A card/map game inspired by
Twilight Struggle and one of my older forum games,
Res Publica.
You get cards and a map, and you add Popularity of your party on the map whilst trying to contain the other parties. Each game phase you score points and the Party with highest score after the 4th phase wins.
PANKRATINIAN PARLIAMENT RULES:1. There are four parties: Blue, Red, Yellow and Grey. Each starts the game with 3 points of Popularity pre-allocated on the
Map of the Republic of Pankratinia.2. At start of game, GM shuffles the Deck of 1920 Phase Cards and gives each Party 5 Cards. Each Party then adds another 2 Popularity wherever they wish.
3. The game is divided into 4 Phases, and those into Turns, and Turns into Actions (1 Turn = 1 Action per Party). The Action Order is: Red, Grey, Yellow, Blue.
4. 1920 and 1930 Phases have 4 Turns each; 1940 and 1950 Phases have 5 Turns each.
5. The Party can do the following as an Action:
* Play a Card in their Hand:
**Cards that are Neutral or belong to Your Party will play out as stated on the Card.
**Cards that belong to Another Party will give you 2 Popularity to allocate on the Map; but the Card's event will play out as well.
***You can specify whether you want to put down the 2 Popularity BEFORE or AFTER the Card's event goes through.
* Discard a Card from their Hand.
6. Cards Removed from Play cannot be re-played; other Cards that were Played but not Removed, as well as Discarded Cards, are put aside until next Phase.
7. At start of each new Phase (1930, 1940, 1950), the GM will add both Cards that were put aside and Cards from the new Phase to the Deck, shuffle it around, and hand out extra 5 Cards to each Party.
8. Scoring occurs at the end of the last Turn of a Phase; each Region grants Score based on X:Y number on the Map. Score is attained by getting 25%+1 Popularity Slots in a Region (X) and 50%+1 Popularity Slots in a Region (Y). For example: having 10 Popularity in KRUNICA will give your Party 5 Score (X 2 + Y 3).
9. At the end of 1950 Phase and its Scoring, the Party with highest Score wins.
All Cards List (73) can be found here on my Pastebin.First game of Pankratinian Parliament:The Red Party:, played by: TricMagic
The Grey Party:, played by: Maximum Spin
The Yellow Party:, played by: Egan_BW
The Blue Party:, played by: mightymushroom