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Author Topic: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Experimentation VI)  (Read 18920 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploration VI)
« Reply #375 on: November 16, 2022, 11:54:42 am »

Quote from: Major Votebox
Tour of Other friendship: (1.1) Minors
Search for the legendary Sky-light: (0)
Recoinaissance in force: (3) Powder Miner, Quarque, NUKE9.13
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Tour of Other friendship: (1) Doomblade
Search for the legendary Sky-light: (0)
Recoinaissance in force: (0)
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploration VI)
« Reply #376 on: November 16, 2022, 12:24:55 pm »

Remember minors and any observers if we have any that aren’t in game yet, you can jump in whenever you want and boost them numbers up some. You guys just gonna let these major nerds control everything?


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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploration VI)
« Reply #377 on: November 19, 2022, 10:19:07 pm »

What if I want to recon in force, but don't want to contribute to pm's massive ego?

Man of Paper

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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploration VI)
« Reply #378 on: November 19, 2022, 10:49:18 pm »

Then you're shit outta luck unless you got a different route to explorate.

Shame that I started working on the turn already, so you're double out of luck.


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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploration VI)
« Reply #379 on: November 20, 2022, 01:16:52 am »


Man of Paper

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The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Expansion VI)
« Reply #380 on: November 27, 2022, 09:40:35 pm »

Exploration VI: Border Gore

When it came time to explore the west once more, a particularly large entourage formed under the direction of a Major Founder (Powder Miner +1I) intent on defending themselves should any of The Others decide to interfere with the expedition. Even if The Others opted to leave the Baobabi alone for once since they discovered one another, the harsh mistress that is the environment was still quite the obstacle to overcome.

Luckily, with the aid of Way-Finding Pots, heavily-burdened Pack Wildebeest, and a healthy dose of ambitious optimism, the party left Stakehome and found themselves relatively easily navigating the sands to the west. While the Bow Elephants providing an intimidating and imposing guard for the expedition required a significant amount of upkeep, their low numbers (three were assigned to the expedition) made them easier to manage with the logistical transport capacity available.

The Way-Finding Pots in particular proved to be excruciatingly necessary for travel through the entirely featureless landscape that made up 45-C. The party stumbled upon a singular Fumic Vent among the shifting dunes, and got to witness a particularly nasty sandstorm from a fortunately safe distance. This desiccated expanse proved to dampen the enthusiasm of the traveling Baobabi to a great degree. What if this was all that existed until the western edge of the world? Did it all end at the mountains they'd seen years ago from the Oasis? But then where did The Others come from? Where had their own ancestors come from? The Baobabi thirsted for answers and pressed onward. 45-C is entirely uninhabitable for any sort of self-sustaining population without intense and extreme levels of aid.

Traveling into 44-C alleviated a significant number of the Baobabi's concerns while amplifying a few more. Another Fumic Vent provided a place to top off the Way-Finding Pots, but even more importantly were the signs of serious human activity in the area. Specifically, it seemed the area was a frequent source of conflict between the two groups of Others. Withered corpses and sun-bleached bones became increasingly abundant as Baobabi explorers pushed toward the mountains slowly rising over the horizon, but their adventure was diverted toward a closer, more interesting feature: a huge crater cutting deep into the earth, the desert around it covered in dirt, clay, sand, stone, and glass caused by the impact of the celestial object so many ages ago. The Stout Others were hard at work removing a glossy black material lining the crater in veins that'd been uncovered further as the ancient strip mining operation expanded to feed whatever needs this material was useful for. Of course it was no accident that the Baobabi were able to get some of their own so close to the mine without being stopped, and a Stout Other had approached the Baobabi camp the evening after they'd spied upon the crater.

The Stout Other spoke to the Baobabi in their tongue, although the smoother flow and natural cadence of Baobabi speech was significantly impacted by the Stout Other's own harsher, pitchier dialect. Decades of learning from prisoners had given The Others a rough ability to speak the Baobabi language. The Stout Other did not approach aggressively, and called out to make their presence and intent known: they sought only to speak with the Baobabi expedition. He identified himself as a member of the Zheng Mian Tribe from another land further west, past the mountains and separated by a wide channel. The Zheng Mian made it clear that he believed conflict was inevitable between the two tribes, but what they interpreted as a Baobabi preference for an aggressive but defensive posture spoke to their tribe. The Thin Others, identified by the "diplomat" as the Bei Bu Tribe, also thought that the fight with the Baobabi was inevitable, but they had split on how to approach the conflict. While the Bei Bu sought to annihilate the potential threat of the Baobabi as a whole, and with every advantage they could leverage, the Zheng Mian wanted an honorable, fair fight, and didn't think wholesale extermination was the best solution at this time. The "diplomat" made it clear that he wished to follow alongside the expedition where he could poke around and learn more to report to his people than forcefully imprisoned Baobabi taken at random could provide. In exchange, he would act as a guide and provide the Baobabi with some details on both the Zheng Mian and their mutual foe, the Bei Bu. His presence would also allow the Baobabi expedition to pass through claimed Zheng Mian territory unmolested. Since it was pretty clear that it was the only way for the expedition to see meaningful success, the guide was taken on.

The diplomat explained that the object which caused the crater had drawn the tribes East back when they were allied. Stellar Metal (although without a word specific for metal at this point, the Zheng Mian used phrases like "cooked shiny stone") was removed from the rock and divided between the two tribes who had used this peculiar material to craft unique objects passed down from tribal chieftain to tribal chieftain. The Zheng Mian metal was pounded into a featureless mask with slits for the eyes, while the Bei Bu honed theirs into the head for an edged staff weapon. But more importantly, the crater uncovered a network of some other "miraculous metal". While nearly impossible to work with their own tools, an offering of some of the harvested material left at an altar was struck by lightning and changed its form. The Zheng Mian and Bei Bu both believed that the metal was a vessel for their gods, and that the lightning striking the metal was them transferring into an object of their desired form. While most often generally useless for practical applications, the marvelous material was beautiful and very intriguing nonetheless. Many shrines littered mountaintops with offerings awaiting their deities, and the temples both tribes built were absolutely overloaded with religious totems.

Heading further west through a pass in the mountains, the guide told the Baobabi of the materials their people had found useful in the mountain range. Metal once again had been brought up, and eventually curiosity got the better of some of the explorers. A lengthy conversation occurring across a number of days saw an exchange in the basic concepts of metalworking, with the Baobabi providing their own knowledge to the Zheng Mian. Settling in this area would require forcing the local workers out and encroaching on Zheng Mian and Bei Bu claims, and would otherwise be doable with relatively little outside aid.

You will be choosing to provide the Zheng Mian Tribe with an Advantage Roll for either Animal Husbandry or Bow technology in exchange for acquiring Advantage on your next Metalworking proposal. The bonus you give the Zheng Mian will determine the action they take during the coming Exploitation Phase, but you do not need to use your bonus immediately.

The relatively fertile valley opened up into a beautiful meadow covered in various seasonal wildflowers year-round, with swarms of Bees flitting about during the warmer months. The Baobabi followed close to the mountain north-west for a while at their companion's direction, and before turning westward toward the sea were shown the mountain the Zheng Mian had settled on in 43-B. From a distance, of course. Within 43-C, the Baobabi bore witness to the Zheng Mian method of hunting Sika Deer. They laid in wait near normal feeding grounds and utilized their perfect immobility to let the Sika wander into grappling range. To aid in their endeavors, the hunters wore special hats with wide brims made of woven local wildlife to act as both a lure and camouflage. The Mountain Stone was also being dragged on sturdy mats from east to west. The Zheng Mian diplomat told the expedition of a bridge constructed of stones laid across the shallowest area of the channel between their original land and the Baobabi lands. A similar structure made of bound wood that floated along the channel instead of stubbornly cutting across it also connected the Bei Bu Tribe's island to the Baobabi to the south. These megastructures were built over generations and give them both access across the channel without giving either direct access to their own home islands. The diplomat explained that although the tribes were allied, they had frequent disagreements and always harbored a healthy distrust of one another. The meadow had been used as a neutral ground to settle disputes for a number of generations prior to the Baobabi's appearance creating a rift between the tribes. Now it was a border between hostile nations. As the expedition walked the western shore past a hatching ground for Sea Turtles and a series of Clay Pits, the Zheng Mian guide explained that he had to leave now that they were entering Bei Bu territory.

Part of the expedition returned home at this point, since safety was no longer guaranteed (as much as it could be in this era). This was fortunate, as those who continued onward were never heard from again, so we did manage to learn about most of what we set out for. Settling in 43-C will require uprooting both the Zheng Mian and Bei Bu in the area, but would be remarkably easy thanks to a number of mountain-fed streams and an abundance of life in general.

Special Resource Discovered: Miracle Metal
While presently very little is known about how to effectively utilize this material, it is a metallic substance that will change its shape when hit with an electrical charge, such as a lightning strike.

Resources Identified:
Sika Deer (Food)
Bees (Bees?)
Mountain Granite (Stone)
Sea Turtles (Food + Shell)
Clay Pits (Clay)
Wildflowers (Chemicals)

Impact Crater (Stone + Clay + Sand + Miracle Metal)
Sandstone Deposits (Stone)
Fumic Vent (Magnetofumes)

Fumic Vent (Magnetofumes)

Megaprojects Discovered
Zheng Mian Steps: Stacked stone platforms forming a bridge across the channel between Zheng Mian and Baobab in 42-C. Wide enough for significant traffic but susceptible to sections collapsing during rough weather. Likely requires significant Stone upkeep to maintain.

Bei Bu Drifting Road: A long, long series of logs and wooden material bound by ropes. Sections can be torn free during storms, but intelligent engineering with a stone anchor tied to the bottom means there is minimal drift. Likely requires significant Wood and Textile upkeep to maintain.

Intel on Zheng Mian Tribe and Bei Bu Tribe updated!

It is time again for the Expansion Phase. Remember that this phase is for expanding in the sense of proposing a new settlement location, or you may choose to develop technology to build up your military, society, industry, or culture. You may also declare an "attack" on a zone within or along your borders if you have an identified threat you wish to eliminate. Also remember to decide whether you shared the secrets of Animal Husbandry or the Baobabi Longbow with the Zheng Mian Tribe.

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« Last Edit: November 29, 2022, 02:21:10 pm by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Expansion VI)
« Reply #381 on: November 28, 2022, 07:19:15 am »

edit: I cut the thing about Miracle Metal out of the proposal - we don't have any sample, that was a misread

Quote from: Copper cutlery and weapons
As soon as the expedition returns home, the Baobabi attempt to apply their new knowledge about metallurgy at home, using mals made out of clay as the Zheng Mian diplomat taught them.
One of the first materials they try is sand. It results in glassy grains that are cast aside as no more than an interesting failure.
But then they try Malachite. The result has the Baobabi society brimming with excitement. Copper is not as hard as you might expect from a metal, but that makes it all the easier to work with.
One of the first applications is in cooking. The Baobabi learn to make knifes, a huge leap forward from cutting meat with sharpened stones. They also create toothed spoon-like implements called foons. It is soon considered primitive to eat without them.
While working, the development of basic tools like hammers and pickaxes comes naturally. The tales of Stellar Metal edge weapons of the Bei Bu tribe aren't forgotten, either. The Baobabi start making Copper Arrowheads and (slightly bigger, but similar) Copper Spearheads. They soon replace the stone versions, being both lighter and sharper. The spearman also learn to adopt wooden shields with a copper button in the middle.

Quote from: Sharing Technology
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Animal Husbandry: (1) Quarque
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Bows: (0)
Quote from: Major Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (1) Quarque
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (0)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 09:19:37 am by Quarque »


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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Expansion VI)
« Reply #382 on: November 28, 2022, 10:32:52 am »

Quote from: Sharing Technology
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Animal Husbandry: (2) Quarque, m1895
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Bows: (0)
Quote from: Major Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (2.1) Quarque, minors
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (1) m1895


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Expansion VI)
« Reply #383 on: November 29, 2022, 03:40:55 pm »

Metal. Also foons.
Also also, I figure it'd be better to give the Zheng Mian bows, since they're less useful. But I can see arguments either way.
Quote from: Sharing Technology
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Animal Husbandry: (2) Quarque, m1895
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Bows: (1) NUKE9.13
Quote from: Major Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (3.1) Quarque, NUKE9.13, minors
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (1) m1895
Long Live United Forenia!

Powder Miner

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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Expansion VI)
« Reply #384 on: November 29, 2022, 04:03:02 pm »

My arguments for animal husbandry were:
-As we already share some mentality similarities with the Zheng Mian by their reckoning, sharing animal husbandry might bring them around to our way of thought a little more if we're lucky (but this could be a stretch)
However, more importantly
-Animal husbandry, in terms of its military applications the way we've got it, is turning out to be a lot more applicable to defense than offense, since only a couple of animals are going to be really well suited to ranging outwards and any others are mostly just going to be harnessable in their habitats. This means that it would be harder to invade the Zheng Mian, but harder for them to invade us than the alternative, which I'm fine with, as opposed to...
-Giving the Zheng Mian bows gives them the direct ability to kill the fuck out of our elephants and alligators with SIGNIFICANTLY greater ease and therefore opens up a significant vulnerability.

As for the other designs, metalworking is in fact pretty logical, but I definitely do want to see proposals from people, so I'm not locked down; I just wanted to vote to get my animal husbandry/bow arguments out mostly.
Quote from: Sharing Technology
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Animal Husbandry: (3) Quarque, m1895, Powder Miner
Teach the Zheng Mian tribe Bows: (1) NUKE9.13
Quote from: Major Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (4.1) Quarque, NUKE9.13, Powder Miner, minors
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Copper cutlery and weapons: (1) m1895

Man of Paper

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The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploitation VI)
« Reply #385 on: January 05, 2023, 02:11:41 am »

Expansion VI: The Metal Revolution (Roll: 6 9) (nice)

When the Zheng Mian guide explained the beneficial properties of "metal" in detail it was only a matter of time before the Baobabi sought to improve their own lives using this previously ignored or undesirable gift of the earth. Knowing what to look for, we have identified a few sources of metals within our known world. While we might not be able to extract everything now, knowing what could be tapped into could prove beneficial, obviously. In addition to some stone we'd already been gathering or shown interest in bearing ore, a large surface deposit of iron-bearing stone along the river upstream from the clay deposit near Great Baobab is of some curiosity.

GM Note: While I had previously stated a need to choose between a resource like stone and a metal like gold in a source that could provide either, since there are multi-resource resources already I figured it didn't make sense to switch it up the rules in the case of ores. Instead, there have been tweaks to how multi-resource resources, a mechanic you have some experience with, interact with Exhaustion, a mechanic you haven't had to deal with yet. Coincidentally, we will be covering Exhaustion as well as how it interacts with multi-resource resources later in this update.

Resources Modified:
Malachite River Stones (Stone + COPPER)

Yellowed Basalt (Stone + GOLD)

Resource Discovered:
Upriver Iron Deposit (Iron)

Heat is important in the processes involving retrieving and shaping metal, so one of the things the Baobabi set out to do under the eye of a Major Founder (Quarque +1I) first was perfect the creation of charcoal. Thanks to the in-depth advice gifted by the Zheng Mian the theory was readily available. The Baobabi's intimate knowledge of wood (shut up, you're being immature) sped up their trial and error, and in short order Charcoal Pits had become fairly common knowledge among the industrious.

Copper was also already on-hand in the form of River Stones, which were baked in lidded pots to separate usable copper from the rest of the stone material and transferred into another preheated pot and mixed with charcoal under very high heat to separate impurities from the metal even further. A little testing went a long way to figuring out how to get a very high quality final product - it's not likely a Baobabi would receive an etched tablet decrying the rough status of their copper.

It took very little time for crafts- and tradesfolk of all sorts to get their own bright ideas on how to utilize their first batch of metal. The problem was the single source of Copper with which the entire population had centered their own brilliant creations on. There were plenty of good ideas, and many meeting between the various heads of families and labor forces were held to debate the pros and cons of each potential proposal in great detail. It would fall upon the leadership of the tribe to decide which idea would be followed through with first, and likely strongly define the near future of the Baobabi's passive evolution. Even without a store of devoted resources, some generic copper tools found themselves in the hands of many a craftsperson over time and providing a boost in productivity that only the introduction of metal could provide.

New Technology: Early Metalworking (Use of a primitive source of high heat on ore-bearing stone in order to yield metal to be worked into whatever is deemed necessary. Current yield is 1 Metal per Ore plus the cost of the cheapest applicable available smelting technique.)
New Technology: Charcoal Pits (Pits of tightly packed wood covered in mud and set alight to produce charcoal and is considered a smelting technique. Requires 2 Wood per Type of Metal Exploited as Upkeep. Multiple similar types of metal smelted, even from different sources, do not add additional cost. This technology's costs will be added to and labeled in the affected technologies and not included here so as to simplify on-the-fly accounting.)
New Technology: High-Quality Early Copper Refinement (The Baobabi understand how to effectively separate and work copper. Attention to detail and a focus on quality mean that even if other aspects of a technology fall short, it probably isn't the copper's fault. Other civilizations are likely to desire Baobabi copperworks. Allows the use of Copper ores with a yield of 1 usable Copper Resource per Exploited Copper plus 2 Wood Upkeep (from Charcoal Pits).)
New Technology: Improved Copper Tools (Generic tools using copper heads and fabric or hide-wrapped wood or bone handles. Replaces Improves Stone Tools. Applies a x2 bonus to all exploited resources after any other modifiers, but does not affect Special Resources. Specific actions will be required to improve those yields. Requires access to Wood, Textiles, and Copper. Has a 2% Exhaustion Rate.)

Spoiler: Exhaustion (click to show/hide)

While all the following technologies have been tested enough to know how they would impact our production or society, only two can be the definitive first copper technologies the Baobabi develop. You will select which two funded during this phase, and may still fund any of the others at any time in the future once you have the resources - they just won't have as dramatic an effect. You'll have to infer the effect of the prioritized technologies based on what they are, what they state they do, and what they could open the door for. Some should be more obvious than others, but the mystery means you have to go with your gut, and that's more fun.

New Technology: Copper Spears (A wooden shaft with a flattened triangular blade hammered to a mean point. A surprisingly potent weapon, especially in familiar hands. Is useful for both large animal hunting as well as more dangerous game. Costs 1 Copper in upkeep. Will replace Stone Spears once funded.)
New Technology: Copper Baobabi Arrows (Long arrows fitted with copper heads able to pierce even deeper into targets than before and capable of inflicting significant injuries to the largest beasts. Very effective. Requires access to Wood, costs 1 Copper in upkeep. Will replace Stone Arrows once funded.) 
New Technology: Copper Digging Tools (Shovels and picks made of copper and wood used to cut through rock and stone, plus dirt, mud, and sand. Resources exploited via extraction through digging provide +1 resource. Costs 1 Copper in upkeep.)
New Technology: Copper Utensils (Real culture has been decidedly absent until now. Copper knives and foons (forked spoons, much more sensible than spooned forks) become a symbol of sophistication among the Baobabi. Costs 1 Copper in upkeep.)
New Technology: Copper Ornamentation (Hanging decorations, small figurines, trinkets, and basic jewelry crafted using copper. Baobabi craftsman outdo themselves once more, providing goods on an unparalleled level. Ornamentation differs from other crafts in that it is used to decorate and adorn oneself and ones belongings more than as a trade good, and provides a snapshot into the important beliefs and ideals of Baobabi culture at any given time. Costs 1 Copper in upkeep.)
New Technology: Copper Coins (With Baobabi crafts as central as they were, it was only a matter of time before some attempt to simplify and standardize a method of trade was made. Shiny metals are desirable, so small amounts of copper are poured into small circular molds to cool into uniform discs before having a "+" hammered on one side and a "-" hammered into the other. The coins are used as currency for the trade of goods and services. Uniform size and quality ensures all copper coins are equal to one another. Costs 1 Copper in upkeep.)

Not much time has passed, so there isn't any change in the known world. This includes a lack of clear implementation of Animal Husbandry among the Zheng Mian. An update on that should be expected once time progresses enough for their efforts to bear fruit.

It is now the Exploitation Phase. Remember that you can choose TWO resources to begin exploiting, or propose a development that would facilitate or build upon your ability to gather, identify, or otherwise interact with the resources of the world around you. You also have to select the two copper technologies you'll be funding immediately!

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« Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 07:12:53 pm by Man of Paper »

Powder Miner

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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploitation VI)
« Reply #386 on: January 05, 2023, 03:12:25 am »

-Place a wood token at Great Baobab (Our wood needs are about to spike upwards; we're going to need to exploit an additional wood resource just for the copper's charcoal pits)
-Exploit the marula grove at Greenlife (We're actually beginning to scrape incredibly fucking low on available wood, but this gives us more than 1 wood to use if we need to. We may strongly want to consider moving towards other housing in the future though.)
-Exploit the barley also at Greenlife (I know people have wanted to move towards agriculture and this makes it more accessible).
-Fund arrows (between this and spears, this is applicable to our sick bow-elephants, and we have no clue when we'll see more copper so it makes sense to get at least one military thing down.)
-Fund ornamentation (I want to do at least one noncombat copper invention; while giving up on digging tools does hurt since we'll lose out on resources for a bit, I would like the Baobabi not to be totally lost in pragmatism. With that said, ornamentation still hews towards their industry without being totally insular, as it's a form of wealth that depends on intricate and advanced craftsmanship without being something that nobody outside of the Baobabi would understand, like coins.)

Quote from: Major Votebox
Place wood token at Great Baobab, exploit marula and barley at Greenlife: (1) Powder Miner
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Quote from: Funding Votebox
Fund arrows and ornamentation: (1) Powder Miner


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploitation VI)
« Reply #387 on: January 05, 2023, 04:34:49 am »

Will vote on an action later after I have read all the details of the update, for now just voting on funding options. Splitting them into individual fund options, hope you don't mind, I think it's more intuitive.

Quote from: Major Votebox
Place wood token at Great Baobab, exploit marula and barley at Greenlife: (1) Powder Miner
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Place wood token at Great Baobab, exploit marula and barley at Greenlife: (0)
Quote from: Funding Votebox
Fund spears: (0)
Fund arrows: (2) Powder Miner, Quarque
Fund digging tools: (0)
Fund foons: (1) Quarque
Fund ornamentation: (1) Powder Miner
Fund coins: (0)

My reasoning is similar; however I think that utensils offer roughly the same benefits from a min/max perspective (it's a trade good with cultural value) and eating without them is barbarism.

Powder Miner

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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploitation VI)
« Reply #388 on: January 05, 2023, 04:42:12 am »

I did actively choose the packaged funding vote rather than the split in order to avoid people accidentally ending up with worst-case combinations, but I guess in the worst case that can be fixed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders - A RiskyArmsCivGodPoliticking Game (Exploitation VI)
« Reply #389 on: January 05, 2023, 08:56:01 am »

Quote from: Discord
Is the extraction of Malachite River Stones considered 'Digging'?
ImNoSoupOrMan — Today at 2:41 PM
Yes, for the sake of mechanical simplicity since it’s a stone and ore resource it’d be affected.
In light of this, digging tools are mandatory. Since that will let us immediately fund two more things in the next phase. (The only possible argument against digging tools is a concern about exhausting our copper supplies too fast, but that's a risk worth taking in my opinion)
For now, I'm feeling Foons. I do want to fund weapons, either spears or arrows, but that can come next phase with the digging tools bounty. We need more culture, and of the two cultural options, Foons is more interesting.
I don't want to fund coins because that is putting the cart (currency) before the horse (a large, complicated economy). You can have a decent economy without currency, but you can't use currency without a decent economy.

Quote from: Major Votebox
Place wood token at Great Baobab, exploit marula and barley at Greenlife: (2) Powder Miner, NUKE9.13
Quote from: Minor Votebox
Place wood token at Great Baobab, exploit marula and barley at Greenlife: (0)

Quote from: Funding Votebox
Fund spears: (0)
Fund arrows: (2) Powder Miner, Quarque
Fund digging tools: (1) NUKE9.13
Fund foons: (2) Quarque, NUKE9.13
Fund ornamentation: (1) Powder Miner
Fund coins: (0)
Long Live United Forenia!
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