BYOR 14((in the collection of scraped html quicktopics collected by TolyK
here the files are:
bccfdbe5865175e28932308ec7f22df8.html - my mafia team
cbe37b86a2c9539f758e09064c307589.html - the OTHER mafia team
ab12c01dcd5734e11612b1a0d81fa1fc.html - deadchat))
the BYOR with two different mafia teams, where I decided to create my own post restriction by just playing the character that I had submitted the same way I played the character in their home game - entirely nonverbal and with non-standard grammar. I enjoyed the restriction quite a lot, and it was FAR more restrictive than anything that people actually get in post restrictions. So I don't see them as any kind of real problem.
I just got notified that I'm likely to have trouble posting from the 25th through the 30th. I really don't want to replace because of the complications of my claim, but I'll explain them in full in here just in case:
what I'm building towards:
1) I'm flavor-claiming my rolename, and have been the whole time, but it's subtle. Only Tiruin has the information to recognize it, and she said that she had figured it out.
2) I'm restricted completely from saying my words or thoughts. This includes trying to slip those thoughts in as action descriptors like looking at someone questioningly or angrily or whatever. such an action must be described fully as tiny details of the action. (this is the really hard part, but I've slipped on it a couple times in the past so I think a couple missteps on it will be ignored. It's not something web would write into a restriction anyway. too intricately linked to minor details of the character.)
3) all my posts are written in first person.
4) I never say the words arm or hand. (this is only to hide that I'm a cat. I can actually say forepaw or hindpaw or whatever... but that would give away information I'm hiding. Once my claim is out this rule can be ignored, but until then I have to find ways around it. notice that I "point at" things, instead of saying what I'm pointing with.)
5) all my actions are written bearing in mind that I'm largely a cat, and actually have a shy personality but am protective of friends.
6) Lyra's mental structure for language is abnormal. she naturally communicates based on concepts in action order of them interacting with each other. She can write things down using proper grammer... but it's hard for her. and connecting words are dropped entirely unless needed.
7) I CAN actually speak, but "something bad" happens when I do. - Lyra pre-cat-ification hated talking. I claimed that me speaking actually can be done, but that it has an unspecified nasty effect.
Tiruin has recognized 2 through 6 as being the post restrictions I've used for years for writing for Lyra. She also knows that Lyra is a nice person. hopefully this will translate to her as 'not-scum' despite how this being a BYOR means my role actually has zero reflection on my alignment.
I intend "something bad" to be a daykill. which I claimed back on day 1 (for good reason!) that it is a good idea to reserve until Lylo. I will use it to give us a win 1 day early or if I'm about to be lynched as a late-vote-changer. mechanically I'll be making the post as (aggressive posture description including tail position directed at} {vote for player I'm going to daykill} {growling and vocalized cat-yeowl with a mediumorchid color) (description of motion towards) (vote for player I'm going to daykill)
and submit the daykill action in here within seconds of the post being submitted so Web will be guaranteed to run them simultaneously.
my thoughts on when fullclaim time comes around are to claim having been 1-shotified when I actually was, but as can be seen by looking up Lyra in the ER wiki I've actually got a huge possible ability pool I can claim. quite seriously just about any power whatsoever would be valid for her. I just need to remember to include the daykill (knife / claws make that easy) and to have valid claims for my other abilities.
so yeah, it'd be a pretty sucky thing to replace into and I'm only going to be gone 5 days but...
in short: my actual post restriction is "stay in character at all times"...
which would be my favorite post restriction of all time.
worlds more restrictive than I'd expect people to ever get assigned to them by someone else.
hell, I'm
playing an RTD right now where I'm restricted where my in-game communcation has to be 13-character segments, with a maximum of eight of them at a time.