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Author Topic: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress & Adventure [DF 0.47.05]  (Read 80126 times)

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #135 on: September 25, 2022, 10:51:29 am »

Certainly, feel free to do what you feel is more correct.

We could eventually combine the ziggurat-observatory with the tower of babel idea, maybe?

Though, the tower wouldn't be very high, since the sky ends around 15 z-levels above the highest point. Of course the sky height could be increased with DFHack, but I think it might cause issues further down the road (also, probably adds to the lag spike when the giant keas come next time).

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #136 on: September 25, 2022, 05:48:49 pm »

Part III:
No Luck In Romance

It was the 5th of Felsite in the year 343 when Datan -- the only dwarf of Waterlures -- felt an odd tingle in his beard. He raised his head from its bowed position to face the gaze of the statue of The Golden. One could almost swear there was life in the eye's of the statue, and it was as if the goddess and Datan were having an intense conversation without words.

Datan nodded and spoke to the Golden, “Thy will be done.”

He knelt once more, then rose and headed off to the stoneworking halls -- pitiful compared to the ones in proper dwarven holds, but they would suffice. The hand of the Golden was to guide him and a new artifact would be soon born.

Meanwhile Tekkud, the astronomer, and Suwu, the huntress, were having a date at the Hut of Romancing. Things were progressing more smoothely than with Suwu's previous date in the winter: one she had with Vucar 'King Zultan'. She had shown no interest in 'Zultan', which had disappointed the 'Baroness' very much: everyone here wanted to meet the love of their life, but yet no matches seemed to happen! How infuriating!

Thus, ex-baroness Kasat had ordered Tekkud to go to the Hut of Romancing to get to know Suwu better. She wouldn't give up until the huntress was married.

...Or until someone was married to something!

After several days of intense work isolated from the rest of the citizens, Datan finished his life's work: Eshimdakas, 'the Free Color', a phyllite hatch cover!

“I shall name you The Free Color in honor of Dumat Leancastle! I am very satisfied,” Datan said as he admired the artifact which was encircled with bands of cushion cut red spinels and menaced with spikes of sheep wool.

The hatch cover was adorned with a disturbing image: one of Akon Umbradeaths, a bloated hag. Akon was traveling and it related to the hag's settling in the Laconic Prairies -- the vast open wilds around Waterlures.

It was late winter and spring was just around the corner when Kudpa Towerfrenzy the potter got that certain look in her eyes. It was something any dwarf would have recognized immediately, but the capybara folk were still getting accustomed to it -- it was unusual for their kind to have strange moods. In fact, none of the Waterlurians couldn't recall hearing about such things before. And even here, it was something new: possessions by forces unknown had begun only a few years ago.

What was the cause of it? None new the answer, but there were certainly theories -- most of them related somehow to the magic permeating the Lakes of Saturnity.

Of course, Yawo knew that it was the work of the spirits: they were just toying with them and making them do their bidding. It was because nature hadn't been respected.

And surely these so-called artifacts heralded worse things to come...

“A skilled warrior is a beautiful sight to behold,” Ïteb said to Kasat as they were discussing matters at the shrine of Ôsed. “True, so true,” Kasat replied continuing, “Yet, I don't understand how somebody can become so obsessed by what somebody else has. And by that I mean that warriors are used by their superiors for that purpose: the envious covet the possessions of others and taking it as their own with brute force.”

“Aah, but is it not that warriors are also used to protect people from these despicable thieves? Peace is always preferable to war -- it is Ôsed's will -- and so that we may have peace, we must be willing to do what it takes to protect it.”

A chilly air blew from the still-frozen lake. Kasat nodded.

“I am glad that we are on the same page here. But this was not the matter I wanted to discuss. I seek counsel from one who is closer to the Rabbit in the Sky. I am unsure what we should do. How we should progress.”

“Explain, child.”

”Well, we came here on one hand to escape from the yoke of the Unaging King, yet it was not the only reason. Our main hope was that each of us would find someone who we'd like to share our life with and raise a family. Yet, no matter how I try to pair us up, no spark of romance lights... Over fifteen years we have been here and nothing. We all share affinity, yes, but love? There is no love. I am despairing. We are not getting any younger... I need your counsel. Ôsed hasn't given me a straight answer, but you, maybe you as a prophet have insight to offer?”

”Hmmm...” The gorlak furrowed her brow and rubbed her left tusk. “Let me see. This will take some pondering, but I am certain Ôsed will offer us a solution to this predicament...”


Another shorter one.

There really wasn't much to report on: moods, no luck in romancing, the usual merchants and a bit of building (also, the rest of the books were recovered from the lake bottom, yay!).

Anyway, before I continue, I have a question:

How should we proceed with pairing the capies?

I'm apparently worse in this than I thought, or then I'm too impatient or the personalities of the capies are just too different to progress their relations from kindred spirit to lover (all of the orientations should be set to marry the opposite sex, so that shouldn't be the issue).

The newcomers are about to petition for citizenship, so I have the thought of having forced/arranged marriages with DFHack. Something like 2-3 couples this way. It'd be cheating sure, but at this rate all of the capies will die of old age before they marry...

So, force the marriages or not?

And if yes, who should we marry to whom?

Eligible capies list:

Luki Shaftvise (pilgrim)
Libash Blotcoal (pilgrim)
Kudpa Towerfrenzy (potter)
Suwu Cleanmusics (hunter/archer)
Kib Spearmobbed (cook)
Ilral Begunbridges (spinner)
Kasat 'Baroness' Waxedtiles (leader)

Zon Mineburned (pilgrim)
Ubbul Dabblegalleys (woodcutter)
Tekkud Stardust (astronomer)
Vucar 'King Zultan' Scorchlancers (bone carver)
Edu Sandtick (weaver)
Meng Fancypaddle (pilgrim)
Cusal Couragewiped (pilgrim)

So, your decision is what Ïteb the gorlak prophet of Ôsed will tell 'Baroness' Kasat to do...

(If there's no answers I'll marry 'King Zultan' to the capy with the worst personality! Ok, I might do that regardless...)

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #137 on: September 26, 2022, 04:57:42 am »

So, force the marriages or not?

And if yes, who should we marry to whom?
I say yes, and just roll some dice and let fate decide!

(If there's no answers I'll marry 'King Zultan' to the capy with the worst personality! Ok, I might do that regardless...)
Hey now, what did my capy ever do to deserve that? I mean if he's like a villain or something I say we marry off everyone but him so he'll have to live alone and only get to see everyone else be happy and married.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #138 on: September 26, 2022, 07:36:52 am »

So, force the marriages or not?

And if yes, who should we marry to whom?
I say yes, and just roll some dice and let fate decide!

It is decided then: coupling by the dice!

(If there's no answers I'll marry 'King Zultan' to the capy with the worst personality! Ok, I might do that regardless...)
Hey now, what did my capy ever do to deserve that? I mean if he's like a villain or something I say we marry off everyone but him so he'll have to live alone and only get to see everyone else be happy and married.

Haha, we'll see what fate decides!

Maybe poor 'Zultan' will stay single, all alone when others raise families, sitting by himself at the pub each night, gently wiping tears from the corners of his beady eyes... :(

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #139 on: September 26, 2022, 07:19:19 pm »

Part IV:
Marriage By Any Means

In the early days of spring Kudpa Towerfrenzy finished her secretive work. She looked at the phyllite amulet encrusted with red spinel, phyllite and sheep bone. Bands of steel encircled it and it was adorned with hanging rings of phyllite and menacing spikes of yak and sheep bone. The central piece of the amulet, which Kudpa named 'Saintthirst the Ordered Sinew' was an image of the dwarf Kogsak Playceilings.

Now the name Kogsak doesn't usually say much to people -- he wasn't a remarkable fellow, though he is said to have been distantly related to royalty. However, the name and legend of Regalmonstrous is known by all from the Fence of Amusement: a crown made from the bones of a murdered dwarf. A horrifying object, which was offered as a gift to a baroness and which has been coveted many, changing ownership by unlawful means throughout its history.

There was silence in the Fruit of Letters as 'Baroness' Kasat simulated the ngustut while the prophet Ïteb looked carefully at the three dice on the floor.

Ïteb raised her hand and Kasat stopped humming. Everyone turned to face the gorlak.

“Ôsed has spoken and made her will known!” She picked up the silver four-sided long die. “As was made known earlier this year, there will be marriages this summer whether there is romance or not,” the gorlak spoke, referring to a meeting held during mid-spring (which had caused some grumbling and disapproval).

“Three couplings we shall have: one for the Stars, one for the Sun and one for the Mountains stretching into the Skies where the Stars and Sun reside with the Lovable Lagomorph.”

There was murmurs and whispers and curious glances in the room.

“Hush!” Ïteb waved her hand in a silencing motion and picked up the two remaining dice: a gold icosahedral die and an electrum eight-sided long die. She lifted them in her palms for all to see and spoke in a solemn tone, “The divine dice have made the decision clear!” Everyone looked confusedly at the symbols on the dice: the gold die had a picture of a soap bar on top while the electrum die had an image of a spool of thread.

“The couple of the Stars shall be... Ilral Begunbridges--” Gasps sounded in the room as eyes turned to face Ilral who appeared seemingly shocked. “...and our soap maker 'King Zultan'!”

“I... I'm a bone carver...” Zultan tried to correct, but his voice fell to deaf ears as the others erupted in rejoicing and applause.

The dice rolled again and there was silence once more.

“The couple of the Sun: Kib Spearmobbed and Edu Sandtick!”

More rejoicing in the room. Suwu slapped the mildly off-put Edu in the back, laughing, “Hah, wouldn't 'ave ever thought of you becoming a married man!”

“Shut up,” Edu shot daggers from his eyes at Suwu.

The dice rolled for the third and final time. A long pause as Ïteb interpreted the dice. After short deliberation that felt like an hour, the gorlak raised her head (that is, most of her body), smiling.

“The last couple... The couple of the Mountains is... Cusal Couragewiped aaaand...” the gorlak stretched her words and paused. The air in the room was full of anticipation and excitement.

”...And our beloved, most benevolent, adorable community leader 'Baroness' Kasat Waxedtiles!” Ïteb shouted out flinging her arms up to the skies.

Everyone began cheering in joy, hugging and congratulating each other (some, admittedly, congratulated those who hadn't been chosen), throwing their weathered and tattered clothing around the meeting hall -- an odd custom learned from the dwarves of the Fence of Amusement.

Kasat smiled, wiping tears of joy from her eyes. You can always rely on your family when everything else falls away...

And so it happened that on the 11th of Malachite in the year 344 there were three marriages in Waterlures -- all of them arranged by the paw and will of Ôsed.

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

14th of Limestone, 344

'Baroness' Kasat handed a letter to the dwarf outpost liaison Tirist Brasshandles.

“You may examine its contents before I put my seal on it,” she said. The dwarf unfolded the paper, squinted his slightly protruding rust-colored eyes. He twitched his upper lip as if the reading required him to mumble to himself.

“K., former baroness of Waterlures, to her beloved E., dean of the Outrageous Persuader-Guild of Violetgems, if it please, sends greetings and love.

Although our merits and craftsmanship are far from compelling (or, the quality not on par with craftsdwarfship), nevertheless we ask you to accommodate us with good, colorful stone from your quarry. Namely, we ask you for quartzite, cobaltite, kimberlite, rutile, olivine, orthoclase, microcline, cinnabar and vividly green garnierite, at the most reasonable cost (or price) that you can manage. In exchange we can offer a generous amount of bundles of wool, fish, meat and other produce of the highest quality. For you know for a fact that we shall pay you well come next autumn, without any delay. Therefore, may you act in such a manner that we shall return our thanks and Ôsed's blessing to you, along with your payment.

Farewell. Life, is in a word, Mountains.”

The dwarf folded the paper, and Kasat sealed it with wax.

“Sending an order to Eshtân, the head of the masons' guild of Violetgems, eh? Well then, that finalizes our import agreement...” Tirist smirked as he stuffed the now-sealed letter into his pocket.

“That only leaves us with going through the specifics of exports. Shall we?”

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

As winter arrived and the first snow fell, the capybaras were still laboring. Work had progressed quickly this year and the new bridge and accompanying buildings were nearly complete. However, completion could wait. It was winter now, and in Waterlures it was a time for relaxation, recounting the events of the year and making plans for the next; a time for song, drink and dance -- a much needed break from toiling.

To mark the beginning of the winter festivities, Zon, one of the pilgrims, finished his work he had begun some days ago when he was taken by a mood (the denizens of Waterlures still couldn't agree on what the cause of such oddness was, but all agreed that the artifacts certainly were pleasing).

Hoistwalked, an armor stand made of andesite menacing with spikes of giant wombat rib bones (much to the chagrin of the wombat man 'Brewer Bob') and oak -- all adorned with pig tail cloth and goat leather. An image was engraved into the andesite: the dwarf Kadôl Columnlash was surrounded by dwarves, relating to the appointment of Kadôl to the position of general of the Fence of Amusement in ages past.

...Also, there was an image of a white millet plant in goat leather.

Some gathered in the Fruit of Letters to socialize...

...while others were reading books at one of the many studies of the House of Knowledge.

Still, some chose to spend their time rather in prayer to Ôsed...

...or like Kumil, praying to Mestthos, the deity of fortresses.

And so another year in Waterlures neared its end.

What would the next year -- marking the twentieth year (that is, if the wombat man's math was to be trusted) -- bring to the small, humble capybara hamlet?


The fourth part.

Again, nothing much happened (unless we count the DFHack forced marriages as events).

But such is life in a peaceful hamlet.

Oh. There's been some weirdness going on with the leopard gecko woman. She's a carnivore, but it looks like she's not eating any meat we have (cooked or raw). I haven't found an answer to the issue, so I've used full-heal a couple times on her. If I can't figure out what's the deal (probably I've just missed something, since I haven't had this problem with carnivores previously, iirc), I'll remove carnivore from animal persons.

Tomorrow I won't have so much time to continue, but I think I'll have things wrapped up by weekend.

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #140 on: September 27, 2022, 05:45:27 am »

“The couple of the Stars shall be... Ilral Begunbridges--” Gasps sounded in the room as eyes turned to face Ilral who appeared seemingly shocked. “...and our soap maker 'King Zultan'!”
Huzza the fates smiled upon me!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #141 on: September 27, 2022, 07:25:44 am »

“The couple of the Stars shall be... Ilral Begunbridges--” Gasps sounded in the room as eyes turned to face Ilral who appeared seemingly shocked. “...and our soap maker 'King Zultan'!”
Huzza the fates smiled upon me!

You were literally the first capy I rolled! Truly a glorious day for King Zultan!


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #142 on: September 27, 2022, 01:09:48 pm »

this fortress is so relaxing to read about. just the sort of existence that might occur on the edge of civilization, the out-of-focus village at the edge of the screen in one of the LOTR fantasies. its like we never left the Shire.


brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #143 on: September 27, 2022, 03:39:51 pm »

Glad to hear it's nice to read about! I'm not much of a writer, but I do enjoy this fortress, or rather hamlet, and chronicling its history/events.

its like we never left the Shire.

I guess I have succeeded in something then. :)

I'm sort of fed up at this point with all the modern grimdark (old WFRP being an exception -- it did it correct) and epicness with grand scale battles and heroes doing spectacular feats being the main focus. It's nice to once in a while concentrate on simple village life and everyday problems -- it's the little people after all who keep things running!


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #144 on: September 27, 2022, 03:47:57 pm »

Certainly a change of pace, its a very relaxing play.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #145 on: September 27, 2022, 07:15:09 pm »

Part V:
A New Sheriff In Town

Summer had just arrived when Rin the goblin was having a discussion with 'Baroness' Kasat at the Fruit of Letters. Tekkud was reciting poetry as Id downed a cup of dwarven wine. Luki and Cañar the elephant man were there too, listening to the poetry.

“We need a sheriff? In Waterlures? But why?”, Kasat asked the goblin, looking surprised.

“Yes, a sheriff. Allow me to explain,” Rin said, continuing, “Now I know things have been peaceful since I came around and all the citizens are upstanding and law-abiding.”

He paused for a second, gathering his goblin-thoughts.

”But I have heard the tales of the... Of the mysterious deaths -- or, dare I say, murders, ” Rin stretched the last word. Kasat took a step back and clutched her chest in shock.

“Now you believe, for good reasons -- mind you , that they were the work of 'angry spirits'. Very plausible... But have you ever considered, for even one moment, that there just might -- just might have been some foul play at work?”

Kasat looked unnerved. She looked around suspiciously: Cañar's focus had shifted from the poetry to the discussion between Kasat and Rin, his flappy ears turning to listen.

“Naturally I'm not accusing anyone, but one mustn't ever rule out any possibilities. And that, that is where a sheriff comes in handy: someone to look into matters, no matter how disturbing. For the safety of all and to cut the head of rumors right off the bat,” Rin explained.

“S-so, if we would have a sheriff, they would investigate affairs others wouldn't want to think of? Is that what you are saying?”, Kasat asked the goblin, continuing, “I think that might be something we could do... However, I must first think on it... Come the end of summer, I will have made my decision. Do you have anyone particular in mind?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, I do,“ Rin grinned a wide, toothy grin.

“Not to tout my own horn, but I would say that I would be probably your best bet,” the goblin explained, thinking, Oh yes, this seems to go in the direction I want. Me as sheriff. Controlling the law, for once...

He cleared his throat before continuing, “You see, during my times traveling the world, I, uh, have had my brushes with, let us say, less 'savoury' types... And I have learned their way of thought and methods of crime -- no larceny would go unnoticed by me and the culprits would be immediately brought to face justice!” That is, my justice.

“Hmmm,” Kasat rubbed her chin, “I guess that makes sense. And we do have plans of opening an inn for travelers. Not to mention that our library is full of priceless tomes.”

Kasat straightened her posture, “I will think on it, though I believe I will come to agree on your suggestion. Feel free to make plans for the sheriff's office and quarters...”

Rin's smile grew ever the wider.

“But,” Kasat raised her hand, imitating the gorlak prophet's way of silencing the room, “If we have a sheriff, we will need a hammerer...” She looked around, her gaze stopping at Cañar who had a steel war hammer strapped to his back.

“...And Cañar would be perfect for the task!”

Rin looked at the towering elephant man who tapped the shaft of the hammer. He gulped. Well, that might complicate matters...

It was a rainy late summer day when Suwu joined the ones to be possessed by unknown forces. She was in the middle of fetching lumber when she felt like she was not in control of her body anymore. At first, she struggled against the unseen force moving her against her will, but soon she gave into it, and allowed it to guide her.

She headed to the 'mines' and claimed one of the dusty workshops, which hadn't seen use for some time now, muttering to herself, “Spibsa Gorbe, Spibsa Gorbe... Bars... Metal... Bones... Yes...”

And off she went to gather materials for her mysterious construction.

Just before autumn's arrival, her work was completed: a pair of sheep bone greaves, which she immediately put on. They would serve her well, and oh, what magnificent greaves they were!

The sheep bones of Spibsa Gorbe, 'The Tangle of Shade', were studded with brass and onto the bones was engraved an image of a human, one Copnut Scorchbarb, who was traveling to the Laconic Prairies. Copnut was a marshal of the Just Union according to legend, and he supposedly tamed great beasts on his many journeys.

The greaves had another image on them, too: giant cave spider silk embroidery depicted a two-humped camel man.

Suwu felt satisfied after creating the artifact. It was a perfect fit, too!

Likot Languagehame, the daughter of Såkzul and Zuglar, was playing in the warehouse above the Fruit of Letters. She enjoyed playing make believe, but was slightly saddened at the thought that soon she would have to stop playing. For, you see, she was eleven years old and nearing her twelfth birthday -- meaning she would be considered an adult.

“When you are twelve, my dear, you will be of age, and those old enough, they don't play: they work and control their impulses, little one,” mother had said. But Likot did not want to control herself! Why, putting oneself on a leash was a horrible, horrible thought and she'd rather not think of such offense to her nature! Yet, family was important -- in fact, it was the most important things in life. She truly loved her family, especially her little brother Logem. She would do anything for them: even stop playing. If that was what was needed.

She frowned as sadness crept in, but it did not last long, for she noticed a swarm of pixies flying between the bins of clothes. She observed them intently, peeking from behind a crate, continuing playing and imagining...

It was once again winter and everyone was gathered at the Fruit of Letters. There was many a reason for celebration this year (no matter how small a reason).

First, the expansion of the tavern had been just finished. The main meeting hall of Waterlures had become quite cramped and more space was necessary -- it wasn't exactly large enough even after the expansion, but at least now you didn't bump so easily into others and spill their drinks.

Second, Kasat had a new announcement to make and everyone was eager to hear what it was this year: was it more marriage arrangements? Or was Waterlures to open for visitors finally? Or maybe plans for the grand observatory and expanded library had been completed?

Hah, little do they know that there will soon be a new sheriff in town! Rin thought, sitting all relaxed and confident. He was certain this would be Kasat's announcement, and, quite frankly, he was eager to move into the sheriff's quarters he had ordered to be built (of course, remembering to mention he was mandated by the 'Baroness' herself.

“Ahem,” Kasat coughed into her fist, “May I have your attention?”

Everyone turned to face her in anticipation.

“After some rather insightful discussions, I have come to the conclusion that we, the citizens of Waterlures, we need to uphold the rule of Law.” There were some confused 'huhs' and 'whats' heard from the crowd.

“Now I know all of you are decent people, capybara or not... However, as you all very well know, there have been some plans of opening an inn for travelers, maybe even some scholars.” Nods and murmurs of approval went around the room, though some shifted slightly restlessly.

“And we cannot be certain that the visitors are as upstanding people as you all are,” Kasat glimpsed at the reactions of her community members before continuing, “Therefore, I have decided that somebody needs to be appointed to the task of keeping order...”

Rin grinned. Yes, and that person shall be... Me!

“Thus, let me introduce you all to your new sheriff...”, Kasat turned to look at her left, past Ïteb the prophet at a group.

“Our sheriff shall be none other than the humble and practical Fayoba Claspedleaf!”, Kasat extended her finger towards the elf who was leaning against the wall in his thoughts.

“W-What?”, Fayoba exclaimed, startled by the unexpected responsibility thrust upon him.

Rin almost choked on his dwarven beer, spat it in spray, wiped the foam from his lips and screamed, “WHAT!?!”

So, now we have a sheriff.

Nothing else to report, really. No new marriages, nor any births (though they still might happen -- I didn't play so long today).

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #146 on: September 28, 2022, 08:23:40 pm »

Part VI:
Spinning Logs and Missing Boots

9th of Granite, 346

It was the twelfth birthday of Likot. A special day that marked her becoming a grown-up. She would become a woodcrafter, since she was already at this young an age the most skilled one in Waterlures -- in fact, she was even by dwarven standards better than most. You see, she was one of those who had been possessed by forces unknown and gained skills that even master craftsmen would envy from creating Sebshos Enir, the Mire of Beguilers, the ginkgo wood crown.

Likot was playing in the bedroom of mother and father, avoiding the others who would certainly be congratulating her. Not that she didn't like being social -- she was an assertive person after all. But this day, she'd rather concentrate on her imaginary worlds and play for one last time. Tomorrow she'd be busy with her woodcrafter's tools, carving figurines, rings and what-not from wood for the enjoyment of the others. Many had been grumbling about not acquiring new items for a long time, and that was something Likot understood: for she, too, liked hoarding personal treasures.

The corpulent young capybara woman (for she was now counted as a woman, not a simple girl anymore) was happy. She was maybe not yet comfortable with leaving her childhood behind, but at least she had her memories left. For instance, she was very fond of the moments she'd had playing with a toy boat.

From the journal of Kasat 'Baroness' Waxedtiles
18th Granite, 346

“The summer caravan from the Just Unions arrived recently. I was surprised by the size of it: there was over thirty merchants and their bodyguards in total! Never has there been such a large group in Waterlures. Why, there were as many of them as there are citizens at our home!

In any case, I met with Upnal Wreathpacks who greeted me on behalf of the Merchants' Guild, passing some news from the larger world. Mostly just new people being appointed as priestly figures. It was good to hear something else than worrying news about marching armies and conflict. Perhaps things are calming down in the north?

Again, we traded for some lumber and colorful stones. The stones are yet to be put to use, but according to Datan's calculations, we still don't have enough for his designs. I'm wondering what he's managed to draft and would very much like to see the dwarf's building plans, but he resuses to show them as they are still a 'work in progress', as he put it (I do hope his plans are not as messy as his room!).

With luck, the autumn caravan from the Mountainhome will bring more stone. I have now grown accustomed to write down orders to the masons and such before the caravans' arrive -- it makes our dealings run so much more smoothly!

Perhaps next year we can start building the grand observatory (and accompanying library expansion) Tekkud has so much hoped for? Though, I still think a smaller structure should be more than enough. But if the others want something grand, that is what we shall commit to.”

Rin the goblin grabbed some hemp from the barrel and fetched an empty bag before proceeding to the millstone. Instead of becoming a sheriff, he had been assigned the task of milling, for there was no miller in Waterlures, yet there was a mill. A mill that had been sitting unused for years now.

Well, this is not as bad as I thought it would be, Rin thought, feeling quite satisfied at work. And he did get his own quarters that were far enough from prying eyes after all.

Maybe the small room in the upper levels of the mill wasn't as fancy as the one Rin had planned for the sheriff's quarters, but he was content with it. The only thing he was missing was a proper place to pray to Githu, a deity from the human realm of the Cobalt Empires who was associated with murder and death. It frustrated him, but he was uncertain how the others would react if he petitioned to have a shrine for such a god.

However, there was lots of empty space still in the mill. Perhaps he could make a small make-shift shrine in some shady nook of it?

Yes, that is what he would do... (Once he would be finished with the milling.)

Suwu was restless. And to ease the feeling she had come to the archery range to practice despite the early autumn rain.

I long to make romance. I'm feeling lonely. She thought while drawing another arrow from her linen quiver. Now that Edu, one of her closest friends, was married, the loneliness felt stronger than before. It didn't help that she hadn't had the opportunity to hone her skills in sparring for too long, or even go wandering on a hunting trip. There was supposedly so much to do.

To do what? Build new taverns and houses and walkways across the lake that were completely unnecessary. Why? Waterlures already had everything its denizens needed: shelter, food and company. And with all the work, the last one, the most important one, was neglected.

...And now she was supposed to train some new archers. For what? To shoot giant birds and monstrous mosquitos down from the sky because they spooked the capybaras? She could do that by herself, if she was only given the opportunity to hunt them. But no, no. “There is enough meat from the livestock,” they said. “It'll anger the spirits even more!”, they said.

How frustrating! Suwu nocked another arrow, took aim and fired.

The arrow flew wide.

Libash Blotcoal was confused. She had just opened her eyes and noticed that she was lying on the roofing she had been working on. I was knocked out by something. This is so confusing, she rubbed her head and wiped the sawdust and loam off her masterfully made sheep wool cap.

Little did she know that the cause of the accident (fortunately one without any injuries) was Meng Fancypaddle. He had been careless with the building of the new hunter's and archer's lodge made for Suwu's archer squad, the Turquoise Veils. Had he paid heed to the changes in the building plans? No, no he hadn't. He thought he could get away with slapping the logs in the same place as was originally intended. That didn't play out so well, for you see, there was nothing to support the log and so it fell down, crashing through the floor of the level below all the way to the ground floor, sending up a huge cloud of dust and splinters, which knocked several workers off their feet.

Meng was lucky that nobody was hurt.

Still, to be on the safe side, he quickly scampered away from the construction site before paws of accusation were pointed at him.

'Avolition', the plump helmet man, was finally filling the bath that Kasat had ordered to be built. It had been completed for over a year, yet it hadn't been used -- like many other new constructions. 'Avo' was a bit bored, for it was some time since they had practiced martial arts with Kumil and Cañar. He was but a dabbler in pump operating, but even with his almost non-existent skill, he was the best pump operator in the whole of Waterlures. It was a silly thought and made him smile.

But it was not enough to make him forget the shame of walking with his feet bare. For 'Avo' had managed to misplace his low boots somewhere, and no matter how much he searched for them, he couldn't find them. Well, in a sense it too was funny. After all, it was not that serious a matter and with his smithing skills, he could make new ones.

In fact, he might just as well head to the forge after finishing pumping. Make a new pair of boots. This time he'd make sure he wouldn't lose them while grabbing a pick and heading to the mines or quarry -- for there was no need for such business for a long, long time.

Zuglar the manager had just finished harvesting spelt. It was early Moonstone, the beginning of winter. As he walked up the slope to store the grain in the mill, he was deep in thought.

Oh, my sweet little boy, sweet, sweet Logem. Twelve years old! He sighed, feeling proud of his son, yet at the same time slightly melancholic. Now both of his and Såkzul's children were among the ranks of the grown-ups. It was but a while ago when they were wee little babes. He felt love when thinking of yesterday; how he had explained to Logem on his twelfth birthday that he was proud of him, that come spring, he would join his father to tlil the fields and sow the seeds.

Oh, how we was fond of the day he became a parent! He'd still be one, of course, but it wouldn't be the same.

Dear Ôsed, I know I don't pray to you often, and that you probably won't answer my pleas, but if it would not be too much to ask, would you bless us with more little ones? He looked into the skies for a while.

He shrugged. No, it was a silly wish. If the gods were to bless them with more offspring, certainly it would have already happened.

He sighed once again, closed the lid of the barrel where he had just put the spelt and headed back to the fields.

Once again it was time for winter festivities.

This time they were not held in the Fruit of Letters, but in Datan's new, “more dwarfy” (as he put it) tavern, which had been made into a repurposed temporary stockpile. It had been named 'The Hut of Romancing' after the small cozy hut carved into stone next door. The name was more of a joke, really, for there had been no romance in the hut, but it had been a good place to grab a drink and mingle with your buddies.

So, now the Waterlurians were able to do the same thing, but in a larger group!

Kumil, the militia warden (that is, head of the militia -- Waterlurians wanted to distinguish themselves from the dwarves of the Mountainhome), was already well into his drinks, lying unconscious on the floor in his own vomit. He had been just in the middle of a stimulating intellectual conversation (or, so he thought) with Kasat when he had just suddenly slumped onto the floor, snoring.

Kasat hadn't been bothered nor interested by the discussion. It was just a regular encounter of no importance. Even the rank breath and slurred speech of the stupidly drunk faun hadn't caused the slightest of emotions in her. She was more interested in listening to Suwu's story of how Tirist Brasshandles became the outpost liaison. It obviously wasn't true and was most likely made up -- how would Suwu possibly know such details of the liaison's life?

...And so the remainder of the year (or, most of it) was spent among friends and acquaintances, with drink in hand (and occasionally on the floor, if one passed out) and all manner of stories being told.


Another one... Seems like this is turning into another looooong turn (even though I promised I wouldn't do it again).

There's still quite some stuff I want to finish before passing the save to Salmeuk.

So, hope you don't mind if I continue still.

(Though, I'll probably have to eventually take a break so that I get other stuff done, too, haha.)

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #147 on: September 29, 2022, 08:32:23 pm »

Part VII:
Useful Mating

Spring arrived.

The floor of the House of Knowledge was still cluttered with books. All of them had been returned inside from the aftermath of the storm, but sorting them out and putting them into shelves or other storage was a long, ongoing effort.

Datan sat at a table in front of a tall window made from cut black zircons. In front of him was a book, which he was reading. He found the eighty-eight paged manual very interesting.

It was titled 'Useful Mating', and was authored by one Fale Clanskins. As its title implied, it concerned the reproductive behavior of creatures, though, the masterful writing rapidly shifted from one topic to another, covering a wide range of subjects.

On the breeding habits of the capybara

The common sort of elf thinketh, that they are akin to the pig, but let me assure you, that is not the truth. The breeding of the capybara, when their scent changeth, is very much different from the pig: whereas the pig mates on the land, the capybara mate in water! Yes, that be true: it is from there that the name 'bath-swine' deriveth from!”

Datan put down the book and looked out the window. So, that is why Kasat had the baths built! No wonder there have been no new births, if the capies haven't had a place to breed! He thought, and suddenly came to the realization that he just might skip trying out the baths. He shuddered at the thought of what must be happening even now at the bath! How disgusting!

Meanwhile Cusal Couragewiped was walking about, deep in exciting thought. He was thinking of a discussion with his wife Kasat, and remembering that discussion made him have some very lustful thoughts...

(But let us refrain from delving any deeper into such thoughts.)

It was sad that Yawo's pet hippo Masami passed away, but such is life and old age reaches all one day (unless you are the Unaging King himself, of course).

Regardless, the pasture wouldn't be the same anymore without the barrel-shaped beast meandering, becoming enraged by even the smallest of things.

I need to get away from here and go wandering, Yawo thought while hauling wood to the construction site of the combined inn and 'town hall' they were building on the east shore. She was quite frustrated for being stuck in Waterlures, getting all comfy, with nothing else to do except read some dusty tomes in the library, eat one of Kib's masterful roasts or get stupid drunk at one of the taverns. Getting caught in the rain was another matter that annoyed her. While normally she wouldn't mind a little rain, it was an entirely different thing when you had to work with all of your hair and clothes wet, sticking to your skin.

Bah, stupid rain, she cursed, shaking a fist at the clouds. Now, the rain wouldn't be half as bad if all the trees were left and we could go under their branches for shelter! But no. No. We have to cut trees. More and more trees... She scoffed aloud, though there was none around to hear it.

What is the point of this dumb building anyway? That we have one more place where we can have 'intellectual' discussions with our friends? So utterly boring. These silly capybaras are too much like those stupid bearded mud-lovers from the mountains...

14th of Sandstone, 347

Winter was only a few weeks away when it happened: a new capybara baby was born!

Kib, the wife of Edu Sandtick, gave birth to a boy at the butcher's shop. It was maybe not the best of places to bring new life into the world, but Kib didn't care: she was too blissful for such thoughts now that she had become a parent!

The tavern keeper Datan, after hearing the news, rushed to the Chapel of Duty to offer his thanks to Ôsed -- it was after all proper and customary in these kind of events.

His thoughts wandered amidst prayer to Fale's book, 'Useful Mating'. It had been an interesting read, and awfully fitting for the situation in Waterlures. Now he hadn't been here for that long, but there hadn't been any births for at least ten years. It was high time the capybaras -- who had come here to raise families -- were once more blessed by the Rabbit!

“In my many fascinating discoveries and observations of the capybara, one was their highly unusual courtship behavior. During the period of mating, at its highest peak, the male follows the female closely, often maintaining his snout in contact with her rump, mayhaps even gently nibbling it. In this manner they can slowly meander for hundreds of yards until they reach a body of water...”

Datan remembered the wording clearly, and silently chuckled at the thought of Edu biting Kib's behind. Of course he knew that capybara persons didn't behave similarly to their animal counterparts, but nevertheless, he liked to exercise his imagination.

“While mounting, the male--”, on second thought, maybe he didn't want to imagine that part any further.

Datan cleared his mind and continued his prayers.

Winter was always more easy-going in Waterlures. This year was no different, except that there was no grand gathering at the Fruit of Letters or the Hut of Romancing.

The year had been bountiful: there was more grain and fish than needed. Much of the surplus would go to the caravans next year. Some of the fields would be left to fallow, for even now the granaries were almost brimming. Fish, fish there was far too much despite storage space for still-to-be prepared fish scattered all around the fisheries and wooden walkways. There had been too many fishers, and, therefore, at some point it was noticed that the capacity to store and process them was too small. End result: the refuse piles were chock full of rotting, smelly trout and other fish.

Fortunately, the Lakes of Saturnity were now frozen, so there was plenty of time to clear the mess and clean the properly stored unrotten fish.

Datan was praying to Mestthos next to Kumil.

He was quite satisfied of this year, and despite the capybaras not being as skilled in building and crafts as dwarves, he had felt much delight admiring the well-made railings of all the bridges and walkways. And the view from his new beehive platform was magnificent! The lake opening to the south, a cool morning breeze blowing from it, such a way to start a day at work!

And soon, maybe next year, the bees will give honey. For, you see, Datan had plans for a meadery in the Hut of Romancing. He needed something to distinguish it from the Fruit of Letters (not to mention that soon there'd be a third tavern!), and, quite frankly, what better way than a mug of good mead?

His attention returned to his prayers. Mestthos. Do you have dreams? He asked the god. It was a silly question, yes, and he'd probably not get a direct answet, but it had bothered him for some time now... And if one didn't ask, there certainly wouldn't be an answer!


So, after a long time, more bebes!

Nothing else really. Still putting books on a pedestal for display, but we're getting there: "only" 600 left!

It's quite the pile that's now on the pedestal, heh.

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #148 on: September 30, 2022, 02:58:56 am »

Damn that's a lot of books.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #149 on: September 30, 2022, 03:49:56 pm »

An entire library from elven scholars to be accurate
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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