For my part, I've been a silly poster in the past, I'm sure. Back when I was young I was temporarily banned from a BBS (this being pre-Web) on two occasions. One for (ab/over-)using a feature within the BBS itself, another for apparently being the single highest (by a long way) poller of the server[1]. A couple of years later, I actually
deputised for the Sysop for a couple of weeks during which they needed some time off, so obviously I'd impressed them with my reformed[1a] (but keen) dedication to the system.
While I'm still a child at heart, I (mostly, and only by my reckoning) got all the modern sins[2] out of the way in the '90s and early millenium, before too many of
hoi poloi (from The Eternal September onwards) started to (re)discover how to stand out.
Yes, I can be opinionated, I can think of a recent statement even on here that I currently wish I hadn't made (far from bannable, but bad-humoured[3]) and there's a lot of self-censoring I do that means a post (or PM) perhaps even gets written but never submitted. And I can understand those that step slightly over that line of mine with not quite the same level of awareness (or caring!).
And let a thousand flowers bloom. But sometimes weeding is needed, even if the invasive plant in question has its interesting petals.
If I were (suddenly) in Toady's position, I don't think I'd reverse past bans, much as I wouldn't carry forward my unease with the odd other user and hurry towards newly banning. I also am sure I wouldn't have the time to catch up with various ongoing dramas before everyone started testing (playfully or otherwise) where my own line is for entirely new banhammering.
On a Wiki of my acquaintence I'm (without any powers of my own, besides the usual page de-editing) absolutely astounded by the number of new accounts being created[4], and occasionally I undo a vandalism (or far more subtle advertising) arising from one of these (as I'm sure other legitimate users do). I believe the challenges there are much greater in suppressing these things than on Bay12Forums, but possibly 'free' Wikis have helped in being the lower-hanging-fruit to attract those that I now haven't had cause to report on, here, for longer than I can reliably remember. I think the tolerance for the merely misguided
and the prevention of the truly intentional shitposting/adspamming users is balanced pretty well. Edge-cases will of course exist, and I think benefit-of-the-doubt is the rule of thumb (with cautionary notes made publically or privately) without weakening the deterrant enough to make it drift towards hyper-libertarian hellscape.
I may be biased. i haven't found myself the wrong side of a misunderstanding, so I don't realise what exile from Bay12 would mean to me. I've dropped/idled out of many other places in the past...Lost passwords, extended periods of apathy, just forgetfulness and being occupied elsewhere for too long. (Including the place I learnt of DF from and the place I learnt of
that forum from, both nice places). One rather nice Usenet group that I still think of myself as 'belonging to' I lost access to after an ISP reorganisation a decade ago that I never got around to reaccessing, and it sometimes tears at my heartstrings that I dropped out of that community. Being forced out on the whim of someone else (albeit the 'boss' of that area) might hit hard.
But, unlike Marx, would I really want to be a member of a club who
didn't want someone like me as a member? He who pays (or, indeed, is) the piper calls the tune. I do regret dropping out of online communities; But I can surely only regret what I hypothetically
did, if I get pushed out instead.
You know, I originally had a short point to make, and I maybe submerged it in too many other words. (Despite writing the end of Footnote-2 really early on, which should have reminded me not to!) But having followed this discussion I think I've encompassed everything I might wish to say, so consider it said.
[1] Which meant the root of the server had a word with the sysop of the BBS who then had to seriously get my attention so that he could have a word with me. It was a (dubious) honour, but arising from a
single little typo in a shell-script.
[1a] The power... THE POWER!!! Mwuhahaha... (Yes, I may have slightly overreached my remit with some newly-discovered admin commands, but only a
liiiitle bit, and nothing actually bad/intrusive/corrupting...
[2] Over-sharing, over-meming, cyberstalking, radically misrepresenting myself, etc. Never quite got the hang of being succinct and minimalst in my writing, though.
[3] What's worse is that I immediately had a more Wildean equivalent of the put-down that I'm sure even the target would have enjoyed, with a little thought.
[4] *counts...* 71 over the last 16 hours. Which is a typical rate. Many versions of a couple of different <SameFirstFewCharacters><PaddedWithRandomCharacters> names, a similar number of <Firstname><Lastname><Digits> that look just as suspicious (and/or 'borrowed' from external userlists for verisimilitude), a handful of possibly quite genuine usernames. When you check, almost none of the created names
ever even make an edit