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Author Topic: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure  (Read 3035 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« on: January 10, 2022, 08:38:45 am »

Chapter One - The Long Dark Adventure Begins!

Robin Lemedga was original from Bricebunker, the Praised Fortress, and was a member of the race of uplifted corvid.  Made by mankind from crows and ravens before the fools, who were like the Gods fell, like so many Gods, real or fiction, had done before.  Maybe if they had read their own stupid stories?   

His name, in old human tongue, was Robin of Calling.  He had been a mason in Daddlingflares for a long time, a Martian hillocks, and he had never gone far from it.  It held a few hundred folks and it was controlled by the League of Beauty.

But he had dreamed of traveling.  All intelligence creatures do.  It fuels their hopes but also curses them.  For when they can not wander they grow bitter.

Robin did not wish to grow bitter.

Like many of his kind his feathers were black and so were his eyes.  He had a somewhat scratchy voice and, of course, had interface ports in his spine.

He started on his journey with what was on his back, which included a jumpsuit, a leather longcoat, a backpack, two waterskins, some weapons in the form of a mace, an armguard, and a dagger, and he had a tri-bike.

He also had some gold coins.  Not much but he had been taught some skills to help keep him alive.

The fingerless gloves, the hat, and black-tinted sunglasses would keep the sun off his head and out of his eyes.  And, of course, give him an appearance of a fashionable traveler.

So he headed east and left the dirt mounds of Daddlingflares behind him as he rode his tri-bike on the 15th of Granite of the year 427.  To adventure, to mystery, to…well…horrible wasteland to be honest.  The Granite Dunes were mostly not dunes as much as industrial runoff and slag.  With packs of worm folk who roamed it.

He moved south southeast for he know of a city in that direction.  It was the center of trade and might prove interesting.

As he approached the city, around noon, he spotted a nanotechne golem, heading his way.  He called out to it.

He asked it not to fight and how it was feeling.  It answered not and kept marching towards him.  He decided to use his tri-bike and to ride around it and to continue southwards, where the city was.  He poured on the speed as he zoomed around the golem.

He, and his tri-bike, soon left the golem far behind them.  He felt sad that his first encounter out here was, well, not so friendly.  But happy to have escaped being hurt or his machine being damaged.

He slowed down after a tad and kept going south.  And almost ran over a Martian monk who was named Turagas Breachentered.  Who thought his parents must have been interesting. 

Robin wasn’t sure if that was an insult but as the monk seemed friendly so he decided to not take offense and kept talking to the monk,

When asked why the monk was traveling he replied he was just out for a stroll.

Not wishing to wait around for the golem Robin said farewell and kept moving south.

Then he saw a octopus monk.  And beyond it what looked like the corner of a building.  Was this a abbey or shrine?  He decided to greet it the octopus.

This monk went by the name if Brios Sandcombined.  Robin decided to ask where this place was.  But the monk only said to ask her that when she was home.

Robin noticed another Martian monk and also a posthuman asura monk who seemed to have a carapace.  Robin decided to explore the building behind them.  They seemed friendly enough to ignore.

At least none of them seemed armed.

But if this wasn’t their home…what was the building behind them?

There many monks there, he noticed, as he drove around the building.  The walls seemed smooth.  It was a vault.  He had heard of such things but never seen one.  Maybe it had a entry way?

The inside was massive and, when compared to the outside world, somewhat clean.

There seemed to be a trade depot and lots of different intelligence humanoids here.  This must be what he had been looking for.  A major city!

He greeted a aquatic human who, by what he was wearing, was a tavern.  Who also suggested the name Robin was strange.

Robin ignored his assault on his name and decided to see if, maybe, he could get a drink.

The tavern keeper seemed okay with doing business with Robin so he rode his tri-bike into the tavern and looked over the choices.

The tavern had sweetwine, sourwine, stimulants, and vodka for 2 coins a mug.  And rooms for rent at 20 coin a night.

Robin decided on a sweetwine, which sounded nice to him, and ordered one.

He downed it and felt a tad better.  Not that the journey had been hard.  But this place felt…more civilized then where he had lived for so long.  Cleaner, more organized.  This was a proper building and from what he had noticed there may have been more of it under the surface.

A proper city not made out of dirt.

Robin gave back the empty goblet and two coins, said farewell, and decide to explore more.  He had noticed ramp going down….

So he rode his tri-bike down the ramps!

On the way down there was a small platform with a pewter statue on it.  He didn’t understand what he was looking at and continued on his way down the ramps.

He passed another statue and while glancing at it did not stop.

He passed many statues and finally arrived at a room of some kind.  Facing a Martian human who seemed to be in the military but had no weapons on him.

Robin greeted him.  The Martian named Igore Smokeboots and he, well friendly, also stated that Robin was a rare name.  At least he didn’t insult Robin’s parents so Robin decided to ask for information of the…well, city or town or whatever it was.

“The Coalition of Standards rules Oakentired.  We are in the right in all matters,” was the answer.

So Robin now had a name to fit this place.  Oakentired.  He had not come very far.

He rode his tri-bike around.  This level seemed to have been dug out and smoothed out.  The hallways and chambers were confusing but he didn’t wish to go down deeper.  He might get lost.  And maybe he could find something interesting to…barrow….and a bedroom to sleep in for free.

In order to enter the rooms he had to get off his tri-bike and drag it behind him.  But maybe the rooms would have something the people back at Daddlingflares would buy.

All he could seem to find was clothing in cabinets.  Not even any beds.  Still, it might be worth something to the Martians back home.  So he looted the rooms.  He even loaded the tri-bike with some goods.

He drove back to the surface and pondered selling the items to somebody in the trade depot.  Why go all the way back home when he could sell the stuff here?

He found a slim broker by the name of Sandro Strengthoaks.  Who questioned why his parents would call him Robin.  But Robin ignored that and tried to trade with him.

The broker had no coins but he did have some gems.

He was able to get a gem for three of the leather goods but nothing for the remaining leather goods.  He figured he could sell them back home.  So he said farewell and loaded the tri-bike with the remaining goods and went back home.

He went to the castle mound to see if there was anybody there who would buy his wares.  He doubted anybody at the Drinking mounds had the coin to afford the goods.  But he could try there later.

First he talked to a Martian farmer.  He was informed that that the farmer had nothing to trade and that he should talk to a shopkeeper.  Then the farmer pointed out that there was six villages but they all utilized the market at Oakentired.

Robin sighed.  None of the dirt farmers and artists here could buy the leather goods he had picked up.  Still, he asked around.

Sadly, in the Castle Mound, everybody just wanted to tell him how useful it would be to kill those bandits or kill that great beast.  He just nodded, said good day, and decided to check the other mounds.

Robin got hungry and thirsty.  He ate some seal meat and drank ALL the water in his two skins.  And he was still thirsty.  Funny, none of the drinking mounds had drinks in them.  Weird.

He went out to the west but the land was dry.  He slept, woke up, ate, and went back to the mounds to try to find drink.

So he started back to Oakentired.  And on the way there found a pile of body parts, blood, and clothing.  Somebody had murdered a monk.  So he grabbed some of the clothing.  Hey, he would have to pay for the drinks same how!

He filled his skins with beer at the tavern and then bought a drink to make up for it.  He paid with coins but also gave the keeper a gift of bloodly clothing.  He seemed pleased.

He could not find a broker at the depot and returned to the tavern.

He did some poetry which nobody seemed to notice.  Then he told of the founding of Dabblingflares.  And the tavern keeper of the Trussed Supper seemed to think it was interesting.  He chatted with the keeper and it turned out he had been working in the tavern for 19 years.

Robin was still thirsty but he also felt full.  He decided to tell another tale.  This time of the very city he was in.

After another performance he fell asleep in the tavern.  The stone floor was cleaner than the dirty floors of the mounds.  And it was better then sleeping outside near to a fire.  And he hoped his tummy was good enough in the morning to allow him to drink.

He woke at dawn, ate the last of his meat and took two long pulls from one of the skins.  Yet he was hungry and thirsty.  But he was also full.  Would he die?  Was this the end?

Join us next time for Robin of Calling!


Greetings folks!  Yes, I am visiting The Long Dark Mod again.  See, I played the Primal Mod, both Fortress and Adventure Mode.  But I only played Fortress Mode with the Long Dark Mod.  So I decided, to be fair, to try Adventure Mode with it.  But I seem to be starving even while eating and drinking like crazy.  Maybe because Robin is a huge crow?!?!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2022, 05:38:01 pm »

Chapter Two - The Long Dark Adventure Continues!  Maybe…

Robin left the vault but he was still tried.  He rode up north, in the Granite Dunes, made a fire, and slept for six hours.

When he woke up he drank some beer and decided to go hunting.  The smell of grub men was on the wind.

He found a few.  The slowest was a grub woman.  He walked faster than she could….crawl?  And attacked her.

She was easy to take down after he smashed her limbs.

He butchered her and ate some of her meat.  Human meat tasted good.  He had eleven pieces left.

He also had some beer.  He was full but still hungry and thirsty.

He sighed.  What was going on?  Did he have tape worms?  He decided to wander eastwards.  Maybe he would find something interesting?

He ate some more meat, licked some of the blood off, and drank some beer.

And he was no longer hungry or thirsty.  Maybe he needed to eat at certain times of the day to allow his body to disgust the food?  Or maybe he needed blood?

He decided to follow a nearby road.  Well, what could be called a road. 

He stopped to build a fire among some crumbling ruins to go to sleep till dawn.  Ruins were as common as dirt.  There had been ruins and statues on the dirt mounds.  They were from another time that many thought of as more legend than history.

When he woke up, he drank the last of the beer, licked off some more grub blood, ate some meat till he was full.  Though he was still thirsty he mounted the tri-bike and followed the road.  Or was it just a trail of ruins?

Soon he came upon a region with a hamlet.  It had a river.  Clean water?

And Venusian monks.  He greeted them.

The Monk he greeted was Emeno Quadomenrio.  He found his name interesting.

Robin, now use to this, asked about the region.  But the monks were traveling and knew nothing about the region.  Robin said farewell and headed towards the river.

He filled his skins and drank from the river.  It was REAL water and he was no longer thirsty.

He crossed a bridge and found furrowed mud.  Was somebody trying to grow food here?

At a crossroad, or maybe it was just paths made for the farmers, he found a statue.

The statue, if he understood the writing on it, suggested that the hamlet might be named the Denomination of Contests.  Unless that was the name of the government?  Or a religion?  There were a lot of monks running about.

Heading east he found a building.  From the noise coming from within it was very busy.  A bar?  Tavern?  Shop?

It had no door….

So he moved on and found another river.

He sat on his tri-bike and pondered what to do next.  The scent on the air was just of the monks.

He went north and found ruined and abandoned houses.  So the hamlet, whatever its name might have been, was no more.

He dismounted and explored some of the houses.  Nothing.  Nothing to eat.  Nothing to sell.  Not even anything shiny.

He found more monks among the ruins.  They were not cheerful folks.

He decided to explore more of the hamlet to the east.  There just more ruins and empty houses.  Nothing to show who had lived here and when.  Only the statue outside the hamlet had given him any idea about the hamlet.

He picked one of the standing houses and had a meal inside.  The fact that many were still standing suggested whatever had happened to the hamlet had not been long ago. 

And what was that building without doors near the river that he had found?

He headed south towards the river, crossed a bridge, and found some fields of Hydroponic algae.  Maybe the monks were growing something after all?

He noticed a major road…pathway…trail…heading eastwards and decided to follow that.

He found ANOTHER hamlet to the northeast of the first.  Was it abandoned also?  Was it overrun with an inflection of monks?

See next time!  At least Robin has fresh water to drink instead of all that beer!  And grub flesh to eat!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2022, 03:46:39 am »

The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2022, 12:42:00 pm »

Chapter Three - Does Robin Have A Future In The Wilds?

AS Robin approached the second hamlet he pondered if it was worth exploring.  If it was like the first one it would be nothing but empty houses and ruins.  Nothing of value would be found.

Still, maybe he would find a interesting statue or one of those weird buildings with no doors?

Or more monks?

As he crossed a bridge over a river, the same river he had been crossing back and forth on, he noticed some monks but ignored.  They were harmless and pretty useless.

He did stop on the west side of the bridge to drink some fresh water from the river before getting back on the tri-bike and heading towards the nearest buildings.

Soon he was driving between the mud fields and smelling the air for any interesting scents.

He picked nothing up.  Not even the monks.

Near one of the buildings was a statue.

It was, if the writing was to be believed, a statue of Masso.  A deity of treachery, lies, and trickery.  Maybe not a good sign when exploring a deserted hamlet?

The building was…interesting.  There door that entered a room that was half the size of the building.  There was no other door, either inside or outside, that allowed entry to the other part of the building. 

Maybe if he climbed it?

He released his hold on the tri-bike and tried to climb up.  But there was no hidden doorway or window on the inner wall.  He climbed back down.

“Maybe I should go outside and climb to the roof?” he muttered to himself.

He left the tri-bike inside and tried it.

His first try he fell.  His second try he finally got onto the roof.  Nothing.

He lead the tri-bike out of the building and headed to the next cluster of buildings.

Abandoned houses.  And another statue.  Interesting.  Had this hamlet been populated by his kind living along side others?

And there were signs, evidence, that one of the nearby buildings had been a shrine of some kind.

He had also noticed, to the southwest, at the edge of the fields, some buildings.

Robin went looking for the shrine and found another statue.

He had no clue of what the statue was about and moved on, continuing north for now.  Then he looped around and headed south.  There was a shrine somewhere.  He just had to find it.

He started to wonder if one of the statues HAD been the shrine?   He gave up and headed towards the smaller cluster of ruins.

And he found another building without a doorway.  Puzzling.  Was THIS a shrine that only the monks knew how to enter?

The sun was low in the sky.  He decided to move on and find a place away from the hamlet to sleep.  He didn’t trust it with the mystery buildings, the confusing statues, and the ruins.

He traveled north and, yes, another hamlet.

He entered, found signs there was a shrine nearby, and ate some meat.  Maybe one of the houses WOULD be a better place to sleep?  The monks were harmless and there was no sign of danger here.

At least whatever had happened had done so a long time ago.

The buildings seemed bigger.  And he found two statues close together.  Maybe it had been richer than the other hamlets?

He looked at the statues and was amazed.  One was made out of shell casings!

He explored the buildings.  Some had two doors.  The larger buildings had….no visible doors.

Another puzzle.

He left and to the northeast found another hamlet.

It kind of made sense.  If you want to build a settlement or city why not do so next to the river?  Fresh water, fishing, and maybe transportation.  But WHERE were the people who had lived here?

But he found himself surprised.  There was a well, a house that showed signs of life, and a leather clothing shop.  Was this hamlet populated?

There was a shop owner in the shop.  Robin greeted her before before giving her a closer look.  A female corvid.  And a cute one.

Robin chatted with Erna and found out, for example the Council of Ending ruled the Flanksinge.  He assumed that was the name of the hamlet.  And that the settlement traded with no fewer than seven other settlements.  The largest of these being called Shockrulers. 

There must have been a large trading system in place in this area.  Which suggested much wealth.

He tried to trade with her.  After all he had some leather goods,  He got a a hand full of coins for the goods.

After telling a joke and some more pleasant chatting Robin left the shop and pondered if this would be a good place to live.  If only he could find a Mayor or somebody.

Soon he found the seat of authority.  A castle maybe?

He dismounted and entered it.  He would ask for a position or a job.  Anything.

The castle was crowded and loud.  He started talking to a representative named Josos.

The exchange was somewhat boring.  There were lots of troubles in the region.  Armies, bandits, beasts, criminals, lost treasures….wait, what?!?!

Seemed Josos had a missing treasure.  Last he had heard it was in the Dates of Esteem in Flanksinge.  So it was inside the settlement someplace…

He left the castle and pondered what to do.  If he found the treasure would be than ask for a job?  Or maybe find a tavern and tell tales until they gave him free booze?

So he went outside the hamlet, started a fire, drank some water, and went to sleep.

So what is his plans?  Find out next time!  Will he go find a treasure?  Or move on?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 12:43:59 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2022, 03:48:52 am »

Those statues are strange, also is that a bug that makes doorless buildings or is it the mod?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2022, 09:29:21 am »

Those statues are strange, also is that a bug that makes doorless buildings or is it the mod?

I am not sure about the doorless buildings.  If it was unmodded DF I would say they were outside barns or farms with ramps accessing them from below.  But sometimes I hear people inside.  So I am not sure if they are a bug or part of the mod.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2022, 03:01:41 am »

I just remembered that I have seen a doorless building in a unmodded game, it was the town hall thing you find in hamlets, but I've only seen the one so still not sure why your game has so many of them maybe it's a base game mod exacerbated by the mod?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2022, 06:04:00 am »

I just remembered that I have seen a doorless building in a unmodded game, it was the town hall thing you find in hamlets, but I've only seen the one so still not sure why your game has so many of them maybe it's a base game mod exacerbated by the mod?

Truly, it is a mystery.  I enjoy such things IC and OOC. :D
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2022, 11:02:06 am »

Chapter Four - The Search For A Missing Treasure

The next morning, on the 19th of Granite, Robin woke up and had a small meal.  He then grabbed his tri-bike and decided to look for a tavern.  Surely a tavern would be the best place to find where the treasure was or where the Dates of Esteem was?

Yet he found himself in a bit of a jam.  Flanksinge didn’t seem to have a tavern!

On the other hand he did find a shrine or temple.  Called the East Sanctuary by the townspeople.

Its first floor housed three statues but Robin ignored them for now.  He was more interested in the ramps.

The second floor had four statues.  And glass windows,

And the third flood had seven.  Was the temple a math problem?

He went back to the first floor and glanced at one of the statues.  Nothing of interest.  At least nothing about a missing treasury.

But it turned out he had been wrong.  For he FOUND a tavern in the market quarter.  Among the meat market and fruit market and imported goods market he found something called the The Lemon of Glaszes!

Either it was a tavern or a pottery for people who have fruit fetishes!

But it didn’t seem to have a keeper on duty at the moment.  Entertainers, yes, bar keep, no.

Maybe talking to the Entertainers would help?   So Robin started chatting with a dancer.

Seems the larval Asura dancer also knew about the missing treasure.

Robin asked about it but the dancer was talking about ANOTHER treasure.  How annoying.

Robin sighed and talked to the Venusian prophet and Civclader musician.  They both knew about missing treasures but they were all the wrong treasure.

Robin decided to grab something to drink and fill his skins while the dancer started to sing a story.  Badly.  Or maybe the dancer was trying to tell a story?

He drained one of the skins, it had only about a mouth-full of water left, and filled it with bitterwine.

As he walked towards the door he wondered if he could FIND where he was looking for just by walking about some more?

After spending a part of the morning looking for the Dates of Esteem he started to wonder if maybe it wasn’t a place.  Maybe the Dates of Esteem was a Guild?  Or Cult?  Or gang?

So he went back to the markets and tried talking to some of the octopod merchants.  Maybe they would know something?

They all knew all about missing treasures.  But not the one he was looking for.

Robin left the hamlet and checked out the fields and hills around it.  Looking for a lone building.  Maybe a hideout!

And because of his exploring he realized he was not that far away from the ocean.

He rode north and dismounted on the black beach and stared at the ocean.  For the first time in his life.

He ate some grub meat and watched the waves hit the shore.

Robin noticed he had only two pieces of meat left and mounted his tri-bike.  Time to hunt.

After driving around the wilds Robin remembered there was a few stray animals roaming among the businesses and the homes of the hamlet.  So he returned to hunt the streets and alleys for animals to eat.

He found a fat moss Dragon and attacked it.

It took time and the Dragon attacked his tri-bike a couple of times BUT in the end the thing died and Robin butchered it for 15 pieces of meat.

The Dragon had also chewed on his right foot during the fight.  But he figured sleep would take care of it.

At this point he was bored looking for a missing treasure.  He felt wanderlust inside him.  Maybe he should follow the beach north till sunset and then make camp.

So he did move north, ate a meal, built a fire, and went to sleep.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2022, 05:40:06 pm »

Chapter Five - The Fort

Robin of Calling woke up the next morning, killed a horseshoe crab, and ate the meat from within.

He moved away from the beach.  Once he reached the open dunes he checked a small map he had and realized there was something to the northeast.

As he got close to it he realized he was looking at what looked like a fort.

He was finally at the front of the fort.  He heard nothing.  He sniffled the air.  He had explored the outside for a bit and noticed arrow slots.

He dismounted his tri-bike and entered the fort.  There didn’t seem to be anybody there nor did he heard anything once inside the walls.

The buildings were empty.  While he found some statues and while they were interesting they told him little about why the fort was empty.

Interestingly enough the statues surrounded a central room.  Or maybe it had been a chamber within a larger building that had collapsed?

It held a tin pedestal with nothing on it.  Besides it is a nickel display case.  Which held nothing.

He found a tower built into the southern wall with a ramp that headed up.  He moved up a few floors but found nothing but empty chambers and a dead end.  He came back down and sighed.  He had plenty of food but not water and about a day’s worth of wine.

Maybe there was a well of fresh water in the fort?

Then there was noise.  He sniffed the air.  Still no odor.

“Well, may as well go in and see,” Robin murmured to himself.

The building was full of larval asura and Martians.

He entered and greeted one of the Martians.  Named Evestia Camanooldosco.  Who asked if Robin’s name meant anything.  He learned that the fort was named Embracejewels and the government was named the Teal Persuasion and its commander was named Caesh Trussedluster.

Robin of Calling ended the little chat and left.  A military fort.  Interesting but he needed water.

He left the fort, ate some meat, and headed northwest for much of the day.  He also had some of his wine as the sun beat down on him.

He approached what looked like a hillock and mounds.  It reminded him of home.

Would the drinking mound have booze?  Water?  Juice?  We’ll see next time!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2022, 12:57:23 pm »

Chapter Six - Ogre Men!

A Robin of Calling approached the first mound he soon found himself surrounded by martian monks.

He greeted one of them and asked the usual questions.  He talked to Justan Peacelauds.  He explained the local mounds were called Dawnmazes and was ruled by the Councils of Cresting.  Which suggested the monk lived in the area.  Outside of that information knew very little else.

He ate the last of grub woman meat and moved into the settlement.

He entered the nearest mound.  It had martians but no drinks.  He decided to check the other mounds for anything useful.  Sniffling the air only brought him the scent of martians.

He did chat with the Mayor, name of Yambruz Combinedweakness.  Who seemed wounded or hurt for some reason.  And once again suggested his parents had been ‘interesting’.

Outside of that there was nothing of interest.  Soon, in fact, Robin had walked through the whole Hillocks within about a half-an-hour.  No drinks, or anything of value, to be found.

Robin drove his tri-bike to the north and his eyes sighted farmlands.  Another settlement to the northeast.  He stopped to take a drink and then moved towards the settlement.  If he didn’t find a source of water or booze soon he might have turn back.

He didn’t even brother to talk to the martians or explore the mounds.  He knew it was useless.  The creatures seems to prefer a certain leaf.  It was in their Drinking Mounds instead of beer or wine or anything else.  He realized he was better off returning to the river and following it to the sea.  Maybe the delta had something interesting?

He stopped to sleep at night fall, ate some Dragon, drank the last of the wine, and moved on the when morning came.

He moved along the sea coast, found the last hamlet he had left only a few days ago, and went to the river to drink, fill his skins, and eat some more Dragon.

Now full he decided to follow the river to the sea.  Or where ever it was going.  At least he could find some crabs or other creatures on the coast to help fill his belly.

It, indeed, went to the sea.  In a round about way.  When he reached the sea he found and killed a horseshoe crab.  He butchered it for the one piece of meat it gave him and pondered what to do next. 

He crossed the river where some metal acted like a bridge and moved south.  He had decided to follow the coast.  He had water and meat.  He could last till he spotted something interesting.

He found, killed, and butchered another horseshoe crab.

Then he found and killed and butchered another.  The beach would give him much meat and the river would give him fresh water.

He decided to follow along the river as long as it went south.  He found and murdered two more horseshoe crabs.

Soon he left the river behind and followed the coast.  But at nightfall he, and his bike, ran into a Ogre men!  Two of them.

Robin, having been using the dagger to kill and butcher, switched to his mace.

It did not go well.  Sometimes they attacked the bike which gave Robin a chance to attack.  But his left hip was damaged and he found himself unable to stand. 

He lost his mace and switched to his dagger.  At close range the Ogre men were easier to stab and one fled.  Then the other.  They fled the wounded Robin, who was crawling and covered in blood, with a dagger in one claw.  They fled because he had wounded them in the upper body and lower legs with his dagger.

He started a fire and tried to go to sleep till dawn.

He awoke to being attacked by biomorphs who murdered him as they attacked Corp.

And so ends the adventures…er…journey…eh….walk about of Robin of Calling.

To be honest I preferred my last Adventure where at least I was taken out by dinosaurs.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2022, 04:57:11 am »

Well his journey may have been short but it was an interesting one.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2022, 12:36:52 pm »

Well his journey may have been short but it was an interesting one.

True.  After the Autumn King Fortress is over, whenever that happens, I will try adventure mode in that also.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2022, 02:19:41 am »

Hopefully that'll go better than the fort is right now.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Robin of Calling - A Long Dark Adventure
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2022, 10:00:28 am »

Could you link to the mod? It looks really cool!
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