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Author Topic: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision  (Read 2061 times)

Powder Miner

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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Design
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2022, 12:18:19 am »

I will note: it is definitely not better for fending off attacking ships, but this gives some defense against anti-ship defenses on targets, and other general threats an escort ship wouldn't be able to stop from popping a shat freighter like a pinata.

Man of Paper

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What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2022, 08:34:05 pm »

Turn 1 Design

Proposal: Boarding Party Breachers
Difficulty: Normal
Result: 4+1=5, Below Average

There's one job every team trying to breach a ship is going to need, and that is someone to do the breaching. One member of the boarding party is given a bag full of shaped charges and some basic instruction on how to use them without killing themselves (immediately). The charges aren't as powerful as some of the Buccaneers would like, but they can be wired into a series for similar effect. The focused blasts of the charges should reliably penetrate most non-military hulls.

Breachers also get the latest in homebrewed Buccaneer equipment: the Short-Barrel Coil Shotgun. Made with close-quarters boarding actions in mind, the double-barrel break action 12 gauge "sawn-off" shotgun fires discarding sabot flechettes capable of puncturing light armor.

Breachers also take on the role of mentor, adopting a rookie into the unit to act as an apprentice and battle buddy, and definitely not a meat shield or glorified backpack.

Paint is handed out to boarding parties to personalize their equipment and, if they want, add some identifiers to reduce the risk of friendly fire. "Born to Kill" is a particularly popular decoration for helmets.

Boarding Party Breachers are integrated into the Boarding Party and can be utilized in the creation of other units as-is without a significant influence on difficulty.

Proposal: Great Work Freighters
Difficulty: Normal (for thoroughness' sake, this was around the high end of Normal)
Result: 6+4=10, Superior

Why reinvent the rectangle? Great Work Freighters are largely pressurized transport ships bearing a similar profile to the Patchwork Freighters in the Arrrmada presently. A larger crew allows for more specialization in tasks, improving crew efficiency across the board in relation to the Patchworks. Thicker armor plating meant to withstand attacks from smaller ship-caliber munitions, lower-intensity energy weapons, and smaller explosions is bolted onto the hull of the ship to improve its survivability (and the survivability of the crew as a result). The nose and tail of the ship get a nice 40mm coilgun turret, with the tail gun being set off-center due to the need for engines to belong there.

Airlocks in each ladderway greatly reduce the damage a breaching shot would have on a pressurized ship, isolating decompression to the impacted deck. Automatic fire suppression systems are also installed to, well, suppress fires on pressurized decks. In a final act of improving survivability, sets of emergency life rafts are hung from the ceiling of the cargo bay. These rafts are even less of a vehicle than the Boarding Skiffs, providing the crew with a platform with a small chemical engine to drift around on until someone with a ship that hasn't been destroyed comes by.

Great Work Freighters are fairly easy ships to throw together and maintain, made even easier by the fact that we just refitted the ships we had available.

Great Work Freighters are Common with a Unit Size 4. Being direct improvements of the Patchwork Freighters, the Great Works are capable of pushing them into [Obsolescence]. Instead of just having useless ships sitting around, should you decide to have them go unused, you can instead scrap them similarly to captured ships to receive a one-time income of Materials and/or Fuel.


Space is fun and all, but everyone needs solid earth to come home to. It helps when you can pretend that home is a tropical paradise. The Black Hole Buccaneers made their home among the sweltering desert islands and dense jungles that littered the planet, with their base of operations and Laneripper strategically built seated deep within a dead volcano and largely protected from the elements. This volcano also offered a bountiful supply of materials to use for synthesizing craft and equipment, giving the band the ability to move out of their spacecraft and into actual shelters in record time. It was a good solid place to use as a raider's haven, definitely hard to find and even harder to attack.

Planetary Base: 1 Free Material Use/Turn


It is now the Revision Phase. You can vote for two Revisions, which are actions that modify, create variants of, improve, or otherwise are based off of equipment that exists in your armory. As with the Design Phase, I will be providing feedback on proposals. Along with voting on your two proposals, you are also tasked with deciding on the following question:

Piracy is business, and the most successful players in the black market know when a good investment opportunity shows up. Why would someone want to prop up a band of pirates? Well, there's a million simple answers for that. How is one of these shadowy businessmen supporting your efforts?

A: Money, obviously. It's what makes everything move (figuratively). Some refer to money as the "meta" of our universe, and that would be a correct assumption for a pirate. The faction produces 1 Wealth for use each turn. The wealth from this bonus will not be stockpiled, and will be used before stockpiled wealth.

B: Fuel. It's what makes everything move (literally). In a cold, unforgiving universe, it's always nice to know you can get where you gotta go and then back home. The faction produces 1 Fuel for use each turn. The fuel from this bonus will not be stockpiled, and will be used before stockpiled fuel.

C: Armor. It's what you use to keep people from making your people stop moving. Your boarding teams replace their voidsuits with Boarding Suits. Light armor is added to protect vital regions (including a reinforced faceplate), and integrated back thrusters allow controlled movement in space while magnetic soles and gloves can be activated to secure oneself to the side of a ship. You can get these supplies on-demand, so they can be used for any of your combat-oriented Crew until you come up with something better to replace it.

Spoiler: Arrrmory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bonuses (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2022, 08:39:22 pm by Man of Paper »


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2022, 10:38:53 pm »

"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat
Building upon our boarding skiffs, the Raptorclaw is a comparably sleek fully-enclosed (but not pressurized) vessel.
Large enough to carry two teams into the fray, It also has frontal armor rated for any coilguns below 40mm and most point defense systems. The side doors, meanwhile, are only rated for moderate flak and glancing hits. The pilot sits near the back and above the engines, with "bulletproof glass" making up the front canopy. The engines, by the way, do not propel the Raptorclaw meaningfully faster than the skiffs. Two "wings" positioned on the top back, slanted down provide carrying space for heavy equipment (heavy equipment not included.)
Given the circumstances, we expect the Raptorclaw to be relatively rare, if deployed in the same size units as basic skiffs.

Breacher 2: Breach Harder
While many found the breachers somewhat underwhelming, we believe that with a bit of polish they can be made something truly gamechanging.
The first area looked into was, of course, training. While some people might take a "good enough for government work" attitude to handling high explosives, we don't believe in government. The new training course teaches the prospective breacher to plant explosives with quite a bit more care, and more importantly, where to plant the charge for the most effect.
Their role as mentor has also been expanded, allowing them to act as a 2nd in command for their squad leader. Finally, the FNG has been upgraded from meatshield to assistant. Given another sack of charges and the minimum instruction needed to plant them safely at the breacher's command. The rookie now helps speed up the process of setting up a series of charges.
We've also made sure those jolly roger shoulder decals get printed on the uniform this time.

Over-Suit Armor
The simple fact is, basic armor is cheaper than a dead pirate.
This scalable plate carrier is built to fit over most voidsuits, hence the name, and even without plates offers protection against shrapnel and particularly low power pistols to the front and side torso, as well as the groin. Fortunately for our pirates, it does contain a ceramic front plate, offering reasonable protection against most threats.
The side plates, pauldrons, and quishes, on the other hand, are made from Thermoplas. Hey it's cheap and lightweight and offers ok protection against kinetic threats, meaning you can really slab it on to get very good ballistic protection. We did not slab it on, but it should still ward off rounds not built to penetrate light armor. The helmet has been coated in a layer of this thermoplas on the sides and top, with another layer of self-sealing goop between them able to patch up minor damage.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 10:56:03 pm by m1895 »


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2022, 09:40:46 am »

Quote from: Vote
"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat(1): Rockeater
Breacher 2: Breach Harder(1):Rockeater
Over-Suit Armor
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2022, 09:54:34 am »

I doubt we'll get any utility from fuel any time soon, and wealth we'll get utility out of forever basically.

Quote from: Vote
"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat(2): Rockeater, m1895
Breacher 2: Breach Harder(1):Rockeater,  m1895
Over-Suit Armor


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2022, 11:25:30 am »

I prefer Fuel because it's mean we can reliably have a big ship, which gives us a lot of design space, but I won't oppose to wealth
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2022, 11:52:34 am »

The discombulator consists of a xenon arc lamp kludged with a Havana-grade RF disorienter. Discombulators will be handed out to a few troops in a boarding party, to be thrown through a breach just before the party enters. The flash blinds as the RF disrupts the defenders sense of balance, leaving them sitting ducks as the boarding party clears the room.

Man of Paper

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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2022, 06:53:31 pm »

Raptorclaw dips into Very Hard territory, since it's creating a new unit type with a revision as opposed to just modifying something that exists (even if it is based off the old model). You may understand why, for balance reasons, revising entire new units into play may modify difficulty to a greater degree than designing them.

Breacher 2: Breach Harder is Very Easy, being a simple (but not simple) modification to the existing dude(ette).

Over-Suit Armor is a merciful Very Hard, and I will definitely need to be in a merciful mood for that when I roll. You're revising body armor from the uniform, essentially.

Discombulators (sp?) are invalid because they aren't based on current equipment. Also kek at havana grade.


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2022, 08:06:03 pm »

Armored Skiff
The basic skiff leaves our troops a bit uh, exposed.
The modified skiff uses all round armor plate built to withstand point defense and moderate flak. The engine has been upgraded and fine-tuned to prevent the added weight from lowering its acceleration. It also has a rack mounted on the upper back to carry heavy equipment.
Most importantly, pilot's also receive a paint pot to customize their helmet and the nose of the craft.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 10:52:21 pm by m1895 »

Powder Miner

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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2022, 08:21:40 pm »

Looking at the fuel rules I agree that fuel is actually pretty damned situational, whereas Wealth is sort of nuts to get every turn - "would you like better rolls every turn?" Yes, yes I would.

I would also like a skiff upgrade but probably not the one that is a design but smol.

Quote from: Vote
"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat (2): Rockeater, m1895
Armored Skiff (1): Powder Miner
Breacher 2: Breach Harder (3): Rockeater,  m1895, Powder Miner
Over-Suit Armor
Wealth (2): m1895, Powder Miner
Fuel (1): Rockeater


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2022, 08:42:39 pm »

Quote from: Vote
"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat (1): Rockeater
Armored Skiff (2): Powder Miner, m1895
Breacher 2: Breach Harder (3): Rockeater,  m1895, Powder Miner
Over-Suit Armor
Wealth (2): m1895, Powder Miner
Fuel (1): Rockeater


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2022, 04:54:37 am »

Quote from: Vote
"Raptorclaw" Assault Boat (0):
Armored Skiff (3): Powder Miner, m1895, Rockeater
Breacher 2: Breach Harder (3): Rockeater,  m1895, Powder Miner
Over-Suit Armor
Wealth (2): m1895, Powder Miner
Fuel (1): Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: What's Yours Is Mine - Black Hole Buccaneers - Turn 1 Revision
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2022, 02:00:20 am »

Armored Mechanical Counterpressure Suit "Viper"
Mechanical Counterpressure suits as a class offer unparalleled dexterity,  as well as mitigating the problem of punctures.
The first layer of the Viper suit consists of smartcloth which conforms precisely to the wearer's body, providing the pressure needed to survive in ~0 atm. The cloth is hard-wearing and can protect against light shrapnel, and it contains the distributed thermoregulation system.
The second layer is comprised of basic magboots a form-fitting T-shirt and pants, a mixture of padding and ballistic fiber that acts as a secondary level of protection. The third layer consists of Thermoplas plates. There's a lot you can say about Thermoplas. It's cheap. It's lightweight. It's honestly not half-bad against kinetics. The chestplate is reasonably thick and provides competent protection against kinetics.
The lower torso is protected by an articulated plate offering similar protection, while maintaining excellent mobility. The pauldrons offer light protection, as do the quishes. Further to the extremities the vambraces and demigaunts offer very light protection, only enough to reliably stop basic pistols flat on, though strikes at an angle may withstand greater threats. The greaves offer similar protection, but have protusion that offers the knee light protection. Finally, the helmet is much tighter fitting than the more civilian model, and coated in enough thermoplas to offer minor protection, with some self-sealing goo meaning even a penetration does not necessarily mean a loss of atmosphere. The visor also covers less of the face, though it slightly bulges out, the area around the mouth is covered in thermoplas.
Viper suits are primarily black, but there are notable usages of color. The 1st layer has stripes running downing the arms, a band at the thighs, and chevrons on the knees, all in squad colors; the squad colors and the squad names are red (codename: Alpha,) yellow (codename: Bravo), purple (codename: Charlie), and blue (codename: Delta.) A fifth green "echo" squad may come into service, but currently our only boarding parties' are divided into 4 units. The 2nd layer is totally matte black. The left pauldron has the jolly roger in the squads color, and the right pauldron has the party number (currently 1-16) also in squad color. The knee plate also has a chevron in the squad's color. We also have provided another paint pot to decorate the helmet with.

A design, obviously, but might as well post it now
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