• Engineers can't 'vent' into/out-of Outside Spaces.
Outside spaces are 3 spaces long as opposed to the surrounding being 5 spaces long. There
needed to be a rule about this, as they don't line up!
• Added rule incase of 'spawn blocking' by afk players.
• Removed wall slots from in-front of teleporters. Too much to gain for too little cost.
These were
needed to allow 5+ player to function.
• Added statement that you get to make 2 units before claiming any armories.
This was
needed as since it was missing, it was implied you cannot make any units!
• Any number of Cheetah Players may register the same Hippo Player.
needed to be a clarification if you can register multiple or not, as NQT asked. But the intention was always that you can.
• Hurt is an Action: All formerly 'Once per Unit' actions are now also 1AP.
This was
needed to make the game scale better at larger unit counts. (It also makes the game more intuitive for new players.)
• Extra Turns: Additional turns can now be taken by Cheetah and Hippo players, borrowing AP from their next turn in increments of 2.
• You can now build 1 beacon for every armory you own, which now gives +2AP. Supplemental to Extra Turns update.
The goal of this session was to allow daily and hourly turns to coexist. This update was
needed to allow hourly turns to more faithfully fit their name.
(I didn't see any reason to add an exception for daily turns to not be able to take them aswell.)
• The Extra Turn requirement, that only one unit may be used, does not apply to Soldiers following with the Marching Ability.
This was
needed for Extra Turns and the marching ability to coexist, the lack of making ETs inferior for no reason.
• Beacons and Armories are solid, you cannot move onto them.
needed to be a clarification if you can move onto these or not, as NQT asked. But the intention was always that you cannot.