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Author Topic: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress & Adventure [DF 0.47.05]  (Read 80719 times)


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2022, 05:58:01 am »

Been diving into my coding project, which happens to scratch the same itch as DF. I'll try to get on it by this weekend. Hopefully I can fix everyone's attitude enough for some good old fashioned baby-makin'.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #46 on: August 17, 2022, 06:36:20 am »

When you get an itch you gotta scratch it.

No hurry with the turn, just checking if you're still playing it. :)

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2022, 01:02:13 pm »


@delphonso, what's the situation with your turn?

If you're short on time, we can switch places on the list: I've got plenty of free time currently, so I could take a turn and when you know you've got the time, I could just end my turn and upload the save?


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2022, 06:45:20 pm »

Certainly, go ahead. I've only finished two months, so no major loss for you to start over.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2022, 07:14:54 pm »

Certainly, go ahead. I've only finished two months, so no major loss for you to start over.

Ah, but if you've already begun your turn... Any idea when you might have time to finish it?


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #50 on: August 25, 2022, 12:25:44 am »

This game I'm working on keeps refusing to be finished, despite my best efforts. Go ahead, bob, I'll be happy to take the turn afterwards.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #51 on: August 25, 2022, 06:10:56 am »

Let's do that then. I'll begin my turn later today.

Good luck with your game project, delphonso!

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #52 on: August 25, 2022, 07:32:01 am »

Oh, wow. These capybaras are really unhappy, lol.

What have you done Avolitionbrit? :)

I reckon it's been too many constructions and not enough relaxing.

Just checked the stocks, and we've got like, what, over 900 units of booze for ~10 citizens. And there's tons of plants waiting to be picked up from the fields, but no room in the stockpiles.

I think we have enough food & drink to have a loooong break from work.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #53 on: August 25, 2022, 08:08:00 am »

Okay, I think I've got a plan...

Also, I might be bringing some new capybaras to the fort via adventure mode (if it works and doesn't cause too much issues upon unretiring), so if someone wants to be dorfed (capyd?) as one, now is the time to holler.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #54 on: August 25, 2022, 05:39:29 pm »

Part I:
Darker Times in Waterlures

From the journal of baroness Kasat Waxedtiles
2nd of Slate, 330

“Everything is falling apart around me. Things are not panning out as I planned. I may be baroness and things are looking bright on my part, but the others, oh the others! It was a mistake from my part to let the others take more responsibility of running our settlement: our livestock has been breeding like rabbits (not to mention the cats - cats everywhere!) and with this rate, the pasture will be barren for the rest of eternity; crops and fruit are being left on the fields to rot, since we ran out of space in our stores; 'Delphonso' is about to snap - he's constantly coming to complain to me - and currently in an oblivious state; and Zas...

Zas, the one who was supposed to keep us safe... Well, he's been in a particularly sour mood, throwing tantrums and all, battering those cats and kittens running in front of your feet.

Today, he went too far. He defiled the shrine of Mestthos at the mine entry. Toppled the statue he did. Of the god who has kept the fortresses of the dwarves - and us capybaras along them - safe for since the beginning of times. I just pray for his soul that Mestthos will be merciful.”

From the journal of baroness Kasat Waxedtiles
13th of Malachite, 330

“A horrible discovery was made today in the dormitory: Imush found 'Quandale' lying in her bed, unmoving, unresponding. She was dead. Not only that, her body appeared as if drained of all of her lifeblood. I am at a loss what could have caused it. Yawo spoke of 'the angry spirits of the forest', for in spring an elven emissary came to visit unannounced. Apparently we had felled some of their sacred trees and the elves were furious. Despite that, they traded with us. But maybe Yawo is right. Maybe the spirits are angry? This is a magical part of the lands: we have seen fairies flying and dancing above the lake waters. We have to be careful. I have ordered that no more trees are to be felled. I will consult Yawo if she knows how we could appease these 'spirits'.

But first we mourn and bury our beloved 'Quandale'.”

“I've been feeling thirsty. Very thirsty. Not for beer nor ale or wine. For something else. My mouth feels parched. Dry. I need to quench it. Some way. I had to quench it. I found a way. Poor 'Quandale'. Poor, poor 'Quandale'. She didn't deserve it. I was thirsty. I have trouble controlling my temper. I hope the others won't find out. Why Mestthos, why? Why did you curse me? Please forgive me.”

Zas kneeled before the statue of Mestthos that he had previously defiled, humbling himself before the mighty god of Fortresses, hoping to have his curse removed with enough prayer.

Yet he would not find peace, his thirst would not end, no matter how much he prayed.

From the journal of baroness Kasat Waxedtiles
1st of Limestone, 330

“As if things were not dour enough already: the unfinished library designed by our plump helmet man collapsed today. It seems likely that the lack of proper supporting structures were the cause of it. We need a proper dwarven architect - if we want to build something as spectacular. Now all the stone lies at the bottom of the Lakes of Saturnity.

Good news is that nobody was hurt and no books were lost.”

(OOC: Sorry about that @Avolitionbrit. My OCD kicked in when I noticed the lack of proper, game-wise unnecessary completely necessary, supporting structures beneath it, so I collapsed it. I am, however, going to build it anew in the same design, but adding pillars or something under it.)

From the journal of baroness Kasat Waxedtiles
5th of Timber, 330

“I am concerned. Imush was found dead in her bed a week ago, all dried up like a prune. We followed Yawo's advice to appease the spirits by culling our livestock and leaving their meats for the spirits. Some of the meat is gone, but most of it is laying untouched and rotting. I fear it didn't please them. Maybe the wombat man 'Brewer Bob' is right when he scoffed at 'such sillyness' and said it had to be something else? This has to be sorted out soon, lest we lose any more of our friends to the malevolent spirits or whatever is doing this. Who knows who'll be the next one if we don't find a means to stop this?”

From the journal of baroness Kasat Waxedtiles
25th of Timber, 330

“That does it!

Zas in his ever deepening depression and haggardness went too far! He is no longer responsible for our safety, nor among us. I expelled him today. He battered Inod so badly in one of his fits that even Yawo couldn't mend the wounds. Inod is dead! We have lost three of our kind this year and it isn't even winter yet!

I don't care where Zas goes, but he certainly is not welcome here anymore! I am sad, angry, disappointed and outraged by such behaviour. If this is Mestthos' way to punish him, I can not but feel that it is others who pay the highest price for his sins. I curse you Zas!”

Zas felt guilty and ashamed, burdened by his actions. Trudging across the frozen lake, a cat following him, he didn't look behind: he had deserved this. He was not worthy of the ones he left behind. He hadn't meant to kill Inod. It was supposed to only be a slap! But he couldn't control his temper nor his new strength. He punched too hard. But it was not only Inod. He had killed before. Imush. Quandale. Both were dead because of him, not some 'spirits'. The others didn't know. He was the cause. He was a murderer.

He didn't care what would become of him. He didn't care if Mestthos struck him down in this instant. All that he cared for was to quench his thirst.

And he was very thirsty.

From the journal of Yawo Cunningfur, Mandrill Woman Witch-Doctor:

“That 'Delphonso' fellow lost it finally. Had enough. Snapped. That stupid, stupid man. 'Tremendous stresses' they say. Bah, it's the nature here that's coming after them, I say. They been living too long with the mudsuckers and rockbiters of Ustuth Ďdath. Just like dwarves they are now. No beards, but more hair. Short. Stout. Who will I now argue with? 'Delphonso' was fun to make angry. Now he's just walking around, blank stare. 'Melancholic', they say. Cursed by Icemi, I say. He'll die soon. Going to feed the earth then, just like 'Quandale', Imush and Inod do. Stupid, stupid man.”

(OOC: Yawo and 'Delphonso' were often arguing with each other. 'Delphonso' didn't like it, but Yawo was exhilarated by it. They were pretty much the first ones in the fort to become friends.)


So, yeah.

The happy, peaceful fortress took some darker turns. We're down to 8 citizens now: 6 capys, a mandrill woman and a wombat man.

'Delphonso' was pretty beyond help, though I managed to reduce his stress somewhat. However, Zas flipping out and giving Delphonso a beating before he was expelled made stuff worse. They were both with 40k+ stress. I know it's possible to fix that in .05, but yeah, getting an unexpected vampire (who unfortunately chose 'Quandale' as his first victim) didn't help the situation. Can't remember when's the last time I've got a citizen cursed during fort mode (probably 0.40 something?).


I think now I'll have to bring more capys with adventure mode. I'll be doing that tomorrow.

So, if you @delphonso and @salmeuk want new capys, let me know. Also, if there's any other preferences such as a particular skill or what-not, now's the time to say it.

I might also take a peek on Zas at some point (if the unretiring isn't *too* big a hassle).

edit. It's actually a curious detail that Zas chose Imush as his next victim after Quandale - Imush after all was the first to discover the body.


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #55 on: August 25, 2022, 09:37:28 pm »

yay! another chapter in the story.

“A horrible discovery was made today in the dormitory: Imush found 'Quandale' lying in her bed, unmoving, unresponding. She was dead. Not only that, her body appeared as if drained of all of her lifeblood. I am at a loss what could have caused it. Yawo spoke of 'the angry spirits of the forest', for in spring an elven emissary came to visit unannounced. Apparently we had felled some of their sacred trees and the elves were furious. Despite that, they traded with us. But maybe Yawo is right. Maybe the spirits are angry? This is a magical part of the lands: we have seen fairies flying and dancing above the lake waters. We have to be careful. I have ordered that no more trees are to be felled. I will consult Yawo if she knows how we could appease these 'spirits'.

But first we mourn and bury our beloved 'Quandale'.”

not so yay! RIP Quandale. may he craft many masterwork cabinets in capybara heaven

I love it when statues are toppled. I hope for more in-game mechanics for curses to develop, since it it such a thematic event when it does occur. just wonderful story fodder.

Are we pretending we don't know Zas is the bloodsucker? I like that story wise. At least until he kills every capybara on the map.


brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2022, 10:04:03 pm »

I was actually following the vampire Zas when he went for Quandale, but since the game is still in fast low population FPS I was too slow to react (he was literally on the door tile when I paused, so just a moment too late to lock it, damn it!).

Are we pretending we don't know Zas is the bloodsucker? I like that story wise. At least until he kills every capybara on the map.

Yeah, this was what I went with. There was no way the capybaras could've known it was Zas (or a vampire), so I made up that Yawo said something about "angry spirits" (we did get the elves come and warn us about felling trees, so it felt like it fit).

I only expelled Zas after he punched a dwarf when tantruming, which resulted in the death of said dorf.

I'm sort of tempted to do a short adventure run with Zas, if it's something others would like to see. Seemed like there could be some story potential in it. It'd certainly mess things up a tad upon unretiring the fort, but that's gonna anyway happen since I need to bring in more capys with adventure mode, sooo... Thoughts?

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #57 on: August 26, 2022, 02:26:56 am »

An adventure sounds neat, also when new capybaras get added can I get one?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #58 on: August 26, 2022, 06:08:27 am »

when new capybaras get added can I get one?

Sure, consider it done. Any preferences on the capy's profession, skills or whatever, or maybe even an animal that they like?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2022, 09:52:59 am »

I'm sort of tempted to do a short adventure run with Zas adventure mode

Well, this plan is scratched. Let's just say that looking through Legends what Zas was doing made it clear that he, err, met his maker, so to speak. (I'll try to do a short write-up of what happened to the vampire, but there's really not that much in Legends to work with.)

So, now the plan is to do an adventure run with a couple of capybara men (and few other animal people) and how they reach Waterlures. Depending on how things go, I'll probably do two groups - one with a report of their journeys, and the other I'll just create to start straight in Waterlures.
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