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Author Topic: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)  (Read 26258 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #255 on: February 02, 2022, 11:57:21 pm »

Suggested Chapter name and colors/symbology:
Name: Steel Sentinels
Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
Symbol: Eye over a tower
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #256 on: February 03, 2022, 12:22:04 am »


Need giant flytraps for that genuine "deadly jungle" feel.

Having an ork population on a planet we already control may be good for testing Gremlin abilities to control them. I suspect that our own shrooms will have a harder time surviving on a planet like this, though. Weak and Fragile, they'd have a hard time surviving here. Unless they delved some of the ruins and came out with superior tech...
As expressed earlier:
1. Trapped ruins/hallucinogenic plants/feral orks
2. Xeno ruins
3. n/a
4. Ambush predators
5. Esoteric ruins
6. Tectonically-unstable surface
7. Cannibalistic reavers
8. Even more trapped ruins

I'd also be willing to switch out cannibals for more ambush predators, and if that was done, I'd also be willing to switch the original ambush predators for trapping plants. But I think we should take at least one of the ambush predators.

+1 to a planet that has made it clear, many times over, that it should not be settled.
1. Trapped ruins/hallucinogenic plants/feral orks
2. Xeno ruins
3. n/a
4. Ambush predators
5. Juggernaught Predators
6. Tectonically-unstable surface
7. Cannibalistic reavers
8. trapped ruins
Borrowing Egan's format.
[trapped ruins, hallucinogenic plants, and feral orks]
[xeno ruins]
[hellish parasites]
[ambush predators]
[esoteric ruins]
[tectonically unstable surface]
[cannibalistic reavers]
[hallucinogenic plants]

Even translated through a sensory array, Planet #14/2 is such an eyesore it's a mystery why anyone would want to go there. It's an even greater mystery why multiple waves of colonizers, human and Xeno alike, would want to settle down and raise their young anywhere near its vicinity, but the presence of Trapped, Xenos, and Esoteric Ruins scattered over much of the surface confirms that they have. The bands of Cannibalistic Reavers mutilating and devouring themselves and anyone, or anything, they can get their hands on and the Thriving Ork Ecosystem in a gridlock of evolutionary combat with the local flora and fauna confirms that at least some survived. On the surface itself, the air is hot, humid, and on the very upper edge of CO2-content a true descendant of Terra can survive on. It, and the vegetation, and the animals, and every surface that hasn't been isolated and sterilized are also teeming with Hellish Parasites eager for the chance to proliferate. Most of them are survivable, some are curable, and a sparse few are dogged and persistent enough that a Space Marine's physiology would struggle to purge them outright. Not many, but enough, are sufficiently vile to leave a healthy adult male a ravaged corpse or wishing they were in days, if not mere hours. If they and the ruins were the only danger, Planet #14/2 would be a nightmare on its own but the ever-present Hallucinogenic Plants, exposure of which to a few can leave someone frantically digging the "red worms" out of their own arms, render them an order of magnitude deadlier. Ambush Predators that can pounce and puncture rockcrete in less than a second if a blur in the peripheral vision is missed ensure that one's guard can never be let down. The ground itself is a remainder of this, with the Tectonically Unstable Surface violently shifting underfoot daily, and whole continents changing their shapes in mere centuries. Volcanic activity is sparse and consists of pyroclastic flows and sudden, muddy avalanches that come without warning.

The designation of Death World is well-warranted for Planet #14/2. Yet it has been settled once again and the population, cannibal and not, are hard at work proving why they've infested nearly every corner of the galaxy. The humans here are slim and wiry, their skin darkened by the roaring sun overhead, and they watch their surroundings with sharp, perceptive eyes. Death could come for them at any moment and often, gives only the subtlest of signs. These men and women are alert to the point of paranoia, meticulous in everything that they do, and when they do move, they do so with a quickness and certainty of limb that blurs the eye. Their culture, almost entirely nomadic by necessity, emphasizes cleanliness and the importance of ritual, a man doesn't put down the sitting blanket until he's burnt the vegetation beneath, doesn't take a drink of water until it's been boiled twice, checked for transparent eggs, and boiled once again, and doesn't sleep until he's ridden out the daily quake, verified that he still has five fingers and that the clouds haven't taken on shapes, and determined who will be taking watch at what times over which vantage points. Compared to offworlders, their eyesight is keen, their reflexes sharp, and their baseline narcotic tolerance is on the brink of lethal overdose. Regarding their immune systems, care has to be taken to quarantine them under a weeks-long battery of antibiotics, antivirals, and antiparasitics before they can make contact with offworlders. Negligence can cause a potentially ruinous epidemic but after the first recorded outbreak it has not, because negligence is the deepest of sins to the denizens of Planet #14/2, and when properly secured, they are inevitably grateful for the chance to be patient instead of jumping at shadows.

Needless to say, potential Auxiliaries are incredibly eager to get off-planet, by any and all means possible.

Tube Wizard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #257 on: February 03, 2022, 12:31:15 am »

What is known of The Renegade Chapter So Far...

The Chapter are successors of The Silver Skulls that diverged during the Cursed Founding.

The Chapter was declared Exocommunicate Traitoris soon after their heresy of Xenophilia was discovered, interacting with a species of Xenos for any reason but to purge them.

The Chapter reveres a Battle Brother of The Silver Skulls 9th company, 10th squad, who "defected" to their cause and committed many great deeds before he was Lost To The Warp.

The Chapter has taken refuge in a Nebula Sector, a swathe of uncharted space teeming with nightmarish danger and the rumors of rare, half-functioning miracles of the Dark Age of Technology that might lie somewhere within.

The Chapter has carved out a territory consisting of a handful of fringe systems which they hold under Direct Rule and rely on in battle, in the form of massed Auxiliaries.

The Chapter's structure has remained unchanged since they abandoned the Imperium, functioning as a Rogue Military with significant strategic flexibility.

The Chapter has lost its Apothecaries due to casualties among key personnel during their breakaway and the efficiency of their gene-seed extraction and implantation has suffered greatly.

The Chapter was too new when it went Renegade to have a store of Artificer Armour to draw on and as of yet has none.

The Chapter, despite its shortcomings, has fostered a deep martial culture of the Bolter Rifle and revere its tactical versatility, so that almost to an Astartes, they have utterly mastered its use and use it often.

The Chapter has, in despite of its lack of Apothecaries, recovered from its losses and reached Nominal strength of 10 full companies, a match for any but the most numerous Loyalist Chapters.

The Chapter has no outspoken goals, instead following The Unknown Agenda of its Prognosticators and taking advantage of opportunities where they can.

The Chapter has, in a fluke, become "allies" with a Tyranid Splinter Fleet by merit of sharing the same enemies, in the Imperium and to a greater degree, the Orkish Kroozade of Orkz who are either convinced they're Loyalists or mimicking the aesthetic, that is hell-bent on krumpin' the Chapter for its herezy.

What is not known...

What is the Chapter's name? Has it changed since they went Renegade or has it stayed the same?

What are the Chapter's colours and what is their livery? Perhaps more importantly, what is their battle cry?

What has the Chapter's internal culture done to prevent a drift of dedication over the centuries without the Imperium? Do they still revere the God-Emperor or have they taken on their own traditions in its stead?

How has the Chapter changed in regards to the Codex Astartes? Do they call ranks by different names or have different ranks entirely? Or have they remained similar to a Loyalist Chapter with the exception of their Prognosticators, much like their predecessors?

Apart from the Chapter's FIRM emphasis on the personal, tactical, and strategic importance of Bolter Rifles and of their mythologized Battle Brother of the Silver Skulls, does it have any cultural motifs, themes, and/or preferred means of spending time that isn't spent on training that it leans toward?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #258 on: February 03, 2022, 12:44:12 am »

1) Name: Originally 'Steel Sentinels' Since our less than voluntary Exile, its slowly shifted to 'Blind Sentinels'
2a) Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
2b) Symbol: originally an Eye over a tower, over time a line of bloody red has been placed over the eye.
3 Someone else can choose
4 Someone else can choose
5 Someone else can choose
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #259 on: February 03, 2022, 12:48:49 am »

1) Name: Originally 'Steel Sentinels' Since our less than voluntary Exile, its slowly shifted to 'Blind Sentinels'
2a) Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
2b) Symbol: originally an Eye over a tower, over time a line of bloody red has been placed over the eye.
3 Someone else can choose
4 Someone else can choose
5 Someone else can choose


Though it's not officially a rank, battle brothers who show higher skill in medicine than the baseline are referred to as Sighted. They're less proficient than a common chapter's Apothecaries, but are appreciated all the more.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 12:51:17 am by Egan_BW »

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #260 on: February 03, 2022, 12:51:09 am »

Battle-cry: "AK-47s for everyone!", its meaning sadly lost to history.
We still revere the God-Emperor. Unfortunately, we're under the vague impression that the God-Emperor is some kind of chaos god possibly created by orks. The primary way that dedication is maintained is by propaganda posters everywhere reminding you to SUPPORT THE GOD-EMPEROR and that THE GOD-EMPEROR IS WATCHING YOU.
I don't really know enough about the *default* ranks and codex to have an answer to the next one.
Our favourite recreational activity is playing a game sort of like tennis with one of those tiny green xenos as the ball. Sometimes, when somebody is feeling comedic, you might see a version of our insignia with racquets instead of rifles and a tiny screaming xeno drawn somewhere. We value athleticism, so we also play some other sports using xenos in creative ways.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #261 on: February 03, 2022, 12:54:41 am »

Minus One for Spin.

We have an unaccountable taste for raisin bagels with cheese. The image of the chapter master pondering over battle plans while munching on a bagel is the very height of dignity and elegance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #262 on: February 03, 2022, 01:06:04 am »

Rather than being commanded by a Captain, each of our Companies is instead lead by a High Prognosticator, leading the chapter forwards according to the great plan.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #263 on: February 03, 2022, 01:12:13 am »

Name: Steel Sentinels. Unofficially, "The Watchtower", or, more recently, "The Blind Tower".
Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
Symbol: Eye over a tower. Originally open, now shut.
Battlecry: "YOUR END IS IN SIGHT!"

Doctrinal drift: Revere the God-Emperor as the pinnacle of humanity, but take issue with the corruption of His word the Imperium has made over the millenia. Prognosticators are believed to be the voice of the God-Emperor, and the well-being of humankind is the prime goal.

Codex deviation: Not quite a breakdown of the hierarchy, but it's definitely looser. Just as each battle-brother is expected to listen to their CO, the COs are expected to listen to each battle-brother; squad leadership is relatively fluid within each squad, and promotions are highly meritocratic. Techmarines have distributed the Mechanicus' secrets throughout the chapter out of necessity and practicality, although they are still the undisputed masters of those practices. The Chapter-Master is primarily advised by an informal council of the most-respected Astartes within the ranks, but any and every battle-brother has the right to speak with them. A small branch has also developed that specializes in mortal bureaucracy and economics, though they are considered deeply strange by the rest of the chapter; another branch, more highly-considered, specializes in training auxiliaries in both operating alongside the chapter as well as in the beloved art of Bolter marksmanship. One squad in particular has taken up the specific role of being the Chapter's gremlin-wranglers. Furthermore, the 7th company - unofficially called “the postcognition corps”, “the dust-sifters”, or “those mad bastards” - is almost entirely dedicated to exploring the ruins of #14/2.

Culture stuff: Many battle-brothers receive tattoos pertaining to their accomplishments, and tattoo artistry is thought highly of within the Chapter. One of the highest honors is to be deemed worthy of the Scalpel tattoo, marking one as among the best medics in the chapter - not as skilled as the old Apothecaries, but one of the closest the Chapter has to them. Regicide [read: chess] is popular, though an extra piece, the Prognosticator, is added, which moves like a King but can be switched with any piece that will be imminently captured. It is considered a rite of passage to convince one of the neophytes that you're one of the Prognosticators, even though the Prognosticators are constantly trying to get the practice stamped out. Although everybody has the right to speak their mind to power, you are expected to consider how to use that right wisely; a reputation for giving little thought to one's ideas is one of the worst a battle-brother of the chapter can acquire.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 09:51:19 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #264 on: February 03, 2022, 01:34:59 am »

Plus One for Glass.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #265 on: February 03, 2022, 01:52:51 am »

Name: Steel Sentinels. Unofficially, "The Watchtower", or, more recently, "The Blind Tower".
Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
Symbol: Eye over a tower. Originally open, now shut.
Battlecry: "YOUR END IS IN SIGHT!"

Doctrinal drift: Revere the God-Emperor as the pinnacle of humanity, but take issue with the corruption of His word the Imperium has made over the millenia. Prognosticators are believed to be the voice of the God-Emperor, and the well-being of humankind is the prime goal.

Codex deviation: Not quite a breakdown of the hierarchy, but it's definitely looser. Just as each battle-brother is expected to listen to their CO, the COs are expected to listen to each battle-brother; squad leadership is relatively fluid within each squad, and promotions are highly meritocratic. Techmarines have distributed the Mechanicus' secrets throughout the chapter out of necessity and practicality, although they are still the undisputed masters of those practices. The Chapter-Master is primarily advised by an informal council of the most-respected Astartes within the ranks, but any and every battle-brother has the right to speak with them. A small branch has also developed that specializes in mortal bureaucracy and economics, though they are considered deeply strange by the rest of the chapter; another branch, more highly-considered, specializes in training auxiliaries in both operating alongside the chapter as well as in the beloved art of Bolter marksmanship. One squad in particular has taken up the specific role of being the Chapter's gremlin-wranglers.

Culture stuff: Many battle-brothers receive tattoos pertaining to their accomplishments, and tattoo artistry is thought highly of within the Chapter. One of the highest honors is to be deemed worthy of the Scalpel tattoo, marking one as among the best medics in the chapter - not as skilled as the old Apothecaries, but one of the closest the Chapter has to them. Regicide [read: chess] is popular, though an extra piece, the Prognosticator, is added, which moves like a King but can be switched with any piece that will be imminently captured. It is considered a rite of passage to convince one of the neophytes that you're one of the Prognosticators, even though the Prognosticators are constantly trying to get the practice stamped out. Although everybody has the right to speak their mind to power, you are expected to consider how to use that right wisely; a reputation for giving little thought to one's ideas is one of the worst a battle-brother of the chapter can acquire.

+1 to this
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #266 on: February 03, 2022, 05:26:58 am »

Name: Steel Sentinels. Unofficially, "The Watchtower", or, more recently, "The Blind Tower".
Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
Symbol: Eye over a tower. Originally open, now shut.
Battlecry: "YOUR END IS IN SIGHT!"

Doctrinal drift: Revere the God-Emperor as the pinnacle of humanity, but take issue with the corruption of His word the Imperium has made over the millenia. Prognosticators are believed to be the voice of the God-Emperor, and the well-being of humankind is the prime goal.

Codex deviation: Not quite a breakdown of the hierarchy, but it's definitely looser. Just as each battle-brother is expected to listen to their CO, the COs are expected to listen to each battle-brother; squad leadership is relatively fluid within each squad, and promotions are highly meritocratic. Techmarines have distributed the Mechanicus' secrets throughout the chapter out of necessity and practicality, although they are still the undisputed masters of those practices. The Chapter-Master is primarily advised by an informal council of the most-respected Astartes within the ranks, but any and every battle-brother has the right to speak with them. A small branch has also developed that specializes in mortal bureaucracy and economics, though they are considered deeply strange by the rest of the chapter; another branch, more highly-considered, specializes in training auxiliaries in both operating alongside the chapter as well as in the beloved art of Bolter marksmanship. One squad in particular has taken up the specific role of being the Chapter's gremlin-wranglers.

Culture stuff: Many battle-brothers receive tattoos pertaining to their accomplishments, and tattoo artistry is thought highly of within the Chapter. One of the highest honors is to be deemed worthy of the Scalpel tattoo, marking one as among the best medics in the chapter - not as skilled as the old Apothecaries, but one of the closest the Chapter has to them. Regicide [read: chess] is popular, though an extra piece, the Prognosticator, is added, which moves like a King but can be switched with any piece that will be imminently captured. It is considered a rite of passage to convince one of the neophytes that you're one of the Prognosticators, even though the Prognosticators are constantly trying to get the practice stamped out. Although everybody has the right to speak their mind to power, you are expected to consider how to use that right wisely; a reputation for giving little thought to one's ideas is one of the worst a battle-brother of the chapter can acquire.

+1 to this
This is good! +1
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #267 on: February 03, 2022, 09:22:12 am »

Name: Steel Sentinels. Unofficially, "The Watchtower", or, more recently, "The Blind Tower".
Colors: Silver with rust-red highlights
Symbol: Eye over a tower. Originally open, now shut.
Battlecry: "YOUR END IS IN SIGHT!"

Doctrinal drift: Revere the God-Emperor as the pinnacle of humanity, but take issue with the corruption of His word the Imperium has made over the millenia. Prognosticators are believed to be the voice of the God-Emperor, and the well-being of humankind is the prime goal.

Codex deviation: Not quite a breakdown of the hierarchy, but it's definitely looser. Just as each battle-brother is expected to listen to their CO, the COs are expected to listen to each battle-brother; squad leadership is relatively fluid within each squad, and promotions are highly meritocratic. Techmarines have distributed the Mechanicus' secrets throughout the chapter out of necessity and practicality, although they are still the undisputed masters of those practices. The Chapter-Master is primarily advised by an informal council of the most-respected Astartes within the ranks, but any and every battle-brother has the right to speak with them. A small branch has also developed that specializes in mortal bureaucracy and economics, though they are considered deeply strange by the rest of the chapter; another branch, more highly-considered, specializes in training auxiliaries in both operating alongside the chapter as well as in the beloved art of Bolter marksmanship. One squad in particular has taken up the specific role of being the Chapter's gremlin-wranglers.

Culture stuff: Many battle-brothers receive tattoos pertaining to their accomplishments, and tattoo artistry is thought highly of within the Chapter. One of the highest honors is to be deemed worthy of the Scalpel tattoo, marking one as among the best medics in the chapter - not as skilled as the old Apothecaries, but one of the closest the Chapter has to them. Regicide [read: chess] is popular, though an extra piece, the Prognosticator, is added, which moves like a King but can be switched with any piece that will be imminently captured. It is considered a rite of passage to convince one of the neophytes that you're one of the Prognosticators, even though the Prognosticators are constantly trying to get the practice stamped out. Although everybody has the right to speak their mind to power, you are expected to consider how to use that right wisely; a reputation for giving little thought to one's ideas is one of the worst a battle-brother of the chapter can acquire.

+1 to this
This is good! +1

Add a company or at least a couple squads to permanent "exploring the ruins of our Death World for secrets and lost technologies" and I'll be very happy with it. But +1 anyway.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Renegade Space Marine Simulator (40k)
« Reply #268 on: February 03, 2022, 09:51:50 am »

That addition has been made.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.
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