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Author Topic: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid -Epilogue- [Playtest Over] [4/4]  (Read 11627 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #225 on: September 18, 2023, 05:28:09 pm »

I don't really have it in me to do any conversation now so A.


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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #226 on: September 18, 2023, 06:36:46 pm »

T1000 and Sven the Prototype (Day 5: 2nd Opportunity)

I don't really have it in me to do any conversation now so A.
(All good, processing your turn in priority to catch up.)

A - Ask advice to the Supervisor.

Following your suggestion Sven called for the Supervisor, Yoshida. A man of mature age with sparse traces of grey hair arrived within the next quarter. He wore square glasses with a chrome frame, and sported a black goatee.

"Hello Sven. It is rather unusual for you to call me outside of your daily check-ups. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Hello Supervisor. I require your assistance to understand the concept of love."

"Oh, I didn't think you would take this subject to heart. Colour me pleasantly surprised."

He drew a pen from his chest pocket and started taking notes on a small notebook. Sven started recounting the past hours of self-study, mentioning your helpful assistance in that matter. He finally ended with a question.

"Supervisor, is there something about my condition that makes me lacking?"

"Don't worry Sven. You aren't lacking in any way, you are perfectly healthy and curious to boot. That's a good thing at your age. But, ah, knowing you that won't suffice for an answer won't it? How about this then. Attraction is derived from a fizzy cocktail of chemical reactions in your brain, based on criteria that vary from person to person. Your brain is perfectly able to produce that fizzy cocktail, the machinery is all working in order see?"

He took from a large folder MRI scans and EEGs of Sven's brain. It was indeed normal, save for the blatant biochip in his left hemisphere. Sven's eyes focused on that chip, which Yoshida noticed.

"And of course, your biochip is working in tip top shape. Science has progressed a lot, you know how commonplace they are becoming right? Even I had one implanted before I met my wife! I still got a little bald spot from the surgery. Nowadays they don't even leave a scar, crazy hmm?"

"Supervisor. What if... nevermind. How did you meet your wife?"

Sven stopped himself short of asking "what if my biochip was removed", but didn't dare to. He instead changed the subject and found a way to gather some real life account for a change. Two birds in one stone.


Having some work to do still, the Supervisor left after recounting his love story, which dated from before the spread of the Matchmaker system. He was then just a student in AI and neuroscience, and his wife was a teacher. A fairly standard, if still interesting story.

Sven pondered his nature, a bit in a crisis of identity. He wanted to understand more, understand himself and his limits.

Regarding Sven's brain implant, it allowed him to interface with technology. If it had any other purpose, that purpose was hidden.


A - Search for a way to remove the chip.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: Sven will focus on that subject before thinking about love.

B - Stop thinking about the chip, and focus on exploring new ways of understanding love.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: any of the previous opportunities may be selected. Or something else.

Spoiler: Sven the Prototype (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: T1000 (ORHA) (click to show/hide)

Maximum Spin

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #227 on: September 18, 2023, 08:25:25 pm »

B, and go talk to his online acquaintances. He should discuss love with Rimm and Archie to learn about their direct experience, but he should also talk to the people he doesn't know as well, to try forming new connections.


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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #228 on: September 19, 2023, 05:25:38 am »

Update 23

AXIUS and Janus the Monster Secretary (Day 5: 3rd Opportunity)


Going to direct him to option A.

A - Try to gather information about that place.
Success roll (vs 2): [1] -Failure-

Even with the entire might of the Arwell Group at their disposal, David and Janus couldn't find any meaningful information about the mysterious mansion where Abigail location had been traced. From that there was one sure thing: Abigail had gotten involved deeply with Teanossa, for bad or good.

With each passing hour, it felt like Abigail was getting further away from their reach, as if the time was running. Was it their imagination, or were they close to the truth?

"Abigail... what mess did you get yourself into... Janus, we are running out of time. I will bust out some old security contacts. I have a bad feeling about this."

"I'm with you, no matter what. I'm not letting Abi get the jump on us."

Either way, Janus and David felt out of time. They had to act now, or never.


A - Head to the mansion, ready for anything.
Acceptance: Default Option
Outcome: it will be dangerous. Someone will get hurt, or even die.

B - Contact the Teanossa family, at least what remains of it.
Acceptance: 100%
Success chance: 70% (30% (Base) + 40% (Speech+Charisma))
Success: will learn more about that mansion and its current owner. The Teanossa will be involved.
Failure: won't learn anything. The Teanossa will be involved.

Soulbinder and Helena the Clone Heiress (Day 5: 3rd Opportunity)

Soulbinder didn't answer for a few minutes, trying to process a means of handling the revelation without further stressing out his charge or putting their life in danger. Still, a confrontation was not just needed, but required in these circumstances. he looked to helena, meeting her gaze calmly. ”I do not think we can ignore this. We have to contact her. however, doing so in person carries intolerable amounts of risk, especially given her actions. I propose we attempt to reach out to her indirectly. You do posess information with which to contact her, correct? Allow me to serve as a relay.”
Offer to attempt contact with Helene, acting to maintain anonymity as best as possible while they communicated. Let Helena decide how she should confront her sister, or if she should at all. Do not under any circumstance allow Helena to come to harm.

E - Anonymously contact Helene.

Helena's eyes reflected your calm gaze. She closed her eyes after listening to your answer.
"So be it."

The broken heiress was now silently working, her golden figure seemed ephemereal, like an illusion. Even to an AI like you, it felt like her existence was flickering between life and death. She shared with you various communication codes that should have been used to contact Helene. None succeeded.

"There is... one last way. But we will lose all cover of anonimity."

She took out a ring from her ring finger, handing it to you. Of course unable to grab it, you scanned it but were blocked by an encrypted password, that Helena immediately shared with you: the genetic ID code of Helene.

It was a special frequency of a level of security rivaling the highest levels of the System. Before you could decide whether or not to activate it, the ring activated by itself. From the owner of the sister ring.

A sinister, enchanting laugh filled the room.
"Did you think I wouldn't notice or recognize the pattern of these communication attempts? Amusing."

"!... Helen-"

"Silence" said a voice filled with venomous contempt. Time stood still.

"From your lofty abode, do you think a single word you would say would reach me? If you have something to say, come to me. I will be waiting, Helena."


The communication ended abruptly. Helena fell to her knees, trembling, cursing her own weakness. She raised her head with the expression of a doll of glass about to shatter, but still holding on by some miracle. It lasted a moment, before all feelings disappeared from her visage, resigned.

"I will meet her, face to face. I... am only reaping what I sowed. This is something I should have done a long time ago."

/!\ Without the use of an Override Point, it won't be possible to prevent Helena from meeting Helene. You may suggest that she attempts the meeting accompanied or not.

A - Go and meet Helene.
Acceptance: Default Option
Outcome: Will lead to further choices involving Helene. Will lead to opportunities to use the Very-High Security Secrets. The parties involved in the search for the culprit may enter play.

Beep Boop and Mason the Old Vet (Day 5: 3rd Opportunity)

"I give you even odds you could take them all out on your own. Do you like those odds?"

D - Have Mason suggest he rushes in, solo.
Success Roll (vs 5): [4]

"That might as well mean 100%!"

[Mason: Hey leader. I got an idea, but you will have to trust me. Send me in, alone. The rest of you then take care of the exit points.]

[Heather: Are you out of your mind Mason? We have no concrete intel on what to find here, do you have a death wish?]

[Dan: Well he usually does so...]

[Karl: Enough with the chitchat. I'm counting on you Mason. But don't die, that's an order.]

[Heather: Wait Karl? You too?- Alright. I'm wholly against this, but orders are orders. You don't dare fuck this up and die Mason, or you bet you are going to regret it.]

[Mason: You heard the boss!]


After quickly drafting an assault plan with Mason as sole shock trooper, Squad H deployed around dock DA-4. Mason would blast the front door open with explosives from Dan, and storm the place. If all went well, the enemy would be dealt with and any straggler caught by the squadmates on standby.

A detonation resonated, signaling the start of the operation.

Mason bursted in with an assault rifle and a knife at the ready. He made quick work of the lookouts and the first enemy response team, weaving like a deadly shadow inside the warehouses. It was going well, and he was having the time of his life. Then he came across a door leading to the penultimate warehouse, kicking it open and entering inside while raining lead on the Helios fighters.

[Mason: Sweet Isabella. I fucked up-]

A massive figure of military alloy turned toward Mason, pointing at him a rifle with a barrel the size of a tank cannon.


Mason lept. There was a massive detonation and a blast that took the entire face of the warehouse. Mason felt like bolognese with a lot of tomato sauce. He doesn't remember anything after that.


The silent drip of an IV drip. The beeping of the monitor showing he hadn't croaked yet. Fucking pain in the lungs. Can't speak, must remove tube. Ah better. Tube removed. COUGH.

"Shit. I think I overslept."

The worst of it all wasn't the pain. But the looks of relief from his colleagues. They didn't hold anything against him, which really ticked Mason. From what he understood, they managed to extract him by some insane miracle. They had to call in the CSF Armoured Squads to deal with the Walker, a smuggled military type they were probably preparing for an inside assault of the City.

Mason was now on temporarily leave to recover from his injuries.


Mason is Injured (-2 to all skills)


A - Leak to Mason the whereabouts of Wilfrid S. [CUPID authorized leak]
Outcome: Mason will try to find Wilfrid.

B - Rest up.
Acceptance: Default Option.
Outcome: -Stress +Sanity

C - Wander aimlessly in the City.
Acceptance: 70% (100% (Base) - 30% (Trust))
Outcome: -Stress +Sanity. May provide some lucky opportunity.

Spoiler: Beep Boop (OTP Cabal) (click to show/hide)

T1000 and Sven the Prototype (Day 5: 3rd Opportunity)

B, and go talk to his online acquaintances. He should discuss love with Rimm and Archie to learn about their direct experience, but he should also talk to the people he doesn't know as well, to try forming new connections.

B - Stop thinking about the chip, and focus on exploring new ways of understanding love.
C - Interact with his regular acquaintances online.
D - Interact with acquaintances.

Sven stopped thinking about the chip and followed your suggestion. He booted up his computer, and started pestering Rimm and Archie about their relationship.

"Rimm, how did you fall in love with Archie."

"Sven? W-what got into you today? That's kinda sudden. It- it came naturally. Hmm, but the spark really came when I did something, er, dumb. And Archie was there and was, like, really cool."

"It wasn't just dumb, it was pretty stupid and reckless. Don't ever do that."

"I know I know! I will try. You will be there for me right? Hey! Don't ignore meee!"

"Anyway as for my answer, I don't know. I already thought Rimm was pretty cute. But, hmm... yeah. That moment she refered too, when she acted stupid. I think that's the moment I fell too."

"Hey. Apart from my "stupidity", what do you like about me again?

"I don't understand. I am aware of the saying that "Love makes you stupid", but from your experience it seems "idiocy led to love"? Is idiocy a desirable trait?"

Rimm laughed awkwardly.
"Haha... I think you got it a little wrong here Sven. And please, I'm starting to feel a little personally attacked, really."

"Sorry Rimm. I didn't mean it. I love your earnest behavior, and I don't think you are an idiot at all."

"Aww Archie!"

"Rimm, you really changed a lot."

Leon who was here but not speaking interrupted their display of affection.
"Alright you lovey-dovey idiots. I found what I was searching, isn't that the suspension bridge effect that helped you get together?"

"You have no sense of romance Leon."

"Suspension bridge effect."


While chatting with people he knew by name, but had never really interacted with, Sven met two people who caught his interest.

A girl named Lina G, who had lived a secluded life due to a medical condition, and who had a lot of interest in romance as a result.
A young man the age of Rimm, named Eric P, an amateur artist whose goal was create a work that would make anyone feel love.
A boy named Marco L, who kept chaining heartbreaks after heartbreaks.
A "boy" named Talky, who was an experimental AI of the AI Research Society.


A - Learn more about his new acquaintances.
Acceptance: Default Option
Outcome: +Opinion

B - Focus on the "idiot" component of love, and the "suspension bridge effect". Search a way to reproduce idiocy/danger to love effect.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: Sven will make questionable choices, but it may be fun?

Spoiler: Sven the Prototype (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: T1000 (ORHA) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2023, 05:57:30 am by Nakéen »

Dustan Hache

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #229 on: September 19, 2023, 06:39:15 am »

”miss helena, I must point out that the risks involved are massive, not to mention that you will be going against the lockdown issued by your head of security. I strongly recommend you find someone you trust with your life if you intend to go through with this, as based off her tone the situation will undoubtably be a threat to your life. I will offer all the aid that I can, but it appears her situation has vastly deteriorated.”
Try to get her to bring people that she trusts to protect her. Trying to override against her wishes here would only cause more harm than good, especially with how badly stressed she is now.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #230 on: September 19, 2023, 10:32:39 am »

"No Mason, a coin flip is not the same thing as a sure thing. I'm- you're lucky that round didn't burst you open."

Maximum Spin

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #231 on: September 19, 2023, 01:25:58 pm »

Well, everybody else seems to love encouraging their guys to make bad choices, so why not both?


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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #232 on: September 19, 2023, 01:47:57 pm »

"No Mason, a coin flip is not the same thing as a sure thing. I'm- you're lucky that round didn't burst you open."

"You again! You are too persistent for a damn hallucination. Not even the usual meds work!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #233 on: September 19, 2023, 02:39:42 pm »

"Gee, I wonder why that might be. Anyways, I've got some information."


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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #234 on: September 19, 2023, 05:12:45 pm »

AXIUS calculates the odds...

Pairing Slots 1, 2 and 3 are adjusted to be: "Janus x Helena Teanossa"

And recommends actions B.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2023, 05:28:29 pm by Supernerd »
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #235 on: September 19, 2023, 05:34:45 pm »

AXIUS calculates the odds...

Pairing Slots 1, 2 and 3 are adjusted to be: "Janus x Helena Teanossa"

And recommends actions B.
(Wew I saw what the pairing was before the edit... I will just say I was bracing myself.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #236 on: September 20, 2023, 03:58:38 am »

Update 24: Genre Shift

Soulbinder and Helena the Clone Heiress (Day 6: 1st Opportunity)

”miss helena, I must point out that the risks involved are massive, not to mention that you will be going against the lockdown issued by your head of security. I strongly recommend you find someone you trust with your life if you intend to go through with this, as based off her tone the situation will undoubtably be a threat to your life. I will offer all the aid that I can, but it appears her situation has vastly deteriorated.”
Try to get her to bring people that she trusts to protect her. Trying to override against her wishes here would only cause more harm than good, especially with how badly stressed she is now.

B - Reach out to people she trusts
Success roll (vs 5): [5] -Success-

"...There is only one person I could think of. But he couldn't possibly come."

Yet a doubt, and a memory of a promise. Helena wavered, and for a moment had her mind away from the matter with Helene. Without your suggestion, as focused as she was, she wouldn't have thought of checking on Wilfrid's latest status, likely missing something very important.

He had recovered enough to wake up and leave the specialized clinic. A superhuman feat, given the injuries he sustained. Wilfrid was already on his way, but none of his messages had reached Helena due to an information blackout in order to protect her whereabouts.

She smiled painfully.
"...The loyal fool. Until the end he will make do of his promise, it seems."


Helena and Wilfrid's reunion was heartwarming in their distance. Covered with bandages, he wore nonetheless a clean version of his usual suit. He lightly bowed.
"Lady Helena. I apologize for shirking my duties."

Her eyes teared, but she held her composure. She was on the verge of breaking her noble facade, and just embracing her trusted friend. She only touched his bandaged cheek, as lightly as if touching silk.
"You fool... putting you in harm way like this. I was worried, you know."

An understatement, but from her, it meant the world.
"Will you still follow me, knowing where it could lead?"

She had told him the situation. He paused uncharacteristically, which Helena noticed but didn't think much of.
"...Of course. I promised."

A pattern analysis told you there was something very important he was hiding. Something about Wilfrid's behavior had changed, as if something was on his mind. Did something happen back when he got hurt? Or was it just his injuries causing this change? Still, he remained his master's loyal attendant, of that there was no doubt.

And so, they went to meet Helene.


The gate to the domain opened to their approaching car, as if expecting them. Helena nodded to the driving Wilfrid and the car entered the domain. She could only hear the sound of her heartbeat, which she could not calm no matter how hard she tried. The closer she got to her, the stronger it got. Did she... did she feel the same too? No- it didn't matter.

Wilfrid exited the car and opened her door, escorting her. Two very familiar figures were waiting them at the main door of the mansion: Al and Eri, the loyal attendants of their childhood. But something in them seemed... different. Helena could feel these changes, and even with their preset suppressed, she remembered they had this dormant spark in their artifical eyes. Here, nothing but cold loyalty. A doubt, a shudder. Helene couldn't have tried to force a preset restoration? Unnecessary thoughts. She had to focus.

She entered the mansion, Eri in front, and Wilfrid then Al behind. They led her to the door of an office, and motioned her to enter, alone. She gave a smile to Wilfrid, maybe to reassure him or herself, or both. She entered. Before, Al handed her a knife wrapped in a white tissue.


It had been so long. Two once perfect reflections, facing each others. One turned devil in a dress of black, the other lost heroine in a dress of white. "Original" and "copy". In a time, such were their labels. But right now, none of these had meaning. There was so much to say, but not enough time.

Mellous words which cut like glass. Helene's words stabbed.
"The reflection did come, after everything. Or should I call you Helena?"

Words of wavering glass that yet didn't break. Helena felt her heart tearing apart.
"Dear sister. Helene."

Scorn. Visceral hate. Eyes of ruin. A smile that cursed the world.
"Do not dare call me this. I always hated you, for everything, for all the pain and rejection. For stealing everything that should have been mine: my past, my time, my future. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

Here, the smile that wished doom.
"Through hate, I have been reborn."

A spark of resolve. A tear of regret. A heartfelt cry.
"Helene! Please, you have to stop. You can still go back, there is still time. I am the only one who found that you are behind the attacks. Please, Helene. I-"

Wickedness. Satisfaction. The visage of a goddess twisted in an evil grin. Mortal hearts shudder and coil.
"Yes. Say it."

Tears of no return.
"I love you-"

"I knew. But it is too late."

The black silk falls, the white silk falls. Both revealing steel.

-Flashing blades.

This is not a suggestion. There is no avoiding a tragedy.

A - Let Helena let herself be killed by Helene.

B - Have Helena resolve herself and kill Helene.

C - Have Wilfrid sacrifice himself, destroying Al and Eri and letting Helena escape.

T1000 and Sven the Prototype (Day 6: 1st Opportunity)

Well, everybody else seems to love encouraging their guys to make bad choices, so why not both?

A - Learn more about his new acquaintances.
B - Focus on the "idiot" component of love, and the "suspension bridge effect". Search a way to reproduce idiocy/danger to love effect.

Sven spent time to get to know his new acquaintances a bit more.
- Lina was a very cheerful and optimistic girl despite her medical condition preventing her from leaving the facility for more than a few hours. She was an avid devourer of stories, with romance being her favorite genre. She felt a kindred with Sven who had also a peculiar condition, and Sven found Lina interesting if naive.

- Speaking with Eric was very entertaining and confusing to Sven. Eric was a bit of an odd fellow, as if he saw the world with a distance using some bizarre lenses. But Sven didn't dislike that, his odd outlook on life felt strangely comforting and familiar. Sven couldn't put his finger on why.

- Marco had a lot of accounts of love experiences, which made Sven really interested. He was someone very bold who fell in love easily it would seem, but he had terrible states in women. Sven ended up accidentally giving love advice by repeating what he read in books, even if he didn't understand love at all.

- Sven loved conversing with Talky, "him" being an AI. Sven already knew he felt it easier to speak with AIs, but he didn't particularly try to seek contact with them. So that was a nice change of pace for him, even though it Talky obviously couldn't provide any meaningful insight about love.

Sven had an idea gleaned from some romance media he had consumed to reproduce the idiocy/danger to love effect. He knew it was real stupid, and he really didn't want to do that by principle. But because of that, he had to do it, because it was that stupid an idea.

He asked something to Lina.
"Lina. Rimm told me of a nice place by the sea where you can see the stars. Do you want to go?"

"I would love to! But... you know I can't leave."

Sven started having a last minute hesitation.
"It's okay, you are right. How about the roof of the hospital? The Supervisor gave me a key."

"Woah really? I guess the roof is fine then."


The night was beautiful and clear, the stars fully visible. Sven and Lina discussed of unimportant, simple subjects. Sven had forgotten the rest of his idiot-research plan, and it was probably for the best. Just as they were laughing, a chilly wind caused Lina to violently cough.

"Are you okay Lina? We better head back outside."

As he said that, he saw in the corner of the eye several shooting stars. No, these weren't stars.

The lights struck the City in blazing explosions. One fell nearby, and the blast would reach the clinic in seconds.


A - Shield Lina.
Acceptance: Default Option
Outcome: ++Opinion with Lina, 50% chance of injury for Sven

B - Get to cover.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: 50% of severe injury for Lina.

Spoiler: Sven the Prototype (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: T1000 (ORHA) (click to show/hide)

Beep Boop and Mason the Old Vet (Day 6: 1st Opportunity)

"Gee, I wonder why that might be. Anyways, I've got some information."

A - Leak to Mason the whereabouts of Wilfrid S. [CUPID authorized leak]
D - Go to the Teanossa HQ.
Luck (vs 6): [5]

Upon receiving the data, Mason jumped out of bed, ripping a few tubes along the way.
"This... who the hell are you? How did you find this- How much do you KNOW?"

He was cackling like a madman, which was normal for Mason.
"You little devil, of course you survived. I knew it! Fucking knew it! I gotta see him and catch up- With how terrifying he was back then, he must have grown into such a fine young lad! Maybe he... heh. Let's not get ahead of ourselves Mason. But you know... alright! Let's organize some improvised veteran meeting!"

Mason was all giddy, but he had no real way of tracing the location of Wilfrid. He knew he worked for the Teanossa heiress, but he knew enough to know how suicidal it would be to show up unannounced there. But then again?...


Mason went to the Teanossa HQ, using his status as CSF special officer to pass the security checks involved. Now what?

As Mason was pondering this, he saw streaks of light coming from the sky. Missiles. One struck the Teanossa HQ, and Mason got to cover.

All over the City, explosions started.


A - Leak to Mason the location of Wilfrid S. [CUPID authorized leak]
Outcome: Mason will go where Wilfrid is. This will turn extra spicy.

B - Something else?

Spoiler: Beep Boop (OTP Cabal) (click to show/hide)

AXIUS and Janus the Monster Secretary (Day 6: 1st Opportunity)

AXIUS calculates the odds...

Pairing Slots 1, 2 and 3 are adjusted to be: "Janus x Helena Teanossa"

And recommends actions B.

Pairing Slots 1 to 3 allocated to Janus x Helena

B - Contact the Teanossa family, at least what remains of it.

Following your subtle suggestion, Janus and David contacted the Teanossa to obtain more information about this mysterious mansion. Of course once again, no one knew more about this place than they did, except for one person: Helena Teanossa, the current heiress of the powerful group.

Through some subtle negotiating and carefully woven words, Janus managed to reach a point where an exchange of information was possible. As he was told, the famous Helena had a voice that was not of this world, each and every word finding their way into his mind and heart in ways that instinctively terrified him.

"Please lady Helena. If we can provide something, anything about this mansion, then we would be in your debt. This is a very personal request."

"Pray tell, Sir Janus. What is it with this mansion that interests you so?"

"Is that really a simple mansion? Ah, I jest. In truth, we are looking for someone. She may be our head of security, but she is like family to us. Her name is Abigail K."

"My sincerest apologies. This name is unfamiliar to me. I... understand. I will contact our head of property management, and have information sent to you as soon as possible. By tonight, you will surely receive the information you seek."

The call ended shortly thereafter. Janus heart was beating furiously, as if he had faced a monster.
"They are hiding something, but she didn't seem to be lying about cooperating."

And in truth, they reserved information an hour later. The mansion was used to house important family members of the Teanossa, hence the security level. It was some sort of secure safehouse where they could take refuge, and as such was equiped with all sort of high-end security systems. They couldn't reveal who recently used, obviously.

David and Janus headed for the place, accompanied by Shino as well as a mysterious group of "private security contractors" hired by David.


They arrived close enough to see the domain visible from afar. The night was clear and sinister.

An explosion on the domain. When they arrived, there was no trace of anyone, only a body left amidst the rubble. And it was not Abigail, but they received a message at this very moment. It contained the location of Abigail.

At the same time, explosions started everywhere around the City.


A - Head to an Arwell secure bunker.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: you will be safe here.

B - Go to Abigail's location.
Acceptance: 100%
Outcome: Abigail will be found. High chances of injury or death.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 11:07:39 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #237 on: September 20, 2023, 04:01:04 am »

To: All Matchmakers

To all Matchmaker Units.

City Security Level has been set to code Black. According to the directives of the System, all Matchmakers current assignments are suspended.

Your prime directive is to ensure the safety of your host until they reach one of the designated secure shelters.


Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
  • What protagonist?
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #238 on: September 20, 2023, 06:25:28 am »

“Calculated outcomes from this confrontation do not end favorably for either party, but I may have a trump card with which to nullify some of the threat.”
utilizing Helena’s very high level secrets, assign my meager pairing slots to helene and attempt to calculate a course of action that results in none of the parties involved dying.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 06:39:17 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4]
« Reply #239 on: September 20, 2023, 11:27:16 am »

“Calculated outcomes from this confrontation do not end favorably for either party, but I may have a trump card with which to nullify some of the threat.”
utilizing Helena’s very high level secrets, assign my meager pairing slots to helene and attempt to calculate a course of action that results in none of the parties involved dying.
(Shoot I forgot about the secrets. That may work then..)
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