I was half-hoping that this would be a thread about a general lack of smell-sense. I wish you a full recovery, of course!
My dad lost his entire sense of smell during (IIRC) a tonsils removal. I grew up, for whatever reason, basically without the sense. I've dealt with clogged nostrils and undiagnosed asthma a lot, and some people say that can prevent the sense from developing, but honestly I don't know what's up.
I can *maybe* smell strong-smelling things when people test me, and I take a deep wiff. But I've NEVER had conclusive proof that I have any sense of smell, it's only been in situations where I was expected to smell. Suggestion is powerful.
As senses go, it's certainly the one I'd choose to lose. I still enjoy food, just... substantially differently than most people. turns out pungent foods are tasty, and maybe a few of them even tantalize what little olfactory sense I have.
The only time I ever saw this mentioned, other than my dad, was a joke in Homestuck with one of the Dancestors. But a few days ago a rando on Disqus linked the following explanation, and it hit me right in the "That's me! That's how I live!" nerve:
https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/smell.html(This is the guy who made PuTTY, BTW, and other awesome tools which were indispensable for me when I was in IT security)
I'm glad you can smell again, Vector! I mean that, and I also honestly don't miss it.
though I probably do have *some* of that sense, considering how I get around sweaty guys
But the idea of smelling a gas leak, or detecting rotten food, or the truly insane concept of following a scent by my nose? Completely beyond me. I've adapted my life to being blind in that way.
Edit: Bizarrely, I do also enjoy inhaling hot tea, and hot food. Perhaps I even catch some real data...? But I treat it as mostly psychosomatic. Primarily it "smells" like water vapor, which is often welcome.
I have never been in a situation which proved that I had a sense of smell whatsoever, and the power of suggestion is, uh, powerful.