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Author Topic: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!  (Read 14708 times)

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #75 on: July 10, 2022, 03:57:42 pm »

Looking great!

I guess I'm next on the list then?

I *should* have time tomorrow to start my turn, so with luck I'll have some kind of report to post within a couple days and pass the save along.

Oh, and I assume we're using 0.47.05?

Bombyx Mori

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #76 on: July 10, 2022, 10:04:31 pm »

That was a very good turn Salmeuk! I like how the architecture is coming along in the fortress.

I've put you on for another year, but first I wouldn't mind having another turn.

Oh, and I assume we're using 0.47.05?

Yes, we are using 0.47.05. Good luck with the turn!

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #77 on: July 11, 2022, 08:33:13 am »

Got the save and currently trying to make sense of what everyone's been up to as overseers. Everything looks like a complete mess great to me so far.

Haven't unpaused yet and already got a bunch of notes written and screenshots taken, so I guess this time my turn will work out after all.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #78 on: July 11, 2022, 12:50:09 pm »

looking forward to it!

please ask if you have questions about levers

The cavern entrance is the lowest point of the fortress, and I never finished linking the nearby bridge to a lever. That might be a good first priority. As well, we have no real lever-bridge system to defend the central staircase. Only the second entrance I stupidly spent all summer constructing has a lever gate.

basically we are vulnerable and I take no responsibility ;)

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #79 on: July 11, 2022, 02:28:37 pm »

please ask if you have questions about levers

The cavern entrance is the lowest point of the fortress, and I never finished linking the nearby bridge to a lever. That might be a good first priority. As well, we have no real lever-bridge system to defend the central staircase. Only the second entrance I stupidly spent all summer constructing has a lever gate.

basically we are vulnerable and I take no responsibility ;)

Vulnerable is alright for me! A philosopher bookkeeper has better things to do than think of defenses -- not that a philosopher bookkeeper wouldn't be able to take care of such matters if they'd want to.

The levers (which I found) were properly labeled, so no problem with that (though some dorf was apparently crushed by a bridge according to the memorial, but I think that was before my turn -- I hope, hehe). I'm currently working on stuff with the staircase entry, and with luck I'll have it done before the next siege shows up. If not, well, I guess we might have a problem then.

In any case, I'll post later at least the first part (that is, ramblings/screenshots before unpausing). Not sure if I'll get the second part ready today, since things move so slowly when stopping every five minutes or so to write stuff down, hah.

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #80 on: July 11, 2022, 05:08:20 pm »

Okay, here comes Part I...

Smithbridges, year 184 - Part I:
The Bookkeeper-Turned-Overseer's First Impressions

(or, The Ramblings of Brewer Bob Before Unpausing)

From the Journal of 'Brewer Bob' , Bookkeeper
1st Granite, year 184

Spring has arrived.

This year I, Lolor 'Brewer Bob' Dègendok, will act as leading overseer.

My first task is to take stock of what's happening. I've been so stuck in my office with all these dusty tomes and records that I barely even noticed the sieges we faced. Frankly, I have been quite bored, so maybe this task will be a refreshing change, eh?

It seems that we have a dehydrated child somewhere. Great. Good start.

Oh. Right. The kid who demanded silk.

Looks like poor little Udib has lost it. Soon he will pass away and end up in a tomb, fulfilling the promise of his name.

Failed mood. Such a sorry way for a young dwarf to go.

Let's go over the stocks.

Looking alright, I guess.

Wait. What's this?

By Vesh's dusty bones! The cats have been busy!

And what's this? We don't have a single dwarf as a gelder!? We'll soon have a real cat problem if this pressing matter isn't dealt with.

I guess that Delphonso chap better sharpen his blade, since I recall him mention something about “mastering the art of gelding” when he arrived.

...Oh, but first we need to make a Farmer's Workshop.

Bah, why did they ever choose me to be the so-called overseer this year? I have my hands full of work with updating the stocks and such. Everything seems to be a mess, but maybe I'll eventually get a grasp of what 'Salmeuk', 'AvolitionBrit', 'Obsidian' and 'Bombyx' (may Vesh watch over his soul) all were planning.

In any case, I'm certain things will be fine. And it's not like I don't have *my* own plans: we don't have a library yet.

And it just so happens that I have found the perfect spot for it...


...Yeah, this was a brief one.

I'll be posting the second part soon-ish, which is basically just spring. Took too much time to write and take screenies so I didn't get too far in the year today.

...Also got excited by the fort and made a quick "logo" -- feel free to use it if you wish (or throw it in the atom smasher, if you'd prefer that).

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #81 on: July 11, 2022, 05:47:01 pm »

Smithbridges, year 184 - Part II:
Gelding Cats, Desecrating Books and a Bunch of Bards

First things first before anything else:

We have a ghost problem going on. I've been personally haunted by the dead, which is quite disturbing. That thing needs to be sorted out.

There. That should do it.

The dwarves are busy cleaning the mess above ground. We would have so much else to do, but I guess this is a rather high priority task. It's for the best to clear as much as possible before our enemies return.

Despite there being lots of junk outside, I ordered many of the miners to stop hauling and rather do what they do best: dig. Urvad grabs a pick and gets to work.

What? We have a mayor? Since when? Why wasn't I informed?

Guess I'm a bit at loss of what's happening at our humble little home. A good thing I got my nose out of the pile of papers.

However, I have a bad feeling that the mandate was ended because it wasn't fulfilled... And the angry nobility are known to dole out harsh punishments for such idleness.

Ah, almost forgot about the cat issue. That should do it.

Delphonso picks up his trusty gelding blade and heads to do the ungrateful job of cat gelding.

“There just clearly isn't much appreciation for gelders these days when cats are allowed to breed like rabbits all over the place,” Delphonso thought.

“Now where is that blasted cat?”

Ah! There he is!

A deed is done. Only six more to go.

Delphonso didn't take particular pleasure in his duties. In fact, he was a bit shocked of being attacked by one of the kittens he gelded.

One of the masons, Zaneg Kifedeshtân, is struck by a fey mood. He heads off to claim a Mason's Workshop, which fortunately wasn't currently in use.

He screams for rock, logs, rough gems, cut gems and metal bars. All of that should be doable. We'll see what he's up to in no I time.

...That is if all goes well.

Oh crap. Of course we don't have a depot!

Well, there's so much work to do that the elves will have to wait at the outskirts of Smithbridges. Besides, it's not like they brought anything interesting with them...

Poor, poor Udib. At least he isn't babbling anymore.

Indeed! Zaneg managed to complete the artifact, claiming it in the name of the family ancestor Olon Crushsacks. What kind of name is that? Possibly a gelder with some questionable methods.

Saràmthum, “The Great Muscle”, a shale armor stand.

This is a shale armor stand. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with round brilliant cut chrysoprases. This object menaces with spikes of shale, willow and chrysoprase. On the item is an image of a Stramkacnu's monster in gold. On the item is an image of a gray langur man in willow.
On the item is an image of The Great Muscle the shale armor stand in tiger iron.

Of course it has an image of itself on it.

...And the name. The Great Muscle? That sounds awfully lot like a certain muscle that some scholars call the gluteus maximus.

A scroll. Being dumped. What an outrage! Such blasphemy! Oooh, wait until I find the miserable lout who is responsible for such heresy!

And in the same pile there's more literacy that _someone_ thought is trash! Good thing I stopped to check the pile. I guess it's a blessing that I'm used to keeping stock of things. Someone less keen of mind would have missed it. And oh, what a loss would that have been!

My soul aches and guts churn even at the thought of books being treated like old, tattered pants -- which, mind you, we have a plenty.

And it just so happened that I ordered pig tails to be threshed constantly and also commissioned several looms to be built next to the Farmer's Workshop.

We need to keep our fellow dwarves clothed.

...And in order to do that, we hastily built a depot next to the bridge going over Sinboils and traded a bunch of crap for some elf clothes. I know there'll be some disapproval, but it's either elf clothes or nude for now, my fellow dwarves!

Besides, the elves were ecstatic with the trade. We don't need any more enemies with all these sinister types and their strange monsters lurking about.

Oh, and we also bought a black mamba.

Um, and a giant hedgehog.

Good. The threshers and weavers are busy.

I will order more pig tails to be planted. We need a lot of cloth to clothe the whole fort. We can't rely only on the spider silk found in the caverns.

Ah! Visitors! Yes!

Yes, we opened a new tavern called “The Earthen Harvester” (quite an ominous name, if you ask me). And the first visitor is named...


Err, right.

The tavern itself is located along the passageway to the caverns, lined with smoothed stone pillars. Those returning from the caverns can grab a nice refreshing drink before heading back to the fort proper, or possibly pray at the shrine dedicated to Asën next to the pub.

Some migrants arrive. No doubt they've been lured here by the recently opened tavern.

Fath, a miller, and his wife Bim, a peasant are the first of the group followed by Sigun, a cheese maker (blessed may she be!); Tulon, a herbalist and _legendary_ dancer (I think we might have a job for him at the the Earthen Harvester); Olin, an animal dissector; Thob, an eleven year old girl; Urist, another cheese maker and killer of five dogs; Libash, a milker; Dîshmab, a ten year old boy; Aban, a farmer (by Vesh, how many migrants are there coming?); Udib, a miner and legendary tracker; Kûbuk, a brewer; Asmel, a five year old girl; Domas, a shearer; Tun, a skilled hammer and speardwarf; Kol, a herbalist; Èrith, another herbalist; Deduk, a milker; Udil, a peasant; Zuglar, a bone doctor; Nil, a papermaker (ah, finally someone useful in our quest for a proper library!); Kogsak, a peasant; Edëm, yet another peasant; Kib, a metalcrafter; Urist, a peasant; and Zon, one more bloody peasant to the list.

That brought our population to eighty-one, uhhuh. We don't have even rooms for most of the previous fort members. Where will we cram all these dwarves?

Guess it's time to plan out some personal quarters then.

That's the plan.
Seventy-two rooms.

That should be a start, and on the west and east sides we'll carve out small nooks for simple shrines, in case a dwarf feels the need to pray in the middle of the night.

'Avolition' was engraving the walls of the new tavern and made a masterpiece: Matul Vesrul, “The Dance of Worms”.

A masterfully designed image of Thîkut Throwermerchant the dwarf and a Stramkacnu's monster. The monster is striking down Thîkut. The artwork relates to the death of Thîkut in the Hills of Wind in midwinter 67 during Ngiraokgush, “The Furious Assault”.

Wonder what the poet was thinking when creating such a brutal image on the walls of our new drinking hole?

As spring neared its end, 'Obsidian', our manager, was the first to visit our grand new library! Finally we can store our books and scrolls in a proper place!

The library, still mostly unfurnished, was carved into the rock pillars of the caverns:

Unfortunately the art of writing was not as appreciated as the art of downing liquor and singing rowdy songs:

Well, at least the new tavern was filled with all sorts of poets, bards and other misfits performance troupes... Perhaps some of them will eventually petition to stay?

And thus ends spring.


So, that's spring. Got a bit carried away by taking screenshots, so I didn't end up accomplishing so much.

I'll try to continue (and hopefully finish my turn!) my turn tomorrow, but it might be that I don't have so much time until Wednesday.

Bombyx Mori

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #82 on: July 11, 2022, 11:14:56 pm »

Things seem to be going well for our dwarves. I can't wait to see what happens in the rest of your turn (hopefully not another undead siege).

Also, mind if I use that banner for the OP? I was thinking of making one myself, but your one is perfect.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #83 on: July 12, 2022, 02:58:29 am »

Very nice update, love the banner art as well. Glad that we have a library now as well. Interesting to see if I'm the eternally sieged cursed one.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

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brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2022, 06:45:15 am »

Also, mind if I use that banner for the OP? I was thinking of making one myself, but your one is perfect.

Feel free to use it (no credits necessary)!

Let's see how far into the year I'll get today. With luck, I'll have enough time to finish my turn.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2022, 08:18:54 am »

Banner art is choice.

Look, I think you misunderstood 'felt nothing' while gelding a cat. You ever gelded a cat? There's not much down there to work with.

Also yeah, we're all trying to find the guy who dumped that book. Right guys?

More seriously, this fortress is absolutely gorgeous. It makes me want to focus on upgrading my computer so I can play something big again!

Also one of my favorite dwarf fortress-isms is when you geld something like a hippo or elephant and they kick the gelder so hard his head explodes.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #86 on: July 12, 2022, 12:16:16 pm »

All those books and artifacts were dropped by unfortunate travelers who arrived during the undead sieges. Glad to have a library tho. I tend to have a tendency to build massive libraries in community forts so Im glad I held off as I like your open plan library. Wonder if we will have any scholars arise from this.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #87 on: July 12, 2022, 01:59:40 pm »

awesome updates Brewer! Love your ability to fit those rooms into existing space.. very aesthetic. The portion of the fortress where the library, temple to Asen, and wood stockpile are seems like an appropriate second hub zone.

good. I was avoiding making bedrooms XD

Oh. Right. The kid who demanded silk.

Looks like poor little Udib has lost it. Soon he will pass away and end up in a tomb, fulfilling the promise of his name.

I may or may not have completely forgotten about Udib. No one say anything..

brewer bob

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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #88 on: July 12, 2022, 05:30:41 pm »

Smithbridges, year 184 - Part III:
An Atom Smasher, a Priest and Carp Scales

Work is progressing. The new rooms have been carved are currently being smoothed. I decided to expand the plans and build a north-wing with quarters for the mayor at the top.

Solon, the mayor, has expressed her disappointment about the lack of proper quarters for one of her rank. She's complained how embarrassing it has been to sleep in an awful room. We'll get that fixed, Solon, don't worry, but you won't be getting that black bronze chest you want to have in your dining room. You'll just have to do without.

One of the furnace operators, Stâkud, mentioned about meeting a weird visitor at the Blockaded Palace (the name of our library). Supposedly a dwarf hunter who “had come” and was interested in the new tavern. Why did they come? What were they up to? Had they mistaken the library for a pub?

We have built a 'Dwarven Atom Smasher' (as they like to call it in the Mountainhome).

There's a lot of corpses piled aboveground: since we're not interring them and there's always the risk of sneaky sorceror-types coming along to raise the dead, we might just as well obliterate the corpses. Besides, it'll stop complaints about dead bodies strewn about and visitors won't get such a bad first impression of our home.

We're not a cesspit, we're a proper fortress with our dignity intact.

The dwarves get right away to work, hauling all sorts of corpses and rotten body parts to the Atom Smasher.

It was time to for the mayoral elections and Solon was re-elected.

Not really surprising, since she is an expert when it comes to social skills, argumentation and politicking. Add to that a great sense of humor, so no wonder she's loved.

Ooh! A scholar! Finally!

She headed off to the Blockaded Palace, where she told Edëm, another furnace operator (seems like a thing of that profession), that she had heard of the recently opened library and was curious about it. So, she had headed all this way to study. After the exchange, she went on to speak about the sun, presenting theories in such words that Edëm couldn't follow.

No. NO. NO!


Delphonso was unaware that his “expertise” was needed. He was thirsty after dragging furniture to the new rooms and was fetching a mug... One moment!

Why are the mugs stored outside? Who thought that it was a good idea? What if those villains and their goons show up while an unsuspecting citizen is grabbing a mug? Reckless. Irresponsible! Harumph!

Well, that *too* has to be sorted out... At some point.

After finishing his drink and wiping the foam from his beard, Delphonso went off to search for the kitten he was to geld.

This time it was only a litter of two kitties, of which only one was male, so not really so much to geld (and, in Delphonso's words, “there's not much to geld in a cat”).

There. That should do it. Justice is served!

More migrants.

Erib Geburdim, a jeweler; Unis Tomusdeler, a three year old girl; Lolor Giginmosus, a peasant; Oddom Urvadozul, an animal dissector; Zasit Îmäzathel, a furnace operator; Dastot Zanosducim, a peasant; Reg Asolvabôk, a bookbinder (excellent!); Melbil Sosadmörul, a one year old boy; and Mafol Besmarutal, another peasant.

Not so many this time, but our population is now ninety.

We might need to bolster our defenses soon. Who knows when we'll attract the attention of the vile goblins of the Circular Menace? They have multiple pits along the shores of Sinboils and near the river's mouth lies Lashedseduce, their capital with over ten thousand residents -- if the rumors are to be trusted.

It is said that the “master” (as the goblins say) of the Circular Menace was a being originating from another world and was older than time itself. How true such rumors were, we don't know, but I surmise it is mostly a myth. However, what we know is, that Autumnnewts the bait of grizzles -- as the being is called -- is of immense size and has a fondness of athletics. The humans from Dun Tekud, the Empire of Picks, have personal experiences of this, since Autumnnewts has joined many a competition that they have held, purportedly always being the victor (the stories are most likely exaggerations).

Currently, the Circular Menace poses no threat to us. However, the vile sorcerors of the Playful Butters from the tower Couplesinks certainly are a threat. No doubt they bear a grudge against us, the dwarves of the Whirling Quakes, after our glorious kingdom defeated them some decades ago at Silkenteacher, a forest retreat not far to the northeast.

Ah, membars of the Dead Cult are petitioning for a temple and a priest. There's now ten followers of the sect dedicated to our goddess, Vesh Ghostphantom. We might just as well accept the petition and assign a priest, since our sect already has a temple.

No need to build new temples, yet.

And who better Sacred Phantom -- the title of our priest -- could we have than Oddom 'AvolitionBrit' Monomtangak, our poet and bard?

One of the farmers is struck by a fey mood while he was at the Earthen Harvest drinking and getting himself inebriated!

“I feel so good!”, Onol exclaimed with a look in his eyes that every dwarf knew meant a new artifact was coming along. He rushed up the stairs to the dirt-walled floor, running to a craftdwarf's workshop and shoving away Tulon, who was making crafts from mussel shells.

“I must have rock!”, Onol kept yelling as he headed to collect some gypsum from the guild halls.

A gypsum amulet.

Kivish Dolush, “The Lancer of Bearing”. Worth a pitiful 2400 Urists.

There is nothing else to say about it.

Great work Onol! That was your once-in-a-life-time opportunity to create something truly wondrous. And what do you choose to make? An amulet. Of gypsum.

A simple, plain amulet.

To each their own, I guess. We'll still put it on display.


Ah, yes. That should do it.

It seems Solon got her black bronze chest in the dining hall after all.

“I was considering the demands I've made. That was satisfying,” Solon smiled, delighted after all her demands were met.

A happy nobility is the foundation of a well-functioning society, a philosopher once said. Or, something along those lines anyway.

As autumn arrived, so did the twisted aberrations from the tower: a legion of Hand of Imushes, a Hand of Intensecoven and horrible beasts -- presumably led by an undead dwarf seem among them -- marched towards the fort from the southwest as a cluster of buzzards descended from the skies.

The alarm was sounded.

The dwarves stopped their work on finishing the new gatehouse, rushing inside and suspending the constructions... the horrors of the Night rushed across the bridge towards the gates.

Would the dwarves be able to seal them in time?

The gate slammed shut right in front of the noses of the Dogs of Kiradoth, horrid large, black scaled beasts with twisting, jointed trunks.

It seems we'll be turtling for a while...

May Vesh be merciful to us! The carp scales can walk!


Didn't finish my turn. I'd forgotten how much more time writing stuff and taking screenshots takes (and how enjoyable it is!). It's currently early autumn, so I'll probably not finish tomorrow, but I'll try to complete my turn before weekend.


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Re: Smithbridges riverside succession fortress - Overseers needed!
« Reply #89 on: July 12, 2022, 05:48:24 pm »

Carp scale stands up absolutely made my morning. Gotta love this game sometimes.

Glad that Delphonso could actually be useful, instead of just wandering the halls confused, now he's wandering the halls confused and looking for cats.
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