RECRUITMENT PHASE 8Removing Team PlayersImportant! Two new methods have been added below: Handing in criminal team mates, and creating spinoff teams,
Players may remove existing team members in one of four ways:
Let Go: Thing didn't work out. Team member leaves. -1 attendee at the next tryout (this malus can stack if you fire multiple heroes).
Run Out: They'll never work in this town again! Team Leader gains "Hates [team member]" and the team member gains "Hates [team leader]" and leaves the team and gains -1 fame from the ignominy.
Revolt: The team leader is thrown out! The old leader gains "Hates [team name]", -1 fame from the ignominy and leaves the team. Pick a new team leader.
Hand in: Any team member with Infamy greater than their Fame may be handed in to custody. The ex-team mate gains "Hates [team name]" and is placed in custody, and is also barred from the Clemency program. This is the only way of removing a team member who is currently unreformed and on a team with Clemency.
Spinoff: Pick at least three team members (who have fame higher than their infamy, and have each been on at least one non-personal mission) and choose a new team name. They leave the team permanently to set up their own spin-off team in a nearby city (choose Stoney Island, Las Destinos, or Leadville).* Gain +1 team fame for each member lost this way, and randomly gain an opportunity every opportunity phase or a cross-over from the new team.
*Stoney Island: Small island town dominated by a carnival, once a tourist spot now completely overrun by Crimson Plague .
Las Destinos: Large city famed for its nightlife and casinos; like if Dusk Beach was a whole city.
Leadville: Medum-sized post-industrial city. Run down, lots of unemployed, a fertile recruiting ground for powered gangs.
HiringEveryone who has slots may either seek to recruit
one hero from the recruitment pool OR they may hold tryouts to fill all slots.
Due to the Mayor's Clemency: in addition to any other recruitment, teams may take one
one villain in custody onto their team (ignoring requirements like fame and max team size). Once they are redeemed (fame higher than infamy), you may recruit again in this way. Villains recruited still count towards your team size as normal. Villains have fame 0 by default.
You can't recruit someone with a higher fame than your team's fame. If two people try to recruit the same hero from the pool, I'll flip to see who gets to them first.
Name | Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Jennifer | Normality Field | Boring, Friendly, Unheroic | -1
Reflux | Matter Transformation | Teenager, Vengeful, Determined | 0
Atla | Can turn Gigantic | Happily Swapped, Serious, Resourceful | 0
Lovehandles | Self-Inertia Manipulation | Hates Lynxx, Slovenly, Comedian, Destructive, Slow | 3
CUTTING EDGE - Montgomery
Name | Known Powers | Traits | Fame
Thornrose (leader) | Flower blooming, Fencing | Vicious, Charming, Good-Looking, Forced To Work For Bill Cleaver | 2
Harpoodle | Can shoot claws | Vindictive, Image Obsessed, Dense, Forced To Work For Bill Cleaver | 3
Gaffer | Sand Control, Glass-Based Weapons | Neat, Clever, Irritable, Forced To Work For Bill Cleaver | 0
Spawn of Satan (leader) | Fireproof, Horns, Hellfire, Flame-Stepping, Stone-Fist | Child, Hates Joshua Tree, Satanic, Wild, One-Handed | 1
Monkeypaw | Bad luck aura | Ingenious, Depressive, Frugal, Reckless | 1
Spit Feathers | Feather generation? | Impressionable, Inexperienced, Athletic | 1
Wiffle | Floating, Impervious | Ethereal, Calm, Accepting | 3
Mapsona | Other Teleportation | Practical, Analytical, Neurotic | 3
Songstress | Infectious Song | Enthusiastic, Melodic, Out-Of-Shape | 4
Windbow | Bow & Arrow Trick-shooting, Small object shaping | Strong, Crotchety, Old, Wise, | 7
Chiffon (Mari Chang) | Bakes pastries which grant powers | Introverted, Kind, Neurotic | 1
Marigold | Gold Transformation | Known Killer, Wealthy, Spendthrift, Fear of Drowning | 3
The Woman Lamp | Flaming Hair, Fire Bolts, Jet-Fire Propulsion | Hates Mimesis, Tempestuous, Trigger-Fuse, Forgotten | 4
Don Jetman | Production logistics, Flying suit | Control Freak, Self-Assured, Muscular, Wealthy, Owner of Advanced Widget Enterprises | 10
You may substitute team infamy for team fame when recruiting villains.
Name | Known Powers | Traits | Infamy | Motivation
Escher | Permanent Architectural Warping | Irritating, Wily, Happily Swapped | 2 | Money
Muskrat | Toxic Gas Generation | Known Killer, Careless, Hardy | 3 | Getting the respect he feels he's due
Reinita | Age-Draining | Known Killer, Youthful, Heartless | 4 | Immortality
Bill Cleaver | None? | Brutal, Ambitious, Cunning | 5 | Empowering his huge gang
Baron von Woof (leader) | Superior Throwing Arm, Canine senses | Gimmicky, Hates Cats, Brash, Respects Nitrox, Dog Companions | 3 | Becoming Zircon City's most infamous villain
Gigaman | Enhanced strength and durability, Laser eyes, Flight | Insane, Unreliable, Friendly, Animal-Lover | 2 | Smashing Annoying Ants
Buzzoff | Drone tinkering | Credulous, Easy-going, Grifter, Animal-Lover | 2 | Covering the cape (under)world
Anthrax | Advanced Biohacking | Slapdash, Quick, Power-Supremacist | 6 | Creating a superior life-form
Doctor Black | Good shot? | Indefatigable, Power-Supremacist, Prepared | 7 | Assassinating Mental Manipulators
Justinian the Bloody | Telekinetic Blood-Manipulation, Blood Shields | Cruel, Determined, Charismatic, Prepared, Known Killer, Legend | 15 | Rule by the Evolved
Sanguine | Blood-based mind control | Cunning, Cruel, SHE-Supremacist | 4 | Demonstrate the supremacy of Evolved Kind
Phlegm | Pleasure-inducing fog | Lazy, Calm, Hedonistic | 3 | Have fun
Choler | Reactive muscle-growth | Poetic, Angry, Imposing | 3 | Escape Sanguine's control
Vile Viola Melancholy (in the Prelate's body) | Astral Projection? | Dissociative, Delusional, Self-Absorbed, Unpredictable| 3 |Discovering The Truth About The Exalt Project
Slugnut | Pistol-shooting/loading | Quick, Ugly, Indefatigable | 7 | Reform the Squad
Keros | Immortal Wax Body | Fabulist, Fearless, Loves Cephala | 7 | Reform the Squad
Public Enemy | Hated By Everyone | Cowardly, Debater, Tolerant | 0 | Ending wrongful imprisonment
Ponche | Alcohol generation/combustion/consumption, Superhuman pugilism when drunk | Crude, Robust, Forgiving | 1 | Feel appreciated for her talents
Spyte | Poison barbs | Vindictive, Subtle, Incisive, Hates Cutting Edge | 1 (-1 fame) | Settling some scores
Zirconia | Diamond-like Skin | Local Knowledge, Carefree, Manipulative | 3 | Money
Marion Man | Puppetry (puppets and corpses) | Sinister, Clown, Prepared | 5 | Build a vast clown army
Lord Bombarrel | Unusual bomb-making | Known Killer, Old, Prepared, Mad, Ingenious | 6 | Getting and Staying out of prison
Lazard | Deadly Lasers | Known Killer, Bloodthirsty, Unpredictable | 6 | Destroy the moon
Dangerfield | Terrain Warping, Traps | Cunning, Perceptive, Activated Sleeper Agent | 0 (4 while under the effect of sleeper agency) & 4 fame | Doing Crimson Plague bidding
Johnny Knifehands | Knife Hands | Known Killer, Washout, Angry, Quick, Hates Bloodmoon | 3 | Knocking the Heroes Down A Peg
Master Tusk | Staff Fighting? | Strategic, Learned, Power-Supremacist | 4 | Recruiting agents to the cause
Hypnobeat | Music-Powered Deep Suggestion | Misogynist, Calm, Power-Supremacist | 5 | Making sweet music
Name | Known Powers | Traits | Infamy | Motivation
Bittern | Wings, Water control | Pacifist, Ecologist, Impressive | 4 | Saving the moorland habitat of local bird species
Suffrage | Teleport, was able to mind-swap others | Known Killer, Tired, Cruel, Righteous | 4 | Enjoying immense wealth
Here's a reminder of the Tryout process, from the OP.
If you hold a tryout, 2d4 heroes will attend. You will fill all empty spots in your roster with heroes according to the criterion you pick. Unpicked heroes will remain in the recruitment pool for future rounds.
Versatility: The widest range of powers will be picked.
Power: The most impressive powers will be picked.
Team Cohesion: The heroes who least despise one another and your existing team members will be picked.
Renown: Pick the most famous heroes first.
Cursed Legacy will attempt to recruit Reflux.
The Legion of Wickedness will attempt to recruit Escher.