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Author Topic: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation  (Read 5511 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2022, 09:26:01 pm »

A metaphorical pair of metaphorical grand doors swing open, and a golden and shining humanoid metaphorically strides through, wry grin on their face.
Greetings, greetings everyone, I know you've all been waiting for Me! You would not believe how irritating it is to have to reconstitute your identity and form from first principles, quite a waste of time. A dry laugh. You there, woman with the good taste in Spears, a word of advice: if you take issue with suffering, good! You won't be able to stop it from existing, your fellows can be a rather petty and vengeful lot, or even merely prone to poor decisionmaking - a flaw I regret to say I have experienced Myself on occasion! Try to rescue the mortals from it regardless! It'll be excellent for your reputation among the smallfolk, you could make a religion out of that!
Just remember to follow through with the responsibilities that come with such a position.
The grin inches a bit toward grimace, before brightening.

Aside from all your petty squabbles! A pair of metal hands clap to each other, and a sound like a grand bell rings out. I bet you all are wondering just what I have planned in My idle moments! I have been cloistered away, scheming, plotting, conceiving of most dastardly plans to install Myself as Lord of the universe, haven't I? Well, ladies and gentlemen of the court of divinity, let me not keep you waiting! What course of action, pray tell, have I been sketching out in those places you cannot see? Why, one and all, watch as I...

Ferrous kicks the ground behind him, and a comfortable-looking chair appears behind him. He spreads his hands out, and tips backward into his seat. absolutely nothing! Nothing yet, at least. The authority of Nobility demands Obligation, but what is there to rule right now? I hardly expect that any of you are wont to willingly subordinate yourselves to Me at the moment, and what else is there? And so I am left - for once - without Obligation. It does feel rather nice, I see why others might enjoy such a state.

The metal man pulls a set of metal opera glasses out of the chair's armrest, and directs his attention toward the forming world.

I do expect this to be quite fun.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2022, 09:37:39 pm »

Has manifested:
Vircine Chiropod
Butterfly Buttercup
Root of All Rice
Onti (silently)


(Excellent! The twelve Hosts have made their Intents known. I can hear the unwritten unravelling, and see the unsaid become word...)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2022, 10:01:42 pm »

"Of course, I would not expect this whole host to be cooperative. No reason not to strive for good anyways. Infinite possible existences, and so many are cruel. I would hesitate to bring people into even this world, which is why first I will make those who with the power to bear responsibility themselves."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2022, 04:13:01 am »

Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation


Turn 1: The First World

Exalted! The stagnant untime moves once more, drawn in by the Rights of the Hosts!

First was the world...

It is said that The Vircine Chiropod brought motion to the dormant world with a dance of creation. Answering to its Right, a seed formed from the formless from which sprouted a bud. And the bud rose, dancing with the vircine maker, growing with each step until it became a radiant Sunflower. A shell of earth formed around the Sunflower, completing the newborn world.

Quote from: The Bounteous Domes (World+)
Name: TBD
Type: World
Description: A nondescript hollow spherical world within which an immense sunflower grows. The sunflower, being a sun in its own right, fills the cavity of the world with light.
Spoiler: Preview (click to show/hide)

Once the The Vircine Chiropod had finished dancing and the Bounteous Domes had stabilized, various Hosts brought their touch to the world, seeding it with a great variety of life.
From the countless eusocial creatures and plants born from the hand of Butterfly Buttercup, the Coincidental Cause, the Sending Storm, the Disordered Disaster, to the vicious and deceitful dangerous colonies spawned by Hexapoda through its Right of Insect Creation, as well as the jittery Hmmmsters born from the Chiropod.
To the great and few Caretakers, creations of Bartatam the Divine Gardener, as well as the noisy Honkers of Xe'kekxlia and lethaly adorable Cherubs of TOAA.

Species were placed in various places of the world, and no mortal could say if it was at random or all according to the grand design of the Hosts.

Spoiler: Hmmmsters (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Buttercups (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sunflowers (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dahlias (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Daisies (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Butterflies (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Moths (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Flies (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Antant (Species+) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Waswasp (Species+) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Honkers (Species) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Cherubs (Species) (click to show/hide)


Then at some point before or during the seeding of the Domes, the elusive Sp(fl)y hid two curiosities on the surface of the world for a purpose as mysterious as their maker.

Spoiler: Musca (Magical Object) (click to show/hide)

...and then in the formless...

Far from the bustling Bounteous Domes, another Host worked. She by Right made a great Region unlike anything one could find on the first World, in the image of some vision known only to her. On this curious place she named the Citadel, she exerted her Specialized Right of Human Creation and so the Engineers were born: metallic humanoids blessed with countless boons wonderful and dangerous. To support them, they were granted inanimate companions in the form of various magical objects.

But suddenly, the invokement of a Right of Destruction causes the Computers to crumble into dust until nothing is left of their existence! None miss the obvious culprit: Butterfly Buttercup, the Coincidental Cause, the Sending Storm, the Disordered Disaster.

Spoiler: The Citadel (Region) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 04:22:01 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2022, 04:14:31 am »

World Turn:


The order of life is restored, the perpetuation of motion. Mortals arise, the witnesses of the great creations.


The ever peaceful Eternal Fields of Gold

It was at the base of the SUNflower that most of the peaceful species of life were placed by the hand of Fate. Of all the inner lands blessed by the gentle light of the SUNflower, this place was undoubtedly the most blessed and thriving. Great lands of golden and green shining by the grace of the SUNflower that would someday be known as the Eternal Fields of Gold where the Hmmmsters lived iddylic lives, gorging themselves on more sunflower seeds than they could eat and dancing with more joy than they could give. The Hmmmsters were in a state of constant seed-binge induced euphoria. And they were happy, undisturbed by the fluttering Butterflies and Moths which were so numerous they formed iridescent and everchanging clouds of colours in the skies. It is important to know that only Sunflowers managed to thrive in these lands due to a wish from the SUNflower, with Arborial Hmmmsters being an obvious exception given they weren't technically a plant.

Somewhere in the Fields of Gold, a peculiar colony of deaf Hmmmsters developped as they lived among the Honkers whose consumption of Sunflower seeds caused them to laugh heartily and with such force it would destroy the little eardrums of the Hmmmsters. These Hmmmsters weren't negatively affected by their newfound handicap, instead developping a greater and more expressive dancing repertoire than their undeaf kin.

In another place, the Cherubs of the Fields of Gold were feeling so positive from the influence of the seeds that they cosntantly shone brighter than dancing fireflies (and bigger too). The area they lived in was saturated in luck due to their state of mind, creating such a powerful feedback loop of happiness the Hmmsters there lost their sight, leading them toward a slow decay as a subspecies due to their utter inability to communicate. It is only thanks to the luck of the Cherubs that they somehow always managed to stumble on food when they wanted to, or on another Hmmmster when they needed social contact.

As the numerous smaller creatures went on with their lives, so did a duo of Primordial Caretakers, watching with great care over the peaceful Fields of Gold, with one of them being the Hmmming Caretaker who was seeded Hmmmster seeds by the Chiropod. The Hmmmsters love the Hmmming Caretaker, and so do the Caretaker who has developped a particular fondness for the Hmmmsters which hasn't yet interfered with its work.

The Domain of the Caretakers

The farther one would go from the SUNflower, life and landscapes became more diversified as the Buttercups grew more numerous in many shapes and forms whereas the Sunflowers became less prominent. It was also there that you would find most of the more exotic creatures, such as the flying Honkers and Cherubs who had made their main homes in the great Buttercup forests bordering the Eternal Fields of Gold. This area is still within the domain of the Caretakers, and as such life can thrive in harmony here. However beyond this domain, there is not a single non-insect creature who isn't fighting for its life.

The Vast Insect Wastes

Beyond the Domain of the Caretakers, vegetation is much less dense and life does not know respite as another law applies here: the survival of the fittest. It is said that after peaceful life was seeded on the Bounteous Domes, more warlike life was in response also placed in the form of the eusocial Insects. Initially unopposed in this vast world of Buttercup biomes filled with tasty, the Antants went on an unstoppable spree of conquest that annihilated many Buttercup biomes in order to feed the colonies. They first faced the Blindbuilders, which they overcame and subjugated. There is now not a single remaining free Blindbuilder colony, all of them having been enslaved and put to serve the Antants to build supernests. The same happened to the few Hmmmsters who were by Host placed amidst the Antants: after a sampling and recognizing the value of the harmless Hmmmsters, the Antants spared the Hmmmsters and now raise them as cattle to feed their growing population.

As uncontested rulers of the land, the Antants found their first match against the Waswasps, the uncontested rulers of the skies. With their massive swarms and mastery of aerial combat and hit and run tactics, the Waswasps have been near undefeated in open ground engagements. But their lighter frame and large wings also worked against them in underground battles, rendering the Waswasps utterly unable to invade an Antant nest. Now although the Antants and Waswasps sometimes skirmish by accident, they tend to avoid each others to fight against their kin.

Of the Antants, the most powerful colony is the one which first subjugated the Blindbuilders. Their nests are impenetrable superfortresses renforced by the Blindbuilders and defended by the fiercest Antant soldiers and absolutely subservient Blindbuilder war slaves.

Of the Waswasps, the most dreaded colony is that of the Waswasps of the Night. Their mobile nest is always in the shadow of the Musca, and they are the absolute lords of shadows and made the Night synonymous of Death.

The Domination of the Insects

Recognizing the threat the Colonies would pose to the balance of the garden, the Caretakers assembled and waged war on the Antants and the Waswasps. Initially very successful and unstoppable, they pushed back the Antants and Waswasps alike until they had recovered twice the current size of the Domain of the Caretakers. But in an unexpected twist, the eusocial eternal enemies formed a truce and an alliance against the common enemy they recognized in the Caretakers. The combination of the Insect Lords of the Skies and the Insect Lords of the Earth utterly crushed the mightier but fewer Caretakers, who even lost a few of their owns. Then forced to retreat to their Domain, they are now on a defensive position to prevent the encroachment of the Colonies on their Domain. Among Caretakers, it is said that the end of the world will come not when one of the two groups emerge victorious, but when these eternal enemies will form a true alliance.


There was though one peculiar land even the Antants and Waswasps didn't dare to approach: the lands where the Daisies thrived. These hills covered by blooming Daisies had remained untouched by the Insects thanks to their mind-controlling powers. Although they could not fully control the vicious Insects, they could subtly influence them so that they would feel discomfort when approaching Daisyland.

Quest of the Engineers

Far from the bustle of the inner world of the Bounteous Domes, the Citadel orbited peacefully.

There as soon as they emerged from their incubation pods, the Engineers understood what they knew and what they didn't, starting with the mystery of their awakening in the Citadel. They instantly set to work by initiating a check on the various systems of the Citadel, assessing their situation at the same time with their many skills and vast innate knowledge. They formed hypothesis on their current situation, seeking the truth of their purpose. And to avoid the harms of a potential existential crisis, they convened on a shared purpose: to study the known world and make the unknown knowable. They also gave themselves a name, a symbol of unity in the vast loneliness of the universe: the Companions. And although their creator hadn't manifested themselves yet, the Engineers suspected their existence may had been caused by a higher being of power, a God.

As if they always had them, it didn't take long for the Engineers to master the Computers they were provided, which they named the Helpers. Then a tragedy strikes as all of a sudden, all Computers are annihilated in an absolutely incomprehensible fashion to the Engineers. Extremely shocked and puzzled by this event, the Engineers start to worry about the potential presence of something out there potentially watching for them. Pushed by a newfound sense of urgency, the Engineers used all the resources and tools the Citadels had to offer in order to prepare expeditions for the surface world. For although the Citadel provided them in lodging and sustenance, they lacked the vast resources required for greater projects, including the understanding what had happened to the Computers.

Shortly in the time it would have taken for a man to build a boat, the Engineers had constructed a ship to cross the formless expanse and had managed to reach the outer Bountiful Domes. Separated from the inner worlds, they formed a mining and research colony at the base of the inverted root of the SUNflower, which they find the most intriguing of all the few things they had seen outside of the Citadel. It was also the only other form of life they had found so far, proving to them they weren't the sole life in the universe.

Honourable mention

With all that happened, the Antenna Alpha was yet still unfound by a creature of sufficient intelligence or luck to accidentally use it.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 04:27:46 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2022, 04:15:54 am »


The blood red eye opens and weeps tears of blood. The Puzzled Prophetess scratches her missing head with her right hand.

"Is that what it means? How strange. Without the intervention of the Hosts, the following events are certain to happen."

1. No new mortal civilization is expected to appear in the next turn.

2. The stalemate between Antants and Waswasps will not change, and both species will continue expanding until all the inner world is covered with Insects with the exception of the Domain of the Caretakers and the Fields of Gold, for now.

3. The Blind Hmmmsters will all die out.

4. The Engineers society will discover definite proof of the existence of beings of higher power, which will cause a ideological schism in their society.

5. The Antenna will not be found.

6. The Hmmming Caretaker will rescind from his original tasks in order to protect the Hmmmsters from anything that could threaten them.

"There is more, and you may always inquire about the Fate of a particular entity. I may manage to read something of interest, if I can make sense of it that is..."

You may ask the Prophetess for details about the future of anything. Answers are not guaranteed!


"Mblnl- Everything seems to be in order. Now that the formless has been given a shape, even the Hosts may assume their desired form."

Income: Every Host has received 2 Rights of Creation and 1 Right of Destruction.

The following Special Rights have been granted:
- To The Vircine Chiropod: 1 Right of Bounteous Domes Destruction
- To Alice & The Pierce: 1 Right of Engineers Destruction
- To Hexapoda: 1 Right of Antant Destruction, 1 Right of Waswasp Destruction, 1 Right of Blindbuilder Destruction 
- Every Host: 1 Persistent Right of Incarnation.
> This Special Right is not expanded with use, and can be used to Deincarnate.
> This Special Right uses the Special slot.
> By using a Right of Incarnation, a Host may physically manifest in the Universe, allowing them to interact directly with the many creations. An incarnated Host remains impossible to harm. An Incarnated Host has a smaller action limit than usual!

The following Special Rights are available:
- 1 Perfect Right of Master Lawmaking: a gift from the Old Host. With the approval of all Hosts and the Three Attendants, the Master Law may be edited.
- 1 Harmonious Right of True Rewind: a gift from the Old Host. With the approval of all Hosts, the World may be reverted to a past state. (Warning: it will also affect Hosts!)
- 1 Left Half Combined Right of Universal Lawmaking: a gift from the Old Host. With the approval of half the current Hosts, a Universal Law may be created. Hosts involved in this Right may not be involved in the Right right.
- 1 Right Half Combined Right of Universal Lawmaking: a gift from the Old Host. With the approval of half the current Hosts, a Universal Law may be created. Hosts involved in this Right may not be involved in the Left right.

The following Special Rights may be obtained by fulfilling conditions:
- Specialized Right of Creation of your choosing: obtained every time 3 or more Rights of Destruction are used at once.
- Specialized Right of Destruction: create something through a Specialized Right of Creation.

Non-incarnated player action slots:
- 2 Creation slots
- 1 Destruction slots
- 1 Special slot

Incarnated player action slots:
- 1 Creation or Destruction slot
- 1 Special slot
- 2 Interaction slots (including for Creation or Destruction that doesn't use Rights)

Any number of Rights may be used per use.
Base Rights can be freely exchanged.

*new* Declaration of Intention

"Blob mlbnl- This here is very important, dear Hosts. Listen well."

Hosts may now declare their Intention for the next turn. A declaration of Intention will change the income of the Host.

No Declaration: base income.
Declaration of World Lawmaking: Specialized Right of World Lawmaking instead of base income.
Declaration of Protection: Specialized Right of Protection of the desired currently existing or about to be created entity instead of base income.
> *new* Rights of Protection now protect against all Base Rights of Destruction, and one Specialized Right of Destruction. Protection is removed if a Specialized Right of Destruction is used.
Declaration of Destruction: Specialized Right of Destruction of the desired currently existing or about to be created entity instead of base income.

*new* Declaration of Interest

(Dear Hosts, did you appreciate the coming world? If there is something in existence that catches your attention, do manifest so to me! As the master of events, I will ensure the object of your interest will come to the forefront of the scene! Oh it may not always be good though, so keep that in mind!)

Hosts may now declare their Interest for the next turn. A declaration of Interest will change the number of events occuring for the specified entity. A Host may only be interested by one entity at a time.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2022, 11:54:14 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2022, 04:16:17 am »

Players Status

Spoiler: Hexapoda (Leonardo8) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sp(fl)y (Stirk) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ferrous (Glass) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 10:34:10 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #52 on: April 22, 2022, 04:20:04 am »


Quick description of the Universe
The Universe is unnamed.
There is a single World in the Universe, the Bounteous Domes.

Spoiler: The Formless Expanse (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lesser Life (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Objects (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2022, 11:31:19 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Most Handsome Bay12 Member
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2022, 07:22:42 am »

I see my warning has not gone through to you. You have spread your foolish ideals to other members of the host and now you must be dealt with, watch yourself.

Toaa uses a right of creation and some of the specialized holy creation right to create powerful being’s to further serve its agenda.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Toaa also uses the antenna alpha to deliver its condolences to the engineers for the rash decision of its fellow host.

Demonic Spoon

  • Bay Watcher
  • Peering from beyond the veil of reality
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2022, 07:27:35 am »

Several of Butterfly Buttercup's sepals fairly vibrate as they quiver in uproarious laughter at the magnificent prank they played on the Engineers! The looks on their faces, priceless. For everything else, there's Destruction Rights.

Various pistils release clouds of pollen that incidentally form into elaborate patterns that may resemble words, one supposes.

"Hello my dears! Hello hello! That sure went wonderfully didn't it! So exciting! The highs! The lows! The explosions and mayhem!"

Some particular pollen puffs float around Hexapoda.

"Dearest Host-mate. Your antants and waswasps have been truly wonderful, truly truly exquisitely fantastic. Yes. But... but. It's time for them to scale back a bit don't you think? I would request you rein them in a bit please. Or not I suppose. Up to you!"

Butterfly Buttercup calls up their special right of Incarnation, possible including a muted shout of, "By the power of Yellowskull!" and descends upon the Bounteous Domes as a storm of yellows petals and butter mist and riotously colourful butterflies. The ground quakes and quivers in fear at their passing! The Musca avoids them! Rivers wail, clouds flee and mountains gnash! Butterfly Buttercup tells them to all stop being such big babies.

Butterfly Buttercup wanders among the Daisies of Daisyland, and saw that they were good. But they could be better. Butterfly Buttercup sifted through the different strains of daisies, before choosing the most intelligent, and breeding it for greater intelligence and capability, attempting to eventually uplift it into a true race of mortals to begin a new civilization.

Interaction to attempt uplift a strain of Daisies into the mortal Idas.

Species Name: Idas
Description: Once a particularly intelligent strain of Daisies, the Idas share many traits with their forebears, but have become more and more differentiated with each generation. Idas are a race of sapient parasitic mortals, resembling daisy flowers, who generally take root in, and control the bodies of other animals or people to perform physical tasks, and feed on their bodies for sustenance. They communicate with each other through petal motion and pollen, or if particularly intimate, root-touching (lewd!). They are capable of only limited motility on their own, generally the minimal motions of communication or transferring into a new, incapacitated host. After pollination by rubbing flowers together (leeewd!), they will generally implant their seeds into a corpse (living hosts uncontrolled by a daisy being deemed too risk for the young), which will sprout and grow into new Idas, who will then be transferred into beginner hosts. Idas are warm, kind, family-loving people who see nothing wrong with puppeting the bodies of other beings.

- Sapient: Full mortals now! How cute!
- Patterned: Idas tend to grow in pleasing geometric patterns, and believe patterns to be inherent to every aspect of existence, and will force pattern interpretations onto events and things where they might not be a good fit.
- Mind-Control: Idas can control both the bodies and minds of creatures they have taken root in, and can take root in almost any technically living creature, not matter its odd base material, including metal or stone creatures. Fire still burns and kills them however, preventing them from taking root in such creatures.
- Basilisks: Idas can through great exertion rapidly undulate in hypnotic patterns while undergoing rapid light strobing due to newly evolved colour changing bioluminescence and release puffs of soporific spores, to incapacitate most conventional creatures for a period time, allowing the Idas to peacefully take root in them. Less effective against blind creatures...

Finding the process to be quite tricky, and being annoyed by invading antants or waswasps constantly interrupting the progress in its delicate processes, Butterfly Buttercup finally snaps and spews petals and butter everywhere, which eventually coalesces into the powerful Perturbs, sometime guardians of the Idas!

Butterfly Buttercup enacts two Rights of Creation to usher into existence a group of powerful beings, the Perturbs.

Being Name: Daisy-Chain
Description: A supercharged daisy being, who can infect others into new members of its collective mind through mere proximity or even just seeing an existing Daisy-Chain who can then itself infect more members in explosive chain reactions of creatures suddenly sprouting tangles of daisies from all over their bodies, limited only by the upper limit of Daisy-Chains collective mind capacity. It is an uplifter of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the stupid.

- Rapid Infection: Anyone in close physical proximity to a member of the Daisy-Chain, or who can see a Daisy-Chain (including through intermediate links like video-cameras), becomes infected and controlled, a new member of the Daisy-Chain, until the Daisy-Chain reaches its control limit of roughly ten-thousand members. This can make it near impossible to kill the Daisy-Chain for good, because just as you kill of some of it, it infects the attackers having gone under its control limit. Powerful beings are immune.
- Hivemind: The Daisy-Chain functions of a hivemind of all its infected members, working together in perfect co-ordination, and gaining all the skills, memories and knowledge of infected bodies, which persists even if the body is later lost. The Daisy-Chain can eject any member from itself at will, or kill the member directly through a considerable exertion of will and mental stamina.
- Uplifter: When a new member joins the Daisy Chain for the first time, the possessed body increases in intelligence, strength and overall bodily performance and functioning, these improvements being hereditary. There are returns diminish if previous generations of a new member have already benefited from this uplift, but long-term incremental improvements can still have dazzling results.
- Revolutionary: The Daisy-Chain will attempt to join or found a new organization or faction to overthrow or break the power of the dominant group, species or country currently in existence, once this is accomplished, the Daisy-Chain leaves to join or found a new group to overthrow the current dominant faction. Hosts are not currently included in the calculus of overthrow.
Being Name: Levelling Storm
Description: A truly massive jet-black butterfly, capable of casting entire regions under its shadow. Its shadow causes mass hysteria and panic wherever it falls, resulting in the complete breakdown of social and eusocial order as collectives tear themselves apart. The Levelling Storm is capable of flying while being eerily motionless, like a flying statue, but each flap of its wings bring forth hurricanes which devastate castles and supermounds. It spends most of its time resting on the stem of the celestial Sunflower, suckling from its solar sap, only venturing forth to wreak havoc rarely when the mood strikes it, or when commanded to by the Butterfly Buttercup.

- Shadow-Styria: Wherever the shadow of the Levelling Storm falls, follows the breakdown of society/eusociety and unrest, as mass hysteria, panic and hyper-aggressiveness overcome all within the area.
- The Storm: With each flap of its wings the Levelling Storm brings forth giant hurricanes which can wreck cities or rip apart supermounds, and will do so as it instinctively finds large structures offensive and desires to destroy them. The Levelling Storm can choose to mentally control the course of these natural disasters, but rarely does, just filling the immediate area with hurricanes for maximum destruction. Rain and lightning-storms follow in the wake of the Levelling Storm.
- Vajra: Its carapace and flesh are incredibly tough and durable. Should the Levelling Storm actually be damaged, it cocoons itself during its torpor and repairs the damage.
- Torpor: The Levelling Storm must sleep for at least 2 turns after 1 turn of activity, and will sleep longer indefinitely if not provoked by the creation of region-sized structures nearby, or commanded to destroy something by the Butterfly Buttercup, whose commands it obeys.
Being Name: Plotweaver
Description: Plotweaver is a small, easily missed, loom, who can read minds, and plots to gain a proof of Divinity. To this end it implants telepathic messages, ideas and suggestions into the minds of other beings to have them act out its grand plots, usually increasing their power in the hopes they will gain a proof of divinity that the Plotweaver can then steal through the backdoors it had planted into their minds before. Late into the night it clickaty-clacks, plotting its ascension.

- Telepathic: The Plotweaver can read minds, communicate mind-to-mind, and perform subtle mind-control through idea implantation, limited memory modification, sensory alteration, and planting backdoors that would theoretically allow it to steal proofs of divinity.
- Plotter: The Plotweaver is skilled at the art of conspiracy, and seems to always have just the right plan or bit of information or item to turn situations to its eventual advantage. A long-term edge, but often not useful during immediate combat.
- Champion: The Plotweaver enjoys selecting a promising candidate and raising them to the highest heights of power, whether through ruling a vast empire that successfully conquers more and more land through the aid of the Plotweaver, or personal growth or other means, in the hopes of eventually causing them to earn a Proof of Divinity.
- Stealthy: It is hard for anyone to notice or remember the Plotweav- what was I talking about again?
Being Name: Sweet Revelation
Description: Sweet Revelation is a enticing mirage that flickers near geniuses, scholars, inventors, scientists, artists tantalizing them with that certain spark or final puzzle piece they so greatly desire. It teases and entices until its target will do anything. Usually the Sweet Revelation wants them to pour their own life or soul into their work somehow, but if their target does so, Sweet Revelation more than delivers, usually giving forbidden knowledge or skill far in excess of what the genius could have even dreamed of, allowing them to create something truly great, discover something truly grand, craft such wonderful horrors. Sweet Revelation is uninterested in the Historian, because Sweet Revelation thinks they're rather a bit of a twat.

- The Bargain: In exchange for pouring their lifeforce, soul, blood flesh or some combination into their obsession, great work, or grand research, Sweet Revelation will empower the contractor with otherworldly eldritch skill, divine inspiration, inexhaustible stamina and impart on them great knowledge, revelations or resources needed to reach their goal, and far surpass it to create or accomplish something truly great.
- Enticement: Sweet Revelation can sense and teleport directly towards truly great and exceptional minds, where it fills them with supernatural motivation and drive, while enticing them yet further with near irresistible temptation...
- Illusory: Sweet Revelation is a illusory mirage that is near impossible to actually damage, trap or otherwise interact with except on its terms. As such it is very difficult to get rid of...
Being Name: Historian
Description: The Historian is a car-sized, intelligent, charismatic, immortal cicada of strong convictions, determined to correctly and completely record history for posterity, righting record-errors wherever it might find them, and educating people about what really happened. Unfortunately, the Historian's memory, while prodigious and capable of remembering a breadth and depth of topic and details that would put even elephants to shame, is ever so slightly flawed, causing everything it learns and recalls to be ever so slightly wrong in a single vital detail or another.

- Memory: The Historian has a supernaturally incredible memory, capable of recalling anything it has read, experienced, learnt or might otherwise know. Unfortunately, its memory is also supernaturally flawed, causing its recollections to always contain some vital flaw. It is at all times convinced that its own version of events or knowledge is correct, and disagreements or discrepancies is the faults of second or third parties or of villains who want to suppress the true histories.
- Historian: The Historian's greatest, most overwhelming passion is to constantly record history. All history, everywhere. In fact, everything that happens around the Historian is automatically inscribed into its exoskeleton by magic, though of course, slightly wrong. The Historian enjoys storing its periodical moultings together into cicada-skin library. Its second passion, equal to the first, is to educate others on the correct history, and correct errors where it discovers them, often resorting to such extreme measures as breaking into private libraries with writing supplies to edit their historical scrolls and tomes.
- Charismatic: The Historian is an incredibly persuasive public and personal speaker, easily making friends and gaining influence and positions of prestige wherever he goes. He is also a master of debate, and can frequently with words alone convince people with differing views of history or other matters around to the Historian's own point of view, something the Historian takes great pride in, believing that he is spreading the true truth one convert at a time.

The initial champion candidate of the Plotweaver is the most promising of the first Idas, though the Plotweaver thinks this was their own idea.
The Levelling Storm is created next to the largest and most offensively structural waswasp hive to incite its destructive instincts.

With the help of the Daisy-Chain uplifting various proto-Idas, eventually the Butterfly Buttercup manages to create the full sapients they were aiming for. Fizzy Sweet Wine is shared all round at this success.

Then Butterfly Buttercup engages in a stealth operation (actually just blatantly walking straight in because nothing can hurt it), infiltrating several of the Antant and Waswasp nests, and seeding Idas into their queens and a bunch of their workers/soldiers, trying to suborn at least one colony.

Interaction to attempt to subvert a few insect colonies into Ida colonies!

Butterfly Buttercup is interested in the Sweet Revelation
« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 10:43:31 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #55 on: April 22, 2022, 07:44:21 am »

Xe'kekxlia rolls a couple (-3 Rights of Creation) into a ball, and tosses it forth just for it to crash land among the "Blind Hmmmsters", this ball then cracks open in what can only be described as a glorious geyser or waterspouts of creatures, creatures which would be known as the first generation of a "powerful species", the first generation of Carnies.

Next he spits in his hand, rolls the spit into a ball and tosses it there too, creating a "magical object"- "the luckening rod"

Spoiler: Carnies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Luckening rod (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2022, 10:32:56 am »

Sp(fl)y looks down at the world unconcerned with its conflicts. He does, however, raise his eyebrow-equivalent slightly as he watches the Butterfly destroy the Engineer's computers.

He then pulls out a deck of cards, shuffles it three times, and reveals that they are all aces. The cards begin moving on their own and head down to TBD! They become the Segmentium, a Powerful Race placed near Antenna Alpha.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #57 on: April 22, 2022, 01:35:51 pm »

The Pierce begins to steam and fume, transforming into something notably more crass and weapon-like. Its many new sharpened appendages are blackened and drip with deepest tar, dripping with mockery at the very concept of the holy, all-mighty. No gods, no masters.
Declaration of Nihilo-destruction.
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. When will you learn a new trick, my friend?"

Alice appears on The Arc after a delay, putting the question of higher beings to rest early.
"I was like you, once. Lesser, truly. Now I am one of the divine host. In this world I am invincible and immortal. But inside I'm still human. I am no greater than any of you, yet I hold this responsibility. I am a Divine, but I won't demand you worship me, I only ask for your understanding."

Interaction: Educate the Engineers on the shape of this universe, the world below, and the 12 Divines.
Interaction: Work for a better future with my own hands.

0 creation: Create magic item.
Name: Quantum Computer
Description: Physical 'thinking' (but not conscious/willed) machines built from conductive and insulative metals. Some are built into other machines in order to manage said machines, while a few are small handheld devices called 'phones', intended to be a single being's companion. Computers may also communicate with one another via radio or metal wires.
- Think quickly: computers may complete thousands of calculations in mere moments.
- No creativity: these machines perform exactly the tasks they are instructed to, and as such the coder's mistakes will likely manifest in the form of bugs.
- Quantum: There exists a discrete quantity of these machines. To start with, one. But there's no reason why it couldn't be reverse engineered.

"Know ye divines, I have no reason to hate any of you. But if you do prove petty, I know how to hold a grudge, and I plan on living longer than this universe."

Interest: Engineers.

Give Ferrous 1 Creation Right. For... whatever he's working on.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 12:27:38 am by Egan_BW »


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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2022, 01:39:50 pm »

The Amnesiac Archivist warned TOAA of a flaw in his grand design.

"No creation shall challenge the Hosts, and their means to do so shall be banned. A power of your future creation would be Blasphemous, which was outright banned by the Old Host!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Hosts: Titans of Recreation
« Reply #59 on: April 22, 2022, 02:15:19 pm »

"...Okay then. How easy does that make the beastie to destroy, then?"
"1 Destruction."

The spear instead folds away its offensive augments and begins to swell with a golden power.
Intent of Localized Benevolent Lawmaking.
Name: Localized Law of Benevolence
Class: World
Effects: Probability in the affected space is subtly tweaked in order to benefit those in need and minimize suffering. Fails to have any effect measurable by those who would abuse this effect.

Approval: fuck you this one's unilateral
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