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Author Topic: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Revision  (Read 2337 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2022, 05:33:26 am »

We all know how a hyperdrive works. We also all know that the ones we're kicking around with right now are extremely dated, barely-functional wrecks held together with duct tape and hope. Thus, it is time to refit our hyperdrives into hyper-hyperdrives.

A hyper-hyperdrive is the same as a regular hyperdrive, but... better. The... quantum-engagement-loop is double-helixed for added performance. Obviously we needed to touch up the... plasma... energisation... core... system. Okay, yeah, I don't actually know how a hyperdrive works. But the mechanics do, and they say it's better. It gives our ships a speed boost- both in and out of hyperlanes. It provides more power for other ship systems. It is more reliable, less likely to malfunction if it takes some minor damage. Crucially, it takes up the same amount of space, and does not actually cost significantly more to produce, allowing it to be seamlessly refitted into our existing Patchwork Freighters and Boarding Skiffs.
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2022, 12:17:58 pm »

Slammers are Hard. Using basic ol' autopilots might be costly, but making it work is a little easier than training guys to be pilots.

Slicers are Hard. They're "new" tech but ultimately not too demanding.

Cry Baby is Normal. It's not too complicated and doesn't demand much.

The Limpit is Theoretical, mostly due to the autonomous nature of the drone.

Breaching Teams are Hard. The shotgun, "boarding shield", cutlass, and armoring are mostly offset by the reduction in unit size.

Hyper-Hyperdrive is Hard. A general overhaul/upgrade of engines isn't the simplest thing to do, but very much within the faction's realm of possibilities.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2022, 01:53:13 pm »

You wanna hear about boarding parties now?

Design: "The Hatchetmen"

"Contrary to popular belief, pirates aren't bloodthirsty sadists.  Goods are exchanged in a businesslike manner, with violence being counterproductive to the process."
"Okay, what about the Ragnarr's Scalpers?"
"...well first of all, they prefer the name 'The Hatchetmen.'"

Amongst Ragnarr's Reavers and possibly piracy as a whole, there are none more feared than The Hatchetmen.  Should you come face to face with one, you'll first see a personally "up-armored" voidsuit, rough scrap metal plates providing additional protection, but mostly providing a terrifying "neo-barbarian" chic.  Their horned helmets include a high-volume bullhorn often used with a voice modulator, and hearing unholy tirade of obscenity shouted in an inhuman voice is usually the first sign that The Hatchetmen are coming for you.  Their primary weapon is a sawed-off lever-action 10 gauge shotgun.  Accordingly, a long bandoleer of shotgun shells are slug diagonally across their chest, Pancho Villa style.

But what about the hatchet?  Indeed, they carry a benchmade hatchet usually holstered on their custom voidsuit.  Should you have the misfortune of seeing a Hatchman's hatchet up close, the shaft of the titanium bladed hatchet is also custom etched with markings of the pirate's choosing.  While hatchet etchings are typically of the taste and wisdom you'd find on a spaceport lavatory stall, the acronym "FAAFO" is almost universally present: a reference to a common saying shouted at crews during boarding, "Fuck Around And Find Out."  Which of course leads to the most common and feared applications of the hatchet, "interrogation" of captive crews and "punishment" of "dishonorable" captives.  According to spacelegend, this tactic was the origin of the epithet "Ragnarr's Scalpers."  (Obviously, were a crew to happily surrender belongings, even the smuggled contraband, they wouldn't have to explore this aspect of The Hatchmen.)

The Hatchmen are organized into 8-man crews, with the senior-most pirate as the "Crew Chief."  As you would expect, Hatchetmen Crew Chiefs are grizzled veteran pirates, with years of "lootin' & shootin'" under their belts.  Each Crew Chief is expected to maintain discipline over his motley crew, ensuring they adhere to "The Hatchetmen's Code."  While Hatchetmen's Code seems to be applied more like guidelines, than rules per se, one mantra that is always enforced is that "A Hatchetman always keeps his word."  While deception and ruses are a necessary part of piracy, when it comes to matters of "interrogation" and "negotiations" with prey, a Hatchetman must keep his word if he gives it.  Promises of parlay and other guarantees of safety must always be honored when given.

Design: "Exo-Loader Party"

Contrary to popular belief, the combat portion of boarding action goes relatively quickly.  Already preceeded by lengthy pursuit and possible ship-to-ship combat, the actual CQB and surrender is then followed by the least glamorous mission of the day: actually hauling all this shit off "your" ship and onto "mine."  Physically arduous and time-consuming, each tick of the clock is another moment that a restless captive may decide to "try something" or a counter-piracy force drops into the hyperlane.

But hey, remember when we hit that ship enroute to a shipyard that dumped a container of heavy machinery to outrun us?  Turn it there were disassembled Exo-Loaders in there.  Wait, you've never heard of an Exo-Loader?

An "Exo-Loader" is common parlance for a Bipedal Hydraulic Load Lifting Exoskeleton.  Commonly used in industrial applications and high-traffic logistics warehouses, this state-of-the-art machinery glorified forklift allows a single teamster to haul multi-ton containers and pallets with ease.  A boarding party augmented with the hydraulic might of Exo-Loaders should be able to loot secured cargo literally faster than humanly possible.

To suit this purpose, the assembled Exo-Loaders should require relatively minor modification.  The open cage operator cabin of the industrial exoskeleton should get some thin metal plates welded on to protect our pirates from basic slugs and shrapnel.  (Of course, make sure he can still see out the slats and don't get carried away with the armor and make the thing tip over.)  Also make sure it has tie-downs so we can fit it on a skiff.  You don't want an 8 foot tall, 2 ton hunk of heavy metal banging around loose in a ship... especially if you have to sit next to it.

To accommodate the size and mass of the Exo-Loaders, an Exo-Loader Party will consist of two pirates mounted in Exo-Loaders, accompanied by two dismounted assistants armed with 9mm SMGS.  The two dismounted assistants provide basic armed security while the Exo-Loaders focus on moving cargo, as well as can perform fine motor tasks that would require the Exo-Loader operator to dismount: ie patting down captives, unlocking doors, flipping light switches, pushing elevator buttons, etc.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2022, 02:35:26 pm by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2022, 03:34:03 pm »

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (1) NUKE9.13
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (1) NUKE9.13

A (Space Station - Food):
B (Planet - Materials): (1) NUKE9.13
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):
You'll have to forgive me for not including all one-billion proposals in the votebox. Just add them in as they're voted for.
Anyway, I figure the Pressure Cooker and Hyper-Hyperdrive are tech that will be useful for almost any strategy; whether we intend to board our prey, intimidate them with scary ships, or ambush them, we'll always benefit from stealth and speed.
As for the backstory choice, I'm inclined more towards a ship-heavy strategy over a boarding-heavy one, since I feel like there's more development options in ships, and a ship without (good) boarders can intimidate prey into surrender, but boarders without a (good) ship would probably have a harder time. But it's a mild preference, I could also go for Food if that's what the consensus is. What I will not go for is the Cruiser. It provides no long-term bonus, and it needs repairs & Fuel. Aside from the mechanical issues, it would also be boring to play an Arms Race and have our trump card be something the GM designed.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2022, 04:03:01 pm »

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (2) NUKE9.13, DGR
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (2) NUKE9.13, DGR

A (Space Station - Food):
B (Planet - Materials): (2) NUKE9.13, DGR
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2022, 07:19:39 pm »

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (3) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (2) NUKE9.13, DGR
Gauss Harpoons: (1) Happerry

A (Space Station - Food):
B (Planet - Materials): (3) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2022, 02:48:27 am »

I've been in multiple spaceship ARs now, and none have had boarding actions. I want boarding actions.

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (4) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry, Kashyyk
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (2) NUKE9.13, DGR
Gauss Harpoons: (2) Happerry, Kashyyk

A (Space Station - Food): (1) Kashyyk
B (Planet - Materials): (3) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2022, 10:10:38 am »

Go fast and stab things.

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (4) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry, Kashyyk
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (3) NUKE9.13, DGR, ConscriptFive
Gauss Harpoons: (3) Happerry, Kashyyk, ConscriptFive

A (Space Station - Food): (1) Kashyyk
B (Planet - Materials): (4) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry, ConscriptFive
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2022, 01:46:36 pm »

Go fast and stab things.
I feel like the Hyper-Hyperdrive and Gauss Harpoons do have a somewhat similar role- not so similar that I wouldn't want to have both, but similar enough that it might not be the best place to start (action economy, ye ken). Like, if we do one, and it turns out amazing, the other would have a lower priority. (I think that the Hyper-Hyperdrive has more applications than the Gauss Harpoons- like, if we need to run away, harpoons wouldn't help much)
I also think that stealth- at least, entry-level basic stealth- is guaranteed to be useful. Ideally, our targets won't want to fight us, so being able to get closer before they start to flee is useful. Even versus those that have substantial firepower (and thus would not flee as a first resort), the less time they have to prepare for a fight, the more effective our initial strike will be.

I've been in multiple spaceship ARs now, and none have had boarding actions. I want boarding actions.
You know, that's fair. I'd still prefer our initial resources be biased towards ships, but it would be more interesting to also work on boarders. I was thinking of strategies where boarding was relegated to a minor role, but you've made me reconsider that.
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2022, 05:14:52 pm »

Hatchetmens get a Very Hard. Armor, weapons, other gear, tactics, and their legend of sorts all add to the difficulty. This is offset by a degree due to the writeup leaving their rarity wide open.

Exoloaders are Hard, being somewhat complex mechanically but otherwise a relatively sane step into a new field of design (for the pirates).

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2022, 11:25:01 am »

You guys feel like bustin that tie real quick?


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2022, 04:08:05 pm »

We best do the harpoons next turn.

Quote from: Votebox.
DESIGNS (Pick 2):
'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System: (4) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry, Kashyyk
Hyper-Hyperdrive: (3) NUKE9.13, DGR, ConscriptFive
Gauss Harpoons: (2) Happerry, ConscriptFive

A (Space Station - Food): (1) Kashyyk
B (Planet - Materials): (4) NUKE9.13, DGR, Happerry, ConscriptFive
C (Cruiser - Cruiser):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2022, 06:45:23 pm »

Fair enough. The hyperdrive is fun too, even if it's not as cool.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2022, 08:34:34 pm »

Turn 1 Design

Proposal: 'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System
Difficulty: Normal
Result: 4+1=5, Below Average

A lot of things in and on a ship radiate in some way. Chances are someone has the tools to detect said radiations. The Pressure Cooker is an attempt at reducing the radius within which certain radiations can be detected. Things required to emit any sort of wireless or electronic signal are properly insulated, so that's taken care of. But that's just basic maintenance. Changes to the drive, being a simple extension of the structure around the main thruster itself, are also pretty easy to pull off. We can weld just about anything onto 'em. The bigger overhaul in how we use our ships is the thermal regulation system. Systems within the ship that produce high levels of heat are connected to a low-temperature air conditioning system that cycles hot and cold air. This does effectively manage to keep hotspots on the ship from showing as brightly through thermal images, blending the ship's profile better with the background.

The only issue is the entire system is a closed loop system that can drastically lose efficacy or fail if it's interrupted at any point in the line. Without any built-in failsafes, redundancies, bypasses, cut-off valves, or really anything outside of air pumps, the entire system needs to be shut off at the source for repair. Functionally, this means ships using the Pressure Cooker that deploy with damage will not benefit from the reduced thermal signature.

The 'Pressure Cooker' Radiation Management System is Common, so inclusion in future ship designs will not have a severe impact on rarity. This also means the Patchwork Freighters have been upgraded for no additional cost.

Proposal: Hyper-Hyperdrive
Difficulty: Hard
Result: (6+4)-1=9, Above Average

Hyperdrives are pretty solid tech. Improving upon them is generally difficult to do. Or, it is if you want to follow rules and regulations. By recalibrating the recursive inverter, removing inhibitors in the plasma torus matrix, and reticulating splines, power output of our new Hyper-Hyperdrive is a good 10-15% greater than a basic civilian model. This improves ship speed both in and out of hyperspace and makes power management less of an issue as demands on power increase. Critical sections are reinforced with light armoring and the Hyper-Hyperdrive is less likely to explode when it receives damage thanks to improved compartmentalization.

The Hyper-Hyperdrive is Common and replaces the Hyperdrive in every instance.


Space is fun and all, but everyone needs solid earth to come home to. Even if that solid earth is a frozen wasteland. Ragnarr's Reavers made their home among the blizzards and ice storms that swept the planet, with their base of operations and Laneripper strategically built seated deep within a ravine and largely protected from the elements. This fissure also offered a bountiful supply of materials to use for synthesizing craft and equipment, giving the band the ability to move out of their spacecraft and into actual shelters in record time. It was a good solid place to use as a raider's haven, definitely hard to find and even harder to attack.

Planetary Base: 1 Free Material Use/Turn


It is now the Revision Phase. You can vote for two Revisions, which are actions that modify, create variants of, improve, or otherwise are based off of equipment that exists in your armory. As with the Design Phase, I will be providing feedback on proposals. Along with voting on your two proposals, you are also tasked with deciding on the following question:

Piracy is business, and the most successful players in the black market know when a good investment opportunity shows up. Why would someone want to prop up a band of pirates? Well, there's a million simple answers for that. How is one of these shadowy businessmen supporting your efforts?

A: Money, obviously. It's what makes everything move (figuratively). Some refer to money as the "meta" of our universe, and that would be a correct assumption for a pirate. The faction produces 1 Wealth for use each turn. The wealth from this bonus will not be stockpiled, and will be used before stockpiled wealth.

B: Fuel. It's what makes everything move (literally). In a cold, unforgiving universe, it's always nice to know you can get where you gotta go and then back home. The faction produces 1 Fuel for use each turn. The fuel from this bonus will not be stockpiled, and will be used before stockpiled fuel.

C: Armor. It's what you use to keep people from making your people stop moving. Your boarding teams replace their voidsuits with Boarding Suits. Light armor is added to protect vital regions (including a reinforced faceplate), and integrated back thrusters allow controlled movement in space while magnetic soles and gloves can be activated to secure oneself to the side of a ship. You can get these supplies on-demand, so they can be used for any of your combat-oriented Crew until you come up with something better to replace it.

Spoiler: Arrrmory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bonuses (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Ragnarr's Reavers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2022, 01:28:28 am »

Nice, both viable as is, though I need to study the math on how repairs work.  If we end up fielding slightly damaged ships regularly, it'll probably be worth it to revise out that glitch on the Pressure Cooker.

Speaking of damage, since we sided on materials vs. food, I'm wondering if our boarding crew casualties are going to run over budget.  With that in mind...

Revision: Voidsuit Field Patch

Combat is a blast until you get a puncture in the inner layer of your voidsuit.  (And speaking of blasts, shrapnel and micro-debris is usually where said punctures originate.)  So here's a little trick experienced EVA techs do...

Our standardized Voidsuit Field Patch is a strip of MILSPEC Mylar Metalized Polyester Film Tape over-engineered duct tape that can be easily adhered to even the most fouled voidsuit by a pirate panicking under the realization of his own mortality.  Doctrinally, the one foot long strips of patching material should be kept readily accessible near the non-firing shoulder of the voidsuit.  Thus, the pirate should be able to rapidly draw and apply the patch one-handed to immediately remedy his critical situation.

The patch is long enough to be wrapped around a limb, to control a more dire voidsuit rupture if needed.

Revision: Patchwork Freighter Crew Expansion and Sickbay

Skeleton crews on a minimalist freighter are a great idea, until folks start bleeding...

Expanding the pressurized crew quarters and galley of our Patchwork Freighters will allow a large enough crew complement to sustain casualties and remain operational.  Furthermore, a two bed compartment will be designated as a sickbay, staffed by a void doc prize fighter's cutman.  Although equipped with little more than tourniquets, bandages, and medicinal alcohol, this sickbay should be adequate to stabilize casualties that would otherwise die before returning to port.
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