You call the guards to take care of the young pest.
He yells a war cry and charges, only to get knocked out by the very first guard. They drag his uncounscious body to the dungeon while your courtiers murmur how impolite it is to disturb the administrative proceedings like that.
Well! Back to work.
802 AD, Winter
Gold arrives in the capital on the same day the palatial healers announce to you that Milka is pregnant again! If all is good, the second of your children should be born on summer next year.
802 AD, End of the Year
Compared to the previous year, the winter is pretty mild. Already most of the snow melted and soon the peasants will till the fields again.
But before that happens, the annual ceremony must occur - the bringing of Scrolls of Kingdom Status to your royal chambers by the elderly Advisor.
Happiness: 4
Population: 3
Economy: 4
Army: 4
You rub your chin in contentment. These are very fine numbers.
Hopefully, they will only grow higher in the coming years!
803 AD, Spring
Gózgumdezik Whitespit the Fist of Peaks has come!
A giant humanoid made of fiery vomit. Grass decays where it steps and people go mad from its undead glare. Its external spine shines like the purest of gold columns. Beware its necrotic spit!
Reports from the far southwest come that Gózgumdezik has one day stepped out from a mountain valley, and began wrecking havoc upon the countryside. While fortunately the fields in many villages were not yet tilled, the grasses and trees in this fertile region are die when the vomit giant passes by them. Few villages have been destroyed by Gózgumdecik's mere presence and its headed in direction of several walled cities.
Local governors and city mayors are begging for Crown's help!
A) Even the strongest of beasts can't hold against many! Our Army shall march forth and destroy this gross giant!
B) A wizard! What we need here is a wizard!
C) And I shall answer! I will challenge the giant into combat myself!
!D) Hopefully, it will wander away on its own.
E) Some level 30 adventurers might be needed here, hopefully they won't ask for too much money!