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Author Topic: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)  (Read 23437 times)


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #105 on: July 12, 2022, 02:59:19 am »

No response Salmeuk feel free to pick it up will update main post to convey this
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #106 on: July 12, 2022, 02:00:03 pm »

I will give 'er a try... today? tomorrow? soon.


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #107 on: July 12, 2022, 05:41:42 pm »

I will give 'er a try... today? tomorrow? soon.
Good luck, brave hero!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #108 on: July 12, 2022, 10:33:10 pm »

Um, let me just say, this one doesn't count. I barely left the starting town. But it was a fun enough story I wanted to share:


 An armor set consisting of a helm, mail shirt (for upper limb protection), gauntlets, and high boots will be the equivalent of full coverage for a gorlak. 

 Before beginning an adventure as a gorlak or enlisting one into your military, note that they have special considerations for armor usage, as they do not have a torso—a gorlak's limbs connect directly to its head.   

Some dwarves like gorlaks for their impressive tusks, their stimulating conversation and their helpful guidance.    


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Hallo. Me is Ral. Me is from Below, Deep Below. Me ate strange mushroom, ended up here after much wander. What is called Dwarf gave me what is called Pick, and Me hit (what is known as) Rock with Pick for Dwarf now. For very long time. . .   

You ask, who is Me? Or what is Me . . ? 

Me is me, as far as Me know. but Me is also what Dwarf know as Gorlak. So Me is also Gorlak, says Dwarf. Dwarf also says, "Dig, you foul creature! Dig there, and there. And when you're done - dig there!!"   

Me no like Dwarf much. 


Me has dream lasterday. Usual dream is of big arm water thief crawling into Me nest and Me wake up scared. But this dream strange. This dream of bright light, and Me fall into Big Sky and go far west, until Me fall back into land and into more Dwarfs. But these Dwarfs have great silver stick, hidden deep in the Below, and Me is attacked by Dwarf and run away.   

Me must find silver stick, Me thinks.   


 Me escape from Boss last night. Was EZ. But also scary. Me wont forget him. . . Me now go South for long time, then West. Then maybe Me find silver stick.   



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Here lies the corpse of 
a Gorlak known as Ral, 
who had a strange dream, 
crossed a few streams,
then died in the dark to a ding-o!



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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #109 on: July 15, 2022, 07:45:02 pm »

Onul woke at midnight, as planned, and stepped up from the cold floor of the lower hallways. "Tonight is the night. The rest of them are either drunk or asleep. The sword is mine!" Descending further into the winding staircases of Dragonclaw Fortress, Onul was truly unafraid. Even if he was discovered out of place, he could put on a dunken slurring and feign incompetence. Plus, as a Dragonclaw Ranger, Onul had yet another excuse. "I was merely examining the artifact, as I suspected it might have been replaced with a forgery!," and so on.

Onul stepped into the dining hall, walked over to the pedestals, and took two items: an artifact bone shield, and a giant steel axe blade, also an artifact. Score!

Onul wasn't done yet. Downward he went, arriving at the great magma forges, and passing through the golden doors and across the gem-windowed bridge, into a vault of solid gold.

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Therein lay Oltudad, the artifact steel sword of great repuation. The last owner had retired the sword after a great journey of conquest and violence, and Onul felt the blade call to him, asking to be released from this golden prison.

No traps were noted, no pressure plates or quick-release magma pistons. Merely the sword, a bridge, and some really drunk guardsmen.

Onul returned to the surface. He was leaving Dragonclaw for the final time, and grew somewhat wistful as he passed the entrance into the snow covered forests of the middle continent. The golden statues that flanked the gate were covered in white fluff, and in the moonlight everything was peaceful and still. Onul walked into the forest, trailed by his large pet water buffalo. A fast pace like this one, and he should be clear of the valley by morning. The heist had been successful, moreso than he had planned. What exactly was he going to do with an axe blade fit for a giant's hands?

« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 07:46:47 pm by Salmeuk »


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2022, 03:28:34 am »

An auspicious start!

I thought about trapping the hallway to the good vault but thought that might be a bit mean for a new adventurer.

I was so disappointed when I got that artefact axe blade. Weaponsmith gets a mood, gathers steel, electrum and obsidian and could have made a wicked battle axe or hammer and decides to make a trap component…

I wish you well, Onul!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #111 on: July 18, 2022, 05:28:36 pm »

Place me on the roster. When I finish up with Smallhands, I'll take a swing with the sword.


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #112 on: July 18, 2022, 07:48:02 pm »

Onul went north, following a small but fast-flowing river through the semi-frozen forests of the lower valleys. Encountering a thick mist was disconcerting. Too much time in the depths made Onul snow-blind, and the white mist made everything worse.

By midday, the mist had gone, evaporated, but what remained ahead terrified Onul. A dead land, trees without any leaves, just barren, dead and twisted trunks lining the rocky soil. No snow fell there, despite the chill air and the heavy black clouds overhead.

Onul drifted in and out of a paranoid sprinting, afraid of every shadow. He traveled far into the hills and away from the dead land, but then came upon a tall grey tower surrounded by a deep crevass.

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Slding down the snow-covered loam, Onul came to the base entrance of this grand tower. There, at the doorstep, lay a perfectly white carved trinket, in the shape of A MEAT.

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Nothing else was found. Onul left, going south. Wandering. Thirsty - the rivers were all frozen and it was somewhat desperate that he find water.

At some point, Onul got sick of carrying the heavy artifact axeblade, and strapped it to the Ox. Id the Axe-Ox. Kind of an intimidating sight, to be honest.

Waking in the middle of the night, to 11 pairs of staring eyes is NOT fun. especially when those eyes are attached to some really hungry dingoes.

Id the Ox ran into the pack, tossing the small dingos left and right, as Onul scampered away. He whistled and Id returned, horns covered in gore.. but safe and still carrying the artifact axe.

The two came to a tall grey tower, another one. This time, the smell of death was strong, and soon a group of dwarved husks emerged from the small doorway.

Onul, having trained with many dwarves for some length of time, felt it was right to attack the leader of the pack in a gallant sidestepping cleave that left the corpses neck agape, oozing a foul greenblack liquid.

This was all well and good, but Onul failed to spot the crawling torso behind, crawling up from underneath the sand. . Onul tried to jump away but the strength of the dead is well known. With a dull knife, Onul was slowly eviscerated by the zombies. Id was wounded, tried to run but was caught and devoured.

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Onul only managed to kill a single dingo, the night before his death.

file here:

Apologies for the short entry after all this time.

 I had a strange issue where the save was partially deleted? or the data was? I think I might have messed up something but I was forced to ignore a much more interesting first go and recreate what I could. Alas.. the bone trinket of 'A Meat' is one such example of a story from the parallel universe.

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« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 12:16:14 am by Salmeuk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #113 on: July 22, 2022, 03:08:44 pm »

Good post, went under my raydar but hey wont refuse the blade. Picking it up now will fully update the main page soon. Also to any lurkers feel free to jump in. Variety is the fruit of life and having more people makes the world just that bit more interesting.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #114 on: July 27, 2022, 04:50:50 am »

Final Entry of the Journey through the Colorless Hills

The gray stone cairn loomed ahead of them and from its mouth shambled forth a small army of the dead. Skeletons and zombies alike and all elvish.
Upon dismounting they drew weapons
Wooden sword and shield
and Legendary steel and Two-hander
Etile's horse saw the grisly sight and it immediately fled from whence it came, and she briefly looked that direction with total exasperation.
Maloy's horse was seemingly possessed by the spirit of nature that lives in elven lands, and would have lived here at one point, and bolted past the two nearly toppling them as it slammed into the undead and began kicking and crushing in earnest. It's armorless flesh a vulnerable target for a horde of nails, teeth and knives.

The two adventurers sprang forth in full sprint to follow the horse's wake and soon found their group rhythm.
Etile helped keep zombies held off and busy while the horse and Maloy killed zombies. He would swing steel and copper at enemies in one movement, but noticed the copper had no slicing ability while the steel could easily kill zombies alone so he found his own tactic.
As he killed with his dominant hand he would use the copper sword, more a hunk of metal than a sword, and battery enemies away or weaken them until he could work his way around with his steel blade.

They crushed their way through the horde and pressed all the way into the cairn. The horse led the way up the stairs to the uppermost level where more zombies awaited. Another group of elf zombies waited at the top standing around a ledge to the north to some darkness below.
Setting to work Etile cut off any advance from another corridor as she blocked the way and Maloy sliced the first one he saw.
This one was a large brute for an elf and very well muscled and Stalkmatches was caught in the flesh of it's neck rather than the usual beheading.

Surprised by this he began to pull only before hearing the vicious neighing of the possessed horse. It barreled into Maloy to get to the zombie and knocked him off the ledge into the yawning abyss below.
Down and down he fell for what turned out to be be a few floors.
"Maloy?!" Etile yelled somewhere above him although it was almost drowned out by the voices of screeching and groaning zombies and a mad horse.
He had crashed on the floor and it would've hurt, but he landed on wood, not stone. He laid perfectly still waiting on his vision to adjust to the dark and recalled his father's words around a campfire when he was on watch duty. "A normal animal's reaction to the unknown is to flee or charge in any direction. That's what predators use to catch prey. Wait, get an idea of what's going on and then move"

As he began to see the room took shape. It was a small vault of some sort. Grown wood weapons, armor, clothing and statues were all around. The statues were disturbing monsters leering down at him and he feared they would come alive, but they remained stiller than he.
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He got up and thanked the craftself of the wooden breastplate he landed on for it's softness and creeped up the stairs near him.

The sounds of fighting continued although quieter. Blood ran down the steps he climbed and at the top of the staircase blocking his way was one last zombie.
It sliced wildly at Etile and it demonstrated far more skill than the previous ones as it blocked sword strikes.
The enraged horse barreled to it as well and kicked Etile off.
She fell with a scream into the same hole he had been launched moments before. Maloy sliced the zombies leg off with stalkmatches and then with all his might stabbed his copper sword into it's brain killing it.

The horse was covered in cuts and bruises and was actively bleeding from the stomach, "serves you right you nuisance" Maloy said turning back down the stairs to check on Etile.
Her armor was in pieces. Chunks and chips of wood torn off leaving clothing visible underneath and her sword was covered in cracks. She seemed battered, but not defeated.
"I'm going to kill your horse" said Etile
"Really? I think he likes you"
She gave him an obviously ingenuine smile and then looked around
"Elven craftship. and good ones too. This gear is better than mine by a long stretch." She said as she picked up the breastplate Maloy landed on during his fall.
"A lot of decorations. Engravings and rings. I wonder if it was ceremonial or armor belonging to some champion?" she continued
"You don't know?"
"Oh yes, let me use my elf powers and tell you exactly where this totally random piece of armor came from and who owned it before, because I should know that being an elf" she responded tone dripping with sarcasm
Maloy actually laughed for once "Well, I'll be sure to file a complaint that my party's elf wasn't very good at being an elf" Etile laughed too now.
She replaced her own gear with the one below and they continued.

After leaving the cairn they decided to climb to the top and see the view.
All around them to the north was brown wasteland. Brown everywhere only broken by small gray spires of other cairns jutting from the earth and in the distance one large tower: Like a gray spear stabbing into the heart of the earth and draining its life.
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They set about clearing each cairn. Neither knew how necromancer powers worked, but the bulk of the undead lived in the cairns and needed to be dealt with. Each cairn was easier than the first. They ran into the occasional trap, but they were built entirely from elven wood weapons and so Maloy would just catch the weapon on him if he couldn't dodge and would continue as his metal armor was unaffected.

At one cairn the horse ran away finally after killing many zombies. Where it went was anyone's guess, but wherever it was it would likely build a legend greater than either of the two of them. Finally after making a circuit around each cairn they finished the last one and were going to the tower. Etile's armor and weapons had been replaced by the stolen treasures of the necromancer and she looked like an elven warrior queen or perhaps a royal guard now.

The tower was surrounded by a furrowed field of brown. Not even dead grass was here. Like the zombies had been sent to dig the soil up like farmers or perhaps the tower destroyed the land in it's immediate area? Etile couldn't hide her exhaustion from her breathing now and sweat poured from her, but they were so close. The battle needed to be finished

From the tower an army of zombies shambled forth. Same size as the first cairn.
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Maloy wasn't even winded yet and readied his stance as they slowly moved forth. He glanced behind himself and saw Etile sprinting to the south away from the horde. "Retreat, fool!" she called back
He looked dumbfounded, but sheathed his blades and ran after her.
Once he caught up with the elf she led them to a stream a short walk away back into the proper living forests.

"You were going to let me die back there!" Maloy yelled
"I did not! I told you to run!"
"If I didn't would you have turned back?"
"Why would I choose to die with you? We're exhausted"
"Friend's don't abandon friends!"
"If you were as beaten as me you might" she replied a little more deflated
"I wouldn't! Friend's stick together, and we're not gonna survive out here if we're not watching each other's backs"
"Fine. I'm sorry!" She shouted back and then walked to the stream to clean the multiple layers of sweat off of her.
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They spent a few hours resting and discussing things. Turns out Etile is an orphan: no siblings or anything either. They also discussed the nature of this mission. Their proving could have been done on a pack of wolves, but they chose this. Why? Because others expected more of them? In reality Maloy expected more of himself and, although Etile would never admit it, she didn't really want him to die on this adventure.

They returned to the tower after and quickly slew the dead since they had rested.
Now they creeped along in total silence. The zombies could sense them, but the necromancer might not be able too.
As they made their way into the tower this large open room with stair cases all around Maloy crept to a doorway in the Northeastern corner.
There a necromancer waited. human like himself. The man faced away from them and seemed lost in thought. Maloy did not wait. He struck with both swords at the man's neck, but the blades did not cut all the way and the man ran panicking. They struck at his legs, but missed and he ran from the tower the way they had come.
Chasing at full sprint they had to stop as he resurrected each of the corpses they slew. Maloy could easily sprint through, but Etile was already being bogged down by the dead and he would not abandon her and so they killed them all again. The tracks of the necromancer were confusing and so remembering his father's advice Maloy waited inside the tower,
After a long time the necromancer ran back in looking behind him believing he had likely given the adventurers the slip.
Maloy came up behind him and stabbed him in the leg with Stalkmatches and the man fell.
He pleaded for mercy as Etile beat him with her sword.
Maloy put Stalkmatches away and with his copper two-hander he stabbed again and again full force into the man's chest until finally his heart was crushed and he died.

The land was free of this curse, truly. The air lifted in the whole area and the two looked around in excitement and hugged laughing at their success.
Before leaving Maloy insisted on looking around and reading some of the documents here. The tower was poorly organized and a mess and there turned out to be a reason. The records spoke of another necromancer that this one was married too and she had left here sometime ago seemingly at odds with him.
Both documents and their own personal writings spoke of gentle souls full of compassion, and yet they had fallen to such evil? It boggled his mind.
Finally, he found what he had not been searching for:
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For a moment all the world was seen by him and it saw him back. He was in the clouds and in the darkness of an abyss. His mind shattered and pulled itself back together. He was and is.

Etile saw none of it. She just watched him space out before waving her hands before his eyes
"you okay?"
"yeah." he said his gaze not moving at all. He closed the book and set it back on the floor.
"Let's go home" He said. She looked concerned but agreed.
As they left the tower he intentionally let her walk ahead as he looked at the dead necromancer. Once a being full of compassion and a desire to help who fell to darkness. How does this happen to someone? Callousness maybe?

Maloy's heart moved and he reached his hand out. The man lifted off the ground and rose to his feet blue fire filling his eyes.
Life was returned to him, his army was shattered as well as his hope of ruling these lands. Hopefully he would learn from this and accept his second chance with gratitude.
Maloy walked on before Etile could turn around and see what happened.

They were received back with great celebration. Maloy ceremonially placed Stalkmatches back on it's pedestal and bowed to Lord Almo. Etile allowed him to tell the tale since he was "So good at talking and a natural flatterer"
He spoke of the journey from the gaining of the sword to the armies of the dead to the death of the necromancer to all. The land was much safer now and the prosperity of all their people that much closer to being assurred.

He did not mention raising the man back to life or the second chance he offered him.
They celebrated more, shared the story many more times and drank plenty as they had finally been accepted as champions of the Colorless Hills.
So, what's next for these two soldiers? Likely guard duty, but we hope that this is not the end of their tale together.


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #115 on: August 06, 2022, 06:00:18 pm »

A true tale of wandering through horrible lands! Stalkmatches waits for its next victim, I imagine?


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #116 on: August 06, 2022, 07:39:46 pm »

Oh yeah, i believe it feel to me due to people not being around, then the museum game dropped same time. Picking up soon (11th, birthday was the 10th and me week got busy)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2022, 06:35:00 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #117 on: August 06, 2022, 08:17:19 pm »

I definitely want to stay on the list! Tons of fun!

I just particularly enjoy this world actually. It's got the perfect balance of threats, versus peaceful places and interesting people


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #118 on: August 12, 2022, 06:33:52 pm »

Entry Unknown

They had choosen me, The Ignited Hame had sent me out to the wild. I was to train, become a true dwarven hero, after a months in the wild, I was told to master as many skills as i could. I was confused on the meaning of it all. I later learned that our civilization seeks to end the six wars we are involved in. Word of a powerful artifact held by the necormancers that can slay beasts, wipe out armies and cleave anything in its path. I had be chossen by Vucar Urntomb to carry out this duty but it is not my path. Im currently on my first labors, mining the new halls, smoothing and engraving them. Its daunting, the work is all on my shoulders but its paid off, to think this weak outcast could rise through the ranks, i have a wife now, our fortresses finest planter. She makes it bearible here, always saving me the best crops and we even have our little daughter Mestthos Momuzkivish (she choose the name) bless little Mest. I am truely happy here but i know at somepoint i will have to venture towards the homelands and claim this sword. But if i can make the world safer for Sazir and Mest then its more than worth it. I guess that this is all i really need to say. Not exactly the scholarly type but i hear they have plans for a library here and that i will have to research under a true scholar. I guess this is for that scholar.

May we rise and fall together
Udil Zasistam

OOC: Been busy back on top of everything, anyone ive missed on turn order let me know.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2022, 06:44:28 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Stalkmatches - The blade of many hands (Weapon Succession Game)
« Reply #119 on: August 15, 2022, 07:19:40 pm »

Letter to Sazir

My dearest Sazir,

I hope you are keeping well, my journey has been tough but i have made progress. This blade stalkmatches is incredible with every swing i cut through necromancers like butter. Given it doesn't make it easy, they are constantly bringing eachover back, severed limbs and even faces back from the dead. I have quite the necromancer skull collection on me. I hope little Mest is well. As for myself, these undead beasts have done a number on me a few scars, one of them has left me coughing up blood most mornings, they have made my stunned, made me dizzy and all sorts. Looking forward to getting back home thats for sure. I am currently outside Savagemuted, Home to The Spattered Attics and one of the six necromancer leaders that plague is civilization with wars. Looking forward to adding Kamca to my collection.

See you soon

Udils fate

No sign of Kamca, then suddenly a noise a once cleared room. He heads in to investigate, a ghoul and one thats no using its powers. Despite Udil's skill, he is quicky cornered by the beast, the war of attrition taking its toll. Stalkmatches gets stuck lodged in the chest of the ghoul. It grasps the blade and drags it deeper into itself as a weakening Udi looks in horror. Udil draws Bewitchedbrown, another artifact sword but the power of stalkmatches overwells him. The flurry of blows, break his back, he loses movement, he cannot breath, he is desperate, looking for any chase to escape and then the blade goes straight through his head. The ghoul, dragging the blade as its heavy steal screeches across the ground. The last thing Udil hears is the chuckle of Kamca as she pets the ghoul.

The blades location

Daze the Adventurous Yell, (the male human deity of courage) looks down at Udda Bowedtalon, once an ardent worshiper now a husk. He seeks that someone shows courage to take the beast down. Words spread amongst the wind and soon people mysteriously learn about Stalkmatches newest wielder.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 07:32:10 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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