You tap away at the console,
turning off the music."Good. Gotta be professional in here." He takes out datapad and reads it briefly.
"Okay, let's do the thing. You are a Drone-by-birth, and upon receiving citizen rights you've self-designated yourself with name 'Arnold', you were employed by SRC on Year 1235, Day 32, Month 10, and arrived on SRC Outpost 254831 exactly at 0 hours two days later, that is Year 1236, Day 1, Month 1?""All correct."
"Have you had any prior knowledge about this outpost and events that happened on it before your arrival?""No."
"Have you personally accessed the fuel pump where the skeletal remains were found?""No."
"Have you informed any civilian media, non-SRC personnel, or outpost patrons, about the skeletal remains inside the fuel pump?""No, no and no, haven't had the chance yet."
"Good. Were there any individuals on board when you arrived or any ship within Beta Carotenii system during that time?""No."
"Have there been any signs of tampering with the station's internal sensors?""Yes. Chief Eccite Muli found an issue with them, they were manually adjusted before my arrival, and she had them reset." Lieutenant Pollio raises his left eyebrow in mild surprise.
"Really? She didn't mention that in the report we've received. Do you know the extent of the tampering or maybe Mrs.Muli informed you about it?""No and no. And returning to previous question, I wish to clarify that Chief Muli discovered the sensor issue after she sent a report to the Federal Police."
"Are you sure about it?""Yes. I was here, and she was seated at the bar counter and filed the reports in front of me and sent them. It was around one-forty tonight." Pollio thinks briefly, then types something on the datapad.
"Okay, time checks out. Next question is..." He types again and reads the datapad some more.
"Have you personally inspected the fuel pump where the skeletal remains were found?""You've already asked this question." The blonde lieutenant looks at you, then at the datapad, and blushes - his face quickly takes on a deep red coloration, from his chin almost to the tips of his ears.
"Sorry, I meant, uh, I meant to ask... have, have you seen any signs of fighting or struggle on board the station outside of the fuel pump where the body is, was, found?""No." Pollio clears his throat.
"Right, and there has been nothing on security sensors about illegal weapons on board, weapon discharges or structural damage caused by weapons?""No, there was no alerts of such kind." Pollio types something on the datapad, thinks briefly and puts it down.
"Thank you for, for your cooperation, Arnold."1236USY.3d/1m.0918h
The silence is deafening, and for the most of the past minute Lieutenant Pollio has been scratching at his ear. His blush is slowly fading away.
A) "Want a drink?"
B) "Can I turn the music back on, now that we're done?"
C) "Something on your mind?"
D) "You've mentioned S'tivan before, you guys are still looking for him, right?"
E) "You've mentioned someone called Gloria, who's that?"