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Author Topic: Ventures by Torchlight (looking for wealthy sponsors for dangerous expeditions)  (Read 13420 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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ActActAct: Explorators Union bids 3.1₣ on Pvt Tallhearth Reiff's indenture.


  • Bay Watcher
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Chamark Cartography Guild repays the loan from TAC of 3₣ in full, plus a 0.10₣ fee.


  • Bay Watcher
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ActActAct: Explorators Union bids 3.1₣ on Pvt Tallhearth Reiff's indenture.

Also, it looks impossible to actually start an expedition A1s. I don't have the money to hire anyone and go on an expedition, unless I forgo equipment.

Does anyone give out loans? From calculations I need 3₣ flat to get off the ground running. Depnds on how much each run grants.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 12:26:40 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Maybe TAC will immediately reloan that money the Guild returned?


  • Bay Watcher
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Not entirely sure what such a loan will look like. What's the average return for dungeon expeditions?


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Kashyyk (on behalf of the Explorators Union) offers to sell one (1) Sandpaper to ______ (on behalf of the Torchlight Adventuring Concern) for 0.14 Florins.

You'll have to ask TAC, but if the Cartographers Guild reckoned they could pay back 3 and a bit Florins from their loot haul next turn, that would average at about 1 Florin per day of Adventuring.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 01:04:23 pm by Kashyyk »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Kashyyk (on behalf of the Explorators Union) offers to sell one (1) Sandpaper to Quartermaster Earl Jack of Blacksand Bank (on behalf of the Torchlight Adventuring Concern) for 0.14 Florins.



  • Bay Watcher
  • A paradox of love and righteous sin
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Maybe TAC will immediately reloan that money the Guild returned?

This is a possibility, although I would strongly like to have enough funds to get an Adventurer out the door at some point in the immediate future.
Quote from: AseaHeru (on Discord), Monday, June 20, 2022 10:41 PM
I still want the D. The D is love, the D is life. The D is bully.
Rewind, can't keep going
My mind keeps replaying
That night when we dove in
But now I'm sinking


  • Bay Watcher
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Maybe TAC will immediately reloan that money the Guild returned?

This is a possibility, although I would strongly like to have enough funds to get an Adventurer out the door at some point in the immediate future.

Quote from: In no way demonic Proposal
TAC will loan Tim 3₣. TAC has the right to 50% of the loot Tim's Adventurers bring back for three Expedition Turns, it's market value weighed against a flat 6₣. After which Tim pays the rest of the 6₣ payment. Negotiations on market value included, payment may be deferred with additional 50% Expeditions.

If the above is signed, I'll be buying the services Ms. Heiger Iverson and 1 Sword, both at the base bid price. And sending her, Sword in hand, on an Expedition to the Overgrown Cave. Think of it as joint ownership.

Of course, not opposed to a more solid partnership between us.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 03:04:09 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • A paradox of love and righteous sin
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I would have to confer with the Arbitrator before I sign a contract any more involved than a loan, but for what it's worth, I would not be opposed to some kind of "subsidiary" contract in which you pay a fee to us in exchange for support.

I will not be signing the contract you proposed, however, due to the possibility of a closer relationship (and, quite frankly, because I can hardly understand the terms).
Quote from: AseaHeru (on Discord), Monday, June 20, 2022 10:41 PM
I still want the D. The D is love, the D is life. The D is bully.
Rewind, can't keep going
My mind keeps replaying
That night when we dove in
But now I'm sinking


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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ACTACTACT: Spend 0.15 from TAC funds to rent Sharpening Wheel to create Dagger from Rusty Dagger and Sandpaper.


  • Bay Watcher
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I would have to confer with the Arbitrator before I sign a contract any more involved than a loan, but for what it's worth, I would not be opposed to some kind of "subsidiary" contract in which you pay a fee to us in exchange for support.

I will not be signing the contract you proposed, however, due to the possibility of a closer relationship (and, quite frankly, because I can hardly understand the terms).
Fair. Effectively, for each turn my adventurer(s) are on an expedition, you receive half the loot. The 6F benchmark is what that' loot's market price is priced against. At the end of it, I then pay any remaining loan. Effectively, the loot is barter currency to pay off the loan, and by the end you have double what you loaned me when I pay the rest.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A paradox of love and righteous sin
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How averse would you be to an ongoing contract (50% until the equivalent of 6F is paid, then a lower sum with the guarantee that we will support you if you suffer a loss)?
Quote from: AseaHeru (on Discord), Monday, June 20, 2022 10:41 PM
I still want the D. The D is love, the D is life. The D is bully.
Rewind, can't keep going
My mind keeps replaying
That night when we dove in
But now I'm sinking


  • Bay Watcher
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ACTx3: If the above is signed, I'll be buying the services Ms. Heiger Iverson and 1 Sword, both at the base bid price. And sending her, Sword in hand, on an Expedition to the Overgrown Cave. Think of it as joint ownership.
As a general rule, do not use ACTx3 on conditional actions. The Lazy Fair system is intended to allow the GM to update with the bare minimum amount of effort (which is still a lot of effort for a game like this)- they don't want to have to dig through posts to figure out whether or not you received a loan.
Also, unless you buy out (at double the high bid) an item, you don't have it until the next turn, so you cannot immediately send it on an expedition. This is because- well, imagine if someone outbids you for an item; now you've sent an adventurer on an expedition with something you don't actually own.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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ACTx3: If the above is signed, I'll be buying the services Ms. Heiger Iverson and 1 Sword, both at the base bid price. And sending her, Sword in hand, on an Expedition to the Overgrown Cave. Think of it as joint ownership.
As a general rule, do not use ACTx3 on conditional actions. The Lazy Fair system is intended to allow the GM to update with the bare minimum amount of effort (which is still a lot of effort for a game like this)- they don't want to have to dig through posts to figure out whether or not you received a loan.
Also, unless you buy out (at double the high bid) an item, you don't have it until the next turn, so you cannot immediately send it on an expedition. This is because- well, imagine if someone outbids you for an item; now you've sent an adventurer on an expedition with something you don't actually own.
So won't have the adventurer till next turn?

How averse would you be to an ongoing contract (50% until the equivalent of 6F is paid, then a lower sum with the guarantee that we will support you if you suffer a loss)?

Depends on the sum I suppose.  10%? (Negotiations~)
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