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Author Topic: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)  (Read 26194 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #300 on: February 04, 2022, 07:11:12 pm »

Talnior, Chapter Master of the Watchtower, is a Heretek Chosen by Prophesy (yes, literally).
The nature of Talnior's equipment is not, in fact, particularly divergent from that of the everyday Battle-Brother - Astartes-grade power armor and a bolt rifle fitted with a bayonet. However, it is the modifications he has made that set his equipment apart: the servos of his armor have been tuned up to permit significantly faster movement and reactions despite the significantly-thickened plating, and two Forge Bolters have been mounted on it for additional fire rates, while his personal bolt rifle - the Eye of Death - has been enlarged and reworked to allow for a higher rate of fire with larger ammunition as well as an increased effective range. Additionally, to serve his heretekal ways, Talnior is equipped with numerous servo-arms, with a toolbox/arsenal second only to the Master of the Forge's servo-harness.

I like what glass has except for the one thing.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #301 on: February 04, 2022, 08:03:16 pm »

Talnior, Chapter Master of the Watchtower, is a Heretek Chosen by Prophesy (yes, literally).
The nature of Talnior's equipment is not, in fact, particularly divergent from that of the everyday Battle-Brother - Astartes-grade power armor and a bolt rifle fitted with a bayonet. However, it is the modifications he has made that set his equipment apart: the servos of his armor have been tuned up to permit significantly faster movement and reactions despite the significantly-thickened plating, and two Forge Bolters have been mounted on it for additional fire rates, while his personal bolt rifle - the Eye of Death - has been enlarged and reworked to allow for a higher rate of fire with larger ammunition as well as an increased effective range. Additionally, to serve his heretekal ways, Talnior is equipped with numerous servo-arms, with a toolbox/arsenal second only to the Master of the Forge's servo-harness.

I like what glass has except for the one thing.
Sure, +1.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #302 on: February 04, 2022, 08:15:58 pm »

Midas touched with a silver tongue 😛
Wouldn't that be with a heart of Gold?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #303 on: February 04, 2022, 08:33:06 pm »

Talnior, Chapter Master of the Watchtower, is a Heretek Chosen by Prophesy (yes, literally).
The nature of Talnior's equipment is not, in fact, particularly divergent from that of the everyday Battle-Brother - Astartes-grade power armor and a bolt rifle fitted with a bayonet. However, it is the modifications he has made that set his equipment apart: the servos of his armor have been tuned up to permit significantly faster movement and reactions despite the significantly-thickened plating, and two Forge Bolters have been mounted on it for additional fire rates, while his personal bolt rifle - the Eye of Death - has been enlarged and reworked to allow for a higher rate of fire with larger ammunition as well as an increased effective range. Additionally, to serve his heretekal ways, Talnior is equipped with numerous servo-arms, with a toolbox/arsenal second only to the Master of the Forge's servo-harness.

I like what glass has except for the one thing.
Sure, +1.

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #304 on: February 05, 2022, 12:43:05 am »

Talnior, Chapter Master of the Watchtower, is a Heretek Chosen by Prophesy (yes, literally).
The nature of Talnior's equipment is not, in fact, particularly divergent from that of the everyday Battle-Brother - Astartes-grade power armor and a bolt rifle fitted with a bayonet. However, it is the modifications he has made that set his equipment apart: the servos of his armor have been tuned up to permit significantly faster movement and reactions despite the significantly-thickened plating, and two Forge Bolters have been mounted on it for additional fire rates, while his personal bolt rifle - the Eye of Death - has been enlarged and reworked to allow for a higher rate of fire with larger ammunition as well as an increased effective range. Additionally, to serve his heretekal ways, Talnior is equipped with numerous servo-arms, with a toolbox/arsenal second only to the Master of the Forge's servo-harness.

I like what glass has except for the one thing.
Sure, +1.

You are Talnior, Chapter Master of The Watchtower. Months ago, you were a true Heretek, a veteran Techmarine among veteran Techmarines and assumed that if you were in-line to inherit any position, it would be Master of the Forge. Ultimately, you had no further ambition than to refine your craft and test them on new, exciting enemies of mankind until the inevitable day when one got the better of you. Alas, it appears the Prognosticators have other plans in mind and in a twist of causality, you now find yourself Chosen by Fate at the head of the Chapter, and with it, at the command of a menacing armada and ten companies of power armoured, transhuman warriors eager to take their bolter rifles into any battlefield, forgotten ruin or farflung rock that you should desire. You need only say the word. The notion of artifacts at your disposal leaves you salivating behind your helmet but you remind yourself that overconfidence is deadlier than any assassin's blade. The previous Chapter Master, Zaphiel, was a mighty warrior who knew no equal and yet he failed to return from his expedition into Antwir's depths, as vulnerable as any mortal. You'll do what you can to avoid meeting the same fate.

You idly stroke the Eye of Death's stock, a familiar reassurance in an unsure reality. It is slung at your side, never more than a moment beyond reach, and with it is your armour- a Terran foot of ceramite backed by servomotors gutted and overtuned to madness, and augmented further still by the forge bolters embedded into either shoulder. Even your flesh hasn't been spared the technosurgeon's scalpel. A hulking servo-arm fused into each shoulder, with the strength to crumple even adamantine if strained. You are a walking arsenal and yet you cannot help but feel you could reach more. In your stomach burns and boils the urge to innovate, dismantle the Imperium's wrongs and reforge them into glories anew! You are confident in yourself, in your Chapter. Of the auxiliaries, their flesh so soft and weak, you are less so but they, too, can be improved in time. Your reverie is broken by the voice of a mortal. "CHAPTER MASTER, SIRE!" You rap your knuckles on the chair and turn to look down.

A slender man in fatigues holding a bundle of scrolls. You sigh. The job may have its perks but paperwork is not among them.

Spoiler: Resource Income (click to show/hide)

You notice several details that require your attention. The first and most obvious is that the Chapter's fleet is devouring roughly four times the resources you're taking in tithes. Being a senior Techmarine you were of course aware of this but now that you're personally responsible for keeping them supplied, it weighs much heavier. Your predecessor accumulated a massive trove of invaluable supplies through his forays into the ruins but also through taking... tribute from the rare Imperial traffic in the more stable shipping lanes near the Nebula Sector and from scattered, less fortified and strategically relevant systems that couldn't afford the risk of challenging the fleet. Logically, you suppose it was unsavory but necessary to keep the Chapter alive, but instinctually, you feel a dark excitement at the prospect of violence that came only rarely. You suppose that's due to your Astartes impulses not being directed to monomaniacal worship of the Emperor and hatred of the enemy. The Chapter only rarely fights these days. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe that should change. You consider that keeping the fleet active and ready to retaliate against potential threats is part of the reason they're such a drain. If some of the less important vessels were mothballed their logistical strain would decline considerably. At the same time, it occurs to you that you're only collecting one-tenth of each world's output in tithes. Most are negligible one way or another but the full-yield of Civilized World #5/5 could cover almost the needs of both Battle Barges, before its refinement. Even so, taking a tithe of ten-tenths would likely cause a rebellion unless a bloody example was made, and you would rather not orbitally bombard your own infrastructure or waste precious Astartes lives on dispatching renegade auxiliary elements.

It is a problem that demands your attention and soon, but you turn your focus to other items of relevance. Namely, the Gremlins are about to revolt against the perceived sky-daemons any day now. Chapter Master Zaphiel was the one to discover them, and made the controversial decision to keep them alive so that they could serve mankind, more specifically the Chapter, but precious little has been done into understanding their culture and while the tiny, vile creatures seem to understand the idea of tithing, they did not seem to agree and the uneasy peace that was made between their tribes, or what passes for them, at bolter point is disintegrating by the minute. You have no doubts whatsoever that your Chapter could put down a neolithic Xenos rebellion with contemptuous ease but restraining them from undue Xenocide would be more challenging. You personally aren't sure you don't agree but the discovery of their spores and what every Astartes knows of the Orkz has you thinking they could be vital in the future. You're not sure how the Gremlin's value system works, but perhaps giving them a meager amount of your Resources could smoothen things over? Perhaps you're looking at this wrong and you need to make an example of the worst rabble rousers to get the rest in line. It may be cruel but there is far worse than The Watchtower out there and they would do well to know it. Once you've deciphered their infernal tongue or taught them proper Low Gothic, that is.

Additionally, there is life in System #10/2 and judging by the radio frequencies the Techmarines have gathered from the outskirts of advanced sensor range, it has reached some level of technological advancement. Listening to the thick, gelatinous smacking noises and howling snarls over the radio transcriptions themselves confirms that, whatever life is there, it is most definitely not born of Terra. No effort has been made to translate the gibberish, let alone to approach the inner system, but you are reasonably sure that they haven't advanced to the extent of establishing a multi-system empire. They may not even possess knowledge of the Gellar Drive but if you were to get these Xenos under your "patronage" by one means or another, you suspect their industrial output would go a fair way to solving the problem of maintaining your fleet. You aren't sure how to begin approaching them. Chapter Master Zaphiel's efforts with the Gremlins were amateurish at best but it was the best he could do or anyone could've expected of him, given that the Codex Astartes goes into no detail on diplomatic overtures. Plenty about suppressing and cleansing populations for human habitation though, but you aren't sure that wouldn't be a lost opportunity. Out here, you need all of the help that you can get.

Xenos aside, the simple fact is that most planets have minimal, if any loyalty to you or your Chapter. Notable exceptions are the Civilized World #5/5 out of gratitude for ousting the previous regime that opted to expand corpse starch regimens to include the crippled over furthering local agriculture, and the Feudal World #14/4, whose landed aristocracy consider the Astartes to be martial paragons and have expressed great interest in giving their sons to be "knighted," but even the Death World #14/2, Antwir, is held in check by the fear of your Fortress-Monastery far more than they are genuine devotion to your cause. You estimate that much of this is due to the planets in your empire still practicing the Imperial Creed, which views you as heretical, no matter your Chaplains' doctrinal explanations, but much else is due to the Chapter's primary interaction with them after toppling their previous planetary governors being some variation of showing up to tithe valuables at bolter-point. Maybe you should take steps to improve their situation or take the easier route and let them simmer until you have the resources to help them without worrying about the ship's engines burning a hole in your Fortress-Monastery's treasury. Maybe you could make an example of their criminals, or hold some sort of propaganda campaign to get them to forget about the Imperium's rule, or better yet, to hate it.

Last, completely independent of the Chapter's logistical and diplomatic worries is the fact that exploration into the Nebula Sector has been negligible. What might be enveloped within its gases you have no idea and the fact is, by the sheer saturation of Death World #14/2 with ruins, there's no question that there aren't more within. The problem is you have no idea what might be waiting inside or if it would be worth spending the lives of your Astartes. If you were launching an expedition personally you wouldn't hesitate to plunge yourself into the unknown for a moment but as the Chapter Master, you have a responsibility to ensure the long-term survival of the Chapter, and is gambling the fleet on what could well be a miniature Eye of Terror worth it? You think back to the Imperium... There are thousands of systems in the neighboring Sectors, hundreds of them filled with life, human or otherwise, and you know that with your fleet you could take your pound of flesh and then some. The only reason the Chapter has expanded to claim direct rule was the murmurings of the Prognosticators, the closeness of the twenty-two systems they've claimed to a swathe of uncharted space, and a nonexistent Imperial Navy presence. None of those apply to the nearby Sectors. They're isolated, yes, and Chapter Master Zaphiel got by taking what was needed piecemeal from scattered, lonely worlds that had more than enough wealth to lose some for your sake, but the dangers of attracting serious attention from the Segmentum at large cannot be overstated. You're already pushing it to the brink. They're surely aware that the "Steel Sentinels" are Renegades somewhere in the broad vicinity of a dozen Sectors to here, yes, but if they knew you were actively carving out an empire and working with Xenos, the consequences would be dire. The Imperium may be crude and savage, but they are merciless, cruel, and massive enough that the hammer of the High Lords of Terra, if swung with sufficient force, could shatter everything your gene-brothers have spent centuries working for in a matter of months.

You must take caution, at each and every step. This is no ruin that has your squad at risk. If you make a fatal mistake, The Watchtower will burn.

What are your plans for the 1st month of your rule?

For reference, it's precisely 36,133k by the Terran calendar, a couple of centuries, give or take, before the Age of Apostasy, roughly two-hundred after the Cursed Founding that saw the Steel Sentinels emerge into the galaxy and within a generation, run afoul of the High Lords of Terra. You, Talnior, are the second or third Chapter Master, depending on your perspective as to whether Chapter Master Zaphiel's predecessor, Chapter Master Caervus, who ruled for nearly two decades and was slain under mysterious circumstances during the schism counts.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 12:29:30 pm by Tube Wizard »

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #305 on: February 05, 2022, 01:22:36 am »

(Sidenote: The Chapter's Astartes and vessels need names. If you have any ideas or would like to be dwarf'd, now's the time to say so, although I make no guarantees as to any given Space Marine or ship's safety.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #306 on: February 05, 2022, 08:51:23 am »

"For the moment, our fleet doesn't have much to do, and is the main cause of the resource deficit. We must choose to either mothball some of our ships or put them to work immediately to pay for themselves. Perhaps an invasion of 5/2 in full force? I doubt that the rest of our holdings would mind if we deprived those xenos of their resources. Perhaps their works could even improve the efficiency of our machines, built by short-sighted imperial fools they are."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #307 on: February 05, 2022, 10:39:32 am »

So we have several months of resources stockpiled. Lets not mothball right away, we should see if we can put them to use either exploring or raiding.

I think we should increase the tithe of Civilized world #5 to 30%, as a start, and maybe start investing those resources into expanding production on other world, or for factories dedicated to maintaining and expanding our fleet? (Maybe bonus to resources spent on upkeep?)

If we cant get our resources up by then, we can start to drawdown our fleet.

Just to check, Tube, how would you like us to format plans? Should we do general directives, or should we be assigning ships and companies to tasks?
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #308 on: February 05, 2022, 12:46:28 pm »

Just to check, Tube, how would you like us to format plans? Should we do general directives, or should we be assigning ships and companies to tasks?
(Either or is fine. The more specific the better, but if plans are broad I'll try to interpret them by the intent. Being a Chapter Master means you don't have to micromanage everything.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #309 on: February 05, 2022, 01:01:26 pm »

Send Tenth Company on a strike cruiser to abduct some young Gremlins without causing undue unrest. Which is to say, sneakily. Once we have the samples, the experiments may begin!

(Experiments may vary, but it'd be fun to see if we can raise a newborn apart from the xenos culture and teach it low gothic and loyalty.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #310 on: February 05, 2022, 04:45:32 pm »

Plan: Getting A Hold of the Situation

In order to bring our holdings in line, they need to understand that the days under the Imperium are over. They are under The Watchtower now, and for us to survive we need to utilize all the resources we can.

Spoiler: Internal Development (click to show/hide)

On further reflection the additional Battle Barge may be a bit overkill based on our situation, we should mothball or reduce the readiness (If we can pay a reduced cost to have it be ready after a month or two that would be great.)

Also what is the cost to build mining outposts and/or refineries? Do we have an approximate idea of how much it will cost to improve our Feudal Worlds to perhaps Civilized ones?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 04:47:34 pm by chubby2man »
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #311 on: February 05, 2022, 05:13:32 pm »

Proposed self-dwarfing.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #312 on: February 05, 2022, 05:16:43 pm »

Start a propaganda program recruiting Antwer citizens (the civilized ones) to travel to our feral worlds and built infrastructure.
It won't be easy work, but you'll get to live in a better climate and have a high social standing compared to the locals!

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #313 on: February 05, 2022, 05:20:52 pm »

(If we can pay a reduced cost to have it be ready after a month or two that would be great.)

Also what is the cost to build mining outposts and/or refineries? Do we have an approximate idea of how much it will cost to improve our Feudal Worlds to perhaps Civilized ones?
(I made a typo in the earlier update, the non-Gladius Frigates are Nova-class, not Sword-class. You can mothball your ships to render them incapable of combat or travel until they've been taken back into commission, which takes anywhere from almost immediately the smallest frigates to the better part of 1d6 months for major battleships. If mothballed, a ship's maintenance is reduced to 1/10th of its functioning cost and the odds of a catastrophic mechanical failure if not properly maintained are vastly reduced.

To build a mining outpost would take an amount of Resources dependent on the location and how large the population is. At a baseline, to get 1 million people on a self-sustaining Dead World mining base would cost 10 Resources upfront and -0.5 to ensure their continued operation monthly. In exchange, they would yield +1 Resources monthly. These both can change dramatically depending on the Dead World in question, with a mineral-rich planet yielding as much as +2 or if it was exceptionally dense, newly formed, and close to its sun, +5. The cost of Resources would rise accordingly. The cost of Refineries increases with the technological tier, at 10 for a Gathering Place able to increase by x1.5, at 20 for an Artisian's Guild able to increase by x2, 40 for a Crude Manufactorum that can increase by x3, and so on, doubling with each tier. The size of a Refinery is relative to how many Resources have been spent on building it, ranging from Small at the minimum to Gargantuan at x10 the baseline. A Refinery's refinement capacity starts at 10 Resources, no matter the technological tier, but is able to make more out of less the more advanced it is. A Refinery's refinement capacity isn't inherently worse at lower technological tiers, just far more inefficient. A Gargantuan Gathering Place is perfectly capable of surpassing a Small Crude Manufactorum but requires an enormous population to work it to produce the same result.

To uplift a Feudal World to a Civilized World requires three things, time, the education of key members of society, and Resources invested to overhaul infrastructure. This costs 1 Resource per technogical tier you're uplifting toward per 1 million people. For example, to bring a Feral World of 5 Million to a Feudal World requires an initial investment of 10 Resources and a century to minimize the risk of societal upheaval. By investing more Resources, the time can be shortened to as little as a decade but pushing too far, too fast can cause a cultural change or Loyalty to fluctuate, more commonly to lower but occasionally to higher. Uplifting is a very long and involved process but for the Chapter Master, doesn't have to be managed personally. Resettling population from a higher technological tier planet causes the resettled planet's technological tier to average-out with the newcomers, but outnumbering the local population too rapidly can cause significant stability issues.)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 05:33:18 pm by Tube Wizard »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #314 on: February 06, 2022, 03:31:07 am »

Send Tenth Company on a strike cruiser to abduct some young Gremlins without causing undue unrest. Which is to say, sneakily. Once we have the samples, the experiments may begin!

(Experiments may vary, but it'd be fun to see if we can raise a newborn apart from the xenos culture and teach it low gothic and loyalty.)
My character would approve of this.
As mentioned before, I seek promotion into the Chapter Chaplains.  Belief is still important, after all.  I seek to spread Faith to the Xenos.  Those caught worshiping Nurgle shall be executed (for being stupid enough to get caught).
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