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Author Topic: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!  (Read 14707 times)

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #90 on: July 12, 2022, 05:54:39 pm »

Carp scale stands up absolutely made my morning. Gotta love this game sometimes.

Glad that Delphonso could actually be useful, instead of just wandering the halls confused, now he's wandering the halls confused and looking for cats.

Yeah, had a good laugh when the carp scale thing happened just as I was finishing for the day.

I'm currently super excited by this particular game. I'd completely forgotten how different of an experience a succession fort is. Guess I'll sign up for other games too, after my turn.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #91 on: July 12, 2022, 05:57:54 pm »

Bombyx made the right choice by letting us make a host of absolutely useless idiots to get the fort started. I struggle to stay interested in giant forts like this, because I know I won't be able to play them (computer limitations), but there's something special about Smithbridges, and the characters certainly help.

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #92 on: July 13, 2022, 05:58:36 pm »


Here comes the fourth and final part of me turn...

Smithbridges, year 184 - Part IV:
Turtling, Building & Feasting

As the dwarves were sealed within their fortress, it was good time to work on multiple expansion projects that the overseer had ordered.

An overview of the level below the reservoir on the way to the first caverns:

1. Silk looms & Clothiers (work in progress)
2. The Sanctuary of Bejeweling (shrine to Asën)
3. Stairs to the Blockaded Palace (the library)
4. Wood stockpile & Craftsdwarf's (the Carpenter is being rebuilt)
5. Entry to caverns
6. Up to the Reservoir & Main Fort
7. Masons
8. Non-economic stone
9. Down, down, down... (work very much in progress)
10. A scenic walkway over the cavern lake (wip)
11. The Earthen Harvester (the pub)

The living quarters were mostly complete. A few rooms were still missing doors, but those have been ordered from the masons. There are plenty of rooms empty still, so we need not worry about immediately building new ones when next time migrants arrive.

We have built a low wall with gates in the caverns, where we set up a pasture for llamas, sheep and other grazers. A group of naked mole dogs came along and are now running around the area panicking after a few of them were caught in cage traps.

I ordered a new “animal pen” to be carved near the cavern entry. I suspect we might be catching more wildlife at some point, and don't have a proper place for them.

We carved out an archery range close to the entrance. There's a shallow pit in front of the targets to allow the collection of stray bolts. There's no crossbow squad yet, but once the new gatehouse and some pillboxes are finished we will assign some of the useless peasants to train.

It's highly unlikely that it will happen during this year.

Ah, the cloth situation is improving! Good!

I doubt it is yet enough to clothe all of our citizens, but it is a start. I hope the stocks grow eough before the end of the year. Barring the migrants and the “lucky” few who managed to grab some of the elf crap garb, we are wearing filthy, tattered rags. Ugh.

While our cowardly brave dwarves are sealed undergound, terrifying undead monstrosities lurk above, waiting to prey on unsuspecting scholarly visitors.

We carved out a scenic walkway around the top portion of the cavern for dwarves to get some nice, damp and musty cave air. We are smoothing the floor and the inner walls, but leaving most of the outer walls and pillars as natural, rough stone.

Some might object to something like this as “useless”, but I disagree with those kinds of assertions. A dwarf needs a place to stretch their legs while holed down underground, and it is a beautiful view. I have to admit that I personally find much enjoyment and inspiration from the cave nature, despite its unpredictability and general lack of order.

The dwarven mind and soul, too, need nourishment.

Speaking of which: it is some time since we had time off. I think I'll dedicate winter for celebration and socialization. A couple more weeks and we can relax.

Luto Urwaegu, a human bard, was ready to leave Smithbridges. Unfortunately the dwarves could not open the gates due to the rampaging hordes of undead above ground, so Luto decided to find alternative routes to leave the fortress.

What drove him to climb along the stone columbs above the cave lake is beyond me. We have access to other safer ways to the caves, which other leaving visitors have used, but no, not Luto. Luto likes it dangerous.

As autumn neared its close, one of our weavers was struck by a mood and created the third artifact of the year: a sheep wool right glove, named Kędnathlokum, “Naughtyspears”.

Well, at least it's worth 30920 Urists. We'll put it on display, Lolor Giginmosus. Though, I wonder why you chose *that* name for a glove...

Winter is upon us.

It is time to have a well-deserved rest. Let us feast, fellow dwarves!

A naked mole dog panicking (too big for imgur gif, apparently)

While the dwarves are preparing for winter festivities, some naked mole dogs continue to run rampant near the caverns. Most of them have been captured and tamed in our new animal pen and training area. This one, however, is an elusive bastard and has managed to avoid traps that are loaded with cages.

Tulon Bomrekemal (meaning 'Whipsense') has trained the naked mole dogs quite well, despite being a planter. Still, he is the most qualified of us for the task.

The tavern is filled with dwarves, but the large temple complex is mostly empty except for 'Avolition', the Sacred Phantom, and a couple of worshippers. She is dedicated to her priestly duties and is giving a sermon about Death, the domain of Vesh.

“I hace communed with Vesh Ghostphantom. I am so spiritually moved!", she told me.

I believe she was the perfect choice for the task.

In the guild hall area, where another tavern is, Mafol Besmarutal recites poetry to a decent-sized crowd of dwarves. He is reciting 'The Inferior Lesson and Oar', a typical example of 'The Howl of Ravens'. The poetry is great and artfully indulges the author's fancies. It is a dramatic form of poetry, which is intended to complain about the hunt.

A pity that 'Avolition' isn't here to hear it. Too busy guiding the flock at the temple.

Meanwhile, aboveground a terrible battle rages between a scholar and walking carp scales allied with vile horse hair.

Dwarves gathering webs (another too big one, damn)

As Obsidian came, it was decided that work should continue. Two months of downtime was enough for now. A much welcomed rest, but there is yet much to do: we do not have nearly enough cloth.

...And so the web collectors headed to the caverns to fetch spider silk, while threshers threshed pig tails into thread and weavers weaved them into silk and cloth.

The year was nearing its end when a new guild was established.

Fortunately we have more than plenty spaces for guilds, thanks to the work of 'Obsidian' when he was acting overseer. In anticipation of a new petition, we already assigned a new stoneworker's hall and named it 'The Crystalline Amethyst'.

What? Who? What is this? A ghost?

The tormented soul of a dwarf we have never met is haunting the halls of our fortress!


...And that's the end of year 184 and my turn.

Here's a hastily done very clear lever guide for the next overseers:

(Note, just in case: squares are levers, circles are bridges)

1. Cavern gate (access to cavern pasture)
2.-4. Levers controlling the reservoir (bridges not shown on this guide)
5. Another cavern gate (side access to pasture, possibly for military use)
6. Scenic route gate (the path going around the highest cavern level)
7. North gate of cavern pasture
8. West gate of cavern pasture
9. South gate of cavern pasture
10. Gatehouse gate (important!)
11. Trap hall grey gates
12. Trap hall entry & exit gates (the red ones, also important!)
13. Dwarven atom smasher

...I hope I didn't miss any important ones (or label the guide incorrectly, hehe).

And here's the save for the next one:

Good luck dealing with the siege! (There should be iron gear for a couple squads, but didn't get so far as to actually get them wear the gear... Or you can continue turtling.)

(And remember to put clothiers to work -- there should be enough silk & cloth for starters!)


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #93 on: July 13, 2022, 07:51:23 pm »

Wow. What a very thorough and warmly written writeup.

I very much approve of the new cavern walkabout. That whole region is rather cozy.

maybe we should install guiderails to prevent a repeat Luto Urwaegu . . ? Perhaps that is their free choice to make, to leave through the deadly dark.

And so, we roll forward to Avolition! Huzzah!


brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #94 on: July 13, 2022, 08:12:10 pm »

Wow. What a very thorough and warmly written writeup.


I haven't played DF for several months (or succession forts for many years), so I got super excited. Had a great time with this one and waiting to see what the next overseers come up with.

A pity I didn't catch Salmeuk or several other dorfed dwarves doing anything interesting. It was mostly Avolition, Obsidian and Delphonso who did something of interest.

In any case, @Bombyx Mori, you can sign me up for another turn!

ps. if there's any questions about all the crap stuff I did, just ask

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #95 on: July 13, 2022, 08:24:58 pm »

Oh, one more thing about levers:

I've given both levers & their respective bridges the same name (at least on the ones I made): e.g. a lever labelled 'cavern 2 gate' is connected to a bridge named 'cavern 2 gate'. So, if unsure, you can check that way.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #96 on: July 16, 2022, 01:22:59 pm »

The File

Avolition Journal Report

Entry 1
The year has been cruel, i was once again incharge but we are besieged by the dead. A traveler had been given a message to pass onto me from Exalted Dead Imush Goldenfocus. He congratulated me on my assension to Sacred Phantom. He said i was clearly chossen by Vesh and perhaps my faith will be rewarded. He was right, i clearly had death following me, whenever im around or about to take charge the undead sieges are happening. Is this Vesh's will, i pray to her and compose songs and yet i don't understand the sieges. I hope this current one doesnt last. We need defences so repel them.

Entry 2
Its wierd, some of the enemy troups had jumped into the river, no one knows why. The rest of them hover around and now some of these beasts seem extremely friendly, could we possibly train they giant fuzzy spiders? What even were they before? They aren't natural by any means but scream the hallmarks of a divine interference? Ive heard they worship some male god of death and silence. Perhaps they seek to rend the world silent. Maybe it was coming to terms with who or what they are? Those brief felting moments of them recalling who or what they were. The river is called sinboils, perhaps they believe much like the ancient legends state that one can wash themselves of any sins in this river. I guess it gives me some comfort that the river might bring them into the comforting embrace of Vesh, cleaning them of their sins.

Entry 3
I don't know what it could be but i suddenly hunger for a greater understanding, i know so very little of what my roll is to play in Vesh grand wine. Am i a subtle fruity note that lingers on the tounge or am i meant to be the main taste. I had built up plans for a surface wall, as well as a second bridge that will have a certain feature. It will be a true baptism.

Entry 4
Siege engines thats what we need. Keep them back, repel them. The bridge  will be divine, i had visions of bloodstone mirrors, the peaceful green reflecting into the waters of sinboils. The middle will give way and drop them into it, boil away their sins and bring them closer to Vesh. She shall be pleased. Especially after killing that ancient beast lurking in the 1st level caverns. Speaking of which we have found an additional two layers of caverns. I wonder what secrets could be found.

Entry 5
Just like that they left, they are gone. Vesh is truly shining upon me. We have had so much shale stockpiled its a matter of where to put it. Ive asked the miners to dig out some cells and holding areas. I worry that we might have some issues, especially with all our new guests. But the guests are a blessing. The scholars, the bards and the warriors. A few of the earliest visiting bards have petitioned to join. I happily welcomed them in. Sorry for the lack of record keeping but i have been working on these siege engines. I have a private workshop and a prototype hidden away in the catacombs, will put one on the surface.

Entry 6
Those fools, why do these dwarves tempt sinboils with their sloth. Must be one of the new migrants i thought but ofcourse we lose another founder. ObsidianSword was crossing the frozen river constantly. Then the ice broke from under him. Sinboils current quickly consuming him and two others. The waves like hands grasping at them and dragging them down to the rivers bed. A fitting end to lazy dwarves, now resting in the bed of the river. The edge of the river is red with blood, is the river alive?

Entry 7
Time for hand over, gonna give them the current job list and return to my work. But i can't stop dreaming about sinboils, the waters has killed two of the founding seven. Not to mention my dear ulfarr, its been three years since he has died and yet i still think of him. But i have comfort that he is in the comforting embrace of Vesh. I take comfort that the foul beast that delivered the fatal wound was struck down. As for the rest of us, brewer Bob has put her critical mind to use and has become a Master Grower, she has certainly become the lifeblood of our fortress. Her lover Bralbaard, she has become quite the leader of our military, all that pump operating experience has made her quite the strong foe for anyone to face. She has been working wonders in training the recruits. Im sure she will lead us into victory against these foul creatures and the necromancer experiments. But last but certainly not least salmeuk, she has certainly a jack of all trades, she has been quite the armorsmith in absence of a trained one. She is quite the expert with the hammer and anvil. But thats nothing to the corpse of this ancient forgotten beast that was dragged from the caverns. She bled the beast to death. Seems us woman are a certainly more hearty and well living compared to our male counterparts. As for myself one of the four artifacts aquired this year was this beautiful jewel encrusted coffin. Put it into the crypt and have asked to be burried in it for my death. Im sure Vesh will approve of this.

Spoiler: Artifact 1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifact 2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifact 3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifact 4 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 06:17:59 pm by AvolitionBrit »
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brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #97 on: July 16, 2022, 05:55:15 pm »

Nice write-up! Seems like there were some tense moments (and not without tragedy).


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #98 on: July 16, 2022, 07:04:23 pm »

The rest of them hover around and now some of these beasts seem extremely friendly, could we possibly train they giant fuzzy spiders? What even were they before? They aren't natural by any means but scream the hallmarks of a divine interference? Ive heard they worship some male god of death and silence. Perhaps they seek to rend the world silent. Maybe it was coming to terms with who or what they are? Those brief felting moments of them recalling who or what they were. The river is called sinboils, perhaps they believe much like the ancient legends state that one can wash themselves of any sins in this river. I guess it gives me some comfort that the river might bring them into the comforting embrace of Vesh, cleaning them of their sins.

I agree. the friendly spider things should be studied further. Do they arrive friendly, perhaps expecting some kind of meet and greet with the fortress founders, only to discover in horror that this is now an invasion? Or is it during the course of battle they switch sides? Some strange species of turncoat arachnids. . .

The river should perhaps be designated 'restricted' pathing cost, so as to keep dwarves from crossing the iced water. Placing 25 cost tiles on the entire river, excluding the bridge, would solve any further  ' unexpected springtime swimming lessons ' that seem to be the leading cause of death in community fortresses nationwide.

i had visions of bloodstone mirrors

beautiful idea. Mirrors would make a perfect addition to the furniture catalog of DF-

Ok nice work finishing so quickly. and those artifacts are nicely formed, if plain of material. The coffin is downright spooky - how many coyotes died to make that one vessel? It seems fitting that your Vesh-obsessed pawn should be buried in it.

Did you expand any of the floors or rooms during your turn?


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #99 on: July 16, 2022, 07:11:47 pm »

The crypt floor has been expanded with plans of a join, dug down more. But the 2nd bridge on the surface is the main thing. Fit with bloodstone windows and a retractable bridge.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

Bombyx Mori

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #100 on: July 20, 2022, 12:32:01 am »

Smithbridges, year 186
Part 1 - Liquid fire, walls of stone

For over 3 years I have watched over the fortress of Eshtansazir from the realm of spirits. I have watched as legions of foul creatures have attempted to destroy them. Vesh gave the necromancer's their power, and they have twisted her gifts to blasphemy.

I have watched as my comrades from a life that seems so distant have built this outpost into a thriving fortress, in spite of their losses.

It is all I could wish for. So why then have I been called back to this place?
I do not know how, but on this day, the 1st of Granite 186, I have been reincarnated in the land of the living. The sacred phantom AvolitionBrit, after consulting with Vesh, has given me the position of overseer for this year. What purpose does the lady of death have planned for me? For now I can only wonder.

The first problem is the untimely death of former expedition leader and manager ObsidianShortSword. Our mayor has the required skills to continue his work. As I wander the halls, I also notice the terrible state of our citizens' clothing. This is a mistake that must be rectified at once!

It seems that the necromancer's creatures that haunt our fortress are capable of breeding. Once the current work on Avolition's wall is complete I will try to capture some of these abominations for study.

Unfortunately these efforts prove fruitless, as the creatures have the peculiar skill of being able to avoid even the most well disguised dwarven traps.

The elves have arrived to trade. We shall see what beasts they have brought for sale.

Migrants have arrived at our doors. 9 more dwarves, bringing our total population to 101. I have decided to suspend work on the perimeter wall for a while, as there are more pressing concerns at the moment.

Our miners have struck the lifeblood of the mountains. I will try to bring it up to the fortress later in the year. I also sense something else in the depths, more precious than even magma. Something more dangerous too.

A ghost of a deceased dwarf has risen in the fortress. He must have fallen into the river at some point, and so I will need to engrave a memorial slab instead.

The Spring was mostly spent working on the surface fortifications. Avolition's border wall has been mostly completed on the southern bank of the Sinboils, although the
northern section is still incomplete.

I have also begun work on fortifying the area around the main entrance. This will include an area for our warriors to train for surface combat, as too much time spent underground can render them almost useless above ground.

Finally, our miners have dug out areas for my quarters, as I am now the fortress' captain of the guard.

Someone has to keep an eye on all of the visitors in our tavern. What does a goblin "animal dissector" know about entertaining visitors? More likely they are a spy from the southern pits. There are have been so many visitors at the Earthen Drinker recently that there are bound to be some enemy agents.

The dwarves working on the surface fort have witnessed some movement to the north. It seems that the normally passive Dogs of Kiradoth are chasing a wild horse. These abominations seem to harbour some deep seated resentment towards regular animals. This behaviour is worth noting.

Nearby another Dog of Kiradoth drives a horse into the river, where the horse is able to kill a Mistake of Luckydeer that wanders nearby. They seem even weaker than the Dogs.

It seems that a fish cleaner in our fortress may be creating an artifact soon.

Our fish cleaner has finished his artifact, a stone weapon rack. Just as I was furnishing my quarters too...

I've been training a falcon we caught last Spring, and it seems to be going well. We let it out of its cage, and it begins exploring the caverns.

It quickly sights a foul creature in the deepest depths of the caverns. We are unable to seal it away in time, and so the military is sent in to destroy it. They arrive and slay it, but not before it has killed 2 dwarves, a hauler and a weaver.

As the soldiers return victorious to the barracks, the slayer of the beast bestows a name on his spear.

It seems Iteb was also responsible for killing another beast several years ago.

Down below a miner has been incinerated while breaching the magma sea. Your sacrifice will be remembered, Tobul.

Thus ends the Summer. The surface fortifications should be complete well before the end of the year.

Once they are complete, I will work on improving the living areas below ground and working on our bridge.

That was the first half of the year. I might split the Autumn and Winter into separate parts, depending on how eventful they are.

I have dug out an area for a pump stack and may have it functional by the end of the year, if the parts are smithed quickly enough. While breaching the magma sea I probably could have made it safer for poor Tobul, but I suppose there are worse ways to die for a dwarf.

She was even able to make it onto safe ground before melting. This was her last thought:

Ah yes, how annoying it is that I'm on fire.

If I have time I should probably also seal the third caverns from the fortress properly. We don't want any more vomit dinosaurs sneaking in, after all.

Also we are currently running relatively short on the overseer list, so any new overseers are very welcome!

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #101 on: July 20, 2022, 06:45:13 am »

Nice looking fortifications we're getting!

The clothes were already really tattered at the end of my turn, so if the situation hasn't been dealt with, I'd assume the dwarves are wearing pretty much pieces of threadbare rags now. :D


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #102 on: July 22, 2022, 10:14:51 am »

that surface castle entrance looks useful. I wonder if the spider creatures can climb?

thank you for the thorough writeup, these fortresses are so damn entertaining.

My turn is next, I am thinking. . lots of  . . Science. Experiments. Bridges.

Bombyx Mori

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #103 on: July 26, 2022, 12:53:52 am »

Smithbridges, year 186
Part 2 - The fire imp attack and other travesties

The past few weeks have been spent working on the surface fortifications. The ground level is complete, and so are the northern towers. I have assigned the Reclusive Syrups to train in the ground floor of the gatehouse, to ensure that they will be able to respond quickly to any threat on the surface.

It seems that news of our fortress' previous troubles has turned away any potential migrants. This could be a problem, especially since I was going to recruit new migrants as marksdwarves. For now our battlements must stand empty.

A cat has been found dead in the refuse stockpile with no signs of a fight. We don't believe it died of old age either. Ultimately the fate of one cat is inconsequential, but if dwarves start dropping dead then I will be more worried.

One of our soldiers has begun experiencing a strange mood.

And here it is in all of it's glory:

I'm sure we can put it on display somewhere.

In other news, the surface fort has been completed.

Spoiler: Fort layout (click to show/hide)

The levers for the gates are currently in the northwest tower, although future overseers may wish to add additional control levers in a more secure location.

And so we move on to the last season of the year. Work has been progressing underground on a new zoo to house whatever strange creatures we capture.

There is plenty of room to put other things on display here as well.

Work has also been progressing on the bridge, although very little progress has been made so far. A second level will be added, and the main level decorated.

At least, that was the plan. Now it looks like our new defences are about to be put to the test... or not. The creatures take one look at our walls and flee like the cowards they are. Work can continue after all.

It seems like not all of the attackers left. One necromancer falls afoul of our traps, while another makes it to the bridge. Upon being spotted they manage to escape, evading our soldiers.

We have managed to capture some fire imps. They will make a fine addition to our menagerie. Unfortunately, we seem to have run into a bit of a problem trying to kill the remaining fire imps...

The battle is over. All imps have been killed or captured. The death toll stands at 6, half of our main squad and a weaver who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Among the first to die was founder and militia commander, Bralbaard.

In the lower areas of the fortress a cat appears to be walking around with rotting paws.

And just when I thought our troubles were over, this comes knocking at our doors.

It slays a legendary furnace operator. And then, out of their own volition, the remaining members of the Reclusive Syrups storms down to the caverns, and Iteb gets another forgotten beast kill. Such bravery only has one suitable reward, so raise a cheer for our new militia commander!

Unfortunately, it isn't over yet. One of the captured fire imps appears to have escaped... next to the Earthen Harvester.

Our mayor, a mechanic, and a planter die, but a miner is able to deal with the threat. The miner then dies of her wounds after leaving a trail of blood across the entire tunnel.

On the 12th of Opal the river freezes, which should allow us to recover my previous body. I remember it well, when I was ordered to dig the hole too deep and was sent to Vesh's realm as a result.

I have begun pumping magma to the fortress. The pumps are currently manually operated, but should allow for mechanical power from water wheels later.

This will power our new forge area, although I have left floodgates at the southern end of the tunnels to give future overseers access for their own projects. The uses of magma are, as every dwarf knows, limitless.

And that concludes this year's report. The bridge has been decorated with gypsum blocks and windows made of the finest dwarven glass.

A second level has been added above, with room to add another level in the middle. I was considering decorating this level with statues, but ran out of time.

The zoo area below the reservoir has several glass enclosures fro whatever creatures future overseers decide are worthy of putting on display. Just be careful with fire imps in future.

On the same level as the reservoir is our new magma forge area, which has plenty of room dug out for additional furnaces.

Lastly, here's the report on population and food stocks.

Save file

That was an eventful end to my turn. A shame about all the dead dwarves, but otherwise I'd say the fortress is coming along nicely.

On to Salmeuk. Good luck!

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #104 on: July 26, 2022, 05:59:28 am »

Looking good.

I guess we lost the livestock when the fire imps burned the underground pasture? Poor llamas.
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