Also, in the interest of keeping things moving toward an actually playable game, I'd suggest some soft deadlines so we don't get stuck in eternally designing. Like have the trait list by date X, mech/mage powers by date Y, grunt loadouts and point cost by date Z, etc. Just a thought.
I have at least something in every category except powers and a few weapon classes already. So I think I'll make sure that I have a bare minimum in everything I need, then start signups. If someone wants something not on the list, then they can help design it.
Could everyone look at the negative trait list and tell me which one seems "safest" to pick? It seems like a danger to have one negative trait which doesn't really do anything.
Also, Radio mentioned mission rewards. I hadn't really considered them before and assumed that victory would be its own reward, but it might be prudent to have a carrot on a stick. I don't want to reward Advancement Points for the victorious party though, because that leads to the winners getting more powerful toys over time.
The worst kind of power creep is where only one side gets it. :v
I'm pretty happy with my design for AP, where you get 1 for killing an enemy and 1 for dying. The supply increases over time, but equally for both sides, and AP flows out of the ecosystem when someone buys a powerful class and the bites it.
However, I could also have a second type of points given from mission rewards which are spent on things not power related, such as picking the next mission or getting new character options available. Like, maybe if you wanted a stealthy Gear you could pay me 10 Favor Points and I'd design one for you?