I have decided to make a very tall tower right here.
image where
Also, it's time for magma.
image magmatime
Humans... came to siege? I'll just send the army after them.
image kill humans
It worked, we won.
image wewon
Something is missing. I don't care.
image missing
They say I need to connect undeground... fine!
I should also make a secret doomsday machine...
image lever1
image lever2
Oh my, is that a forest fire? How random and unrelated to secret doomsday machines.
image fire
Some beast showed up. I hope that doesn't become a problem.
image beast1
My tower is complete. It is very tall. I am going to make it go all the way down now... you found a what? And ADAMANTINE?
image cav1
image adamantine
Dead bodies keep turning up in my undertower.
image deads
Another beast, another hopefully not my problem.
image beast2
It appears my undertower will go just past a magma channel. I could choose to make this someone else's problem, but that seems drastic.
image channelmagma
I will wall it off wherever the magma would be too much of a problem. I have no qualms about spilling some magma into the caves. That should help solve a problem.
image underwall shits
The doomsday machine was moderately effective
image ashy
I think we have a problem.
image drink cancel
Oh, it set itself on fire? I guess it'll solve itself... on second thought I'll send the military.
What? Two of them just died in a fire...? Umm... finish sealing it in and then drop magma on it!
The magma flows, and we have a report that the forgotten beast is beating a crundle to death with a shoe.
image shoe?
We need a way to deactivate this. I'm going to mangle part of the underground because it's not a tower and if it's not a tower that means property rights don't apply. I'm doing this to prevent magma from flowing everywhere, dammit!
image mangle
I can hear a couple of dwarves trapped in some cave crying out for help because they want food. Too bad.
We've redirected the flow of magma into a drain.
The channel is walled off! I'll add a bridge later so this can be toggled, but this is good progress.
TODO: upload and add images