I didn't think they'd be that effective, tbh. 1500 battledress infantry and 50 quality APCs in an HQ evaporated in one shot was a bit of a lolwut moment.
At least Astro Chambers 'survived the destruction of a unit'. What a guy, that one.
And ugh, not much solace there. With radioactives being essentially an unlimited resource that you'll only ever get more of as your industry continues to develop, I don't see how I can hold any sort of a frontline now. You only need one shot per turn to liquefy even the strongest defences and push forward at your leisure. At the same time, I'm still at least 10 turns away from fielding even the most basic nukes.
I'm not seeing any viable avenues for victory right now. The one hope I had until recently was to get close enough to your capital for artillery range, and hobble your centralised economy with a massive barrage. As far as I can tell, you'll only ever get more ahead in all metrics. It's just a matter of time before ICMBs start falling on my capital.
I don't think Karlito - being even less technologically advanced - can flip the balance here. Assuming he'd stop sitting on his arse and buying into your propaganda, the cheeky bugger.
But I've only just opened the turn, and am reeling from the 50 megatons in my face. Let me mull over it some more. The doom and gloom may soon pass.