look for a pair of ambush positions, first one for Kedia, then one for myself. Then get into position and settle in to wait.
You walk along the bank followed by the Eldar. Before too long you find distinctive tracks of a Raptor in the mud. They match the feet the chief showed you at least, with telltale claw marks and a noticeable empty space where the raised claw should be. You manage to find a game trail connected to these tracks leading further into the jungle. Here you set up your ambush, putting the meat nicely in the path and finding undergrowth for you and your companion.
Hours pass by. Neither you or the Eldar is particularly stealthy, both end up rustling around ever few minutes as you adjust your bodies to be comfortable. Still it doesn't seem to be enough to draw your targets away, you hear their own rustling along with their own sound of communication. It doesn't look like the Eldar heard anything. Must be the helmet. Or lack of cat ears. Real ones I mean.
Four of the creatures walk down the game trail. The Eldar finally seems to notice when they're in visual range. The first one in line sniffs the air, discovering your bait and snapping its jaws over the bone. It is indeed a Raptor! The second of about the same size is following close behind. It bites into the other end of the bait, playing tug-of-war with its companion over who will get the small meal. Behind them stands the largest of the group. It is sniffing in the air but unlike the first two isn't looking at the meat. It is looking in the jungle on both sides. No doubt it is on to your ambush. Last in line is the smallest, meekly following the others and eyeing the bait without attempting to grasp it.
Bait Raptor 1: 11 meters from Kedia, 10 from Indaria
Bait Raptor 2: 11 meters from Indaria, 10 from Kedia
Suspicious Raptor: 12 meters from both
Meek Raptor: 13 meters from both.