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Author Topic: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread - Turn 3  (Read 1861 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2022, 11:20:29 pm »

I'll join Auran because it has only three pages of thread to Kaynan's seven pages. Also, I wish I'd noticed this last month.
It's mostly just totally ineffectual arguing, not anything important.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2022, 09:08:12 pm »

Well luckily for you, last month was only two days ago, and the post only made a couple days before that, so you haven't missed much!
Sure, but I still missed the design phase.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Man of Paper

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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2022, 09:20:19 pm »

The most boring design phase!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2022, 10:31:38 am »

Are you saying you didn't like my machine gun design???


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2022, 11:50:07 am »

Are you saying you didn't like my machine gun design???

Ooh!  Ooh!  I gotta tell everyone in the Kaynan thread about this!  Thanks!
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.

Man of Paper

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Re: Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2022, 11:22:28 pm »

Since it looks like thread activity is about the same as it is when I run a game with a discord channel, here's a discord channel so people talk more.

No, not there, here.

Man of Paper

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Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread - Turn 1
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2022, 01:45:31 pm »

Turn 0

The Kaynans of the East have found themselves under the guidance of the embodiment of their god, Evivizet. Evivizet is the Current of all things, their visage appearing in babbling brooks, shifting sands, flickering flames, and whispering winds. Evivizet's size and form are fluid, but when manifesting as an entire entity they most often appear as a large humanoid composed of nearby flowing elements whirling violently around a pure arcane core. Evivizet can be temporarily forced to withdraw from a battlefield if their core is sufficiently destabilized through damage both mundane and magical.

The Maelstrom (GM Note: :l) is the center of Evivizet's influence. A massive tumultuous storm wreaks havoc in a fixed position in the seas north of the mainland, although those willing to brave the storm will find it is (somewhat) less intense than it appears. Within the eye of The Maelstrom is Flotsam Island. This "island" is a collection of countless shipwrecks tied to or crushed against one another. No two ships seem to share the same origin - even those similar in appearance seem to represent different periods of various kingdoms and empires. Many are definitely not of any origin native to this world. When it's time for Flotsam Island to expand in order to accommodate more Kaynans, wrecks seem to rise from the depths deep within The Maelstrom before drifting toward and lodging themselves against the island.

A ship made of steel at the center of Flotsam Island acts as holy ground and a shrine for Evivizet. If defeated in battle, Evivizet's arcane core disintegrates and reintegrates within a sealed chamber in the shrine. Once fully remanifest, Evivizet exits this chamber, reseals it, and continues their work. Only Evivizet knows the interior of Evivizet's Chamber.

Fighting on the final Kaynan territory will take place in three locations: the first is ship-to-ship fighting in The Maelstrom, the second is fighting on the ships making up Flotsam Island, an the third is a fight at Evivizet's Chamber, where Evivizet's fury and might will be at their greatest levels.


Evivizet's followers have developed the Carracks of Kaynan, now seen patrolling their coastal waters. These extravagant and exquisite trade vessels currently serve as troop transports and nothing else. They also developed the Planar Trade Network, which allows them to increase direct trade with specific Planes in order to improve their own developments. The PTN starts out with an incredibly small effect, but as trade spreads to more planes and influence increases so does its power.

The armies of Evivizet were also wholly restructured into the Sworn (Sometimes) Swords. Their slinger levy and spear militia both have been replaced by a singular huge mob of loosely organized units armed and armored in all manner based on the whims of their individual lords. They have slings and a melee weapon, and leather head and body protection at a minimum. On occasion some soldiers come with a little more armor and maybe a shield. While not well-organized, they're equipped to potentially adapt to a wide variety of situations. The casters of Evivizet also made progress unlocking the secrets of the Planes with the development of the Chaos Bolt. The Chaos Bolt is inaccurate and impacts with almost no force, but releases a wave of energy on impact that can cause confusion, dizziness, and memory loss in a small area. The potency of the effects of Chaos Bolt depends both on the power of the caster and the mental fortitude of the target.

The powers of Evivizet and the Kaynan Empire directed their extraplanar attention toward the Air Plane. They opted to align themselves with the Faeries, which forced the Avians to reach out to the Auran Empire and Kupros, the Cynic's Druid. The Kaynans also utilized their Planar Trade Network, exchanging goods with the Faeries that will provide a very very minor boost to proposals related to their plane as long as trade continues.


Kupros, the Cynic's Druid is the avatar for the god of the Auran Empire, appearing as a tattered brown hooded robe and pointy wizard hat. Fabric at the end of the arms frays and separates into finger-like strips used for grasping onto objects such as its twisted wooden staff. While mundane when not being focused on, inspection reveals threads of copper, silver, gold, platinum, and countless other precious metals weave themselves through the threads, forming images and symbols unique to the viewer that change every time they look away. Within the robes is a constantly swirling cloud of brass, silver, gold, and scarlet threads, making up as true a form as Kupros takes in the Mortal Plane. Roots spread from the robe where it runs across the ground, sprouting all manner of small plants, saplings, and vines that mature rapidly in their presence. Flora seems to bow to Kupros when they pass. Kupros, the Cynic's Druid can be temporarily forced to withdraw from a battlefield if their core is sufficiently destabilized through damage both mundane and magical.

To demonstrate their great charity and power in equal measure, The Land of Plenty was formed by Kupros to house themself as well as the core of the Auran Empire. The island is largely sorted into three separate levels, or districts, connected by a massive stone staircase cutting through the city from Main Gate to Forbidden Temple. The port that links the island to the Auran mainland leads almost immediately to the Main Gate, a large stone fortress built over the road as an obstacle all coming to the island must face. Past the Main Gate, the Stairway of Heaven cuts through fields and homesteads occupied by farmers, smiths, and other smallfolk. These people who provide necessary skills but are not themselves noble reside in the Body District. Following the Stairway brings you through a ring of walls, towers, and fortresses. This barrier separates the Body District from the Mind District. The Mind District is occupied by the highest levels of the Auran military leadership. Known as "Landlords", as they directly lord over the lands of the Aurans, these Warrior-Kings are the leaders of the Empire. The district itself is a circle of camps, training areas, parade grounds, and kennels. A third, even more imposing ring of defenses separates the Mind District from the Spirit District. The Spirit District is the home of the Auran Empire's most noble elite. The families of Emperors and highest levels of priesthood live in luxury here, wanting for nothing as their lives are more lavish than most any on the planet - after all, their work in their past lives earned them this, they should be allowed to enjoy the mortal plane on their last trip through. At the center of the Spirit District is the Temple of Heaven, where the Stairway terminates. The Spirit District is a veritable garden of eden dotted with ornate statues and extravagant villas. Everything seems brighter and more at peace in the Spirit District.

This temple is considered the most sacred ground in the Plane. If defeated in battle, Kupros' arcane soul evacuates the physical form of the avatar and reintegrates within a sealed chamber in the temple. Once fully remanifest, Kupros exits this chamber, reseals it, and continues their work. Only Kupros knows the interior of Kupros' Chamber.

Fighting on the Auran island will take place in three locations: the first is the Siege of the Body District centered on the port and The Main Gate and the battles within the district. The second is the Siege of the Mind District, which is the center of Auran military might. The third is the Siege of the Spirit District, which includes fighting in Kupros' Chamber


The Aurans managed to conjure Guide Spirits, magic beings attuned to a specific plane that learn all they can of local customs, politics, and otherwise useful intel before returning to the Mortal Plane and binding to someone they choose to be an interplanar diplomat. The Society of Masons rose to prominence as well, providing the military with a group of eccentric architects and engineers to build various structures along the battlefronts as needed. They use Erika Erikson's Esoteric Epoxy to give stone a seamless appearance and the structural integrity of brick and mortar.

The Spearman Militia of the Auran Empire was also improved. The Improved Spearman Militia have a longer spear, padded armor, and better training fighting as a cohesive unit.

In an effort to increase the strength of the Auran Empire and Kupros the Cynic's Druid sought to contact a species of the Fire Plane. They chose to reach out to the Orcs, which has forced the Dragons to come together like never seen before and petition Evevizet.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 10:28:21 pm by Man of Paper »

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread - Turn 2
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2022, 04:36:42 pm »

Peace was never an option, and now that Evivizet and Kupros have rallied the empires beneath them, the future holds only war.

While a disgusting mess and nearly inhospitable, the Swamps are a key strategic position when it comes to staging attacks into opposing territory and controlling naval traffic through the channel. Both Empires acknowledged this fact and were quick to thrust their forces onto the boggy island. The Kaynans were the first to hit the muddy shores thanks in large part to their Carracks, while the Aurans were forced to create small rafts and boats from what resources they could scrounge up in their territory.

The Kaynans were the first to wade through the wet earth and tripping roots of the Swamp and penetrate the deadly Deep Swamp. With absolutely no chance of passing through on the ground, the Kaynans were forced into the trees along the “vineways”. These dense braids of branches, vines, and various other plant life weave their way throughout the Deep Swamp to create a very complex three-dimensional battlefield. The Kaynans were able to locate a prime field of vineway large enough to house a whole military camp and with no vineways passing above or immediately below.

The Aurans were late to the party, but not so late that the Kaynans could advance out of the Deep Swamp. The Auran advance was similarly hindered by the environment, and they were forced to set up their camp in the Deep Swamp on a dense web of vineways that stretched out just feet above the watery mud.

Scouting was vital for both forces as they slowly mapped out the infinite intersections of the vineways. Both sides repeatedly probed for ways to outmaneuver their opponents, and neither was willing to commit too much to fighting during these opening moves. What fighting did occur in this early phase of the conflict tilted in favor of the Aurans. While neither side had more mobile troops than the other, the Composite Bowmen were incredibly lethal, even in the denser areas of the Deep Swamp. Brief skirmishes between scouting parties were short and rarely resulted in Sometimes Swords even closing in enough to do significant harm to their foes, not to mention the former being extensively trained in ranged combat. Shot for the slings was potentially lethal of course, but far less accurate and effective in the fauna-choked Deep Swamp. Still, both sides were equally everywhere attempting to find a way to make significant progress and ultimately failing. Both forces knew they’d need to win a decisive pitched battle to throw their enemies back, and luckily there was just the place for it.

Deep in the Deep Swamp wound a massive Vineway that twisted and wound its way through the trees. Wide enough for two dozen men to walk side by side, this arterial vineway provided the best space for large unit movements. An Auran force made its way along the Vineway to get details on the potential battlefield and set up a small camp somewhere off the beaten path for future use.

Iskar’s spear and shield were getting heavy in his hands, but in this place it paid to always be prepared. He’d been pegged in the thigh by a Sometimes Sword’s sling once already and didn’t plan to revisit the experience any time soon. The unit he was with was made up of a few dozen Improved Spear Militia and half that number of Compound Bowmen and Initiates. It felt a lot like babysitting.

“Looks to be a few branches here,” one Initiate chuckled, pleased by his play on words as he gestured to a pair of small vineways that broke off of the main path and twisted up and away, “I think we should split up and cover as much ground as quickly as we can.”

The unit began to divide itself when the Initiate’s forehead collapsed on itself in a spray of gore.


Rocks had already begun to rain down heavily on the unit by the time they could form upm leaving a few Aurans writhing and moaning in pain if not unconscious or dead. Iskar’s shield thumped as what felt like the entire force of the Kaynans ammo struck it. As the unit got its bearings the Kaynan Sometimes Swords had already begun to appear through the foliage and charge.

Kaynan forces appeared in front of and behind the Auran unit, with more showing up on the branching paths on their flanks. Seeing they were boxed in, the shield wall quickly moved into a square formation around their archers and initiates. One of the Initiates fired off an Arcane Firework that burst into a shower of red crackling sparks above the canopy, staining that section of sky bright red for a few moments.

The Society of Masons hated working in this swamp, but the unique challenges it posed also promised quite a level of internal prestige for someone who figured out how to do…anything in this environment. Luckily for the Masons, a few imaginative minds saw the potential the Deep Swamp had and went to work constructing an impressive observational tower. Using the thickest tree by the military camp as a central supporting column, the intricate stone tower was built around and upon it, poking out above the Deep Swamp with an amazing line of sight blocked only by the canopy below. A single sentry keeping watch while flicking bugs off the railing of the tower spotted a shower of red in the direction of Kaynan lines and quickly ran to the camp in the vineways below.

Iskar and the rest of the unit were managing to hold out. The Aurans had tightened up their formation, allowing the Improved Spear Militia the chance to create a protective dome of sorts out of their shield. The thud of stones striking the shields was nearly constant, halting only when the Kaynans made a push to whittle away at the Auran formation. The Composite Bowmen were doing an excellent job taking Kaynans down by firing through small gaps in the shield dome, weakening the charges the Kaynans made - especially since many of them lacked shields. Initiates on both sides took a more supportive role, with Kaynan Initiates forcing some errors in the Auran formation thanks to their Chaos Bolt, but this was mitigated by the Aurans own use of their Sound of Silence spell.

The Chaos Bolt was straightforward (in a sense), bursting against Auran shields and briefly confounding them. Sometimes it was enough for a shield to droop, but didn’t prove to be powerful enough to disrupt the formation, especially as the bolts had a tendency to veer off course and deter any attempt at a concentrated volley of confusion.. The Sound of Silence was likewise only mildly effective. Charging Kaynans were definitely confused when they’d pass through a bubble of space where no sound was produced within it. After random periods of time all the sound within the bubbles would get expelled at once, damaging hearing and causing a temporary ringing in the ears in most cases. The biggest problem the Auran Initiates had was the spell triggering before reaching the target area, resulting in a good number of wasted casts, and a couple of them triggering within their own lines. The dazzling effect of Arcane Fireworks was also used to a degree, temporarily blinding those in the immediate area of the burst of colored light and causing a number of Kaynans to slip off the Vineway into the hungry swamp below. Both sides did utilize their Arcane Bolt, with a slightly greater effect on the unshielded Kaynans, but it was not impactful enough to tilt the battle in any one direction.

The Kaynan assault was an impressive display of self-control and organization from a ramshackle army made up of a seemingly disorganized mob. Attacks on the defensive formation were quick, but as the Aurans held ground the Kaynans pulled back, whittling away at the Aurans without over-dedicating their own forces and taking more losses than the Aurans in the process.

Iskar was getting frustrated. His unit was trapped, they were slowly losing this battle of attrition, and his socks were soaked. He could hear more than see the next Kaynan charge and once more braced for the clashing of wood, metal, and meat. Iskar peeked through the small gap between his shield and the ones interlocking with it in time to see and feel a particularly angry-looking man with a long-hafted axe splinter his spear and deflect or dodge enough of the others to slam into the shield dome full-force. Iskar fell backward into his allies as the Kaynans rapidly took advantage of the gap in the defenses. The formation fell into brutal close-in combat within moments and many of the Improved Spear Militia had to toss their spears for the more appropriate but outclassed daggers they had.

The axeman kicked Iskar’s shield arm to the side, exposing his chest for a final blow, but was stopped short of snuffing out Iskar’s life as a Compound Bowman slipped between the two and within the axe’s range, simultaneously burying a pair of daggers into the axeman’s gut and ripped across his belly, disemboweling him before continuing to fight in a flurry of stabs. Iskar, now covered in another man’s last meal, managed to stand and grab his dagger and a shield off a fallen comrade next to him. It was at this moment that Iskar saw the ominous figure standing, arms crossed, far behind the Kaynan forces.

This individual was clad in pitch black clothes, with no arms or armor to speak of, and a black cross tattooed upon their face. This Blackcrag Dead Officer had been, to Iskar’s knowledge, a member of an old legendary elite force of soldiers once used by a Prince of Blackcrag somewhere in the lands dominated by the Kaynans. The presence of these forsaken Blackcrag elites went a long way to explaining the cohesion and tactical aptitude of the Kaynan forces. Someone else had spotted this Dead Officer too, made evident by the arrow the Dead Officer avoided with a simple twist of the shoulders as if completely unfazed.

The fight, having been in the Kaynans favor the entire time, was now going even more poorly. The pocket managed to avoid total collapse only thanks to the melee capabilities of the Compound Bowmen filling in where the Improved Spear Militia failed.

Then, without warning, the rear assault let up. Iskar made the poor decision to look behind him to see what had forced the break and saw a large Auran relief force coming to help. It was the last thing he saw before one of the swords sometimes used by the Sworn (Sometimes) Swords made its way through his ribcage.

With both armies numerically balanced in the theater, either side losing this rapidly growing engagement would find themselves at a severe disadvantage, so the Kaynans sent a runner to their camp while the Aurans tried their best to wipe out the Kaynan ambushers before their reinforcements could arrive. In a straight engagement the shortcomings of the Sworn (Sometimes) Swords became apparent. The shields of the Improved Spear Militia proved to be worth their weight in gold as they provided a level of survivability across the board that the (Sometimes) Swords lacked. This didn’t rule the Sworn (Sometimes) Swords out though, as they did occasionally have the equipment to break through the Auran line. The biggest issue for the Kaynan forces was the Composite Bowmen, to which the Kaynans had no response. Unrestricted by the need for an all-encompassing defensive barrier of shields, their true might was on full display. Incredibly accurate fire at mind-numbing rates proved withering for the Kaynan force.

More Kaynans arrived as the engagement dragged on, turning an ambush into a decisive battle that had turned against the ambushing force. In order to avert a total disaster, drastic action had to be taken. That drastic action took the form of vines, ivy, and the corpses caught within forming into the shape of a large humanoid figure.

Evivizet, The Current had arrived.

The large figure stepped forward, although never actually separating itself from the Vineway. The Kaynan line seemed to effortlessly and automatically part to allow Evivizet access to the line of contact, where vines and ivy lashed out at Aurans, constricting, lashing, and tossing the helpless mortals who sought to stand against it and its people. It battered the Aurans as they began to fall back while the Kaynans rallied as the avatar of their God took to the fight.

Mortal bodies were crushed beneath Evivizet’s onslaught and were close to breaking completely with a thick vine intent on sweeping Aurans from the Vineway when an Initiate held out a gnarled staff and threw up a wall of plant matter which stopped the vine in its tracks.

It was no Initiate, as the robes themselves grasped the staff, and no physical form resided within them.

Kupros, the Cynic’s Druid, had also appeared on the field.

The presence of both avatars rallied their respective forces, and the brutal fighting began anew, this time with zealous fervor. Kupros swole in size to match Evivizet and both used the terrain to lash out at one another in a duel of environmental dominance. Mortals on both sides were caught in the crossfire and crushed underfoot or sent tumbling to their certain deaths below as the Avatars fought one another to a stalemate.

Kupros lifted both “arms” as it tried to force the Vineway beneath Evivizet to split open, but a thick tendril wrapped and curled around each sleeve to the shoulder. Dense vines shot out of Evivizet’s body intent on piercing the rival Avatar, but were stopped by the swirling threads within Kupros lashing out and forcing the two beings into a grapple.

It was this brief miscalculation on Evivizet’s part that saw its arcane core exposed. In the brief moment the glowing core was open to the world a single Composite Bowman loosed an arrow, striking the being directly in its source of power. With an unearthly shriek Evevizet Evivizet’s form dematerialized, though not before causing the offending bowman to pop like a meat balloon.

With their Avatar suddenly defeated, the Kaynan forces broke and were sent into a full rout. Rallied by Kupros, the Aurans pursued their foe relentlessly. With their Avatar at their side and the Kaynan forces all but decimated, the Aurans found it quite easy to push into the Kaynan military camp, even with their superior positioning, and force the Kaynans from the Deep Swamp. They were exhausted and stretched out beyond their means though, and were going to need to recover before pressing onward.

The Aurans won the battle in the Deep Swamp. The next engagement will occur in The Swamp, with the Kaynans holding the advantage of initiative.


The Mountains of the north had been considered uncontrolled territory for years, but both the Aurans and Kaynans had decided to change that and ruin the tedious work of cartographers everywhere.

While the Aurans didn’t need to contend with crossing the channel, they did have to make it through a significant portion of deadly and inhospitable mountains before being able to route through the Underlair. The Kaynans, meanwhile, used their Carracks again to cross the channel with relative ease and make their way through the Mountains into the Underlair.

Kaynan progress in the inky black caverns was remarkably slow, with torchlight being the only means of seeing beneath the tons of rock and earth. Small shafts and caverns broke away from the main path beneath the Mountains, but the Kaynans were able to follow the well-worn path utilized by those in ages past. The Aurans on the other hand were able to make swift and handy progress through the Underlair thanks to their Arcane Fireworks lighting the way. Their arcane lighting had the benefit of traveling a distance away, meaning easier scouting of branching paths and quicker discovery of potential dead ends, allowing them to be the first to come across the Junction Cavern, to which all roads led.

With the Kaynans not yet atop them, the Society of Masons set about to bricking off the passages they could identify that led from the Junction Cavern toward Kaynan lines, leaving only the primary pass open for them to come through. They also set about constructing rough fortifications in the inevitable event of a Kaynan attack.

Kaynan progress was hampered by the introduction of the Aurans “dead ends”, and eventually they concluded that a concentrated punch through the main passage into the Junction Cavern was the only way to proceed.

The Aurans were prepared for the Kaynans and were ready to let them funnel into the deathtrap that was the entrance to the Junction Cavern, and steeled themselves for a brutal but one-sided fight when the flicker of torchlight illuminated tunnel walls in the distance. Light that was accompanied, if one listened closely enough, with the rhythmic sound of metal beating on stone. It wasn’t long before the Aurans saw the source of the noise and light.

At the tip of the spear, marching shoulder to shoulder the width of the passage, were the Blackcrag Reavers, a mortal force unmatched on the field. These soldiers were clad in polished black armor from head to toe, the whites of their eyes their only discernible feature. In their hands they held fearsome halberds and the occasional torch.

Composite Bowmen opened fire as the Blackcrag Reavers advanced, their arrows clattering harmlessly against the plate armor. One or two fell from skillful and lucky shots to the thin strip of face left exposed, but not enough to deter their march forward - not that anything was likely to do that anyway.

The initial clash of Improved Spear Militia and Blackcrag Reavers was devastatingly one-sided. These trained professionals had skill and equipment that far surpassed their opponents, and they lived for combat (unlike the Militia, who largely lived to stay alive). Both the Composite Bowmens arrows and the Improved Spear Militias spears had a very difficult time penetrating the ebony armor, the latter even moreso as the spears found themselves splintered by the encroaching Blackcrag Reavers halberds, with their shields likewise splintered by the axehead on the weapon.

A breach was rapidly forced by the attacking Kaynans with which the mob of Sworn (Sometimes) Swords took advantage of. As with the battle in the Deep Swamp, both sides Initiates had little actual impact on the flow of battle.

LIV was perhaps a little more bloodthirsty than the rest of the Reavers, but it was hard not to get caught up in the bloodshed of a slaughter such as this. The only threat the Reavers faced was luck as no enemy weapon could puncture their armor. Arcane bolts could force a Reaver to stumble back, but without a strong follow-up were about as effective as the spears and arrows clattering near-harmlessly against them. With the enemy front line battered, LIV broke ranks and slowly cut their way forward in a bloody advance that liberated life and limb from the Aurans. These militia stood no chance against the Reaver onslaught, and LIV was somewhat saddened by the lack of a proper fight. There’d hopefully be some of that in the future, so for now they’d have to be content with piling up corpses.

Arrows deflected off of LIVs shoulder, fired from relative safety through a gap in one of the Auran-made stone walls that littered the massive cavern. After withdrawing the speartip from the back of a militiaman who’d stumbled trying to retreat, LIV took their halberd and slowly approached the fortification. Arrows flew out frantically, but none found their mark - although a couple did get worryingly close to the eye slit between the helmet and armored mask. LIV moved with purpose to get around the wall and came face-to-face with three Composite Bowmen. Two were still firing their arrows into the mob that was slowly beating back their Improved Spear Militia while the third charged LIV with both daggers drawn. She charged at LIV in an attempt to get close enough for the halberd to be useless and get a few pokes of her own in, but was taken off-guard when LIV simply dropped the halberd and engaged her in fisticuffs. The rapid strikes of the Composite Bowman’s daggers did manage to find purchase in LIV’s flank, but resulted in LIV pinning her arm with their own, twisting their torso, and sending the archer sprawling to the floor. LIV pressed a heavy boot on her spine and pushed down with force, emitting an audible snap as the archer went limp. LIV heard the rushing footsteps behind them, pulled the dagger from their side, and threw it at the rushing bowman. The dagger embedded itself to the hilt in his chest and he fell, sliding a few inches before coming to a dead stop. The third Composite Bowman didn’t get the hint and also attempted to engage LIV but was met by an gauntleted backhand that sent him facefirst into the wall that’d been meant for his protection, both daggers clattering to the floor. He spun around in time for LIV to grasp his throat and slide him up off his feet before they kicked their halberd into their free hand, grasped it just below the head, and pushed the speartip up through the soft belly into his chest. LIV withdrew the speartip and unceremoniously tossed the limp body onto the floor.

LIV pushed a finger into the hole in their side. It was a shallow wound, but at least these people could make things interesting. Just not enough to stand a chance.

After the collapse and wholesale retreat of Auran forces, the Kaynan army regrouped and pressed forward.

The Kaynans won the battle in the Underlair. The next engagement will occur in the Mountains, with the Kaynans having the initiative advantage.


This turn saw the Kaynans reach out to Chaos Plane and the Undying residing within it. This forced the hand (or similarly-functioning appendage) of the Infernals into seeking aid from the Aurans and their god.

The Aurans sought to expand their own influence in the Earth Plane, where they made contact with the Elves to curry their favor, pushing the Dwarves to align themselves with the Kaynans.

Both sides parceled off land for Magic species to live within the Mortal Plane. A Faerie Enclave, protected by unrivaled illusory magic, was crafted within the Fields of the Kaynan Empire, while the Aurans allowed the construction of a near-industrial Orc Enclave in the Steppes. Those proved not to be the only Enclaves set up during this time however, as the Kaynan Empire and their Ost Materia Trading Company saw them create a Mortal Enclave in the Air Plane where they could centralize operations and facilitate more impactful interactions. Their Planar Trade Network shifted attention to the Chaos Plane as well.

The creation of the Mortal Enclave has proven more than enough to give the Kaynan Empire Influence 1 in the Air Plane, while the efforts of the Auran Guide Spirits in conjunction with the not amazingly effective and unpredictable Sound of Silence managed to give them Influence 1 in the Fire Plane (luckily the Orcs are no strangers to things not working as intended) as it did help out in a couple heists and participated in many more attempts

This turn saw notable advancements and significant near-failures for both sides. First up, the Kaynans! They focused all their design efforts this turn on the formation of the Blackcrag Reavers, a unique unit of ferocious, fearsome, frightening warriors trained from a very young age in the ways and realities of war. They are armed with a halberd (topped with an axe head, hook, and spearhead) and don polished blackened steel plate armor that protects damn near their entire body. A faceplate can be attached to their open helmet to leave just a tattooed band of flesh across the eyes exposed. Reavers are lethal and effective warriors the likes of which are seen once an era. Their training leaves relatively few actually active, and new recruits are required to kill a Reaver if they are to finish training and become one.

Their revisions this turn included the Blackcrag Dead Officers, Reavers who had "died" and been stripped of every identifier save for their face tattoo, which is modified with a vertical stripe down the middle of the face. These "retired" warriors make up the core of the officers within the Kaynan Empire. Their knowledge and experience expresses itself downward through drill instructors and the training they provide. Dead Officers increase unit cohesion and tactical ability throughout the Empire, and their mere presence (even if only in the minds of the warriors while in battle) instills a great reinforcement of morale. Dead Officers fill every open position within the hierarchy of Kaynan High Command.

They also formed the Ost Materia Trading Company, a company that works alongside the PTN to boost the potency of potential trade. The OMTC allows the creation of Mortal Enclaves in the Magic Planes, greatly boosting trade, and influence as a result, centralizing a base of mortal operations in a single settlement. One Mortal Enclave can be constructed in a previously contacted Plane per turn.

The Aurans weren’t content to sit on their hands this turn and developed The Sound of Silence, a spell that fires a ball of poorly contained arcane energy that creates a 10ft sphere of sound vacuum, letting no noise leave the area and instead get "compressed" into a central point. The spell can last for 30 seconds to 2 minutes with no way of telling when exactly it'll end. Once the spell ends, all the noise collected within it is expelled at once. They also created, then had to fix, Composite Bowmen, ranged units using composite recurved bows and twin daggers with more than enough training for them to function on the battlefield. Individual accuracy is well above average, and massed volleys prove to be quite devastating. At full-speed and without needing to worry about ammunition, Composite Bowman could fire arrows at a rate of between 20 and 30 shots a minute.Close-combat training improves ranged accuracy firing into a melee as well as self-defense and dual-weapon fighting should the archers need to engage in a melee themselves. They’re padded in cloth with some nice boots.

Their other revision was spent on Arcane Fireworks, a modification of Arcane Bolt that removes any physical impact and replaces it with a small popping and crackling sound combined with a blinding blast of filaments of colored light based on the caster's will. Detonates on contact or in flight if the caster desires it. Arcane Fireworks are visible in all conditions and can be temporarily blinding if detonated within close proximity to eyes or eye-like organs. The air and any contacted surface will remain illuminated for up to a minute based on caster strength and preference.

Further information can be found in your team’s thread.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Playground of the Gods - A Magic Arms Race - Core Thread - Turn 3
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2022, 10:13:03 pm »

Turn 2 After-Action Report

The Swamp

With the Kaynans retreating from the Deep Swamp, the Auran forces, still led by Kupros, pushed through and secured the vineway paths that met with the Swamp. With Kupros' assistance the Masons were able to locally source enough material from the uncooperative swamp to construct stone gatehouses defending each of the primary vineways. Each of these small barriers served as staging grounds for the Auran forces to recover from their prior engagement, and in doing so gave Evivizet the opportunity to reintegrate into the plane and form back up amid its own mortal forces. The Kaynans needed time to recover as well, but their proximity to the coast and capability to utilize it led to rapid reinforcement (at least when compared to the Aurans).
While both main forces reorganized the also sent out scouts to survey the area. The Kaynans had an initial advantage due to their carracks, with small teams of raiders disembarking all along the Swamp's shores. They were largely left unmolested initially, but skirmishing fights were once more tilted in favor of the Aurans, and a lesson in caution taught to both sides simultaneously.

A pair of carracks were drifting along the coast at a relaxed speed. Auran archers would try to fire on them on occasion from the mucky shores, but the arrows fell short or did very, very little to the ships and their crew. On this cruise the lead carrack's crew got to witness a pair of Aurans walk onto the shore bearing a large tube, drop a sphere into it, and then...they promptly exploded. The Kaynans laughed and openly mocked their land-bound foes until a second pair emerged, carefully loaded a sphere into the tube, and launched the object at them by channeling magic into a firing mechanism clay plate at the base of the tube. The bronze ball arced down and struck the starboard side of the carrack with a powerful and somewhat incendiary blast. Splinters did more harm to the crew than the round itself, but the ship had begun to take on water and the Kaynans were laughing a little less. The Aurans were, admittedly, shocked at the fact that they'd scored a hit on a moving boat with their Fair Fighting Orcish Boltbow and beat a hasty retreat.

With little else to change on this front otherwise, the less dense, slightly more navigable swamp was the biggest change in strategic variables. It was much easier to avoid being dragged into a pitched battle, and this gave the Blackcrag Dead Officers a little more freedom to plan.

Three of the Auran gatehouses were deemed critical to take by the Dead Officers, and their forces were divided to assault all three simultaneously. The plan was to have the bulk of their forces, approximately half of their combat-ready troops, assault the North Gate while the other half was split in order to tie down potential Auran reinforcements and counter-attacks. Once the North Gate fell those who could still march would roll south and hit the Central and then Southern Gates. While this decisive action could deplete their forces on the island and require the Kaynans to abandon it, they also could not allow the Aurans to solidify their position and push them into the sea at a later date.

The Aurans, even with Kupros present the entirety of their time in the Swamp, resigned themselves to a defensive posture while they recovered and reconned the area. The aforementioned carrack raiders were too rare to be an effective deterrence, and the Auran scouts were able to keep a general eye on the movement of Kaynan forces thanks to generally being better able to engage at range when necessary and disengage before the Kaynans closed in. So it was of little surprise to the Aurans when the Kaynan forces began their march with a swirling mass of water, mud, vines, and air in their midst. This presented the Aurans with a slight problem. Their forces were split evenly among the gates, and these structures were not truly designed to be defensive positions to force a siege, so the Kaynans had to be met out in the swamp beyond their protective barrier. In the North that meant willingly engaging a numerically superior foe and hoping reinforcements came before they were overrun. Showers of red sparks exploded in the air once the main Kaynan force was spotted, alerting all the Auran forces of the coming fight and request for aid.

The engagement began with a rain of arrows fired from the Auran line, which Evivizet was quick to foul with a whipping of wind. Some arrows still found Kaynan flesh, but the Composite Bowmen were having less of an effect than anticipated. Some more of those Fair Fighting Orcish Boltbow Fireteams were present (and given plenty of space by their allies) and had already loaded their tubes in anticipation of firing off their first volleys. They fired their weapons at about the same time that the casters on both sides got within Arcane Bolt range and the rearward (Sometimes) Swords started slinging stones. Only one of the bronze balls went off prematurely as a half dozen more crashed into the now-charging mass of Kaynan soldiers, who were also having Chaos Bolts flung over their heads at the Auran line. The disruption caused by the Boltbows created gaps in the Kaynan mass, with one split widening beyond the anticipated effects of the Boltbows. Evivizet removed itself from the rear of its army and glide-stepped rapidly and with purpose at the Aurans through this gap, breaking ahead of the Kaynans and smashing into the waiting Auran Improved Spearman Militia. The towering whirlwind shrugged off a boltbow blast while two more teams immolated themselves when they reloaded less-than-cautiously under duress.

The first phase of the fight went in favor of the Aurans thanks to their archers and the boltbow, but they were still outnumbered when the wave of Kaynan flesh crashed against their shields. Evivizet effortlessly cleaved through the Aurans and forced gaps in their line that the (Sometimes) Swords were quick to take advantage of. After a few minutes of bloody battle the Kaynans pulled back as their slinging (Sometimes) Swords rushed forward, hitting the battered Aurans with another devastating charge. This process repeated a number of times, and although the Kaynans were getting bloodied for their efforts the onslaught could not be weathered by the Aurans for long (especially with Evivizet having its way with their formations). The forces at the North Gate were forced to withdraw into the Deep Swamp in short order in order to avoid utter annihilation once a total breakthrough threatened to cut them off from any chance of retreat. Reinforcements never came.

The Auran forces manning the Central Gate were met by a small skirmishing force, but had opted to hold their line in front of the gate to force the Kaynans to come to them. A large number of Kaynans were moving through the Swamp, there one moment and gone the next. It was only when Kupros fired a particularly powerful Arcane Bolt into the treeline that the ruse was discovered: the Kaynans were using magic, specifically their Misleading Mistral Mirage, to make it appear as though there were figures hiding in the trees. The illusions didn't hold up to direct scrutiny (being 2D images projected to the viewer based on their relative position to the image), their impact on the Aurans largely a result of the poor visibility provided by the swamp's foliage. Emboldened, and realizing that perhaps they weren't facing a numerically superior foe, a majority of the Aurans moved to engage the Kaynans while the rest maneuvered to prepare for an attack from the north.

With both numbers and range on their side, it wasn't a difficult task to root out the Kaynans that'd misled them with their mistral mirages, but the ruse had bought the main Kaynan force plenty of time to participate in the well-received forced march southward. While whittled away slightly by the forces that'd met them in the north, the main Kaynan force still held numerical superiority against the Aurans at the Central Gate even without the additional but rapidly dying token besieging units.

Both forces engaged in an initial skirmish once more as Evivizet whipped the air around it in an attempt to foul the other side's shots. The Aurans fared less well in the skirmish here than in the North as they were not all in position to fight the main force thanks to their besiegers, and the Kaynan army rushed into battle to take advantage of their somewhat out-of-place opponents. The melee began much the same as the battle to the north as the reduced Kaynan numbers were balanced out by a threat (albeit minor) to the Auran flank. Both Evivizet and Kupros avoided squaring off immediately - the last battle on the island had expressed the danger of an avatar-on-avatar fight to said avatars when there was a significant enemy presence - and they instead set about cleaving, blasting, or otherwise smashing through the opposing mortals.

When the first wave began to pull back some of the Kaynans found themselves getting snagged on hanging branches, roots, and vines. Kupros, staff held high into the air, was most definitely the culprit. The Auran militia pushed forward and countercharged the Kaynans making their way through their stumbling kin, skewering and crushing a number of pre-fallen foes as they went. The brutal hand-to-hand fighting continued without pause as magic, stones, and arrows peppered the rearward forces and the occasional blast opened a gap in Kaynan lines (or incinerated a few Aurans). With the exposed Auran flank dealt with and reforming on the main force a window to victory seemed increasingly difficult to squeeze through for either side. So, with some dramatic flair, Kupros swole once more to match Evivizet's size and both set to engage each other once more. But as they clashed more troops appeared out of the swamp to the east.

The Aurans of the South Gate were a little more pissed at their besieging opponents, and were a little more relaxed about their posture without the presence of Kupros there to keep them scared into professionalism. As a result a number of the Compound Bowmen had almost immediately started a contest to see how many Kaynans they could pick off. This went well enough at first, but once some solid shots seemed to pass through their targets some of the archers started to get pissed. They blamed some of their own Initiates for interfering (perhaps they'd started to bet on their favored archer) but the Initiates were quick to point out that they could barely tie their own shoes, metamagically speaking. This unprofessionalism among the Auran troops led to the discovery of the Kaynan ruse fairly quickly, and the ensuing battle was more of a brief bullying before the Kaynans were forced to retreat. This freed up a majority of the garrisoned Aurans to move north and assist their brethren.

The emergence of the Auran relief force on the flank tipped the scales in favor of the Aurans as they charged in, arrow, spell, and sphere smashing into the unshielded Kaynan flank followed closely by their spears and shields. The tired and outmaneuvered force of Kaynans began to crumble even as the Dead Officers among them tried to rally their forces. The Avatars began their brawl but their fight was short-lived as the somewhat more cautious Evivizet (compared to itself in the Deep Swamp) disengaged and sought to withdraw before its accompanying army collapsed. The task of retreating was a lot more difficult for the mortal Kaynans as their means of egress had been cut off by the Auran relief force. Even the few that broke through found the Swamp itself clawing at them as Kupros pursued the routing Kaynans with whichever emboldened Aurans felt like they could use a few more kills.

In the days following this defeat the Aurans secured the now-dismantled camps the Kaynans had set up and got to wave as the last Carracks fled for friendlier shores.

The Aurans have defeated the Kaynans in the Swamp and will soon set out to invade the Kaynan-controlled Woods.


The Mountains

DV preferred fighting in the Underlair. The Mountains were less confined, but the verticality of every single potential engagement favored the Aurans. They'd have been more an annoyance than anything were it not for the Boltbow Fireteams that had appeared recently. Unlike just about anything else on the field, these weapons were capable of causing significant injuries and death to the Blackcrag Reavers. And not even name-death, but real death. It wasn't something the Reavers were afraid of, mind you, but it was a far cry from the near-invulnerability their little trip through the Underlair had let them experience.

As with the Swamp, raiding and scouting by both sides was more in favor of the Aurans, and much for the same reasons although perhaps a little more extremely so thanks to the vertical combat space DV loathed so much. Unlike the Swamp there was no room for a decisive pitched battle and so most engagements took place between smaller forces maneuvering through valleys and passes. Smaller cliffside trails littered the landscape and were utilized by both armies in attempts to gain better positioning or outmaneuver their opponents. Unfortunately for DV, heavy armor did not mesh too well with questionable footing. Did he mention he hated fighting in the Mountains?

With both forces utilizing fairly standard infantry, strategic depth was almost absent in the region. The Reavers were still plenty fearsome, but now they were vulnerable (to a unit that was not present in every engagement in enough numbers to sway fighting in the Aurans favor). Instead, victory here relied on the capabilities of the command structure to organize, position, plan, and execute operations against their enemies. It was Blackcrag's Dead Officers that would instead prove to be the deciding factor in the area.

The Dead Officers' expertise with small unit tactics, and the improved ability to adhere to said tactics that the rest of the Kaynans received via their Dead Officer-run training, saw a vast majority of the fighting turn against the Auran defenders. The (Sometimes) Swords still saw themselves largely get themselves battered by the Auran's combined arms, but without a more significant anti-armored presence than a handful of guys launching magic balls from unreliable tubes, the Aurans just didn't have the capacity to best their foes in any decisive manner. Except that one time.

Has it been expressed how much DV hates mountain fighting? Did you know that he has been doing so with the weight of a mountainside crushing his body? One Auran ambush did prove devastating as a Boltbow Fireteam emerged on a cliff overlooking a Kaynan force maneuvering through the mountains. DV got to watch as the tube they held exploded and utterly destroyed the crew. He was about to point, openly mock, and laugh at the Aurans before the echo of the blast turned into a rumble that grew into a vibration and a quake as the cliff the Aurans were perched on fell away from the mountain and sent rock and stone tumbling downward in an avalanche. The lighter infantry and Initiates were able to scatter, and some even managed to survive. The heavier Reavers among them were not so lucky.

The advantage held by the Kaynans of having a superior armored force is still present, but threatened by the existence of the Fair Fighting Orcish Boltbow Fireteams and will likely be severely impacted should the presence of anything else that could compromise their armor materialize (like, say, a bunch of sand and heat). As it stands, the Kaynans are able to successfully continue using their momentum in their fight through the mountains.

The Kaynans have forced the Aurans out of the Mountains and are preparing to advance into the Desert.


The Magic Planes

The conflict in the Fire Plane has, ah, heated up thanks to both Auran and Kaynan efforts. The Dragons have muted appreciation for the introduction of Sympathetic Eyes into their hoards. While they can't always be in use, these statuettes house magical eyes capable of being observed through using a magical mirror. These devices have allowed the dragons to detect and deter a number of Orcish raids in swift, violent, and incendiary fashion. They aren't perfect, and if used too often the mechanism that prevents them from emitting a red cone of light fails, but they get the job done. This has given the Kaynans 1 Influence within the Fire Plane.

But it is the Orcs who have seen a massive leap in success. The Aurans have provided them with a "heist kit" consisting entirely of Ariadne's "Gold Bug" Self-Filling Coin Sack. This javelin attached to a rope held by the throwing Orc carries a large duffel bag capable of vacuuming up a significant amount of Dragon loot before coiling back to the Orc. This has proven to be extremely effective at aiding the Orcs in robbing Dragons blind, and has granted the Aurans further favor with the Orcs, raising them to 2 Influence within the Fire Plane.

The political machinations of both the Faeries and the Avians in the Air Plane has remained mostly at a deadlock. While the Faeries have received a number of Sympathetic Eyes, their less than covert nature sees them used more as defensive surveillance. Without much in the way of outside interference, the Avians have largely continued to bring the Senate to a stalemate any time reform is brought up but are getting increasingly flustered.

The situations within both the Chaos and Earth Planes have remained largely unchanged, as advancements made recently by both sides either do not (currently) apply to or outright ignore their situations.

The Kaynans have made contact with the Illithids of the Water Plane in an effort to ply their skills, so the Lizardfolk are seeking out the Aurans to be their liberators, or at least help them attain freedom for their species.

The Aurans busied themselves with the Order Plane and taken to trying to solve the issues the Seraphim have with long-term survivability. With their favored source of food threatening to become even harder to acquire, the hivemind of the Swarm has reached out to the Kaynans.

Unable to take advantage of the forests in their home plane, the Dwarves have appreciated the Kaynans allowing them to construct their stone huts in their own Woods, where they will be free to focus on their masterful mundane weaponcrafting and enchanted armormaking skills.

The Aurans have granted the Avians military access to the Desert. They promptly set up a veritable fortress of an encampment where their warriors can train at all hours (and where military advisors can observe and learn from said training).

Somewhere in the Chaos Plane, within the territory of the Undying, a Mortal Enclave has been set up by the Kaynans with the promise that mortals in the realm will be left undrained of their magic (and life) essence. The Planar Trade Network is now set to focus on the Fire Plane.



The Kaynans have produced the Sympathetic Eyes and Misleading Mistral Mirage this turn, although not without their fair share of issues for both. The Sympathetic Eyes are clay eyes enchanted to allow someone to view through them and contain a plate within the pupil that prevents the emission of a red cone of light. This plate has an upper limit it can absorb before it overloads and pops, but the eyes remain usable. They tend to be transported in clay statues to avoid the questions that would arise with the transport of a crate of eyeballs. The Misleading Mistral Mirage is a spell-turned-ritual that allows Kaynan Initiates to project an image for a short time. Said image is unfocused, but made clear through the use of a magically suspended mist of water. The image is 2D based and on the viewers perspective (much like sprites in the good ol' boomer shooters), and larger images can become "pixelated" (named after a guy who needed glasses).

The Aurans have developed Ariadne's "Gold Bug" Self-Filling Coin Purse after some luck trying to fix a much, much worse earlier iteration. There's nothing extra special about it that wasn't previously covered (javelin, cord, big ol' bag, vacuum magic, makes orcs happy). The Fair Fighting Orcish Boltbow Fireteams are a mess of a weapon that utilizes a multi-stage enchantment process to blow something up. A fingerhole in the back of the tube is used by an Initiate to trigger a magical plate that kicks a bronze ball with a two-stage enchantment into the air. The first enchantment allows the ball to ignore the primary impact while the second sets off something akin to a fire-based arcane bolt. The issue is the first enchantment can be set off by simply loading the ball too hard. In order to fix that, the Aurans thought it was a good idea to ask Orcs about formulas for the alchemical mixtures they used to produce stronger blasts. In hindsight they should have expected these suicidal psychopaths did not keep track of anything but what general ingredients were used, and as a result they created Workshop Accidents.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 11:43:11 am by Man of Paper »
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