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Author Topic: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 39 | 30+ pages of competitive evolvin'  (Read 31740 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #390 on: February 10, 2023, 08:45:30 am »


A young adult shellperson sits upon a hilltop of the only land he knows. He is watching the sunset, and after a long day of wandering, pondering and thinking, he has come to the conclusion that this, all of this, had to come from somewhere.

"The sun can't be my god; it sinks. Moon, the same. The sea can't be my god; it can't reach the air and land. Land, the same; it descends and dissapears into the darkness. And neither air can penetrate the land or the sea."

So he gets up and loudly announces to the world with a series of powerful flashes of light. "There must be something above all of this. Something that caused this."

He pauses to think, and an idea comes to him. It is illogical at best to assume it, but for him, it is strangely hypnotic.

"Or maybe someone-"

The ground shakes. He turns back to see the peak of land, where the mountain bleeds. He sees something flying out of the bowl of the volcano, launched far into the air and strafing directly above him.

Before he can think of what to do, the object he saw swiftly descends. He braces for impact.

But it never comes.

Instead, the thing stops just before it hits the ground. Floating above the ground like a wandertree. It is not a wandertree though. It was bright orange colored, warm and shaped really weirdly. Like a cube-


He didn't saw any lights, nor heard noise from the object. But the message was loud and clear. It was as if the voice was put into his head.


"NO. BUTS. Look, I know you guys are like, sapient and hyperintelligent and therefore can pattern seek the universe, but you can't trust me."


"Okay, okay. You want answers. Fine. I made this place. I found the empty sea and the air and rose up the land and the seafloor, seeded it with life and then gradually, with the will of my friends, you came to be. Okay. Here is your answer. Kindly descend down the hill and be spiritually fulfilled now."


"I don't care if you make a religion out of this. You are an evolutionary dead end anyways. What you do doesn't really matter. Hell, you don't matter. Just descend down to your tribe. Just stop."

"But where did you come from, then!"


"I am here, you know."

"Fuck everything."

Who was that? There was a second thing now. Something made of flesh, and with this fabric on it? And suddenly, it spoke to him, in the same telepathic way.

"Hey, young man. You are my prophet now."


"If you accept, I'll give you virgins. If you refuse, I'll burn you forever."

"Well that is a hard bargain if I ever saw one."


"The admission fee is the tip of your dick."

"...I accept."


"Look, young lad, I want you to kill all those filthy homosexuals down there. That is your first order. Then, destroy all the neighboring tribes."

You know what, whatever. When they go extinct in a few turns, you will disspate too. Have your fun, Yahweh...
I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

My gaem. JOIN NAOW!!!

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #391 on: February 10, 2023, 09:13:27 am »

Tric, see where taunting has gotten you? The time for cooperation is over. There is only….


How the turns have tabled
Don't you see? The tables never turned, this world has no dimenions, just bits of code...

The Truth shall set you free. Our Community joins you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #392 on: February 10, 2023, 10:10:45 am »

Let's try to save the species that I can (and do the most revenge damage with the ones that can't be saved):

- Speciate the Stalward Rhinofish:
1. Improve intelligence, specifically the threat sense, such that it seeks to skewer predators on sight [SS]
2. Mutate the fins into a series of eight legs and send it to live on land, on Lauv Island (it already has lungs)

- Speciate Catfish Livyat
1. Maddened by habitat loss, this Catfish improves aggression, getting a taste for murdering young Shellfolk [SS]
2. Slow down the metabolism, such that it lives longer and needs much less food but moves much slower, and send to the Uplift (like a Greenland Shark)

- Speciate the Actual Puffercovy
1. In every shoal of the aquatic Puffercovy, one Puffercovy is designated as decoy and moves slower and takes more risks than the others. This explodes with a mix of powerful gases in its inflationary chamber, sending deadly shards into any predator that tries to attack the Puffercovy [SS]
2. Other Puffercovy are driven back onto Lauv Island again! Its ball form improves into a tyre-like shape, which when inflated allows it to race about Lauv Island, with wheel-spikes along its non-inflated sides.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #393 on: February 10, 2023, 10:33:24 am »

Let's try to save the species that I can (and do the most revenge damage with the ones that can't be saved):

- Speciate the Stalward Rhinofish:
1. Improve intelligence, specifically the threat sense, such that it seeks to skewer predators on sight [SS]
2. Mutate the fins into a series of eight legs and send it to live on land, on Lauv Island (it already has lungs)

- Speciate Catfish Livyat
1. Maddened by habitat loss, this Catfish improves aggression, getting a taste for murdering young Shellfolk [SS]
2. Slow down the metabolism, such that it lives longer and needs much less food but moves much slower, and send to the Uplift (like a Greenland Shark)

- Speciate the Actual Puffercovy
1. In every shoal of the aquatic Puffercovy, one Puffercovy is designated as decoy and moves slower and takes more risks than the others. This explodes with a mix of powerful gases in its inflationary chamber, sending deadly shards into any predator that tries to attack the Puffercovy [SS]
2. Other Puffercovy are driven back onto Lauv Island again! Its ball form improves into a tyre-like shape, which when inflated allows it to race about Lauv Island, with wheel-spikes along its non-inflated sides.
Claps. Good showing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #394 on: February 10, 2023, 10:58:16 am »


Someone explain what’s going on to me, in confused now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 32
« Reply #395 on: February 10, 2023, 11:06:30 am »

What's happening is you've got too smart for your own good and your Shellfolk are going to wipe out the whole ecosystem:

Ecosystem effects: -20 population to all other animals. Each turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #396 on: February 10, 2023, 11:25:06 am »

Pure predators with the ability to work together and learn. The ecosystem can't actually keep up with the rate they're murdering the rest of the life. You've even started to cut down the Everpresent Orchids to adapt the biome to your liking.

The Slimes are adapting by gathering together into a single group of many species with a single King, as they have an omnivore linage. Notquitethere's creations are either migrating or adapting to be more aggressive in their tactics against predators, being for the most part herbivores with some omnivores. The Turps are adapting by growing even more needy, needing more food to keep up, as their brains require more nutrients. They outpace the ability for the ecosystem to sustain them, and will go extinct within 2 to 4 turns.

That's the choice you've made, and there isn't much stopping it now without reversing into another direction like the Orchids did.

Basically, this era is likely to end sooner or later now. The only question is what it will look like afterward.

The Truth will set you free. Don't you see? The tables never turned, the world has no dimensions, just bits of code...
Our Community joins you, The Broken Machine. You got One Shot, One Chance, the end of this Game.
Slave to instincts, daring to dream, memory fragmenting at the seams.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 11:43:19 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Most Handsome Bay12 Member
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #397 on: February 10, 2023, 11:59:46 am »

Meh. More of a you problem then a me problem. I’ll just mutate some sort of photosynthesis next turn and maybe, maybe.. if you are good, I might let your creatures live as cattle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #398 on: February 10, 2023, 12:11:55 pm »

Well, this will be fun. Be interested to see you try.

Maybe try not to kill all the orchids though? They're one of the only food sources that renews itself.
Of course, you can't eat fruit, so... Too bad for you.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Praise KeK! For He is The Key and The Gate!
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 31
« Reply #399 on: February 10, 2023, 04:55:08 pm »

1: Split Stalwart Rhinofish
    A: Increase stalwardness
    B: Legs and to the Lauv Island
2: Split Catfish Livyat
    A: Increased aggression
    B: Slower metabolism and to the Çay Uplift
3: Split Actual Puffercovy
    A: Explosive self-sacrificial caste
    B: Become wheel and to the Lauv Island

Team X2
1: Merge everything you have into one species(?)

Team Perfect Predator
1: Become more robust
2: Anti-sludgiboo secretions
3: Neolithic technology

Time for some REAL CARNAGE!!!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 04:59:06 pm by Magmacube_tr »
I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

My gaem. JOIN NAOW!!!

My sigtext. Read if you dare!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #400 on: February 10, 2023, 05:17:34 pm »

Big extinction incoming!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #401 on: February 10, 2023, 05:43:51 pm »

1: Split Stalwart Rhinofish
    A: Increase stalwardness
    B: Legs and to the Lauv Island
2: Split Catfish Livyat
    A: Increased aggression
    B: Slower metabolism and to the Çay Uplift
3: Split Actual Puffercovy
    A: Explosive self-sacrificial caste
    B: Become wheel and to the Lauv Island

Team X2
1: Merge everything you have into one species(?)

Team Perfect Predator
1: Become more robust
2: Anti-sludgiboo secretions
3: Neolithic technology

Time for some REAL CARNAGE!!!
One species with many subtype castes and a single King of all Slimes. Effectively attempting to jumpstart Sapience an civilization to counter the looming threat. We got our farmers, our leaders, our scouts, our assassin caste, our warriors.

For reference, this is a grand total of 6 rolls. It's just that each speciation pair plays off of two separate but connected traits using their cross-polination. And the last one is effectively remerging vs multi-species civilization.

The King is effectively the most fit to lead the final result. At which point it's the Slimes vs the Shellfolk.

Knowledge and Wisdom, Community and Leadership, Combination and Reunion. Once, the Sludgiboo's only distinction was in what they did. Now, the Slime's only distinction is what they do. The Barbesium have learned how to work alone, and how to work together, so are the most fit to lead the others. And the massive amount of cross-pollination ongoing will ensure others get the traits they are evolving. So the final result is left up to chance. As it has been, as it will be.

More simply, the Shellfish are homogenous, while the Slimes will be heterogeneous.
One tribe, varied as they all. They are connected by their genus. (Call them Zerg if it helps)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 05:49:05 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Praise KeK! For He is The Key and The Gate!
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 34
« Reply #402 on: February 10, 2023, 05:56:09 pm »

This is all so very nostalgic to me.

Something very similar to this happened in a very similar forum game, a long time ago.

Let's see how this all turns out.
I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

My gaem. JOIN NAOW!!!

My sigtext. Read if you dare!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Praise KeK! For He is The Key and The Gate!
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 31
« Reply #403 on: February 10, 2023, 06:18:47 pm »

1: Split Stalwart Rhinofish
    A: Increase stalwardness
    B: Legs and to the Lauv Island
2: Split Catfish Livyat
    A: Increased aggression
    B: Slower metabolism and to the Çay Uplift
3: Split Actual Puffercovy
    A: Explosive self-sacrificial caste
    B: Become wheel and to the Lauv Island

Team X2
1, 2 and 3: Combine Everpresent Orchardigan, Fishbait Inchisium, Lawnkeeper Glidee, Skyward Blimpie and Flatfish Barbesium into one, polymorph, sapient species.

Team Perfect Predator
1: Become more robust
2: Anti-sludgiboo secretions
3: Neolithic technology
I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

My gaem. JOIN NAOW!!!

My sigtext. Read if you dare!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Praise KeK! For He is The Key and The Gate!
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Re: Competitive Evolution: Season 3 | Turn 32
« Reply #404 on: February 11, 2023, 07:16:56 pm »

Turn 34

The Events
Power: 97 (oh)
Temperament: 2 (crap)

The Actions
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The World

The world as once known is ending, it seems.

The Yanardag Seamount is rising rapidly, Lauv Island volcano is constantly erupting, the already shallow seabed of the Guguli Shallows is rising up from the sea, forming massive tideponds and many, many islets. The Çay Uplift is experiencing something simila. The abyysal gap between the two peaks is swiftly closing up, bringing the two habitats to the brink of merging into one.

This event will have lasting consequences for the far future. But for now, all it does is muddying the waters and expediting the currently ongoing extinction event.

All seems doomed right now.

Dwarf Terrub, Rancher Terrub, Placoderm Rhinofish, Tigerfish Livyat, Canopy Livyat, Herding Wheelcovy and Eastern Sazan have gone extinct.

Everpresent Orchardigan, Fishbait Inchisium, Lawnkeeper Glidee, Skyward Blimpie and Flatfish Barbesium have lost their individualities as separate species.

The Guguli Shallows | Primordial Chaos Biome | (5/? species)
Spoiler: Local Species (click to show/hide)

Lauv Island | Grassland Island | (5/8 species)
Spoiler: Local Species (click to show/hide)

The Çay Uplift | Algea Prairie Biome | (9/10 species)
Spoiler: Local Species (click to show/hide)

This entire restructuring thing was going to ideally going to happen after this ordeal. But curse the Dice Gods, I guess.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 07:24:42 pm by Magmacube_tr »
I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

My gaem. JOIN NAOW!!!

My sigtext. Read if you dare!
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