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Author Topic: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Ended  (Read 34565 times)


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #345 on: April 03, 2023, 07:25:53 pm »

I totally forgot that crimes could happen.  I don't really play that side of the game much.  This is amazing.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #346 on: April 03, 2023, 09:11:26 pm »

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Cratormanor, a tavern on top of a volcano.

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The entrance site will be a grand bridge spanning an artifical caldera. first modest steps:
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A season passes. Work and not much else. A few goats. It's the top of a volcano what do you expect?

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The traders give us plump helmets and some steel bars for trinkets.

Below, the caverns are found at 138z and 146z respectively. numerous plants and *thank god* water. However dank, we shall drink, this cavern lake, kind of stinks.

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A small workshop space and storeroom were quickly formed. Multicolored fungal wood, chopped into logs, began to pour into storage. Winter arrived. No snow.. This is the World of Bones after all.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 01:32:20 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #347 on: April 05, 2023, 07:23:05 am »

Volcano goats.  Very rare.   Are they good eating?
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #348 on: April 05, 2023, 03:08:45 pm »

Volcano goats.  Very rare.   Are they good eating?

none have yet been captured. they spend their strange goat lives peering at us suspiciously from the cliffs


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #349 on: April 06, 2023, 05:17:25 am »

Aaah, an architectural endeavor in Dwarf Fortress. I wish you the best of luck!
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #350 on: April 06, 2023, 11:19:04 am »

Finally done! I only figured out last night how I wanted to close this.

12.9 TowerEnded 1110-12

All dwarfs that have the slightest bit of military skill, including those caring for small children, have been drafted. With this otherwise-unthinkable measure, we’ve managed to increase our military to 35 dwarves, grouped in four squads. Crossbows, axes, swords, and hammers all then travel to FrayMaligned, in a desperate bid to rescue our four imprisoned kin.

1110.01.19 What we found was terrible beyond our worst nightmares:

Three of our four captured dwarves stood on FrayMaligned’s fortifications, flanking the centuries-old monster that is Smunstu MenaceTempt like an honor guard would flank a sovereign. They’re fully kitted out, in our masterwork armor and weapons: these are no mere prisoners, these are traitors. We can’t see their faces, but Smunstu is grinning widely.

The shock is great; we know these people well, after all. Axe-dwarf WarmRacks, leader of the First Axes, has fought and killed the giantess Stratab ClimaxHale the Impervious Sports in defense of TowerEnded. Spear-dwarf BaldCopper, leader of the spear squad, is one of our treasured heroes: it was he who delivered the death blow to Pestrat PerplexedBrain. Cerol EmeraldShield had always presented herself as a consummate warrior, and had served in the army since her arrival in 1103.

This could have been the end of TowerEnded, then and there. A successful defense by the goblins, aided by our newly-revealed traitors, could have wiped out all our forces. Then TowerEnded could have been attacked and overrun before it could train a new military. But the leader of this attack was Adil SnakeLancers, and Adil has always been a practical dwarf.

It was incomprehensible that all these people had suddenly turned traitor; but nonetheless, it was also clear that they were now traitors. So that is what Adil would address. He and about two thirds of his troops faced Smunstu, and prepared for her attacks, be they in combat or with words.

Adil had already spread out those of his troops that were best at ambushes, while he and the rest took on the dangerous task of being the loud and highly visible distraction. So it was in these scattered troops that he placed his faith for the first encounter.

And place it well he did. Just as Smunstu opened her mouth for some doubtlessly cruel taunt, dwarves spring out of ambush.

Hammerer SpinSack falls upon speardwarf BaldCopper, and pulps his head in one strike; the traitor never stood a chance. Axe-dwarf WarmRacks soon follows, though she at least receives enough of a fore-warning to put up a fight:

Adil’s group doesn’t stand idle: they charge the massed trolls, and scythe through their ranks:

Marksdwarf TautCanyons, former mayor of TowerEnded between 1107 and 1108, finds herself with several clear shots on Smunstu; the goblin manages to parry or dodge a few, as expected of such a skilled warrior, but eventually all luck runs out, and bolts begin to strike true:

The last to die is Cerol EmeraldShield; being ‘merely’ a master spear-dwarf, she was left for last, after the legendary weapon-lords.

By the end of the day, all living beings in FrayMaligned had either died, fled, or hid well enough that the invading dwarves could not find them. Still in shock after witnessing such betrayal, the dwarves leave the Dark Fortress at sundown; it’s best to avoid the burning sun for the trip.

They arrive in TowerEnded three days later. The news of Smunstu’s death is drowned out by the shock of treason. The entire fort is abuzz with rumors and theories. The three were barely imprisoned in mid-winter, how was it possible for them to have turned against us by early spring? Were Smunstu’s skills sufficient to turn loyal dwarves into her puppets? Or, the worst possibility, they have always been spies and traitors, and we have been deceived?

The entire fort is gripped by indecision and paranoia; even the necessity of training is put under doubt: is it of any use, when we may well train our own death? Thankfully, cooler heads prevail, and point out that traitors have already shown their colors; in two battles already, dwarves have had the option to switch sides, and they have not.

The army’s training regimen is resumed; it will be held to the highest standards. And I, as mayor, order the crafting of 9 more adamantine axes; this is how many we can now make, from our remaining stocks of the priceless metal. Additionally, all iron is to be smelted into steel, and all steel is to be made into armor; the heavier logs will be selected from caverns and surface, and burnt for coal. The new parents are retained in military service, and the 20 trainees who volunteered last year are once again confirmed to be excused from all other work.

The Fortress is gearing for war. We will engage in a third attack, as soon as we can. Udib FigureDrinkers, slayer of Maga DeepSubtle, was not seen in the spring attack; is she dead, or was she still prisoner in some hidden nook of the Fortress? And if she was still a prisoner in early spring, perhaps Smunstu’s poisonous influence has not corrupted her. As long as there is a possibility to rescue even one loyal dwarf, we will attempt to do so.

Mid-spring brings 5 new migrants; makes perfect sense, given we recently lost 21 citizens -- or, well, 25. Unfortunately, they are all mostly unskilled, which means they’ll be doomed to a life of hauling, military, or silk collection in the now-secure second cavern.

They did bring news that FrayMaligned has bounced back from its multiple attacks; instead of dropping, its population has somehow increased, from ~30 to ~40 inhabitants:

This baffles us in turn; we know damn well the fortress is mostly populated by trolls and beak dogs, and any civilized creatures have been killed already. By all rights, FrayMaligned should be on the brink of being deserted.

We could dismiss the new numbers as brazen lies, but that doesn’t seem likely; FrayMaligned, for all its decayed state and dubious political decisions, is a major trade hub for this entire quarter of the world. It’s not really possible to fake a population increase, especially if you’re trying to pretend 0 inhabitants are actually 40.

The worst possible option (for us) would be that goblins have swiftly repopulated FrayMaligned, drawing from their scattered possessions: caves, camps, conquered hamlets, and so on. Perhaps it’s in retaliation for our own attacks; perhaps it was always intended to do so, after the losses it incurred against humans. Either way, we grimly prepare for war.

: The Dishonesties of Soot have come to lay siege: 50-odd human and goblin invaders, which is an important detail, because the Dishonesties of Soot aren’t supposed to have any humans. Seems like the ‘conquered hamlet’ assumption is proven correct.

They all die very quickly. It’s clear they are not used to their armor; it took them four days to arrive from the slopes of the mountain to the fort’s entrance. The Dishonesties of Soot have thoroughly scraped the bottom of the barrel for this siege.

We will repay them with the same coin, though with much better troops.

Six more migrants have arrived; like the spring ones, these too are completely unskilled. This dashed my hopes that I could fill the vacancies in the non-axe squads from migrants; or at all, for that matter, since I doubt TowerEnded will ever train anything other than axe-dwarves.

1110.06.20 After what feels like too many delays, the four squads reach FrayMaligned. It is, once again, mostly empty.

Udib FigureDrinkers, former Hero of TowerEnded and slayer of the Forgotten Beast Maga DeepSubtle the Spidery Menace of Curses, was found scrambling to defend the place; she was screaming futilely at a mob of trolls, trying in vain to organize them.

She was killed without fanfare by hammer-dwarf Logem LanternGroup.

Like last time, the troops scoured the place and killed all they could find. But something was visibly missing: there was no burning hatred driving them, or righteous indignation. The dwarves were merely going through the motions, and left for TowerEnded at nightfall.

The shock of spring has curdled into a sort of bitter apathy. Goblins have repopulated FrayMaligned, again, but there was no more will to contest their positions. Even after we were attacked again, in the spring of 1111, it was impossible to drive citizens to vengeance.

Instead, TowerEnded has begun to look only inward; an isolationist current gripped the fort. The military would be maintained, but only for defense. All missing positions in squads were filled, and novices trained alongside legendaries.

Only one sortie has ever left TowerEnded, to check on the tomb of InchedFence; and here the Sword-Lord himself was the driving force. There are no living creatures in it, and no possessions to be found. The tomb is truly empty.

There was still the matter of all the thieves that occasionally show up. In here, opinion has shifted too, and the concept of executing caught thieves has become predominant. I don’t disagree when the thieves are undead, but I still hold some doubt if this should be applied to any living creatures.

As 1112 turns, I come to the uncomfortable realization that I am no longer the mayor this fort needs. I will serve the remainder of my term, but I will refuse any further nominations. It’s time for a new leader, with a new direction; perhaps Nil TautCanyons will be chosen again, to improve the lives of all citizens? Perhaps it will be someone entirely new? I do not know, but I’m willing to find out.

The dwarves of TowerEnded never found out how corrupt Risen ‘Mother 01’ ClaspCat had gotten; and with the new policy of immediate undead murder, they likely never will. Her eldest child is all grown up, and wants to start his own family. Her youngest is nearing 5 years old by now, and has no memory of his father.

Two more corrupt dwarves were never found in TowerEnded. One was Cerol EmeraldShield, who was flattered into treason by the undead human Vanod MasterStabs. Vanod was imprisoned and later murdered, while Cerol died in combat, so the whole thing is moot. The other was one Urdim WhippedSevere, who helped Ngokang BluntHells steal The Profane Hall, artifact goblin bone scepter; nobody wants the creepy thing back, so no real investigation took place.

Onget SearchHatchet is fine, and so is the Onslaught of Fogs that he’s hiding from everybody else. On one hand, he likes the safety provided by TowerEnded; on the other hand, he’d like to actually wear the artifact, and now he sure can’t do that. He’s pretty conflicted on what to do.

Ral WheelStakes stepped out of mayoring, and kinda faded into obscurity. He never joined the military, despite his affinity for it (because it’s a bloomin’ nightmare to send nobles in raids, they lose all their rooms, and it’s such a hassle…)

There were two apocryphal attempts to raze FrayMaligned; they both ended in disaster. And it's extremely frustrating, because FrayMaligned is not supposed to be populated by anything capable of mounting such a devastating defense; there's only trolls in there, for crying out loud!

And lastly, Etur WireFierce, Goblin queen of Dwarves, still reigns in EctoTomes. It was her who inserted agents into TowerEnded, and who commanded them to join with Etur’s ally Smunstu MenaceTempt in a last gamble to break TowerEnded’s spirit. The four 'traitors' have always been loyal to the Cudgel of Time, it’s just that Queen Etur is playing games.

I don’t have the remaining time, and possibly the writing chops, to finish plotting this in detail, or to write her suitably epic epilogue. I'd really like to, though; I have some ideas I'd like to incorporate - that it really was a gamble on Etur's part because it could have also turned TowerEnded into a rogue faction, that Etur doesn't think of this as any sort of "super-sneaky oh-so-smart"; as far as she's concerned, that's just how you live life, that Smunstu and Etur both underestimated just how killy dwarves are... it was not a case of "Just as Planned (TM)", there really were multiple ways this plot could have ended, and in a real sense Etur was also very lucky. The missing piece is how would she justify to her four agents that they need to go against TowerEnded; I got nothing on that.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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King Zultan

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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #351 on: April 07, 2023, 03:36:08 am »

Dang that's a lot of dwarves turning against your fort, I haven't heard of that happening before.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #352 on: April 07, 2023, 04:04:41 am »

epic journal!! cannot believe you set out and actually defeated Smuntsu the Terror.

And lastly, Etur WireFierce, Goblin queen of Dwarves, still reigns in EctoTomes. It was her who inserted agents into TowerEnded, and who commanded them to join with Etur’s ally Smunstu MenaceTempt in a last gamble to break TowerEnded’s spirit. The four 'traitors' have always been loyal to the Cudgel of Time, it’s just that Queen Etur is playing games.

Queen Etur pulls all the strings. unless I'm mistaken Etur is the same queen who instated herself as such after a bloody, traitorous coup. I wouldn't be surprised if nearly every fortress played so far has had some kind of ... treachery. Of course, your example is a great one. Bravo!

It is rather curious that 100 stupid trolls have managed to maintain their sweaty grip on Fraymaligned despite multiple expeditions.


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #353 on: April 07, 2023, 10:04:07 am »

Dang that's a lot of dwarves turning against your fort, I haven't heard of that happening before.

They really haven't, as far as I can tell. In Legends, they're always listed as 'prisoners'. But when the raid arrived in FrayMaligned, it killed off everything in the target location, regardless if it was resident or prisoner. I decided to role-play it as dwarves thinking the prisoners committed treason.

It's not always the case, I had successful rescues in private plays, and I'm sure another happened in a community play; either SmithSoldier, or SmallHands.

Queen Etur pulls all the strings. unless I'm mistaken Etur is the same queen who instated herself as such after a bloody, traitorous coup. I wouldn't be surprised if nearly every fortress played so far has had some kind of ... treachery.

The one and only; she's been ruling for 50-odd years now.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 10:06:04 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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brewer bob

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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #354 on: April 07, 2023, 10:31:27 am »

Dang that's a lot of dwarves turning against your fort, I haven't heard of that happening before.

They really haven't, as far as I can tell. In Legends, they're always listed as 'prisoners'. But when the raid arrived in FrayMaligned, it killed off everything in the target location, regardless if it was resident or prisoner. I decided to role-play it as dwarves thinking the prisoners committed treason.

It's not always the case, I had successful rescues in private plays, and I'm sure another happened in a community play; either SmithSoldier, or SmallHands.

At least the wiki states that prisoners "can join civilizations that captured them, so your next raid to the same site can be met with your own armor-clad legendary warriors as defenders, leading to unexpected fun." So, perhaps they actually did commit treason? Or would that have shown in Legends if they joined the civ that captured them?

Speaking of prisoners, I've got a vague recollection that when missions were introduced, I rescued a couple of prisoners who were not from my civ. They then petitioned for asylum or something (can't remember the word used) and eventually became citizens. That's the only time I've had that happen. Any idea if that still happens in 0.47.05? Tried to search for info, but no luck.


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #355 on: April 09, 2023, 04:40:11 am »

I'm not sure. I have such little experience with raids, to this day...


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Things are not great here at Sulusdeduk, or Cratermanor the mountaintop hotel. Our stocks were unexpectedly consumed under mysterious circumstances. This was discovered after a number of the food barrels, assumed to be full of cured meats and fruity drinks, were cracked open only to reveal cobwebs and hoary marmot toenails. A scam by the caravan outfitter?

We all agreed, we would have a knife for him if we ever made it back to the mountainhome.

So the morning was spent catching and eating small rats. The lice gave an interesting texture, to be sure, but the energy would be needed. A cautious search through the caverns for edible tubers commenced, not without success. Soon, our larder was filled with all the classics: plump helmets, cave wheat, pig tails...

Crundles used this moment to invade our surface workshops. Fierce little creatures, but careless too, and they were easily throttled by our miners and masons.

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We discovered a magma pool, to the northwest of the actual volcano. Potentially useful, but for now, just another hazard.

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The metalsmith was beset by creeping eyes, aggressive and threatening and very, very creepy.

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In order to collect the neccesary silk and tubers and wood, we would need to maintain an outpost in the caverns. Space was dedicated for storage and workshops, and bridge-gates and cage traps set up. We were feeling pretty safe when spring rolled around.

A migrant carpenter seized the workshop, demanding wood and cloth... which we provided... but they insisted on something else. Something more specific. No matter what we could not procure this obscure, unknown cloth or wood... and this carpenter went insane, beserk, and was cut down by our axefighter Zefon.

Another horrible accident occurred when the metalsmith was accidentally locked into the newly muddied farms. Busy with other tasks, no dwarf was nearby to hear his screams for help, and he died of dehydration despite being surrounded by moist, muddied farms.

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A large communal crypt was established near the second caverns.

Progress continues on the surface. Seven seasons have passed since we settled Cratermanor.


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #356 on: April 09, 2023, 07:17:55 pm »

No food?   ???
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #357 on: April 09, 2023, 07:27:58 pm »

Got to get those foodstocks.

Also realised im up next and i have time. Looking forward to adventuring the wasteland of bones
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #358 on: April 11, 2023, 01:32:49 am »

In the autumn of 1114, the mountainhome caravan arrived. We traded crafts for metal bars. It was recently revealed the map lacked all metals, and the only varieties of rock were grey, and black.

It was decided to accent the construction with cavern wood, seeing as there was little color-stone to work with.

Then, the lobster Radavi arrived. A crustacean horribly large, with webs... I was slow and the dwarves were slower, and soon the creature was upon us in the central staircase.

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Many died, caught in the webs, however one of our fighters landed a lucky blow and collapsed the thorax of the arboreal death lobster or whatever this thing was.

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The dwarves were buried, and the lobster husk was saved for purposes of adornment. We would show this off to curious visitors - see what we lived through.

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Places made for statues. Construction about as smooth as can be.


Another year passed without event. The entire cavern was stripped of wood, and the majority sent to the surface to be used as flooring.

Then, Smesp arrived. A gila monster, poisonous and slavering, descended upon the woodcutters. Our ill-equipped military was sent to delay the creature as we shut the gates.

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But, yet again, the gates failed to close in time, and half our fortress was already en-route to pick up wood near the monster's hunting grounds. Our entire squad was wiped out (Zefon dodged for a few rounds before the poison took him down). The citizens were left to fight in vengeful waves, climbing over the bloodied cave moss to attempt to damage the gila monster. Eventually, the creature tired and bled from the many cuts and tears inflicted by dwarven tooth.

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Even our cavy pup helped, and technically appeared as the last hit in the combat report, suggesting that this lone cavy pup is technically responsible for the death of Smesp. However I couldn't confirm this in-game.

This elation soon turned to horror as the body count was revealed. Two dozen dead, and twice that wounded in some capacity, some seriously paralyzed... there was little that could be done by the remaining dwarves and many more died from infection in the following month. This was followed by many mental breaks and generalized discontent. Soon the tantrums began, and then everything unraveled after that. The few sane dwarves cursed this land and left, taking the cavy pup and animals and retreated south across the deserts, towards the mountainhomes.

This was the sorry end of Cratormanor.

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i like to live dangerously, and i am usually punished for it. this case was no exception - I foolishly imagined some wrestlers would keep me safe.

Not much in the way of artifacts but the fact our cavy pup landed the killing blow on a Gila Monster forgotten beast is great.

save here:


brewer bob

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Re: The World Of Bones - Succession World - Players Wanted!
« Reply #359 on: April 11, 2023, 04:06:41 am »

Another legendary animal in the World of Bones, it seems. A duck, a cavy pup and were there some others? Maybe a fort dedicated to the worship and preservation of the history of these legendary creatures is in order?
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