So, a basic set of orders for a small squad...
I'm going to make the example for 6 dwarfs in the squad, so you can use the order for all 12 months, with 2 dwarfs stationed at your trade depot, 2 dwarfs training, and 2 off-duty for that month.
- pause the game
- Make a new squad, move all the dwarfs into it so the orders are all default.
- go to your trade depot on the map, make a note using 'N'ote, 'p'lace, and 'n'ame it "watchpost".
- Construct a barracks somewhere and 'q' it to set that squad to 't'rain there. (Use wiki for how to construct a barracks).
- Go to the 'm'ilitary, 'a'lerts screen, down arrow to the Active/Training alert, cursor to that squad and hit Enter so the 'A' appears, indicating that squad is now active.
At this point, if you unpaused, the dwarfs should follow the default orders of "Train, 10 minimum".- hit 's' to jump to the Schedules screen, cursor to the first month for that squad.
- Hit Tab to jump to the "Train, 10 minimum" order, hit 'e'dit, modify the 10 dwarfs down to 2 and shift+enter.
- Read but don't press keys....
In that last step, you could have selected a preference for a dwarf, and if you did that, the game would always try to use that dwarf in that order. It is the equivalent of telling a bunch of guys, "each month, some of you may be rotated from guarding the depot to training or be off-duty, except you Urist and Tosid.... you two will be training every minute of every day of this month."- While you still have "Train, 2 minimum" highlighted, you are going to add the second order (in the set of orders for that squad and for that month) by hitting 'o' three times so it shows "o: Station" and you should see "watchpost" (the name of the Note placed near your depot)
- if you have added more than one Note on your map, use the keys to scroll to the "watchpost" note, otherwise skip to the next step.
- Modify the 10 dwarfs down to 2 and shift+enter.
Your orders should now look like this:
, but there is more to do...- hit Tab so the highlight jumps to the order.
- hit 'n'ame' and enter "Train2Station2".
- hit 'c'opy, down arrow, hit 'p'aste, and continue 'p'asting until the 12 months are the same.
So, when you unpause, the game will attempt to station 2 dwarfs at the depot and send 2 for training at the barracks. To see who has what jobs, go the 'm'ilitary screen, scroll to the members of the squad and their current job will be visible in the top (but they may actually be doing something else, eating, sleeping, getting a new sock). Because this set of orders only needs 4 of the 6 dwarfs, each month you will notice one guy might go off-duty and another comes on-duty, or one changes from Train to Station, etc, because it is not selecting the same guys each time unless you selected preferred dwarfs when you were setting up one of the orders.