Like... your business probably would have failed with or without government intervention. Plenty of businesses have even in areas where restrictions were functionally nonexistent, because we've been in a bloody plague and lots of folks don't actually need a mandate from on high to cut back on being out and about in the middle of a highly infectious pandemic.
Meanwhile, if you want covid based reasons to hate capitalism, well *gestures at profit motive and healthcare in the US alone*. There's tens to hundreds of thousands of people dead or crippled because capitalist horseshit kept them away from medical care or preventative measures (i.e. staying at home) through one means or another, and then more that are probably going to be buried in medical debt for decades, just as a sort of start to the cavalcade of horseshit.
Anyway, I don't actually hate capitalism per se, personally, there's just a lot of shit about it that needs to be hard shackled or it starts screwing everyone involved over. It has its uses under certain circumstances, it just needs to be kept well the hell away from everywhere it doesn't (i.e. anything vital, like infrastructure, agriculture, healthcare, education, basically anything involving monopoly of force, etc).
It's really as simple as that, one thing you can trust a successful capitalist to do is start fucking over everyone around them if you don't keep them watched, regulated, and cut down to size, so... do that. Keep the harm inherent to the system under control. Then it's mostly okay to let 'em stick around.