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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 39649 times)

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2023, 05:11:22 am »

Looks like the start of something exciting, can't wait to see how this pans out.

Also I'd like to see those population percentages.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2023, 06:11:57 am »

You got it!

This is virtually identical to the first one I posted.
Humans and dwarves took a loss of pop around 20 people
Kobolds did not dip at all
While the elves increased by 100
Goblins went down by 200, but with their current numbers it just makes the pie chart looks the same

Also I made a regional map via Inkarnate. If people like it I may do more similar stuff.
I was thinking it might be cool to see maps that are more from the character's perspective
Also I think the default map might not be as easy to interpret if you're not the guy who stares at it for hours(me)

Itha is from Hillcaught. The non-elven lands are in their local language to emphasize their foreignness to him

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2023, 02:32:38 am »

Seems strange that one civ has six thousand goblins but the other two barely have 100.

Also I quite like the look of that map you made.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2023, 11:34:06 am »


History and Story fluff:
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Months after the Siege of Biting Itha left his home carried by a unicorn and followed by two bobcats.
He went east to Copperbirths the temporary capital retreat. Although this part of the forest was much younger with war coming from the mountains and the north the south-western part of the forest was now the safest area.

He received an audience with the queen, Acithi Roarsportents, although not an audience like in the dwarven kingdom with a procession and a throne.

She lay upon the branches of her tree thoughtfully looking through its boughs. She was gorgeous. Perpetually young with long orange hair and emerald green eyes. Even being the oldest known elf she had taken many lovers and had many children and grandchildren. Itha called to her in the manner he was bid to do
"Hail to the everblooming flower of the forest!"
The queen looked at him without turning her head at first, but upon seeing his unicorn she sat up and scrutinized him "Well, this is a strange and most welcome treat! A unicorn this far into the forest?" She jumped down
"May our lands be so blessed to be as beautiful as you great queen" Itha continued in greeting
She looked at Itha now with the slightest smirk as if he was just now visible to her "Ah and I see this great creature has a rider and such a polite and formal one" She placed a hand upon Iwo's neck "What can I do for you, Speaker of the Forest?"

After telling the queen of his quest the queen invited him to sit with her under the tree. The queen sat with arms crossed near to Itha, too near for his comfortability, and when finished she sat silently for a moment before responding
"You take on a task many would call foolish, dear one"
"I know, but I know that my calling wasn't a fluke! I have a destiny!"
The queen held her hand up "I did not say that you are making a mistake only that many would call it foolish. I think the forest knows our needs better than us, but in this case I see the tapestry its roots are weaving beneath us." She stood and walked to the crest of her hill "The body of the first tree is along this path. The humans took it long ago in war with us and erected statues of their gods and history with them. They call it the path of the green. Our new alliance with the humans might be the only thing keeping us from destruction and part of that treaty is that we will not destroy their sacrilegious path. This same path is the one you shall walk on, and when it ends continue north-east."

"What shall I find there."

She laughed darkly and spoke "Hopefully not your death, young one. The pits of Fiendhorrors lie that way. A series of holes in the ground the Elder Hell burrowed. It is filled with the outcasts and wild members of their kind. If you can not find success there then your quest is doomed." She laid a hand upon his chest "You have the forest's blessing and now I give you my own. Go with all our hopes, Itha of Hillcaught"

The path of the Green Way was depressing for Itha. The animal paths of the elven lands made way for furrowed dirt roads dug up and maintained by humans within the elven retreat, and there were the statues.

Statues of human gods and their servants accomplishing great feats. A reminder of past victories of the elves carved from the very body of the home of the Great Spirit.
The base of each statue had flowers and he even passed a few elves mourning at one. "A symbol of victory for the humans and of bitter loss for us." he mumbled. He bowed his head as he passed in memory to the First Tree

He continued through forest and eventually plains for a whole day before reaching the pits. It seemed as if the creatures simply dug greedily in any and all directions. Tunnels, splintered wood towers and more dotted the land.
He left Iwo and the bobcats there at the outskirts and walked in.
He passed a tower in time to see a trio of goblins walk out and he greeted them. They didn't seem hostile at all and returned his greeting as they continued to walk. He followed them to try and talk, but lost them in a press of bodies as more goblins filtered out of towers all around making a mob pressing towards the center of the settlement.
He went with the flow and even spoke with some of the others as they were all pressed together although it was mostly small talk.
Down, down and down deeper into the earth they pressed into narrow tunnels. Itha fell twice to the ground and had to wait for enough space to open in the press to stand again. Dirt tunnel was only replaced occasionally by small splatters of blood that left Itha fearful of what transpired here.

Further, further and further still they went through dark tunnels as vicious and raucous noise echoed through. Snarling of beasts, laughter, roaring, endless conversing and the sound of combat all assailed the elf. Itha hailed from a world where all creatures had as much space as they needed and enjoyed this and now he was pressed as close as possible. A goblin could press a knife into his back and he likely would not even notice until he collapsed on the ground.

The tunnel opened into a larger room of some kind, but he could barely see as he stepped aside from the tunnel he came to allow the press of crowds to continue.

He saw vicious red eyes all moving about in this room indicating that it must be large. Footsteps of much larger beasts and snarling continued. Itha stepped forward and nearly catapulted himself into a pit below just barely pulling himself back in time.

"It's now or never, but where do I start?" he said to himself as he shuffled forward. He gently bumped into a great multicolored animal and it turned it's great predatory gaze upon him. Itha did the first thing that came to his mind. He started talking


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« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 02:54:31 pm by Maloy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2023, 03:19:41 pm »

Glad to see this project is still going strong. Still down to do an adventure and kill magical creatures.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #50 on: January 31, 2023, 04:53:49 pm »

Glad to see this project is still going strong. Still down to do an adventure and kill magical creatures.

I'll take you up on that actually!
I'll shoot you a message on some of my timeline plans for Adelaathira and you can just let me know when you wanna jump in

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2023, 04:07:36 am »

Dang goblin pits look like awful places, I've never been inside one since I always heard they were lag fests in adventure mode.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2023, 06:24:12 am »

Dang goblin pits look like awful places, I've never been inside one since I always heard they were lag fests in adventure mode.

pits tend to be alright, but dark fortresses can be miserable even ones with low populations!

I think what I hate most about both is that you can't fast travel through them and because they are covered in trenches you can't just hold a directional key and mindlessly walk straight out or in. You have to stop and pick your way around every obstacle.

Almost the entire goblin pop is in the dark fortress for this civ and so I'm wondering if I can even enter it. If not I might be trying to pass this off to avolition sooner lol I'm pretty sure his pc is better judging by accomplishments I've seen him do in other adventure games


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2023, 10:31:54 pm »

...In lost days

the days of gray elves
in gray lands
Danced the maiden
whose heart could never be tamed

A visitor from far away lands appeared
as the maiden danced across ice

The great unicorn
most blessed and noble of beasts

It bid the maiden
"Follow me to lands as free as your own heart"

The maiden sang joyously and rode the steed
To a new land and new destiny

The great beaked beast on closer inspect appeared to be a beak dog! Itha had only seen them when they came to raid and were unremittingly hostile, but since no one had told the creature the elf was an enemy it only eyed him very curiously.
He pet the creature and it followed him. After a few moments a few of it's fellows joined it and they formed a protective semi-circle around the elf occasionally rubbing against him.
It seemed the blessings of nature even affected creatures so long separated from the forests.

Itha wasted no time as he spoke and in his naivety he didn't think to hide his identity as he boldly told the goblins his name and began to speak. He gave perhaps the most impassioned speech he ever had in his life:
"Break your yolk green friends! War on the south isn't the answer to our woes, but we must turn to ourselves and why things are so terrible here! The overlords keep you distracted from the misery of your squalor, but it is they who should be fought not the other races!"

The crowd was mystified by his words. Some were even crying at the beauty of his words

"Join me! We shall say no to war and go back and demand justice from those who'd control us! Who is with me?"

The crowd maintained a dead silence for several moments, although the sounds of distant arguments still remained somewhere far off.
After those moments passed the crowd erupted into roaring and shouting calling for Itha to simply "Shut up!" He was rejected soundly.

He decided to continue to try his luck with this particular group and told them of the story of the massacre in his forest retreat from a few months ago, although he specifically left out that he was from there. The goblins loved the story of the bloodbath and found it so fascinating. As Itha finished he saw what appeared to be a guard beating a goblin to death with a pike. The crowd was his again though and so this time he preached on the power of the great Spirit who guided his people.

Again the crowd was raptured by his words, and while he was speaking a troll walked by. The creature gave on good hungry glare at the elf, but before he could do anything he was attacked by Itha's beak dog friends. Itha was disgusted and disturbed as the animals ate the troll alive, but he pressed on

He spoke on the power of the spirit, importance of nature and the value of peace over the sounds of wet slurping and bones breaking as the troll was killed.
The crowd booed him and his sermon as incredibly boring.

Itha decided to move on from this group before he incited them against him and as he left a few more beak dogs joined his entourage. He spent more time conversing with the next crowd and getting to know them including a pikeman who was lounging about, and they all liked him.
Itha shared with each individually about the worthlessness of power and how all authority must be destroyed for the sake of freedom. Shockingly, every single goblin agreed! But when asked about the local government they all insisted that it was a good thing and absolutely refused to have anything to do with an insurrection.

One goblin responded so poorly to the suggestion he attacked Itha, but some of the goblins he had spoken to had taken a liking to him and beat the other one to death in Itha's defense. This was going nowhere fast.
The creatures seemed pliable, but any actual suggestion of seizing freedom caused an intensely negative response.
"I'll simply have to keep trying until I find someone" he thought as he continued south.
In the distance a guard had spent several minutes demanding a cold hunter give his name. "I didn't know they had those up here" Itha thought as the undead goblin totally ignored the guard's repeated shouting.

Itha stood next to a large funerary site. It seemed this cavern area was both a meeting area, a cemetery and garbage dump. He stood next to the large pile of goblin bones and spoke to this new crowd that was laying around next to it.
He railed against the use of power, promoted freedom above all else, and demanded that they overthrow the government. They were similarly angered.

Itha noticed behind them as an elf child.

 The little boy seemed to be playing make believe and was incredibly fat. Itha moved through the crowd and greeted the child, but the boy panicked and screamed "Please don't hurt me!" Just as he said so a goblin next to Itha threw a punch only to be pounced on by a beak dog.

In the distance he saw a group of guards approaching "Hold him there, maggots! That there's a spy!" Most of the crowd ran or simply sat and placed bets, but a few eagerly jumped into conflict as Itha dodged away and the beak dogs feasted.
More beak dogs came to his aid as the guards closed in. The entire cavern room broke out into vicious melee as animals turned on their sapient roommates. Itha saw a guard finish a beak dog off that was near Itha and then cheer himself on the roar of approval from the crowd. Itha decided it was best time to leave

He sprinted as quietly as he could as beak dog and goblin crashed into one another. The trolls seemed wholly disinterested in the match as one beak dog charged into a carpenter and the two went tumbling down into the pits below.

Itha saw a bowman running to catch up to him from behind and goblin citizens blocking his escape as the nearest beak dog was swarmed.

The young, but relentless elf did not falter. He sprinted at full speed and vaulted across the same pit the two unfortunate victims had fallen down and landed on the other side. There were dead goblins by the room's exit as two beak dogs fought.
"Evilgleam! Evilgleam!" Goblins began to shout pointing at one large beak dog that had killed multiple goblins.
Itha slowed at the exit afraid of exhausting himself, but this was a mistake as a silver arrow flew and planted into his back.

The elf who had spent his whole life fleeing from fights and living off plants was bleeding and he was terrified. He ran as quickly as he could as two more arrows flew. Evilgleam was blocking the stairs. It's leg broken it was tearing relentlessly into a clothier.

Itha sprinted past it as an arrow meant for him slammed into the creature's head. He tore through the tunnels and did not stop running until he reached the surface and threw his arms around his unicorn and fled from the pit. As he left the tunnel he heard the goblins cheering "Evilgleam is dead! Evilgleam is dead!"

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King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2023, 05:31:43 am »

You think with how easy it was to get them all to fight each other that they'd love the idea of a revolution, but I guess not.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2023, 08:19:52 am »

Noble steed did bear the maiden across lands
flying across field and meadow and murk

No rest until it reached great forest and bid
"Enter and find your destiny, child"

Forest untamed, Forest unmatched

A forest of light and life
A forest of mystery and darkness

The maiden set forth with only stone knife to shield her

By the time of his escape from the pits of Zomdang, Fiendhorrors in the tongue of the goblin, it wasn't even noon and so Itha set out west to the retreat of Tulipjump to rest and reflect.

Music for ambience: Unlike his home Tulipjump was large enough and saw enough travel to warrant the shaping of a tavern tree. The great wide tree covered a large square area to provide shelter with tables underneath and this was an ideal spot for Itha.

Everyone else present were artists. All elves except one dwarven poet who was reciting before the small group. Itha pulled up a chair while his animal companions played or rested in the field nearby

Where had it gone wrong? Perhaps because they found out he was trying to cause an insurrection? Was that even a valid route as everyone he spoke to seemed deeply loyal to the cause of their race. Perhaps too strong on the messages? They were all visibly irritated and angered by his calls for peace and freedom. "I have to approach it like trade with the humans I've conducted" he mumbled to himself. Humans often brought strange items and made grand claims on them that one could easily be swayed away on and lose quite the treasure to and so one had to rely on a certain fact: There wasn't enough information to know one way or another and coming to a conclusion on so little certainly made one deserve the warning "may the buyer beware".
He'd simply have to try to find another goblin settlement and try again and see how it goes! Fiendhorrors was far too hot right now for him to be at although he intended to check in after a few days to see if things had changed.

Upon his way north when leaving Tulipjump he passed a strange human in one of the trees. She had long silver hair and seemed much too old to be climbing and resting so high and wore a mask. She stopped him and asked him his way and he asked her for directions

This was Lic Neutralauthor's the current leader of the Evil Chaoses masque; which is arguably the most famous troupe of performers in the world. Performers, spies, mercenaries and whatever else they felt like being in the moment.
"You have an artist's voice and a young man's love for freedom, Itha" Lic shared seemingly out of nowhere
"Thank you. I've heard great things of you all that you turned the tides of war against great threats!"
"Why don't you join us? Many elves wish to and we will soon be departing"
Itha looked uncomfortably about from beneath the tree and Lic spoke again "What chain still binds you?"
"It's not a chain. I have to save my people and end the oppression of the Elder Hell. You all go where you please, but I have a duty"
"That is a chain though, young man.  No one mortal can save the world no matter his ego or passion"
Itha was visibly irritated by this "If love for others is a chain to you then it is an acceptable one and if making a difference is a burden to you then it is one I will gladly bear!"
Lic stared at him silently for a moment as he waited to rebut her next argument. She placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face north-east. "There lies the pits of Hexmenace, or Aslotkutsmob in the guttural goblin tongue, if you survive your journey then find us again, hero" The human woman climbed the tree again and went back to her pondering

Iwo's speed as a unicorn was unmatched and they covered the distance in a few hours and reached the pits by near late afternoon. He saw all the wooden towers crowding around one large center one and guessed that was the one he wanted and as he walked closer he ran into two guards on their way to the same. Itha waved at them and introduced himself as they all walked together and Itha made small talk laced with an important question
"Hey who is in charge here?"
"Estrur is our lord. We are unchallenged in all matters"
"Neat! Did you hear the one about the elf and the goblins"
The guards laughed
"Well, I'll see you two in the pit" he said as they descended into the depths and the path split into many tunnels
"See you, buddy!"

Itha actually had no clue where he was going, but he heard a voice talking behind a particular door among many in this tunnel and decided that must be the way. Instead it led to a small room, more of a closet, where a goblin was sitting on the ground.

Itha decided to start with this goblin, but before he could the simply dressed creature pointed a gnarled finger at him and shouted "Identify yourself!"
"Uh. My name is Itha. I've just come in from the forest retreat south-west of here, and what is your name, sir?"
The goblin looked aghast "My name is Estrur and I am the lord of this place! I'll have you know I have defeated many fearsome opponents, elf!"
Itha considered this a stroke of amazing fortune and decided if he could make the goblin calm down he could try to convince him to see the error of his ways!
Itha complimented the goblin's shirt, but the goblin bolted out of the room and ran full speed down the hall. Itha did not want to miss this opportunity and so ran full speed to catch up with the creature. Up and down multiple levels and down different tunnels. He heard footsteps running in different directions and had to simply trust his intuition that this particular set was the one he wanted to follow. As Itha flung a door open to continue Estrur was on the other side and charged at the elf and swung a fist at him that the elf dodged.
"Hey hey wait! There's no need for violence I just wanted to talk to you!"
"I'll show you to mess with me!" the goblin kept swinging at Itha. Itha had only swung his sword once since getting it and still believed he could deescalate the situation and so he instead grabbed the goblin and tried to pin him to the ground.
The goblin kept swinging and swinging and Itha caught blows on his wooden shield. The goblin punched Itha in the chest and Itha scratched his eyes forcing him to close them.
The two continued in desperate struggle for awhile as now the goblin was partially free and trying it's best to kill Itha. Itha felt desperate to protect his own life and grabbed the goblin by it's throat. He squeezed and held there as Estrur slammed his fists against his shield arm again and again before going limp

Itha was hit by a wave of feelings: Guilt, exhilaration, fear, confusion, triumph and he heard more footsteps all around him. Thinking on his feet he tried to hide the body as best he could in his own bag and continued into the tunnels. After all this he had to keep trying and not leave empty handed. His call on the body was a good one as he passed guards who were searching room by room for anything suspicious.

Finally, he reached the commons area of the pit, similar to the last one.

He reached the middle of the room surrounded by a crowd and felt something stir in his spirit. He called as loud as he could using the same sound he used to summon Iwo or one of the bobcats. The call was much more powerful this time as if somehow enhanced and upon doing so every beak dog in the room came sprinting to him and rested obediently at his feet. The nearby goblins turned to regard him with curiosity, suspicion and fear.

Itha feeling led by the power of the moment took Estrur out of his bag and dropped his body on the floor. "Here is your tyrant! He who would keep you from freedom! He is dead! I have done this! Itha Feciciyaba! Take control of your own lives! Break the chains of oppression and be free!"

This time there was no awkward silence. Seeing their dead lord every goblin in the vicinity turned upon Itha to attack him and the beak dogs charged in all directions. He went around this cavern and declared to all he saw what he had done and demanded they seek freedom, but every single one turned to attack him instead. The beak dogs were winning the vicious struggle by a large margin as the crunching of bone, slashing of metal against flesh, crashing of bodies and the wet sound of flesh being bitten into filled the cavern.

An elf stood across from Itha, a poet by all appearances although clothed in goblin-styled apparel, and held his fists aloft. The elf was crying as he gritted his teeth and charged Itha. Itha dodged his blows wanting nothing to do with kin-slaying or killing at all. He wanted these people to embrace freedom!

He dodged again as two beak dogs ran out and attacked the elf. The elf dodged one only to be charged at by another and thrown by the force. He fell off a ledge only barely grabbing it's edge to hold on before he would fall to his doom in the chasm below.

 Itha ran to help the elf and offer a hand, but before he could reach him the elf fell. Itha saw the crying creature reach a hand up desperately towards anything he could grab as he fell into darkness and death below.

The battle continued for awhile with only a few beak dogs dying. Many achieved names that would attract beast hunters from across the lands to hunt them. The few goblin survivors of the cavern were at the edges and Itha left them be. He was tired, but he hoped that if he left and came back in a few days the goblins would have enough time free of oppression that he could direct.
He climbed out of the pits to see the sun setting on the land and Iwo waiting patiently for her rider.


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King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2023, 04:22:04 am »

Goblins sure are an angry bunch.

Also more lore is always good to get.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #57 on: February 11, 2023, 06:36:07 am »

Maiden did wander through forest of bamboo
Guided only by belief and obsidian dagger at her side

As she reached the heart of the forest
Where sun was blotted out by nature

There rose the form of great beast
Only smaller than the greatest of trees

The panda bear looked at her and roared
It raised its claws to strike young maiden

The maiden dropped her knife
She laid her her arms before the bear

It looked upon her and saw her noble heart
And then turned and left

The heart of the forest was now open to the maiden

Itha left by the eastern entrance of the pits seeing it was lightly guarded and had few trenches to climb over, this was likely due to the fact that the only thing east of the settlement was the ocean.
As they left a beak dog rushed out andrubbed it's head against Itha's side affectionately. He recalled a goblin referring to this one as Snunzom.
"I think that translates to Obscurefiends, but I'm not certain and I don't think it would respond to an elvish name"

Itha pet the beast and looked it right in it's eye "Snunzom" he said. It's eye focused on him intently and he could see the loyalty that it had to him. Snunzom would join them as they left and they went north then west from the pits across lands freely logged and poached by the goblins.

They even passed some of the serene forests and meadows that were famous to his people. They were the homeland of Iwo and her kind and it was painful to see many fallen trees or ponds befouled by goblin refuse.

In the distance as they continued west the whole way they could see the dark fortress of the goblin's ruler jutting like a mountain from the frozen north. A constant reminder to all that doom was near

As they crested a hill they discovered a strange sight: A small fort on a hill clearly not of goblin-make
the area around it had been cleared of trees used to build it which only added to Itha's pain and anger. The party of animals and elf approached as Itha considered whether how they could stop these people.
He crept in and heard all sorts of activity coming from a primitive stone building, whose make he didn't recognize from dwarves or humans.
He pushed the door open and was shocked to what he saw

"Elves?!" He exclaimed seeing one of the largest gatherings of his people he could imagine in this day and age. They were still all dressed as his people even the warriors present still wore the traditional wooden armor and weapons, but they were living in murdered trees!

He called to a hunter "Hail kinsman! My name is Itha"
The elf held himself as someone Itha's age "Well met, I'm Athe I don't recognize you"
"I'm not from here. I'm on an important mission to save our lands. Tell me who runs this place?"
"This place is called Comettrees and the Lone Skies built it and own it. Been here about 15 years if I recall right. Etini is the leader here if you wanna speak to her" Athe jerked his thumb in the direction of a very obese elf woman, which was another sight Itha was unfamiliar with in a world of hunter-gatherers
"My thanks." and Itha waved the elf goodbye as he approached the leader.

Etini turned to greet him as he approached "Well, another kinsman come to join us? You get tired of the dogma of our homeland, brother? I'm Etini" She put out a hand in front of him and looked at Itha expectantly. Itha grabbed it and she shook his hand like a human would
"Itha. It's a pleasure. What do you mean by 'dogma'?"
Etini let out a sigh "Ah I shouldn't have assumed. A lot of younger elves have been joining us as we take the fight to the goblins, but the elders consider us radical because we are committed to actually winning this war instead of holding so dearly to peace time values"

Itha felt agitated by the tone of the she-elf when referring to elders "Peace time values? Like protecting the forest that guides us and cradles us when we are young?" Some of the surrounding elves could sense the building conflict and turned to watch
"The forest is wild in these lands, Itha. It won't listen to us anymore-"
"It would if you didn't kill it like our enemies do!"
"No it wouldn't. Don't interrupt me. When we came to these lands it was already in a feral state. Some think it's gone wild from the pain of the goblins, but others think that it's abandoned us as protectors. Giant beasts roam the land and kill anyone they find, elves included. Do you remember the undead hordes from the patterned images?"

"Yes. The queen told me we could not do anything about the goblins as the undead still pillaged our lands"
"Some decades ago my home was taken by them. They killed many elves and made those who didn't flee watch as they poured corruption and hate entire the region. Magic was sapped away from the land as the Spirit left us and I was among those who fled."
Most of the room was listening solemnly now and Etini looked incredibly sad as she continued
"Here in these wounded lands the wilds would not tolerate us, and without help we would have surely perished and so facing certain death we did something unforgiveable: We cut trees down. Once we started it became easier until we cut down everything we needed. Human and dwarven scouts from the south showed us some basic stone cutting and laboring and we have been here since. Only this year did we send an expedition of our people to reclaim our lost forest retreat and from here we fight the goblin beast hunters, raiders and snatchers"

Itha felt pity for her "You became jaded. You desensitized yourself to the forest like a wolf leaving it's pack"
"Maybe. We're the only one's doing anything though. You might look at this place and see all the dead trees, but realize that there wouldn't be any forest out here at all without us. We alone have stopped the encroachment of the goblins and their reckless hate." She turned her gaze upon Itha and stared intently into his eyes
"Perhaps we aren't the ones who are wrong. Nature is about balance, Itha. New trees can't grow in the shadows of old and wait patiently in the soil for the older ones to fall. I think that we can protect nature without crippling our people or living as survivalists."
Some of the other elves clapped for Etini as she finished. Itha stood silently for a moment conflicted between pity and anger
"I will stop the goblins" he whispered"
"I have come to stop them. With my voice and words I will get them to turn on their rulers and they will bother us no more!"
Etini started laughing and a few others joined "You can't be serious?"
"I am! When that day comes all of you can abandon these misguided ways and return to our ways we have been called"
Etini laughed even harder and more joined although some elves regarded Itha with serious looks. Itha turned to leave.
"When you inevitably turn tail and run just know that there's a bunch of Giant Ticks to the south that have been known to drain a man dry so try a different route" she said laughing.

Itha left, but before leaving the fort itself he climbed it's highest tower to look north. The dark fortress of Riddlehates loomed over the land. Itha could feel a chill although he wasn't sure if it was a draft from the north or the fortress itself.
He would continue north to his destiny whether it be doom or victory.

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« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 06:50:33 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #58 on: February 12, 2023, 03:01:11 am »

So it's good that conflicting values actually just causes them to all kill each other.
That certainly makes things easier.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2023, 07:01:28 am »

One moon later
Did the maiden return

Cruel and cold
her people didn't know she left

She stood before them
Skin glowing radiant
eyes of green fire
hair like a roaring inferno

She spoke of a new way
She spoke of a new home

Many followed her
ensorcelled by beauteous voice and authority

The ones who were deaf to beauty
fought the traitors who sought new life
but were undone and driven away

There in harsh cold they bitterly cursed
Acithi Roarsportents Queen of the Elves


The Named Glacier was harsh, bland and foreboding. Endless drifts of snow and ice everywhere with constant blizzards reducing visibility to night time levels. One would spend hours upon hours with nothing to see except for snow and nothing to do except push on through bitter blizzards. If and when cover broke, usually only for minutes, the only landmark visible in any direction was the dark stone fortress of Riddledhates.
Iwo trotted through the snow unbothered, but Itha knew the great steed preferred greener pastures.

As they continued forward they began hitting goblin roadwork. It occurred to Itha that this might be why they dug their nonsensical trenches in the south. They had no purpose there, but here they formed important roads and shelters from the endless assault of the land.
The next thing he noted was how large the settlement was. In fact, it seemed as if all the goblin settlements including the city built in and around Riddledhates were all connected! Although he reached the goblin village of Ghoulentrances it was very much a part of every other settlement and the transition from one to the next was completely unnoticeable as borders interlapped.

Ghoulentrances was the best way in for him as he assumed walking directly into Riddledhates from the south would immediately tell them he was an enemy. The towers here were all made of ice and as he made his way underground he found that every single bit of it was just carved ice

Most of the goblins within this pit didn't want to speak with him as they scratched around through ice, refuse piles, and burial sites looking for something, but one goblin off to the side was sitting by himself and watching. Itha introduced himself
"Olngo Susalkutsmob" he said laying his red eyes upon Itha without moving his head
"You new here? They're looking for anything of value. You're on the outskirts of the city, elf. You either find a means to get back in to warmer parts, go south or die"
"er. Yeah I'm from Hexmenaces. So does no one keep things in order here?" Itha was wary of accidentally revealing too much especially since he knew so little of the goblin culture or knowledge of them
"Oh yes. There's always someone in charge" Olngo said ominously "The leader rules this trash heap. He takes the best bits for himself and handles any troublemakers. What's the word from Hexmenaces? Too warm there for me" The goblin focused his gaze intently on Itha now
"That's terrible! What kind of trouble does he handle that he can't do anything for his people digging through the trash! Hexmenaces was fine last I was there at least"
Olngo gave a brief laugh that sounded like a croak "There's only one way up in this world, elf. War. If you want more you take it from someone else. Whether the weaklings in the south or the leaders here. The weak scrounge through the garbage or become stronger and take what they want."
"I'm not saying war doesn't have it's place, but I just don't see why that is a necessary way to live. Why does one have to hoard all the riches when he probably can't even carry it all?"
"There's never enough to go around in this world and it's best that it goes to the strong. Let the weak suffer." The goblin's voice grew colder "Speaking of. I hear that there was an insurrection at Hexmenaces just the other day. Lots of death. What would you know about that?"

As the goblin finished a, relatively, richly dressed goblin strutted towards Itha while trailed by two guards. The goblin lord smiled "Hello spy." and the guards drew weapons. Itha ducked and sprinted around groups to get away, being far faster than armored goblins. He was still likely to be cornered soon and felt like an idiot that he had not considered that the goblins would begin to know who he was.
He reached the beak dog pin and sang his elvish call and the beasts looked at him with affection and then the goblins and trolls behind him with frenzy. The battle played out like in the other pits. Goblins, trolls and dogs fell into pits as they tore into one another. The beak dogs came out on top very literally tearing the goblin lord apart limb by limb.

Itha began to wonder if "Speaker of the Forest" was inaccurate and he was really meant to be a druid. Very likely it was too late to infiltrate the goblins, but he had not given up. The creatures seemed irredeemably bloodthirsty and unworthy, but their beasts were accepting of the song of the forest. Itha decided to bring the whole pack of beak dogs with him as he climbed the ice tower back to the surface.

He continued due east further away from the heart of the city where the goblins would surely expect him to go and instead went to the very outskirts of the city to it's furthest pit.
This one was quiet compared to the others and diverse. Elves, dwarves, even a few humans quietly walked amongst goblins and trolls. Everyone was quiet and secretive. This suited Itha fine although he did stand out with his pack of beak dogs with him. He began claiming to be a beast hunter and these were his hunting animals. Not a far fetched claim for goblins.

As he walked along the wall of the pit thinking of what to do a hand grabbed him and pushed him against the wall harshly. His beak dogs growled as the hand turned him around and a face pressed near to his. A fellow elf dressed in goblin garb.


"For a kinsman you lack a surprising amount of grace. Every goblin in the Elder Hells has heard your trampling feet and your brash words" Her tone was harsh, but not hostile. While Itha was offended by her words he was also equally missing interactions with his own people.
"Hey I've been very successful so far! The pits I've been to fell into total chaos even if they didn't want it!"
"They have indeed, but one of them has already returned to the control of the Elder Hells, who is now looking for an elven spy in their lands making my job that much more difficult." she let him go "Ameli Forileameli and you are Itha Feciciyaba"
"How do you know me? Can you help me? I want to find a way to get into the city!"
"The spirits are on your side, dear Itha. The queen had me stationed here to watch our ancestral enemy. Getting into the city is hard, but you have a chance. There's a troupe here in town, surprising that the goblins do have some sense of art although it is primitive. The Rhyming Lies come out here looking for talent. They will return to Riddledhates soon and you must be part of them when they do!"
"Will I not look suspicious to them?"
She shook her head "No. This pit is for outcasts and criminals from the city to hide and even criminals from southern lands often hide here. If you are accepted by them no one will question your entry to the city. Go! They are not in this common area, but have rooms above."

Itha left and his heart wondered if he could convince the elf to join him on his journey through these cruel lands. As he walked he would stop and whisper in the ears of stray beak dogs wandering the pit to bring them over to his side if anything went wrong.
He spoke with each member of the Rhyming Lies and each one told him no "Never heard of you kid. Keep practicing and making a name for yourself and come ask us again"
"If I used my real identity they would know who I was" He thought to himself. After being denied by the final one he threw his hands up in surrender and left to find Ameli and update her.

He returned to the spot she was in earlier to find her dead in a pool of her own blood.

He stood mouth agape for many moments, but then began to stumble away barely thinking. It occurred to Itha that he needed to put distance between himself and the elf, but the death was still shocking to him.

He stumbled past and bumped into a goblin who grabbed his arm. Itha looked at the peasant who had a vicious look and he realized he was surrounded by guards and the lord of the pits "Been looking for you, spy."

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