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Author Topic: Superhero Manager - Season Three - End Game Completed!  (Read 23551 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) - MISSION PHASE 2 BEGINS
« Reply #75 on: November 11, 2022, 08:33:16 pm »

Investigate endless highway
Is there anything you would like to do before you perpetuate gang violence?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) - MISSION PHASE REPORT
« Reply #76 on: November 12, 2022, 06:48:26 pm »

#0 Personal Missions

See opportunities phase for the results.

#1 Highwaymen
Night falls, and Route Horizon are chasing off after a gang of motor-scooter-riding thieves. It's their home turf and they were first on the scene.

Their souped up coup reaches incredible speeds, easily catching up with the gang. There's five young men on three scooters. This should be a piece of cake. Longfire, still feeling sickly from poison, heads them off with a sudden fireball. The scooters scatter before the fire, and Route Horizon are quickly able to hem them in.

Stuck in the middle of the street, surrounded by flames, the men on scooters stop and look about.

The ring leader hops off his ride. While the other men have balaclavas on, this one has a yellow demon mask. It's Brouhaha the sound amplifier! He begins laughing, his voice getting louder and louder. His buddies must have ear plugs in, but even still, the sound is so loud they cower, hands over their ears.

Endless Highway lets the sound waves hitting him turn into physical force, but instead of pushing the car backwards, he uses his main power to redirect that accelerating energy into driving full force at the villain!

At this stage, Iron Gavel jogs onto the scene, to see Brouhaha dive out of the way as Endless Highway's car slams into the scooters. From there, the thugs are easily rounded up. One tries to run away through a gap in the flames and runs straight into Iron Gavel.

Endless Highway stuffs a Chamois cloth into Brouhaha's mouth. Job done. But he reflects that it was a shame that Brouhaha was a villain, as their powers could work quite well together...

Iron Gavel felt his normal disgust for the criminal element rising. They'd be out on the streets in five minutes if nothing happened...

Mission: Route Horizon: Overwhelming Success. Constellation Aurora: Success
Brouhaha enters custody.
Longfire: Gains trait "Cunning", and +1 fame
Endless Highway: Gains +1 fame. Gains an additional opportunity.
Iron Gavel: Gains an additional opportunity.
Team reward: Route Horizon and Constellation Aurora gain +1 reputation in Warren.

#2 Subsidence
Bolt Blue and Joshua Tree go to investigate the tower collapse in Sandown. The pair arrive at the building site and begin picking around the ruins. As they walk, the puddles begin rising. Water sloshes across the broken ground. The pair climb up the rubble as the water grows deeper around them.

They see a woman wreathed in a huge blue cloak, a stylised heron mask upon her face.

"That's a jolly good effect!" Bolt Blue shouts across, with some considerable admiration.

"Its not safe, leave here!" the woman shouts.

"You're breaking the law, ruining these building projects, and we must take you in!" Joshua Tree calls out. He begins to grow vines out of the earth towards the woman.

"Such a beautiful power is wasted on you!" the woman shouts.

By this point, Mentat arrives on the scene. He gets a read on the woman. She's Bittern, and she hates that the swampland is being drained to make way for ugly buildings, displacing the natural habitat of wading birds. Her motivation chimes with Mentat's protective instincts, and he doesn't feel particularly inclined to slug it out with her. Especially given the fact he realises she could drown any of them.

Bolt Blue and Joshua Tree are not quite so circumspect. The first conjures a small lightning cloud to zap the water around her, to hem her in. Joshua Tree concentrates on wreathing vines to catch her.

Realising she's outgunned for now, and not wishing to flood the lot of them, Bittern breaks out her second power: flight! The cloak is in fact a pair of huge wings! She unfurls them and with a few flaps, she's away into the air. Bolt Blue hurtles some lightning her way but she slips away.

The tower project is saved, though the villain escaped. There's a significant reward from the Brody fund for discovering the source of the subsidence and saving the rest of the project. Chase gets his dad's company to put it directly into continuing the refurbishment on his building. Protection Inc. didn't really contribute much and get no team reward.

Mission: Bro Club: Success. Protection Inc: Personal Success.
Bittern enters the Rogues' Gallery
Bolt Blue: Gains trait "Respects Bittern"
Joshua Tree: Gains +1 fame
Mentat: Gains trait "Respects Bittern"
Team reward: Bro Club gain +1 Base Size.

#3 Dog Fight
Jack Dandy and The Man In Grey both go to the zoo. Extra and Camarada do as well. The four of them meet in the queue at the entrance and make their way in together.

After wandering through the zoo (The Man In Grey takes them on a slight detour to see the penguins) they finally get to the spot outside the tiger cage. Baron von Woof is standing there in his velvet suit and dog mask.

A young man, skinny, dressed in all in black with giant round pink sunglasses, has a swarm of camera drones surrounding him. It's the cape scene presenter, BuzzOff! These drones are filming the scene, while BuzzOff narrates the scene.

"Will Baron Von Woof really catch a tiger by the tail or— now what's this, Buzzoffs?" Half the drones swivel to look at the Dandy Lads and Extra as they arrive. "The Dandy Lads have brought a friend... can she stop the upcoming cat-astrophe?"

Baron Von Woof starts growling, low and long as he stares directly at Extra. "I SMELL A CAT!"

Dandy Jack was feeling a bit upstaged, after all, the Baron was his nemesis.

Extra puts the mind wammy on Baron von Woof. His mind is quite unlike most normal people. Something else has been here, she knows, as its much like her own mind... He doesn't seem as affected by the alien predatory mindblast as a normal person might.

Meanwhile, Jack starts walking towards Baron von Woof. He hasn't committed a crime yet but he's definitely about to do something.

The Baron has other ideas. He slams his one huge arm down on the ground, propelling himself across the earth towards Extra. He grabs the lapel of her bodysuit and with a huge swing, he hurtles her towards a tree in the tiger enclosure!

Jack comes in swinging. The Man In Grey fades from view as the situation becomes charged. Baron Von Woof swings his one huge arm around, eventually tiring of the fight.


A swarm of Buzzoff's drones swarm about the Baron, lifting him up into the sky and off out of the zoo.

The Man in Grey reappears. "It seems things have resolved themselves once again."

Jack peers up in the sky. He couldn't help but think if companion had been a bit more dashing, that might have ended differently.

Buzzoff's other drones settle around Camarada. "Wow, Camarada in the flesh! Perhaps you would do an interview...?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Camarada says, "How could I say no... but perhaps you'd rather speak to the whole team?"

Meanwhile, Extra hand landed elegantly in a tree, and merely had to wait for the keepers to move the tiger before being let out. Still, it was all a bit embarassing...

Mission: Dandy Lads: Mixed Success. PUNCH!: Mixed Success? Protection Inc.: Success.
Buzzoff enters the Rogues' Gallery
Jack Dandy: Gains +1 fame. Gains trait "Unsure about The Man In Grey".
The Man in Grey: Gains trait "Calm". Has doubts about his own suitability [cohesion check 5+3+(2-1)] but ultimately decides to give it more time.
Extra: Gains trait "Cat-like grace". Loses 1 fame from ignominy.
Camarada: Gains an opportunity.
Team reward: Bro Club gain +1 Base Size.

#4 Shipjack
Sol Heart and Marigold make their way across the river and down to the docks, where the shipping company were willing to loan out a speedboat. Speeding out on the water, they see ahead of them another speedboat. A woman wearing a fur cape... Bloodmoon!

"I hope you've got a plan, darling..."

The boats speed along until the huge carrier ship is in sight. Bloodmoon gets there first, and drops her cape and changes into a wolf mid-air leaping onto the side of the ship and clawing her way up.

There's a series of screams and the sound of gunshots. A woman with tentacle arms is hurled overboard to land in a splash near Constellation Aurora's boat. The pair slow down in case a rescue is needed, but Cephala has other plans. She lashes out her tentacles around the boat and the occupants! The two women onboard and lifted high in the air. Marigold turns the tentacle around her to gold, but it's a foolish plan as the tip sloughs off and she's dropped into the water with a solid gold band around her midriff. Sol Heart focuses on trying to enduce a bit of empathy in Cephala. It works insofar as the villain drops Sol into the water, before pulling herself into the boat and speeding off with it.

Sol dives into the water to try and find Marigold.

Meanwhile, on the boat, Bloodmoon has been shot seven times by Slugnut, the quickest (and most pig-nosed) dual-wielding pistol shooter in the city. Keros, the man who once claimed to be a wax museum figure turned to life, is lying in three parts across the deck. Bloodmoon is responsible, and she's not going to let a few bullets stop her.

Reverend Pongo, an orangutan wearing a dog collar and cossack, signs to Slugnut that they should bail. He scoops up enough of Keros' parts and throws them into a sack and grabbing hold of Slugnut, the great ape leaps off the boat before Bloodmoon can wreak anymore havoc.

"This better have been worth it..." Slugnut says as the three of them go off the side of ship. They're caught by Cephala's tentacles, and pulled onto the stolen speedboat. They make their escape.

In the murky water, Sol is diving deeper after her team mate. She's running out of air and the pressure of the depths are crushing into her. Only the dimmest hope draws her in. And that's when she sees Marigold's aura shining like a beacon. She swims to her, grabs her gold restrained form and pulls her up to the surface.

Bleeding everywhere, back in human form, her wounds almost knitted together, Bloodmoon pulls an exhausted Sol Heart and a half-drowned Marigold onto the boat. She twists off the soft metal to release Marigold from her tentacle restraint.

"Nice to see you again, Sol," Bloodmoon says through the pain.

On the deck of the boat, Marigold, half-drowned, exhausted. "I... I think I'll just retire with my millions."

Mission: PUNCH!: Mixed Success. Constellation Aurora: Abject Failure.
The Odd Squad [Cephala, Slugnut, Keros, Rev. Pongo] enter the Rogues' Gallery
Bloodmoon: Gains injury: "Gunshot wounds"; Gains an additional opportunity
Marigold: Gains trait "Fear of drowning", [Cohesion check 1+2+(2-1)] Decides to quit heroing.
Sol Heart: Gains trait: "Hates Cephala", Gains injury: "adrenal fatigue", gains new power! Aura Sight: Sol Heart can see and interpret a unique personal shimmer around every living being, even in the absence of light. This aura imparts information about their fundamental character, and, in the case of Evolved individuals, it gives some indication of the kind of power they possess.

Team reward: PUNCH! gain +1 reputation in the Docks.

#5 Sewer
House Edge head over the bridge to Mireton to investigate the old sewer systems. In 1800s, the old Mireton council put in extensive sewerworks, long before the town was officially swallowed up by the greater Zircon area. Luke Teach wasn't keen on wading through shit, but it's not like it'd be the first time.

"I've got ju- just the thing boss!" The Spork says when the group reach a large sewer grate. He pulls out of the inside pocket of a very lumpy jacket, what looks like a long tuning fork on an extendable rod. He extends out flap on the ends of the fork and adjusts a ratchet wheel along its length until the tines are the correct width. "I call it a universal tunodkey, for reasons which I will think should be quite apparent but in case they aren't, let me explain..."

Ten minutes later, The Spork finished his explanations and House Edge finally opened the sewer grate and slipped down. PB2 & J2 were taking point, with PB3 and J3 taking up the rear. The original pair waited by the grate. They'd all need to recombine soon enough to avoid a repeat of the Marmalade incident.

By torchlight, the group walked through the vaulted brick tunnels, trying to avoid the trickle of effluent.
"Oh now this is interesting," J2 says.

"Hey J, what do your eyes see?" PB3 asks.

"Ugh, it's hard to explain. Hold on, this'll be quicker..." J2 runs directly into the PB and with a loud crunch and squelch, the two recombine.

"I'm not doing that with you..." Luke insists.

The PB says, "There's a hole up near the ceiling and scuff marks and muck all around here. Something's climbed up this way."

"This is a job for the so-called infinity spife!" says The Spork who, fortunately for everyone else, had already explained it to the rest of them. It looked like a swiss-army-knife-meets-grappling-gun. After a few minutes of assemblage and unfurling, he had a line of rope shot up to the ceiling.

Soon, the group were crawling through a dank hole. Midway along J3 asks. "Remind me again what we're doing here...?"

At that moment a long tongue lashes out of the dark and grabs the J around the waist and pulls him screaming into the dark.

"Hey, we were using that!" PB2 says.

Another tongue darts out and grabs the PB by the leg and drags him into the depths.

"Permission to use deadly force, sir?" The Spork asks, pulling out something that looks like a cross between a super-soaker and a hair-dryer.

A tongue darts out and narrowly avoids Luke's face. "You have permission, just skip the explanation this time."

"Got it..."

A few moments later the tunnel is lit up with brilliant flames and intense heat from The Spork's pocket flamethrower/deodorizer/hot-sauce distributor.

Then The Spork, Luke Teach, and the remaining PB head into the dark. There's a foul den, some singed bodies stll bubbling. One of them appears to be that of a giant frogman. A pile of eggs smoulder in one corner of the den.

Quite by chance, Luke spots a scrab of an old jumpsuit, caught on a snag in the tunnel. There's an embroidered patch on it that says


Was that this things name? The others poke about but don't find anything. Job done! The Spork has a big grin on his face and keeps looking down at his flame device.

Later, climbing back out of the sewer, the first PB & J that had stayed on watch by the grate look over the filthy party. "Where's the rest of us?!"

Mission: House Edge: Success.
ZO-0808 has been killed
Luke Teach: +1 Fame
PB & J: +1 Fame
Spork: Gains trait "Pyromaniac"
Mission Reward: House Edge +1 Reputation in Mireton

#6 Graverobbery

Most of The Watch head out to investigate the graverobbery. Void and Frostara come to an agreement: he will trail behind at a safe distance and wait in a nearby golf course. If there's any trouble, and he's not about to have an episode, he can intercede.

And so they go with Retry over to Greenbelt. It's tricky to transport Void, but he as he is able to hold things and is unharmed by anything touching him, they drag him from a long chain from the back of their main ride.

They travel to Zircon County Cemetery. With limited space in the city, and a history of flooding, most of the dead of the city have been buried out here over the last two hundred years.

By the time they arrive, night is falling. Frostara isn't dressed for the cold, but she doesn't seem to feel it. Retry huddles in her big green coat. A mist has fallen over the graveyard, but they can see the dim yellow glow of car headlights nearby. The pair sneak through the dark towards it.

The hear the sound of scraping. Lit up by the headlights of a beatup old van, are five spindly figures wearing garish clown clothes and makeup. They are dragging a life-size solid gold statue of a man. They have nearly reached the van, parked as close as the graves would allow. Standing ontop of the van is a sixth man, wearing similar clown clothes, and holding a wooden frame. In the yellow light, they can just about make out thin threads leading down to the clowns below.

Frostara gulps. The clown heads all turn to her at once, revealing themselves to be wooden marrionettes with razors for teeth. They've heard of this guy... it's Marion Man!

The clowns on the ground immediately drop their statue and start clambering towards Retry and Frostara. Frostara wastes no time spraying the ground with ice, leaving them slipping and sliding all over the place. On a pre-arranged signal, the two woman back away and whistle. Void makes his way through the graves, leaves whipping along a wind pouring into himself. He pulls all the clown puppets into his blackhole body, and not a moment too soon, as Marion Man sends out a fresh wave of backup dolls from inside his van. They all perish within the Void. Before things get out of hand, Void leaves, as silently as he came.

Marion Man climbs into the van's cab and tries to make a getaway. Retry looks ahead and sees which way he's going to drive and then directs Frostara to spray the way with ice. The van accelerates headlong into an ice patch, and crashes into the side of a gate. Before he can try fleeing into the night, Frostara freezes the door of his van.

"Just like clockwork!" Frostara says, with a smile.

Mission: The Watch: Overwhelming success.
Marion Man is in custody
Retry: +1 Fame, loses trait "Unsure about Frostara"
Frostara: +1 fame, gains additional opportunity
Void: Loses 1 infamy. Gains trait "Helpful"

Mission Reward: The Watch gain +1 Reputation in Greenbelt
« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 04:12:20 pm by notquitethere »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (8/~4) - OPPORTUNITY PHASE 1 BEGINS
« Reply #77 on: November 12, 2022, 08:53:30 pm »

The Watch:
Mission 0#: Sally returns to the ruined E Corp lab. The main entrance and the big gaping hole have all cordoned off, but she slips through a broken skylight. She rescues a hard-drive that survived Void's destructive searching. Back at base, she manages to get through the rudimentary layers of protection, and find out some research documents on Void. He was a subject here at the lab, known as ECID[0321]. The research mentions a control belt they had used to keep his power in check... but the design is hidden behind even further encryption. It'd be very expensive to pay hackers to get past the walls.
Offer: The Watch gains "Control belt designs" (they would still need someone to build it), and loses a level of income.
1:  The graveyard warden is impressed by the protective work The Watch have managed, and offers use of the old cemetery lodge.
Offer: +1 base size, but move to Greenbelt (Zircon County Cemetery, specifically)
2: Frostara considers going to see a therapist to work through her feelings of impending doom. But maybe the best thing would be to work through it in the field?
Offer: Frostara loses trait "Dread", Frostara is absent for the next mission phase.

Bro Club:
1: Work is stalled on the manor, as the unions have a dispute related to conditions in Sandup. Chase could get in non-union labour to work on it, but it really wouldn't reflect well on him or his team.
Offer: +1 base size, +1 Brody Chase infamy, +1 team infamy.

2: Chase looks into ways to raise the team's profile. The current Mayor's rival in the upcoming election is a woman named Maxine Power. She's running on a platform that endorses taking a strict line on superpowered criminals, but being more forgiving of vigilantes that use deadly forces. She could do with more endorsements from existing heroes, but the current mayor and his powerbase won't be happy.
Offer: -1 reputation in Old Town, +1 fame for Chase

#0 Mission: Princess Professional looks into her colleague Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon had a history of turning into a big wolf and attacking people due to being filled with bloodlust. It was especially inconvenient that she was wanted by the authorities for breaking parole and using deadly force. With a good lawyer, a lot of these problems could go away. PP knew the number for someone who could help, but it wouldn't be cheap.
Offer: -1 income level, Bloodmoon loses trait "Outlaw"
1: Extra keeps getting offered more and more protection work. It would pay very well, but it would eat into the hours available for heroing.
Offer: +1 income level, Extra gains trait "Exhausted"
2: After the ship incident, a local journalist, Selwyn Heartman, offers to write Bloodmoon's full story.
Offer: Bloodmoon gains +2 fame, but also +2 infamy.

The Dandy Lads:
After Jack's swift aid, the zoo-keeper offers to host The Dandy Lads at the zoo, in a custom-built treehouse next to the tiger enclosure. It'd involve another change of locale, still not bigger than before, but the people of Old Town would love having a hero base as an exhibition at the zoo.
Offer: +1 reputation Old Town, -1 reputation Montgomery, and move to Old Town

Constellation Aurora:
1. Constellation Aurora needs funds. One way to earn a bit of extra dough would be to do some side work as a matchmaker. Everyone wants to find love, and Sol Heart is something of a cupid. It would be a more... frivolous use of the power though.
Offer: Income level +1, Sol Heart gains the trait "Compromised"
2. During the fray, Iron Gavel considers it wouldn't be so very hard to break some of these thugs' legs. Keep them out of trouble for a little longer... He shouldn't, it would look bad personally and for the team, but for a moment it is tempting...
Offer: Iron Gavel gains trait "Ruthless", Iron Gavel gains +1 Infamy, Constellation Aurora gains +1 Team Infamy

Route Horizon:
1. Longfire, uses an inner spark when he sends his teleported flames... he realises he could keep a bit of the poison in his system and eke it out in his flame attacks, as unsavory as that would be...
Offer: Longfire loses "injury: poison" and gains an extension to his power, "Poison Smoke", but he gains +1 infamy from spreading foul vapours around.
2. Endless Highway considers... he doesn't have to take Brouhaha into custody... he could offer him a job instead. Brouhaha would go into hiding for a bit, change his identity and cape name and come back. No one needs to find out, right?
Offer: Brouhaha would join Route Horizon under the name "Loud Mouth", with fame 0 and infamy 0, when there's next space in the team, but Endless Highway would gain the trait "Secretly aiding a villain"

Spider Knights: (M0)1: Lynxxx is invited onto a sensational daytime talkshow, under the tagline I used to be an adult entertainer, now I fight crime.
Offer: Lyxxx gains +2 fame, but also she also gains +2 infamy
(M0)2: Bitter Candy considers working as a paid consultant, and 'problem solver' for Maxine Power, the controversial mayoral candidate.
Offer: +1 income level, -2 reputation in Old Town, Bitter Candy gains +1 infamy
(M0)3: Helltooth asks around about Route Horizon. Apparently, they're based in Warren. Their leader, Endless Highway, has quite a distinctive car. Helltooth sees it parked outside a loan shark's office. Seems Endless Highway has debts... and where there are debts, there are debt collectors... Perhaps working with them could be a way to find out more?
Offer: The Spider Knights could hire themselves out as debt enforcers and bail bondsmen. +1 income level but +1 team infamy.
4:  Another way of raising their profile suggests itself... The League Of Paradise, a big hero team upstate, needs help in their fight against Scarlet Plague, a national-level villainous organisation. Someone could be sent on secondment.
Offer: One team member would gain +2 fame and the traits "Honorary League of Paradise member" and "Enemy of the Scarlet Plague", but would be absent during the next mission phase.

House Edge
The story about clearing out a monster from the sewers is already very good. But it would be even more impressive if they gave a press conference and spoke about the explosive details.
Offer: +1 reputation in Mireton and Spork gains +1 fame, but Spork gains Infamy +1 and loses the trait "Forgettable".

Protection Inc.
(M0) 1: Crackler sees about drumming up some protection work. The controversial mayoral candidate, Maxine Power, needs some muscle for her security detail. The work pays shockingly well, but she's not politically popular among the current mayor's power base.
Offer: +1 income level, -2 reputation in Old Town.
2: The loft conversion is very expensive, they could just abandon Mireton and find a much roomier apartment in Warren for the same price. The people of Mireton wouldn't be impressed.
Offer: +1 base size, but -1 reputation Mireton, and move to Warren
3: Camarada says Buzzoff is offering a huge interview, it would really raise the team's profile... but Buzzoff also works with villains, so the attention wouldn't all be good.
Offer: +1 team fame, but +1 team infamy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - Round 1
« Reply #78 on: November 12, 2022, 09:14:52 pm »


Spoiler: Firing (click to show/hide)

Everyone who has slots may either seek to recruit one hero from the recruitment pool OR they may hold tryouts to fill all slots.

Reminder: you can't recruit someone with a higher fame than your team's fame.

If two people try to recruit the same hero from the pool, I'll flip to see who gets to them first.

Spoiler: Recruitment Pool (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rogue Gallery (click to show/hide)

Here's a reminder of the Tryout process, from the OP. A new tryout strategy has been added 'renown'.
Spoiler: Tryouts (click to show/hide)

I'll give you all 24 hours (+ however long it takes me to get into the thread) to respond to opportunities and recruitment. If you want to pass, please say as much.

p.s. VermillionSkies, I think you haven't updated your base size on your sheet. I won't always notice these kinds of mistakes.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 01:49:26 pm by notquitethere »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #79 on: November 12, 2022, 09:28:03 pm »

"Better to change things up often," Jack opines to the zookeeper. "Keeps the news flowing and the surprised coming. The Dandy Lads are therefore pleased to become this fine zoo's latest attractions!"

Accept offer, move to zoo

No recruitment actions

Spoiler: The Dandy Lads (click to show/hide)
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #80 on: November 12, 2022, 09:38:01 pm »

Endless Highway encourages Longfire to discover new aspects of his powers, regardless of what they might be.
"Ha, now that's what I'm talking about!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thank you for catching that, my bad.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Full Metal Nutball
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #81 on: November 12, 2022, 10:00:12 pm »

Its probably not best to bring up the hot button issue of setting questionably sentient mutant eggs on fire during an election cycle, so we'll have to pass for now. Sorry Spork. The world will know you just as soon as you set it on fire.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) - MISSION PHASE 2 BEGINS
« Reply #82 on: November 12, 2022, 10:01:32 pm »

Take 0 and 2. No recruit.

"Your friend is a murderer."
Extra is lounging on the dance floor, smoking a comically large blunt.
"Nobody's perfect. Besides, she's doing better than me. Finished off that 'Throngler' guy."

"That's exactly our problem. I'm going to hire a legal team. Thankfully justice is a sham in this city."
"Mmkay. Have fun with that. Safe code is '1234', take all you need."

Spoiler: PUNCH! (click to show/hide)
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #83 on: November 12, 2022, 10:27:24 pm »

Constellation Aurora:

1. Constellation Aurora needs funds. One way to earn a bit of extra dough would be to do some side work as a matchmaker. Everyone wants to find love, and Sol Heart is something of a cupid. It would be a more... frivolous use of the power though.
Offer: Income level +1, Sol Heart gains the trait "Compromised"

Ever since Marigold's departure Sol had been feeling terribly depressed and unsure about themselves. They were so optimistic the day before, believing that together they would prevail over villainy. But Marigold had nearly lost her life and understandably quit right away, while Sol had once again demonstrated nothing but incompetence during the shipjacking. If Bloodmoon hadn't been there, who knows how the whole operation would have turned...

Then Sol received an offer from some potential sponsor, a matchmaking company of dubious origin created to ride on the success of a certain association in another city the rumors said. They offered Sol to put their power to "good use", in a way that would allow them to "bloom" and "spread happiness". Even depressed, Sol still held strong on their morals, and was quite outraged by the offer.

Sol had decided long ago to become a hero, not a cupid. In a way this outrageous offer caused Sol to feel so furious they remembered why they wanted to become a hero, which renewed the fire in them a bit. With a short reply, Sol shut down the offer immediately.


2. During the fray, Iron Gavel considers it wouldn't be so very hard to break some of these thugs' legs. Keep them out of trouble for a little longer... He shouldn't, it would look bad personally and for the team, but for a moment it is tempting...
Offer: Iron Gavel gains trait "Ruthless", Iron Gavel gains +1 Infamy, Constellation Aurora gains +1 Team Infamy

Iron Gavel looked down at the gathered thugs. He was having thoughts... innapropriate thoughts for a Hero.

It would be a shame if his hammer fell accidentally on the thugs legs, accidentally breaking them... He felt a tingling urge to swing his arm. Just one time, it would only last a second at most. A little swing when no one is looking...

But then Iron remembered Sol, and what he himself said before leaving on the solo mission.
("Fine by me. You can trust me to get the job done.")

The tingle faded, and Iron lowered his hammer. He couldn't bring himself to break the trust Sol had in him, whom he had started to respect quite a bit.
"Hmpf. I'm getting soft."

Just for good measure, he accidentally dropped his hammer right next to a thug's foot. And with a stern and threatening look, he said.
"Oh sorry. I will be more careful not to miss your foot next time."



Iron Gavel returned to the Starlight, mentally exhausted and still unsure whether he should be proud or ashamed of not breaking the legs of these hooligans. Being conflicted wasn't a feeling he appreciated, and that pissed him off just a little bit. Still, something else was on his mind. He had heard how the operation went at the Docks, and how Marigold had promptly left after disastrously nearly drowning like an idiot.

"Knew the girl didn't have what it takes. But ah well, what's done is done." whispered Iron, feeling a bit responsible for letting a weak element in the team.

He entered, Sol was already there in the usual corner. He had the feeling this corner was some sort of "corner of shame" the leader would go in when feeling downcast. The Manager was nowhere to be seen, curiously. Without saying a word, Iron took a seat in front of Sol. As he was about to give in after a few seconds of long and awkward silence, Sol apologized.

"Sorry Iron."

He looked at his leader with a puzzled look, and before he could ask why Sol said.
"I thought a lot about all of this, and the whole debacle was my fault. You trusted me, but I realized I didn't trust you enough to make you come with us. Truth is, I sent you alone to keep you away because I-"

"Woah woah slow down. Listen to me. I don't agree with what you just said. You trusted me ever since you invited me in the team, and I'm very grateful for that. Not once did I think you didn't trust me, and to be honest, I respect you for that. I'm glad I'm on your team, and I really want Constellation Aurora to work out and break out. Sure Marigold left, but she was a weak link. And you saved her life, that's pretty heroic if you ask me. And well, I'm still here. Not bad huh?"

Sol wanted to say a "but", which Iron didn't let pass. He continued by telling Sol how he was about to accidentally break the thugs legs, and how he managed to resist the impulse thanks to Sol.

"I really think you have potential Sol. Even I am starting to think I may be changing, and I want to see how far you can go. Don't give up."

The beautiful black haired person became red with... rage? Iron was a bit surprised. And all of a sudden Sol exploded in the cafe.
"I HATE THIS! I was so useless against Cephala! And then I am getting an offer to work as a matchmaker? What are they thinking? Are they telling me I'm not cut out to be a hero, and that I should just play cupid? Well they can go to hell! RAAAAAAH! I'm so FRUSTRATED!"

There was no longer a hint of depression on Sol's face, but they seemed about to punch someone. Iron smiled.

"Now I like this. That's a good expression you have leader!"

Iron then narrowly dodged the paper cup flying to his face.


Later on, after Sol had calmed down, the remaining members of Constellation Aurora had a meeting with the Manager. First was a briefing of the disastrous operation, and second the Manager wanted to introduce someone to the group.

"Let's review yesterday's situation. Iron Gavel was sent to the Warren to stop a gang, while Sol and Marigold went to stop the shipjacking at the docks. Iron Gavel arrived too late to properly be of help, and another team took the credit for the mission. Sol and Marigold nearly lost their lives, overwhelmed by villains in a high-tension situation. Let's review what went wrong."

The Manager used a nearby board to sketch and point while he analyzed the failures.

"Splitting your forces was not a bad idea in itself, the source of yesterday's failure was the lack of information and an underestimation of the villains capabilities. Hindsight will tell us that it would have been better to send the entire team to the mission, especially when in the end Iron Gavel wasn't able to accomplish much on the solo mission."

Sol and Iron didn't object to the analysis, and the Manager continued.

"Fortunately we were lucky that everyone returned alive and able. You won't be so lucky next time, and for now let us learn from this failure. The team should focus on accomplishing a grand success with all their resources, so as to show to the public opinion what Constellation Aurora is capable of. With Marigold gone, the team has one vacant slot to be filled. I have a proposition, although before this I must apologize again for Marigold. It truly was my mistake."

"Let me guess. It's Mimesis."

The old man nodded, causing Iron to lean forward and gaze intently at the Manager.

"I still have my network you know. So I was curious, and did a little asking around. You and Mimesis were in the same team, back when you were still operating under the name of Luxberge, isn't it?"

"That's right. You did your homework well."

"I mean, you have been quite the elephant in the room for quite some time."

"Mimesis has the field experience that we lack. This is a good suggestion, and her powers are also versatile enough to help the team. More importantly, she fills the crowd control niche we currently lack. With Iron Gavel as our powerhouse, Mimesis as our versatile crowd controller, and I as an ability scout and disrupter, we should be able to adapt and handle a wide array of situations."

Sol had already recovered their composure, and was now acting like a leader would.

Constellation Aurora will attempt to recruit Mimesis

Spoiler: Constellation Aurora (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (8/~4) - RECRUITMENT PHASE 1 BEGINS
« Reply #84 on: November 13, 2022, 12:43:07 am »

Spoiler: The Watch (click to show/hide)

We're going to be completely broke after this.

Despite the words in Caroline's notebook, she was grinning ear-to-ear.

"It'll absolutely be worth it, though. And besides, I'll still be able to pay for some things." Sally knew she didn't actually need to convince her leader, but there was a way to have this discussion.

Oh, 100%. Fuck knows David deserves this. But we are going to be completely broke as a team, and it won't actually get us the belt itself until we get somebody to make the thing. But yeah, no, we're fucking doing this. We're not not doing something to help David just because it's inconvenient. If that was going to stop me, he wouldn't be on the team.
Caroline is silent (well, stops writing) for a while; then her smile begins to fade, as she taps her fingers along the table. They numbered him.

Sally nods silently. Caroline's face hardens.

Fucking assholes. That's not how you treat a person. If you get a chance, Sally, please figure out if anybody else knows anything about this stuff. If they're numbering people, they weren't doing it to just one.

Allison walked into the lab to see Sally amusedly watching Caroline dance around the lab.

"...what, uh, what happened?" Allison's baffled expression got a laugh out of Sally.
"Apparently when you caught Marion Man, you also caught the graveyard warden's attention and approval. He's offered us the option to set up in an old lodge on the grounds. Bigger than this place."
Allison nods. "Alright, that makes sense. But why's that got Cara like this?"

At that moment, Caroline makes her way over to her two teammates. We don't own the lab.

Allison visibly takes a moment to process that, as Caroline continues to write. Nobody else does, either, and we're helpful so nobody wants to get rid of us, but we are technically squatting here. So it would be very nice to be somewhere where we actually got official permission to live there. So yeah we're moving.

Allison takes the sheet to read it, when suddenly Sally snatches it. "What-"
"Caroline, have you been living in this lab?"
Caroline's grin freezes on her face, before she runs out of the room.
"Caroline?! Caroline get back here- I am not letting my team leader be homeless-!"

Caroline's expression very clearly expressed 'are you kidding me? (in a friendly way)' without her actually needing to say or write as such.
C'mon, Alli. This shouldn't even be a question. Go get your therapy. I'd rather not have you for one mission than run the risk of this getting worse.

Allison's expression didn't need a translation, either. Neither did the ensuing hug.

All three opportunities will be taken.
The Watch will hold another tryout; cohesion will be most prioritized, heroes with intelligence- or craft-related powers would be preferred (for control belt purposes), and higher fame will be taken if it doesn't conflict with the prior two conditions.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 10:03:29 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) - MISSION PHASE 2 BEGINS
« Reply #85 on: November 13, 2022, 06:38:24 am »

Actions: We take all three Opportunities, and perform a Try-Out, prioritising Cohesion, and then Versatility.


"And do you have any final comments for our viewers at home?"

Ignoring the Drone hovering in her peripheral, Camarada kept her gaze on Buzzoff. She cracked one of her winning smiles.

"We're in the business of protecting this city, and all of its citizens."

"And that's a wrap! Thank you very much Camarada, you're gonna make waves."


We sure made waves alright, although not always the most positive ones. For some reason a woman promising to crackdown on supercrime has a few enemies, especially with the incumbent.

She's right though. Some people just don't know what's best for them...

Spoiler: Protection Inc. (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'll take a stab at it
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #86 on: November 13, 2022, 06:52:37 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Recruit Ectoboy.  take enforcer mission. 
Is there anything you would like to do before you perpetuate gang violence?

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #87 on: November 13, 2022, 07:15:34 pm »

Reject first offer. We need more fame to make use of a bigger base anyway, and there's no point besmirching the good name of Brody.
Accept second offer. We need more fame more than we need to pacify the old, out-of-touch power structure. Besides, we'll probably end up killing someone at some point.
No recruitment. Things seem fine for now.

Spoiler: Bro Club (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Recruitment Phase 3
« Reply #88 on: November 14, 2022, 05:46:27 am »


Protection Inc. hold a tryout. [3,4] Seven turn up.

Spoiler: Protection Inc Tryouts (click to show/hide)

Nitrox was the most cohesive and joins Protection Inc.

Name |   Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Nitrox | Unstoppable power attack??, Air walking | Heroic, Fabulist, Fear of Drowning  | 2

"Yeah I'm from Stoney Island," Nitrox says, gesturing vaguely west across the water. He's wearing a home made costume obviously adapted from scuba gear. "Deadass, it's been drag since Scarlet Plague came ta town. It's been blood in the streets fa-days over there. So I've come to do my thing here. With my power attack, we'll be the the sickest team in the city, bet."

The Watch hold a tryout [2+2]. Four heroes attend.

Spoiler: The Watch Tryouts (click to show/hide)

Chiffon was the most cohesive and joins The Watch.

Name |   Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Chiffon | Bakes cakes which grant powers | Introverted, Kind, Neurotic | -1

"Oh wow, really?" Chiffon says. She's dressed in a large apron, wearing a chefs hat. Her makeup has been contoured to hint at a mask around her eyes, without actually having to wear one. "Oh wow, oh wow. So, it's not just cakes, I mean, I could make pies if you prefer? Or cookies. Cookies are good too."

"Are the powers always the same?" Frostara says, inspecting a slice of coffee cake that had just, briefly, given her enhanced speed.

Chiffon shuffles her feet. "I'm still trying to figure it out. I can nearly always make Teleporting Muffins! One time I made a macadamia cake and after one slice I suddenly knew like, how a body fits together and how it might be made with electronics instead. But by the next day I'd lost the knowhow, you know?"

Constellation Aurora successfully recruit Mimesis:

Name |   Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Mimesis | Invisible Walls and Platforms | Irritating, Hates The Chorist, Veteran | 4 

Mimesis has chatting amiable in the coffeeshop for the last half-hour. She's wearing her old shimmering blue supersuit, which is looking a little tired and worn. She continues wandering from subject-to-subject, "And can I say, while I appreciate your modesty over the Mangler affair, I've seen the footage, there's no way they could have taken him down without you two. I would say that I couldn't have done it better myself, but of course, I did back in '06, and again in 2011, the Chorist took him in '09, it should have been us but those bastards sent us bad intel, I'm not still bitter about it I promise... But anyway my walls are completely unmangleable, as it turns out. I'm almost sorry that that other team killed the mad old thing. He was a complete monster of course, but really —and I know it's gauche to say, but it's true!— if we go about killing all our enemies we'll be out of a job..."

The Spider Knights successfully recruit Ectoboy:

Name |   Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Ectoboy | Ghosts?? | Child, Spooky, Inconspicuous | 0

Ectoboy wears a big white sheet with two eye holes cut out. He seems to be about ten years old, but luckily the tryouts were held after school.

"Woah their limbs EXPLODE??!" he says, wide-eyed.

HellTooth nods, taciturnly.

"And you can leap HIGHER THAN A BUILDING!!"

Lynxxx smiles, "That's only the half of it sweetie."

"And you can shrink the size of a PEA!!!"

"Hardboiled candy is my preferred comparison," Bitter Candy says. "But essentially. And remind me again what it is you do?"

"I talk to the dead. If there's any nearby. Sometimes they lend me their powers, if they had any. Sometimes they tell me their secrets," Ectoboy says. "Mostly they just moan about stuff like the Thresher and the Coming Reckoning. Spooky ghost stuff. I guess you get into different stuff when you die, like my granddad got into model trains when he retired."
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 05:50:36 am by notquitethere »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Manager - Season One - (9/~4) Mission Phase 3
« Reply #89 on: November 14, 2022, 11:42:50 am »


#0 Personal Mission
You may assign a person for a personal mission. Name one of the following goals, assign someone to it, and you will gain a related opportunity in the opportunity phase.

Three new personal missions have been added: Power Experimentation, Rest, and Patrol.

Rather than give an opportunity, experimenting with powers gives you additional clarity on what your heroes can do, and may add new capacities/power uses. If you have an injured hero, you can cure that injury through Rest. Patrol replaces 'increase reputation'. Rather than give an opportunity, it's pretty much guaranteed to increase your rep in an area, but at the risk that your hero might get caught up in whatever action is happening in that area.

Spoiler: Personal Missions (click to show/hide)

#1 Picnic
Spyte has had charges dropped against her, as nothing could be proven. She has been seen in Montgomery park carrying a large box... what could she be planning?

#2 Car Wars
Dozens of luxury cars from across the city have had their cruise-control hijacked and have been running amok in Silver Row. Why and to what purpose is currently unknown.

#3 Lecture
Professor Korpoŝanĝo at Zircon University's Mireton campus is giving a public lecture on the latest understanding of Spontaneous Human Evolution. Could be educational.

#4 Wet Dock
Bittern has returned, this time in the Docks, where she has flooded the wharfs over successive nights. Perhaps tonight she might be caught?

#5 Possession
A single discreet investigator is sought for a very sensitive and unusual matter of occult significance. The Bishop at the Zircon Cathedral will explain more to the first person to get to him.

#6 Morgue
A break-in is underway at the morgue in Zircon City General Hospital, in Downtown. The masked assailants are said to be moving very fast, so who knows how much longer they'll be there.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 12:29:57 pm by notquitethere »
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