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Author Topic: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks  (Read 6738 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« on: November 28, 2021, 11:29:42 pm »

At this point I feel like to make a thread to record interesting things about my current fort, Wanedinks, a fortress on an frozen evil swamp by the equally frozen but not evil at all ocean, always rained on by human blood, sometimes even frozen blood. This fort seems to have started in year 121, ten years ago. Now it is year 131.

Currently, there are about 90 dwarves, mountains of booze and roasts, 5 magma smelters pumping out iron and copper and silver, 1 well room with pus-blood covered floor, 2 necromancers, 3 caverns of zombies, and 4275 deaths.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2021, 11:42:36 pm »

The latest project is a cave of exiles. It's design to accommodate moody dwarfs that like to throw tantrum.

It has three parts. The first part, a huge dirt room at level 97, where the prisoners can pick plump helmet off the ground. This room is isolated from the main fort by an airlock.
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And the second part, a cistern at level -17, where the prisoners can drink fresh lake water taken from the cavern. The third part is a control room for the three drawbridges (two for airlock, one for cistern intake).
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The dirt room is connected by a straight fly of 115 levels of stairs to the cistern.
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The control room. Incidentally, to the south is the one necromancer that went stark raving mad.
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The statue in the room. The weeping cave fish symbolizes dwarven melancholy. 8)
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There's nothing else there. No bed, no nothing.

As I'm writing this post, Sodel Geshudod the weaver, is throwing a tantrum! He'll be our first user of this new construction!

edit: I think Sodel manages to get stuck trying to drink and failing because he has lost the ability to grasp, yet still holding a mug. He's been standing there trying to drink for days.

edit: Sodel got unstuck and he lives in the Cave of Exiles now, 23rd Felsite, 131, Late Spring.

edit: A few days later Sodel died to infection.

edit: 4th Obsidian, 131, Late Winter.
Deler Asteshkidet, Lye Maker moves into the Cave of Exiles. He's drinking by the cistern in this picture.
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« Last Edit: November 30, 2021, 04:53:27 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2021, 12:55:30 am »

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My little pasture. I have to use this ascii art because Imgur and various other img hosters are blocked in Zhōngguó.

In the middle of the room there's a chest where an axedwarf and a swordsdwarf are constantly training, always ready to kill any zombie if any livestock dies and reanimates.

At the bottom left there's a nest box, where a male peacock somehow happens to stand on.


  • Bay Watcher
  • menaces with spikes of pine
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2021, 05:05:58 am »

I have to use this ascii art because Imgur and various other img hosters are blocked in Zhōngguó.

Although I like the ascii, it's hard to see all of the image.

imgpile works well in China. I think they just started adding watermarks, though. No big deal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2021, 09:53:27 am »

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Does the picture show?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Vixen.
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2021, 03:52:25 pm »

Does the picture show?
The Ascii art is totally appropriate as well, but yes, the image shows.
Mules gotta spleen. Dwarfs gotta eat.
Thisfox likes aquifers, olivine, Forgotten Beasts for their imagination, & dorfs for their stupidity. She prefers to consume gin & tonic. She absolutely detests Facebook.
"Urist McMason died out of pure spite to make you wonder why he was suddenly dead"
Oh god... Plump Helmet Man Mimes!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2021, 09:52:04 pm »

I can't see the picture myself. That's really weird! I add some pictures of the Cave of Exiles to the previous post.

There are also several other places worth mentioning here:

The diagonal entry to butchery. This keeps miasma in and yet allows the soldiers to rush to the zombies as soon as they rise.
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The magma workshops. It's an enclosed part of the 1st cavern. North to the wall there are zombies walking. The topmost magma is the result of a botched attempt. I accidentally created a diagonal leak from the magma pipe. Note all the ash on the ground. The magma caused a fire that burnt through 1/4 of the cavern. I built the wall and claimed a large part of the cavern after the fire went out. I like this particular area as it seems to give a vibe of the Boatmurdered 2D era.
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Abundant cave spider silk to collect.
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Well room. Diligent dwarfs have already tidied up all but one tile.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2021, 12:49:30 am »

The books we have right now:
Give Me The Pits, a tin-bound codex
Classic Surveying, a giant mole parchment scroll
Before The Pulley, a pig tail scroll
Do We Understand Locks?, a pig tail scroll
The Pursuit of Dustsunken, an olivine-bound codex
A Treatise on Sarvesh Crewmines, a marble-bound codex
And their copies.

We also have The World Without Blowqueens and New Blowqueens, which we only have copies.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Vixen.
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2021, 03:57:06 pm »

That's interesting about the butchery, I do something similar with my butchery and refuse storage rooms, although it's a single diagonal tile to get into them, not a row of them like that is. I usually have two diagonal entrances, as dorfs find it harder to path past each other through diagonal hallways. I also door them as much as possible, as I like doors very much. The other place I keep putting in diagonal entranceways is into the kitchens, in case we have a repeat of the Food Storage Disaster. It's easier to isolate the miasma as much as possible.

I agree, your setup is somewhat Boatmurdered. Lovely.

If you want to stop having pus and blood all over the floor in the wellroom, I recommend some floor grates so that it can fall through. As long as your well is several z-deep, the well bucket will still collect clean water. My wellroom usually has three adjoining chambers, one with buckets, one with a binless soap-storage area, and the third is the hospital, complete with isolation rooms, beds, traction benches and doctor accomodation, and so on. That said, sometimes the hospital has its own private well and cistern. Either way, wellrooms make great dwarfy panic rooms with the addition of some rations, furniture and good strong doors etc.
Mules gotta spleen. Dwarfs gotta eat.
Thisfox likes aquifers, olivine, Forgotten Beasts for their imagination, & dorfs for their stupidity. She prefers to consume gin & tonic. She absolutely detests Facebook.
"Urist McMason died out of pure spite to make you wonder why he was suddenly dead"
Oh god... Plump Helmet Man Mimes!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2021, 10:38:20 pm »

I used to only have 1 diagonal tile as the miasma stopper but the corpses kept running out and got killed outside and lay there rotting. Then I came up with this idea. Now the soldiers always strike down the zombie before it reaches the end of the diagonal corridor. It keeps miasma in.

Building a panic room around the well is a very good idea. I'll do this before I breach the Adamantine.

Now it's year 131, late spring. Dead/Missing 5083.

I got around to reduce the zombie horde in the caverns. First, I opened the entrance to the 1st cavern. Zombies began to march in roughly a single file towards my fort! Dozens of them used to gather around the map edge, probably attracted to there by wild animals entering the map. As soon as I open the gate, they started staggering shambling rolling to the entrance and climbing up the 80+ levels of stairs like an undead river flowing upward to my dwarfs! I forgot to take screenshots but that really looked like the army of Saruman marching from his tower. I only captured the aftermaths:
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This corridor probably contains every possible species from the cavern. Jabberes, cave crocodiles, blind cave ogres, and even unusual ones like maneras and a gremlin. I wonder if a severed gremlin arm still can pull levers and open cages when it crawls around...

While the dead were marching, a flame blob name Cuthabe arrived in the 1st cavern and also wanted to enter my fort.
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Wherever it walks it leaves fire, smoke, ashes, and sometimes pools of grease of the molten victims. This Cuthabe set a fire that took out many zombies and I managed to shut the gate just before it could get in.

The second thing I did, was flood the whole 2nd cavern with magma. This also took out the horde there, as well as many mangled corpses that my dwarfs wouldn't need to haul anymore. Here's a picture of the mushroom trees standing in magma:
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These two actions reduce the zombies from ~400 to ~200.

As I'm writing this post, a goblin siege comes. I somehow made the last siege path into the cavern and that took care of the siege instantly. This time, the goblins are meandering on the surface and refuse to enter my zombie trap.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:00:30 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2021, 12:21:46 am »

I maneuvred the goblins, zombies, and Cuthabe into a narrow corridor. A three-way battle forms: The goblins fight the zombies, and Cuthabe sets both parties on fire. Since Cuthabe the flame blob is non-organic, thus not living, the zombies ignore it, and effectively tank for its flimsy flame body! This also brings my FPS to 5, and occasionally even to 0.
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Cuthabe died in the fight and the goblins finally all perished in fighting with their dead comrades. After the magma flood, fire, and goblin army, the cavern zombie horde is destroyed. Now there are only about 70 of them, reduced from more than 400.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:01:40 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2021, 08:03:26 pm »

Mid Autumn, year 132, Ghost of Thob Siguncatten batters Momuz Okiloltar, literally spilling his guts. The grey things Momuz is dragging behind are his guts...
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« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:02:20 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2021, 10:33:39 pm »

Muthrosut, "The Dead Bones", a quartzite slab.
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« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:03:39 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2021, 09:00:12 pm »

Spring, year 133, the humans and the elves decided to siege us at the same time.
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This ended poorly for the elves.
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I dug out a cistern under the aquifer. I'll the see how slow the new aquifer is... This cistern is 3 levels deep and becomes smaller to the bottom like a funnel.
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While the humans are sieging my fort, a werekoala arrived. It successfully scored a few bites that got through skin. I look forward to the werekoala outbreak in the human camp!
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Plan Werekoala failed. A human turned into a werekoala, but he stands among other human soldiers, peacefully.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:08:23 am by coalboat »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dwarven Fortress of Wanedinks
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2021, 10:32:54 pm »

Year 134, population 85, death 5770.

Sarek the forgotten beast was fighting human siegers. Its web fell many a human warriors before it succumbed to the stabbing of a spearman. This happened in about year 133.
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« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 12:09:21 am by coalboat »
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