chunk is torn away!
You have been struck down!

Astoase, polar bear has bled to death.

I suppose that bronze spear, lodged in his heart, did the trick!  My death was not in vain!



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 11:06:00 pm »

Yes at least he died also so you basically didn't completely lose. You both died, tragically..


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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 03:11:00 pm »

That must look pretty spiffy in the legends screen.

You should take a screenshot and post it.



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 12:43:00 pm »

I had an awesome Hammerman a few days ago. After taking out a couple of Ettins, he grabbed some Drunks and plunged into a Kobold cave, going up against a Kobold Elite Bowman.
By the time they reached the Bowman, only one of the Drunks was still alive. My fearless, drunken comrade charged forward, providing a nice meatshield while I closed the distance with the Bowman. The Drunk dropped when I was still a couple tiles away from my target- the kobold set his beady little eyes on me, and *twang*! I was run through! An iron arrow pierced me, puncturing my kidney and lung. The wound was fatal, I was sure... but with my last ounce of strength, I raised my hammer high, and knocked the bow right from the kobold's grip. I then proceeded to pound the vile creature into a fine paste, and we fell to the ground together, dead.
"A child pulled me aside today. He asked me why it was so white outside.
I told him that everything was covered in snow.
He asked me what was below the snow.
I told him that bones were below the snow."
-Captain Mayday


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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2006, 04:29:00 pm »

Last night I went to some ruins I had already run through just to clean things up.  I knew I was in trouble when my war hammer was wrestled away.  It was worse when I was tired.  Then I got knocked down with eight skeletons taking pot shots on me.  Eventually they got lucky and I didn't.


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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2006, 07:14:00 pm »

The other night I got a quest to go kill a skeltal swordsmaster. So, I picked up a few axemen and went into the ruins. I'm not sure how they all died but somehow I lost the axemen before actually entering the pyramid. On the first or second internal level, I looked around a corner to see, lo and behold, a zombie elite bowman. Before I could react it loosed an arrow at me, which shattered three fingers on my right hand, causing me to drop my sword in agony. I paused long enough to pick the sword back up before closing into the zombie, then wondered how I was going to kill this thing. In the end, I decided it was best to grab it's bow with my shield (somehow) and proceed to then pummel it's face in with my mangled hand. Following that I attempted to flee, but partway down the outside of the pyramid I passed out from pain, and was set upon by a number of skeletons. One of them grabbed me by the neck and began strangling me as I lay there. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my one surviving axeman came up behind it and chopped off it's head... but too late. I died that same turn.
lay IVAN -- Fear Dwarves!


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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2006, 08:28:00 am »

When the mayor of that town gave me the quest to kill that skeletal bowman, I believed I could do it. After all, I was a legendary ambusher, and bows were only slightly useful at close range (or so I heard!) I went to the ruin, and was greeted by a horde of undead, which I quickly dispatched with my great axe. My teamates did not fare so well- I lost all of them. Once the zombies and skeltons were out of the way, I came to the tower in which that bowman was. I saw him, right there on the first floor! I quickly began sneaking towards him... I was right next to him when he saw me. Too late for you! I thought. I couldn't have been more wrong. The bowman sat his eye sockets at me and... "THWANG!" The iron arrow flew through my flesh  and pierced right through both of my lungs. I could barely breathe, and was bleeding heavily. I knew it was a mortal wound. I swung my great axe and attempted to bring him down, but was too weak. I fell to the ground, and slowly lost my grip on the mortal world...

What a lucky shot, eh? I was traumatized!   :mad:



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2006, 11:34:00 am »

The Random Number Generator has a tendency to unconciously play cruel jokes on players   :p


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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2006, 01:02:00 pm »

Originally posted by AlanL:
<STRONG>The Random Number Generator has a tendency to unconciously play cruel jokes on players    :p</STRONG>

Unconciously? No, I think the damn thing does it just for kicks!




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2006, 05:57:00 pm »

Yeah, you get used to it after playing NetHack for a year or two.

[ December 23, 2006: Message edited by: Gaulgath ]



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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2006, 05:52:00 am »

I started with a Axedwarf/thrower/wrestler, for spinning blade carnage   :p . I grabbed as many dwarves as I could find in the damn maze-like fortress and set out. Within four spaces of the fortress we were attacked by a pack of wolves. We dispatched them with ease (although one dwarf lost a finger). Then about two spaces later, another wolf pack attacked. We fought them off, but one dwarf lost a leg. Then we proceeded into the jungle, were we met... more wolves   :cool:
Toady looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!
Toady has butchered a spammer!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2006, 01:44:00 pm »

Setting: The Eastern Jungle
Adventurers in Party before Giant Lion Attack: 5
Adventurers in Party after Giant Lion Attack: 1

Let's just say that the pack of 2 Giant Lions made short work of my companions . . . er, lion snacks. 2 or 3 heads got ripped off and spit out . . . while I ran for my virtual butt.

[ December 31, 2006: Message edited by: Syreal ]

You die in the heat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gruesome Deaths And Successful Saves
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2006, 09:03:00 pm »

My stupid death story is below: My Axe Lord had slain dragons, collosi and titans, single-handedly cleared out goblin and kobold lairs, and then when taking on a measly cyclops, I got sucker-punched by a giant bat as below...


The giant bat charges at You!
The giant bat strikes at You but the shot is blocked!
The giant bat collides with You!
You are knocked over!
The giant bat bites You in the head!
It is torn!
You have been stunned!
The giant bat latches on firmly!
The giant bat shakes You around by the head!
It is broken!
The giant bat shakes You around by the head!
A chunk is torn away!
The giant bat spits out the human Chunk.
The giant bat bites You in the head!
It is mangled!
Your left eye has been torn out!
Your right ear has been badly torn!
Your throat has been torn out!
Your brain has been torn!
The giant bat latches on firmly!
The giant bat shakes You around by the head!
You lose hold of the ョ*iron battle axe.*ッ
You lose hold of the ョ*iron helm.*ッ
You lose hold of the ョ*iron shield.*ッ
The head is ripped away and remains in The giant bat's grip!
You have been struck down.
The giant bat spits out your head.

My one-woman army's life unceremoniously ground to a halt when a giant bat got ridiculously lucky and bit her head off...

[ December 31, 2006: Message edited by: Masakado ]

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