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Author Topic: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!  (Read 14732 times)


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #150 on: October 09, 2023, 09:54:49 pm »

this thief implies the existence of an entire civilization of predators. I am intrigued and horrified ..

brewer bob

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #151 on: October 10, 2023, 02:04:38 am »

Nice updates!

I do like the reason why my dorf is incarcerated, hah. Nothing wrong in a little wood distilling!


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #152 on: October 10, 2023, 06:35:15 am »

Splint, these were so good!

I'm gonna sketch up what those commemorative mugs say...


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #153 on: October 10, 2023, 06:54:36 pm »

Splint, these were so good!

I'm gonna sketch up what those commemorative mugs say...

Best make it something funny, because they bought us a ton of supplies this year!

Also Jesus, it went from 0 to 100 real quick this coming update. Nobody dead, but many residents spooked by a horde of thieves. Good thing I've hired every monster slayer who rocked up looking for a job, because they killed a couple of them in the main entrance.

I think I'm gonna plow through to the end of the year tonight. Update might come in a few hours, but if not it'll be up tomorrow.


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #154 on: October 10, 2023, 11:40:27 pm »

"Alright, so here's the plan," Splint said to the assembled residents. "We're going to crack the caves back open to see if we can't find some silk. Souvenir shirts seem like a great way to boost our profitability - and shorten your sentences - but I have strict orders to not get any inmates killed if I can avoid."

"The last time we did that Delmont got mauled by a cave monkey," Mosus said, gesturing to her pantsless boyfriend.

"Yep, and his current status as fashionably challenged is also why we're going down there." Splint in turn gestured in the direction of the prison garden. "It'll take a ages for fiber crops to grow, so this is a faster way to remedy the matter."

"Does anyone know anything about engineering?" He asked the assemblage.

No hands were raised.

"Ooookay, does anyone know very vaguely how mechanisms and cage traps work?" A few hands raised at that. "Good enough, that'll have to do. Might as well install a zoo with scary critters while we're at it."

With that, yet more orders were doled out. By Galena, the first bedrooms were ready, complete with bars to hold the prisoners! Though sadly the west wing of rooms had to be greatly truncated due to the presence of water-laden clay making up more than half of it. A masonry had to be built on the level to supply blocks quickly to plug the results of construction.

While it was discusses to leave a few leaks to add a dank atmosphere to the place and improve the spook levels, it was eventually agreed that it might lead to poor reviews among visitors and staff in the future.

Limestone arrived as the work was nearing completion, when Brit ran in screaming about "CRIMINALS! CRIMINALS ARE HERE!"

"Wait, so a prison wagon showed up?" Splint asked as he looked up from the manual about how to handle room assignments in a prison.

"No," Brit said rolling his eyes. "I mean ones that aren't supposed to be here!"

"Well what'd they look like? I'm sure Delmont and Salmeuk can handle them if it's nothing serious."

"I'm sorry, they're what now?"

"You heard me, a damned swamp man, a ghost and a skeleton!"

"Well, they could just be some of the goons the company hires to harass guests-"


Splint closed the manual at that. "Hrm. This might be a problem then."

"You fuckin' think??"

With that, Splint fetched Salmeuk and sent him out, with him running out flailing his axe around over his head and doing a bad cave bear impression apparently being enough to see the ruffians off.

While other plans had yet to be followed up on by the 9th of Limestone, a supply caravan had arrived minus new convicts. A perfect opportunity to sell off tons of commemorative coins and mugs! And in kind, Splint placed an order for extra fuel, pearlash, leather and seeds for next year, while the caravan master informed him that prepared rations would likely be in demand the following year at nearly double the price they'd normally sell for.

Dozens of mugs bought extra weaponry for the security team and clothes for Delmont, both of which were greatly appreciated by the interested parties. It was truly impressive what simply mass producing souvenir mugs had managed, while platinum coins were used mainly to buy sugar from the prison suppliers and various sundries from an argenta caravan that had decided to accompany them.

Several weeks passed since, with work continuing apace for the reopening of the cavern attraction that had drawn a number of monster slayers to the prison to work as freelance security, when on the 1st of Timber a prison wagon showed up and disgorged 8 dwarves, among them a mystery tactician and an armorer.

The arrival of two master craftsmen, convicted of work violations and sent here for an indeterminate sentence, seemed to push Brit over the edge mentally, as not long after talking to them he took over the mug station and started working on... Something.

A pedestal and a prepared location to store the soon-to-be-resultant valuable were subsequently ordered, with the item being finished just before a pedestal was ready to hold it.

Once it was secured, Splint looked over the maps and nodded in approval. Things were going well, with supplies now aplenty, Delmont in pants and the prison now being deemed worth depositing petty criminals in. However one report caught his eye.

"Thieves" had been spotted by Delmont and Mosus, who both swore up and down they were only at the river to get a drink.

And considering the last one they saw hadn't been a hired goon in a suit (in fact he had great difficulty talking to anyone due to the shape of his mouth,) he felt the need to press Solon and the new armorer about making sure the security team at least had weapons on hand.

He suspected they'd be needed, especially after a "slaughtuar" tried to break in, whereupon it was subsequently killed by the monster slayers making good on their employment contracts.

(The monster slayers jumped his ass and flattened him before I even got a description.)

Other creatures spotted included a so-called "Lagoon dweller" the monster slayers ran off without getting a detailed look at the thing (though the amount of obscentities suggested it was a company employee for once,) leaving at least one prisoner positively terrified!

There was also the sighting of an "Ophidian" in the main entrance, which the monster slayers again engaged without a moment's thought, likely assuming the creature had been there to spring the prisoners.

There was even an honest to gods vampire sighting! Specifically a man who claimed the prisoners would never catch "the great and terrible Susie." Those not startled by his appearance and subsequent retreat were left confused or mildly amused. There was also a rumor that one of Zultan's former coworkers was among the apparent horde of various riffraff and dudes in suits.

All these scares though did make one thing very clear: The prison security team needed to be trained and armored if there were going to be violent louts in the hills and whatever else along with the company goons. Especially after there was a horrible scream heard outside, with Bembul running in absolutely terrified screaming about a possessed corpse.

Splint dared to peek out, and spied one of the Argenta guards battleing the monster, the creature looking like a human but so very, very wrong.

After a long duel, the Argenta slew the monster, his morningstar leaving the abomination's head crushed into shredded, bony slop. However, Splint also spied two strange beings observing from across the river.

One of them attempted to approach the dead creature, but another Argenta security guard, Olarta, charged it pike first. She chased the intruder to the edge of the property, combing back with a pike and armor slicked with bright green blood following the creature's dying cry of "Ack! Ack ack! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHCK!" in the distance. This seemed to prompt a visiting Argenta lasher, Aglargus, to petition to join the prison security force, citing the clearly-abundant potential to prove their strength here.

Not long after, a Gray even arrived, looking to serve as a soldier in the security force, rather than a mere monster exterminator, who also informed Splint that one of the doctors was acting strangely.

Things went quietly from there for the remainder of winter, the inmate finishing his work on the 22nd with Splint watching the labors go by with bated breath, his year as overseer nearing completion.

It's done! Shit got a little... Worrying, and I'm not ashamed to admit I had to take steps to ensure we wouldn't be fucking slaughtered in the space of 30 seconds when some necromorphs showed up.

They might need to be tuned a bit so they don't attack so quickly, because even heavily armored Argenta would frequently get flattened by them when I tried to let things run as is. So y'know. if you see any necromorphs, pull everyone in and lock the doors, whoever has their ire is probably best left to die. Would have honestly also been really lame to get TPK'd by 4 necromorphs in year 2.

We have one merc ready to be filed into a second squad should the desire be there, and I've prepped a storage vault for artifacts so we don't have to deal with dickheads trying to steal them all. When one gets finished, toss it on a pedestal and put up some bars to keep the sticky-fingered louts out.

That said, I have most of the stuff done I wanted done.
- I built a well
- Got artifact storage built
- Prepared a corridor for the caverns
- Got the militia armed, I guess.
- Got most of the populace housed.
- Got a bridge hooked up to a lever in the pumpkin tavern's stem.
- Fort is now littered with depictions of pumpkins.

I would strongly advise the next overseer prioritize preparing the militia for battle, necromorphs do NOT fuck around and will mop the floor with us as is. It was a struggle for a well-armed and armored Argenta (who are bigger than dorfs) to 1v1 a single one in plain clothes with a knife.

So list for next overseers.
- Get the milita armored and training. We literally can't ignore that now and the inmates can't be spooked if they're dead.
- Need more housing.
- Maybe make some extra preparations before reopening the caverns, because the monster slayers have been our only real defense so far and they're bound to get killed down there.

Here's the save, please read the text file marked "IMPORTANT" to avoid headaches with installation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #155 on: October 11, 2023, 12:09:25 am »

Thanks for the install instructions, Splint. I've still got to go back and read your whole post, but it looks wild. I'll post the Pumpkin Patch and its contents in the main post as well - the language modification isn't major and would go unnoticed in a vanilla world, but I suppose /might/ mess up your saves when you update the game? I don't know how much of the game is re-downloaded whenever an update happens now. I'll include a vanilla language file as well, so people can undo the change after Spookyfort, if they please. Definitely not making the same mistake next year...

Other Spooky news:
I'm going to send Alexandra the first Spookyfort.

Salmeuk or brewer bob, either of you free for a turn?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 01:36:33 am by delphonso »

brewer bob

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #156 on: October 11, 2023, 01:31:44 am »
I'm going to send Alexandra the first Spookyfort.

I was just about to suggest sending Spookyforts there after I got confirmation that older DF versions are fine too!

Salmeuk or brewer bob, either of you free for a turn?

I think I've got tomorrow time to give a shot. Today got other plans.

My turn might end up very, very short though. (I'm still not at all liking the new UI and it's entirely possible I'll give up in minutes.)


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #157 on: October 11, 2023, 01:45:40 am »

The UI takes some getting used to. Main thing is the hotkeys being all jumbled around now personally, but if I can do it so can you! (And I fucking hate the WASD screen movement.)

Spookyfort needs YOU! whoever you might be, lol.

Also I hope the update was decent.

brewer bob

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #158 on: October 11, 2023, 02:01:01 am »

It's not just the UI for me. But maybe I won't get into that in this thread. :P

(WASD keys have never been good in any game. In DF they especially don't make sense. You could use perfectly well arrow keys and mouse combo since you don't have to do fast movements in DF.)

And great update! Enjoyed reading it. :)

King Zultan

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #159 on: October 11, 2023, 05:14:22 am »

Hopefully Toady will add the ability to use the old keybinds at some point.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #160 on: October 11, 2023, 05:50:07 am »

The adventure mode timeline suggests that he'll be designing the new interface to have total functionality with either (i.e. all keyboard or all mouse [though presumably both will be used by most people]) so there's something, at least.

brewer bob

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #161 on: October 11, 2023, 07:58:39 am »

Huh, looks like DFFD is down. Hope it won't be for too long this time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #162 on: October 11, 2023, 09:44:51 am »

I thought it was my own spotty internet when I had to refresh to see the file earlier today. It seems to be mostly up now.

brewer bob

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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #163 on: October 11, 2023, 02:31:07 pm »

So, downloaded, but uh, where is the actual save?

All I see in the zip are the following folders under 'Splint's Year' (plus the readme file):

So it looks like it's only the modded stuff without the actual save? Installed everything else fine, tho (I think).


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Re: Spookyfort IV: The Overlook - Overspookers welcome!
« Reply #164 on: October 11, 2023, 03:11:09 pm »

So, downloaded, but uh, where is the actual save?

All I see in the zip are the following folders under 'Splint's Year' (plus the readme file):

So it looks like it's only the modded stuff without the actual save? Installed everything else fine, tho (I think).

Shit, my bad. Give me just a few minutes. I thought I put the save in there too, but I checked on my end and forgot about it.

EDIT: File listing updated. Just redownload it and the save should be there. I don't know how that slipped my mind.
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