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Author Topic: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod  (Read 2708 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« on: October 30, 2021, 03:54:00 pm »

“Earth.  Once the shining Gem of the Crown.  The Center of all Knowledge and Trade.  The Capital of Glory and Power.  Mankind ruled for thousands of years and acted like Gods.  They covered their mother planet in factories and cities.  They stripped it of anything of value to supply their colonies on the other worlds of the Solar System.

“They created nano technology and radical transhumans and machines that made them wealthy.  But some things never changed.  Whose who benefited the most, the powerful and rich, gained while those who suffered, poor and powerless, fell farther into the pit of darkness.

“Wars, plagues, and stupidity destroyed the fragile network between the worlds.  The trading lanes shut down.   Law and Order collapsed.  And those trapped on Earth found themselves surrounded by a wasteland of ruined cities.  In which roamed mutates, half-mad cyber-creatures, and unending warfare.

“And it was all the humans’ fault!”

“Oh Gus, be silent,” said Elick Jecratemis, the Expedition Leader to the Miner.  “We’re almost there.”

Gus Flackforge just gave off a click.  He and Elick were good friends so he took no insult from her command.

The rest of the uplifted dolphins in the wagon kept their thoughts to themselves.

Haschum Linateary, another Miner and likely Gus’s future wife, just checked her equipment for the billionth time during the journey.

The Metalsmith, Hym Kramenkranke, and the Furnace Operator, Utervel Moncorgointh, played Rock, Paper, Chainsaw in one corner of the wagon as it rumbled over the ground.

The last members of the party, Droe Mammeastful and Gulion Ruffduce, were unskilled Peasants.  That wasn’t their official titles.  In the official records of the expedition they were called ‘Class G Recruits’ but it meant the same thing.  There WERE lower Classes but you REALLY work at it to get lower than a G.

In front of the wagon, pulling it, was the Standard Walker.  Kind of a cheap warbot it would prove useful at the start of the settlement.  In other words it would likely keep everybody alive.

The Contained Confederations had decided to send out some pioneers to set up a colony.  These seven, now with the name of ‘The Brilliance of Oceans’ were those chosen to be the pioneers. 

Some were skilled.  But to be honest, barely.  And they had been given some food and seeds and equipment.  But not a lot.

After a careful search of the historical records and old satellite imagery the pioneers had picked the Exalted Tower, of the Continents of Heat, as where they wished to settle. 

Not that they wished to settle there.  It was either that or being shot.  Those who disobeyed the President were traitors and were shot.  If lucky.

Basically the place selected was a clear spot with a mountain of waste and junk on one side and a river on the other.  At least there was water.  Drinkable….maybe?

Of course they had decided on the name for the settlement before evening seeing it.

As the wagon came to a halt and the Standard Walker gave off a ping to announce that they had arrived the uplifted Delphinids walked out of their wagon on their four metal legs and looked around.

“Well, it could be worse,” chirped Gus.

Elick ignored him, turned on a handheld recorder and said, “It is 15th of Granite, the year 505, and by the power given to me by the Contained Confederations, I, Elick Jecratemis, claim the Exalted Tower in the name of The Brilliance of Oceans and name the settlement the Cloister of Aquamarines!”

She pushed the save button and attached to one of her arms.  “So, let’s get to work!”

“Shouldn’t we plant a flag?” asked Gus.

“Shut up,” replied Elick.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 11:00:47 am by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2021, 04:05:47 pm »

Well, I, for one, welcome our new dolphin overlords!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2021, 09:15:21 pm »

The landscape was truly a nightmare.  The ground had few mushrooms and there were towers all over.  Maybe old power lines? 

And the mountains were, well, all kinds of things.  One part was made up of old machinery and another part seemed made up of some kind of sand.

“Right,” said Elick, “let us get to work!”

First the Miners were told to just dug out a tunnel.  Just to see what was there.  The rest were told to collect the mushrooms on the ground and chop down the towers.

Soon towers were being cut down as the two Miners drilled through the machinery.

Elick chirped to herself.  She wanted to be underground or have some kind of shelter as quickly as they could.

Early she had noticed a crab with an iron shell.  If there was more of those around they COULD be useful.

But what made her nervous was the Garuda.  A large nanomachine monster.  Funny enough it had seemed to have fled.  Or flew.  It was still around but didn’t want to have anything to do with her and her pioneers.

The pioneers worked hard.  First they set up the Carpenter’s Workshop and the Kitchen on the first floor.  Gulion Ruffduce had chopped down most of the towers so he was named the settlement’s Carpenter.  And was soon making beds out of…whatever it was the towers were made of.  It wasn’t wood.

Then they dug out a lower floor for storage.  They also made a test farm plot to see if they could grow anything but all the seeds they had were surface seeds.

“Great,” Gus said, “and we have a wasteland for a surface.”

So the pioneers starting digging a…well…big hole in the ground which was attached to the main storage area with a tunnel.  Then, once the sun had cleaned the soil, they covered it with concrete blocks.  Because that’s how underground greenhouses worked.  Right?

Droe Mammeastful was given the job of making the plots and sowing the seeds.  Sadly, being the only one assigned to it AND spending much of her time with other jobs meant that by the time the plots were tilled and the seeds sowed it was late Spring even when two other Delphinids were assigned to help.

On the other hand that wasn’t TOO bad as many of the seeds were multi-seasonal and might still grow.  In other words the plants might end up being harvested sometime in summer.

Droe, though, had so many jobs assigned to her that she was NOT given the title of Farmer.   She was not pleased with that.

While that was being done the Miners dug out a room for the bedrooms and another room for the Metalsmith’s Forge, the Wood Furnace, and a Smelter.  The last would not be finished by the end of Spring for some reason.

“We don’t have any REAL trees,” complained Gus.  “We can’t burn them for charcoal.”

There seemed to be towers which could produce…well…logs of a kind.  But Gus was right.  There were not wooden trees.  Elick realized that could be a problem.  They did dismantle the wagon but that didn’t help as the logs from it was used for something else.

Elick just clicked at Gus.  “We can always trade.”

So they started on a Trade Depot.

While that was happening a room…well, more of a tunnel was dug out for a Mason’s Workshop, a Craftsman’s Workshop, and a Farmer’s Workshop.  Later they also built Fishery.  Funny enough they did find some life in the river.  Somebody brought back a mussel and a eelfish. 

They also made a Still in the bedroom.  Which was weird but it was the only space they had at the time

By now it was noticed that there were small ‘creatures’ running about.  And a few big ones.  The Preservates were neither dangerous or, really, useful.  So they were left alone.

Then, in late Spring, a BIGGER room was made.  Not just to make space for more workshops.  Elick had heard complaints about there being no mugs to drink with and decided not just to make rock mugs for his folks but for trade.  Everybody loved mugs!

But but the new room also allowed them to build a Loom, a Clothier’s Shop, and Bowyer’s Workshop.

“Why would we need crossbows when we can trade for guns?” asked Gus.

“In case I want to hunt you down for sport,” responded Elick.

So when summer came the settlement was in rough shape but not dead yet.

It was also noticed that the Walker was covered in blood.  Seems it enjoyed killing the Bipedal Preservates and the Serpentine Preservates.  The first use to be some kind of rodent and the latter were once snakes.  But that was before the humans turned them into biomechanical slaves to their Empire.

Now they were broken toys.

“You know what we need besides mugs?” remarked Gus.

“What?” replied Elick as she glazed over the landscape from the relative safety of the entrance of the outpost.

“A dining room, a temple, weapons-”

“Shut up,” said Elick.

Outpost with the coming of Summer, 505.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 11:03:28 am by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2021, 11:46:17 pm »

Always love some Long Night content!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2021, 06:44:16 pm »

Elick Jecratemis knew Gus was right.  But the Leader also knew some things were more important.  Food.  Improving on the shelter - one shared bedroom sucked. And living long enough til the first Traders showed up to exchange whatever they could make or dig up for MORE food, seeds, and weapons.

So more rooms were dug out on the first level.  But these bedrooms were planned out carefully.  Not just big rooms.  No.  Small rooms along a hallway.  Future bedrooms.  Should be easy to make.  They already had the beds.

And a large room was dug out down in the lower level.  The basement really when you think about.  The new room would be made the future dining area.

She also ordered more towers cut down.  The logs, which the others called ‘I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Wood’ logs, might prove useful for…something.

And more mushrooms won’t hurt either.

She also ordered rock pots be made.  And stone thrones and tables and cabinets and doors.  There was enough concrete.  May as well use it.

Also the pioneers notified her that they created a few bars of charcoal and smelted a few bars of copper.  Seems the Furnace Operator had found some wood.  Good for her.

By the 14th of Hematite, Early Summer, the bedrooms were dug out and had beds.  Now they needed doors and cabinets but at least the Delphinids had private bedrooms.

But the Miners had made eight small rooms.  So Elick gave herself the job of Manger, the Bookkeeper, AND Broker.  Then placed a throne in the room and sent to work trying to record the stockpiles.

Also, it seemed, that the farm plots in the ‘Greenhouse’ had produced…well…produce.  Not a lot.  Some corn, potatoes, and rice.  But it meant they won’t starve.  And they would have some booze!

On the 1st Malachite, due to having so many hats to wear, Elick just named herself the town’s ‘Boss’.

She had another large room dug out in the lower floor.  Then ordered both the future dining room and new room smoothed out.  Well, smoothed out as best the Miners could smooth out such rock.

“Hey-Ho!” shouted Gus on the 13th of Malachite, mid-summer, “We’ve got idiots…I mean migrants coming in from the north.  They don’t even have wagons.  They must have walked here!”

“By Aximpie’s murderous hands…why would anybody come here?” responded Elick.  “We haven’t even DONE anything yet!”  She turned on her passive sensors and checked the approaching beacons.  It gave her a short history of the approaching pioneers and at least identified them as friendly.

But Gus wasn’t lying.  First there was Gulk Nacibutzarate.  He was a fifty year old Bone Carver.

Who the second he entered the area attacked a Scrap Crab.  He had some issues.

The second…migrant…to show up was a Swoofte Retrawnistor. A Bioframe Child.  In other words somebody’s pet A.I.  His body was ocean green and his one eyes was orange.

He looked a tad scary but he also looked like he could handle anything that attacked him.  Or was it a ‘IT’?

Then there was a Missle-armed Four-wheeler.  Basically a medium-sized truck for on and off-road travel.

“Ohhh…can I have that as a pet?,” asked Gus.

“No,” replied Elick as she watched the approaching migrants.  “Like the Walker it can just be used as defense.”

Elick sighed, turned to Gus, and said, “Officially the dining room is open.  So at least we have a meeting place for them to assemble before we decide what to do with them.”

“Him,” pointed out Gus.  “Only one migrant I can see.”

“Yeah, yeah,” commented Elick.  “And we need a few more bedrooms.”

Even as the words escaped her voice box another migrant appeared and started moving towards the outpost like a missile.  This was Driver Berusainnon, another Bone Carver, who was forty-two.

“Oh no,” exclaimed Gus.  “A calf! Why bring a calf?”

Mennate Juntgess, a four year old female, was also racing over the surface at great speed.  No doubt looking at the outpost as a center of culture and safely.

“Okay we may need to expand on the bedrooms more than I thought….” murmured Elick.

“May as well make the dining area a tavern,” pointed out Gus.  “It will help cheer them up when they find out they are in a hell hole.”

“Alright,” said Elick as she watched the three new pioneers and their machines move towards the entry way.  “What do we call it?”

“The Sugar of Fountains!”

“Are you sure you are wired properly?” asked Elick.

Gus just chuckled.  Then he cursed.  “There are more of them!”

Elick turned to stare to the north and found out to her amazement that Gus was right again.  Coming over the horizon was two more Miners, Krand Knimumavendic and Moncor Ploarbise.  And there was also a Hunter named Hym Kramenkranke.

Elick chirped.  “Why would they come here?”

“Hey don’t get stressed,” remarked Gus.  “I am sure Droe can help you find relief.”

“You stay out of my love life and I will stay out of yours,” remarked Elick.  “Oh wait….you don’t have one!”

Gus just chuckled again.  “Look, another Bioframe Child and…is that a bunny?  And it looks like another Miner!”

And it was.  Xuer Futasuconomo.  Who was somehow both short and obese.

“Keep her away from the food stores,” commented Gus.

“This is why you don’t have a mate,” said Elick.

Then another uplifted colonist showed up, racing across the surface, who the beacon identified as Tion Inaltaine.  A Germ Setter.

“Our new Broker,” said the Elick.  Gus clicked in agreement.

“Oh my,” Elick said.  “Did you notice the long-barreled rail-rifle on that Hunter?”

“Real weapons?  They are bringing real weapons?” Gus exclaimed in surprise.  “By Aximpie bloody hands!  Well, I feel better.”

“Wow, another Bioframe.” added Gus.  “We’re going to have a lot of pets.  Wow, another just showed up behind that one!”

Elick shrugged.  “The more pets the more likely they can be used to defend the outpost.  Or we can eat them!”

With so many Miners Elick decided to expand on the bedrooms as quickly as possible.  Though…there was likely more Miners then drills.

On the 22nd of Malachite a dancer entered the outpost.  A Jovian human.  He was hairless and it was said his kind had ports along its spine.

His name was Gazzo Eiorthaces and it seemed he had come to visit the tavern.

“I don’t see any problem with that,” said Elick to Gus, “as long as he does not mind all the bioframes.  Or the truck.  Or the bunny.”

Funny enough the first thing the Dancer did was not dance but listen to one of the Hunter’s stories.

By the 27th of Malachite, mid-summer, the Temple of Aximpie was functioning.  It had a coffer and two statues of the her.  And plenty of room to dance to the female deity associated to murder.

In the start of late summer Elick ordered the building of a Jeweler’s Workshop.  Once it was finished she ordered the Gem Setter, who was now the Broker, to work making….well…stone gems.

And all the extra beds had been finished.  At least they had beds anyway.

Then there was something happening on the surface.  Seems the Hunter had found some….worm folk.  And was trying to murder them.

Soon one of the Bone Carvers, with a rail-rifle, joined in.

“That reminds me,” Elick said to herself.  “Somebody set out the three cages I ordered made.  If we can capture some animals, well, we can have some meat.”

And so the cages were set up beyond the river where most of the bigger creatures sometimes appeared.

Then the bunny was found dead.

“Not surprising,” pointed out Gus.  “What could it eat out here?”

In fact the bunny had both its own blood and the blood of one of the Preservate Bioframes on it.

“Oh no….it was killed by a preser…a rodent,” Elick said when she saw the tiny body. 

"You mean a different rodent," pointed out Gus.  "As it is also a rodent."

Then Hym, the former Mason, was announced to be a Stoneworker.  He had smoothed so many walls the new title seemed to fit.

One of the hunting pioneers ran out of ammo and came in.  Leaving the surface with wounded worm folk.

“We really need to clean that up,” remarked Elick.  “Hmmmm…”

Soon all the ammo was used up and the other pioneer came in.  Now there were fearful, wounded, worm folk bleeding all over the place.

“Give me a weapon and I will go put them down,” said Gus with a smile.  “Hmmmm…fresh meat.”

So after arming himself with a grade-M nanotechne thin-blade wedge axe and calling himself ‘The Faith of Caverns’ Gus went off to kill the worm folk.

He killed six of them in the end.  One even had a name.  Their corpses now littered the wasteland.

By then the cages had been put out and a bridge built over the river.

Then autumn had come.  Not that you could tell.  It was just a clock inside that told them it was now a new season.

While Elick and Gus were pondering the waste of ammo and meat in the entry way a huge ape approached them. 

“Greetings,” the ape said.  “I am Squis Giveitsolt.  I am a Prophet and I have come to visit your outpost.”

As the ape passed them Elick glanced at Gus.

“Don’t look at me I got nothing to say,” said Gus.  “I have no idea why people keep coming here.”

Additions to the Outpost by Autumn, 505
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 11:09:29 am by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2021, 03:04:14 am »

PTW, liking what I've seen so far.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2021, 06:39:57 pm »

With the start of autumn Elick ordered for bedrooms be dug out.  Even without beds they could still prepare for the next migrant wave.   And when traders came maybe they would have wood?

She also ordered another room dug out for another temple.  A lot of the new pioneers worshiped a mixture of deities and she wanted to try to cover some of the major ones.

Without much to do the Carpenter, Gulion Riffduce, tried some fishing in the river.  What else was she going to do?

Elick also started to ponder making a underground water tanks.  Just in case.

The so-called Prophet ape ended up in the Abbey of Bones to meditate on murder.

Another room was ordered to be dug out for the Bioframes.

Then Gulk and Driver were told they were no longer Bone Carvers.  They would now work with stone.  Somebody needed to make the mugs!

In fact Elick ordered another Craftsman’s Workshop made.

And at least there was more ‘meat’ on the table.  Well, mostly worm man, but there were few complainers.

Then, on the 8th of Limestone, early autumn, Gus ran over to Elick and said, “Boss, detected a human coming down the mountain.  From what I can see it is female and, from the keyboard it is carrying, a singer or bard.”

“Likely just here to visit our tavern and spin tales,” replied Elick.  “Just keep her away from the special dishes.  If you understand me?”

“Right Boss,” said Gus.  “Don’t let her know we are eating humans.”

“They WERE human a long time ago.  They don’t count as humans now.  Even humans eat them now!”

Gus just chirped in amusement and ran off.

On the 11th of Limestone the underground ‘pasture’ had been finished and the pioneers were rounding up the creatures to put them in their new home when Gus came running back into the outpost.

“The outpost liaison and the caravan had approaching from the south!” he shouted.  “Do we have anything to trade?”

The pioneers brought some mugs, some rock gems, and some old machinery to the depot as quickly as they could as Boss prepared to chat with the liaison.

Ades Bulionory was female.  She was just not the liaison of the government but was also known as a good Hunter.  So Elick made sure to do his best not to piss her off.

As there was no news from the outside world they got down to business.

Elick asked for wood and Nail-pistols.

The liaison didn’t seem shocked by the requests and, in return, said that goblets, large gems, and cut gems were in high demand.  Elick dismissed the goblets in his mind.  That would require fuel.  But the gems were doable.  As long as the outside world didn’t mind gems made out of concrete.

Elick made sure to record that in her heldhand before going outside to see how the trading was going on.

It turned out old machinery was worth more than mugs or cut gems.  But the total amount of wealth didn’t really…well…amount to much.

The Broker offered to give all the outpost had brought to the depot for all the trader’s wood, scrap metal, some of their food, some of their seeds and some yarn.  The traders agreed.

Tion Inaltaine seemed happy with her first deal making.

Elick was alerted the room for the new temple had been finished.  Only the coffer needed to be done.  And of course, the deity needed to be selected before statues could be made.

And Droe finally got the title of Farmer on the 16th of Limestone.

Then one of the pioneers went out hunting with two bullets and wounded a Cleaner Worm before fleeing.

Elick sighed and called out Gus to deal with the worms.

“Only if you call me by my squad name,” remarked Gus.

Elick rolled her eyes.  “The Faith of Caverns please go kill those worms!”

“By your command,” replied Gus as he went to get his weapons.

It took no time at all to chop them up into pieces.  Then Gus went back to work helping with the digging.

By this time the coffer was placed in the new room and Elick declared it the Church of Fancying for the deity Sposs Charmyouth the Clean Buds.  Sposs was seen as a female Delphinid and was associated with children and pregnancy.  Kind of the other side of the coin from Aximpie.

She ordered the carving of two statues.

While a water tank was being dug out part of it collapsed.  Elick was alarmed and hoped whoever was involved was okay.  While she waited a report she ordered one of the unused bedrooms into a hospital.  She placed another bed in it with a table and a bag. 

She then made herself the medical staff.

She found out the two pioneers involved in the cave-in were Gus Flackforge and Driver Berusainnon.

Funny enough while they were knocked out they soon woke up and finished their work.  One of Gus’s metal arms were damaged and he had suffered some wounds to his upper body.  But he shook it off and said he just needed some rest.

Driver had been hit in the head by a rock but refused to take help and went to make some rock mugs.

Gus went to rest in one of the beds in the new hospital.  And became unconscious.

As the pioneers continued to work on the well and cook food and make stone mugs and stone gems Elick noticed a beep on her passive sensors.

It was the 3rd of Sandstone, mid-autumn, and the second wave of migrants were coming over the mountain.

“Oh no,” she grumbled.  “We need to make more rooms and more beds.”

Elick picked up the first one’s ID and history. 

Soidy Eupseerthrawfid was a Furnace Operator.   His profile in his record suggested he LIKED concrete.

Then there another Gem Cutter named Suck Neonweedal.  She was a ardent worshipper of Aximpie which might explain why she had come out here.

There was another female by the name of Rack Juscrobjagren who was a Peasant.

“She will learn a skill,” commented Elich to herself.  “She will learn many in fact.”

Then another young Bioframe came over the mountain top.  Elick sent it a command to join the others in the underground pasture.

Then, to her surprise, a Animal Trainer and a Animal Dissector, come over the mountain.  Imite Ousonhacy, male, and Gadjut Sisoplamen, also male, were both pretty young.

Elick groaned at the thought of explaining to them the lack of animals.  Unless they fond of bioframes.

Behind came another Gem Setter.  A female of the name of Turbid Kardfeighte.

“Not too bad,” Elick murmured to herself.  “We DO need those skilled with Gems.”

Behind her appeared another female of the name Sual Eupseergrawfic.  She was a Craftsman and a worshipper of Sposs Charmyouth the Clean Buds. 

“She should be happy about our newish temple then,” she said to herself.

Then there was the Moss Fox Pup.  One of the few natural…well, mostly natural wild mammals left in the world.     

Then there was another Peasant.  A male named Enory Pernelmase.  According to his history he had a had some skills.  Seems he was a want-to-be Bard.  Some dancing, some speaking, some singing.  Pretty worthless.

Then there was a male calf. 

“Another calf,” mumbled Elick with a chirp.  “Please, no more, we can’t make so many beds!”

But that was the last migrant and Elick could focus on other things.  Like telling the Broker to go back to the Depot to get thread for the hospital.

And ordering the construction of a Traction Bench for the hospital.

Because…Gus wasn’t doing well.  He had been examined and he was really hurt.  There was no soap but they could try to fill the hospital with the other supplies and equipment it needed.

As the pioneers took more old machinery to the Trade Depot so the Broker could buy some silk thread Elick heard the sound of a weapon going off.

Seems the Animal Trainer was wasting ammo hunting down a Algae-farm Worm.

Elick just chirped in annoyance.

But after a time it looked like the hunter had done a good job.  As they were soon bringing their kill back.  What a change.

The Traders started on the way back home on the 10th Sandstone, mid-autumn, but the Broker was able to trade for some threads before they packed up.  The liaison went with them after visiting the tavern and singing songs with the Human Bard and the Jovian Dancer.

The Simian Uplift had stayed in the Abbey of Bones thinking about murder.  He never seemed to visit the tavern.  Elick was also a worshipper of Aximpie but, to be honest, the ape was start to freak her out.

Elick made sure to grab one of the threads and told the others NOT to weave the rest.  Just in case.

Soon Gus, against the Boss’s orders, was up and helping with the water tank.  Seems not receiving water while in bed had upset him.  And he had promised himself that no other patients would never go without water in the future.

One of his metal arms were all messed because he refused to wait for the Traction Bench to be made.  But Elick was able to do a lot for him before he demanded to leave the hospital.  Even without soap.

Then, for some reason, miasma flooded the first level.

But Elirk knew why.  Somebody had left something to rot.

Examining the room she found the algae-farm worm had been allowed to rot in the Butcher's Workshop.

“Damn it folks,” she said to those around.  “We can’t waste anything!”

Finally the water tank and the well room above it were completed on the 11th of Timber, late autumn, and the water was allowed in from the river.

By the 24th the well was complete and the water tank below it was totally full.

Then the 1st Moonstone came and it was winter.

Elick sighed.  There was nothing in the air to welcome winter.  No snow.  No frost.  Just the inner clock announcing it was no longer autumn.

Elick pondering having a wheat beer to salute the passing of autumn.
Addition work done to the Hamlet of the Cloister of Aquamarines as of Early Winter, 505

Addition - Had to edit all the chapters.  I knew from the start Elick was female but for some reason missgendered her throughout the chapters.  Idiot me.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 06:45:51 am by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2021, 03:13:03 pm »

Elick needed wood.  They had a LOT of pioneers now.  And they didn’t have enough bedrooms for them all.  Heck, they didn’t even have enough beds for the bedrooms they had NOW!

Somebody had suggested cloth beds and she did order a few be made.  Or weaved?

Also it was suggested they may wish to build a drawbridge as the front door.  For protection.

Elick ordered it built and decided to place the lever for it in the tavern.  There was always somebody in the tavern to pull the lever.  As long as they were not too drunk.

By the 6th of Moonstone the bridge was done and the lever was ready to be pulled.  By anybody.  Calves, drunks, visitors….

Then the Hamlet started work on the burial chamber.  Where any future dead would be buried.

The first coffin was put down and the Iring, the bunny, was put to rest.

Somebody alerted Elick to the fact that all the cloth and thread was now in the hospital and not available for making beds.

She sighed.

Gus wasn’t doing too well.  He seemed cheerful but his wounds were infected.  How a metal arm could get infected was strange but in this hellhole called Earth not surprising.

On the 27th Moonstone, of early winter, Boss placed the memorial slab herself in front of the bunny’s coffin.  Her people may be warlike but they did honor their dead.  The bunny had died fighting for its life.  Wasn’t that honorable?

“HEY!” shouted Gus from the entry, near the drawbridge.  “Another ape has shown up!”

The huge ape, name of Uwib Loceton, seemed to be a Bard.  At least she was carrying some kind of horn.

Once inside she listened to one of the stories being told by one of the pioneers.  Seems she had heard of the Sugar of Fountains and had come to see if for herself.

“Poor sap,” replied Gus when he heard she had come all the way out into the wastelands just to see the tavern.  The tavern had only been half finished and needed some of the walls and floors to be smoothed out.

To help with the food issue - as it was always low - many of the pioneers were recruited to help with the farm plots and were told to go fish something out of the river.  Anything!

Also, on the 5th of Opal, mid-winter, the pioneers produced their first home made weapons.  Crappy swords.   But hey swords are still swords!

They also had made nail spikes for the future guns they hoped the Traders would bring next year.

Elick took a break to socialize in the tavern.  While chatting with fellow pioneers and visitors she noticed two settlers sleeping in the tavern.

They REALLY needed more beds.

On the way to the tavern she had passed Gus in the stockpiles.  He was using a mug to drink from one of the barrels.  Nobody had bothered to bring the booze to the tavern.

She ordered the booze moved to the tavern and some of the pioneers, being a few were just idling, obeyed.

It was then that Elick noticed that the Jovian was gone.  She had not noticed when he left.

The two apes and the other human were still around of course.  The first ape had yet to leave the Temple to Aximpie.

Then on the 20th of Opal one of the young Bioframes became an adult.

Elick realized that a herd if Bioframes might help the settlement.  It depended on what was produced when the adults was butchered.

It was noticed that more worms were running about the surface but they never came near the cages.  So Elick ordered the cages moved to the mountain side on the hope on capturing some worms to tame.

On the 14th of Obsidian, late winter,  the Boss ordered for another Mason’s Workshop and another Jeweler’s Workshop to be made.  Even if they didn’t have wood or cloth they had a ton of rock.  If they made enough products for the next Traders they could buy up wood, thread, seeds, and anything else they needed.

At this time Elick noticed the other human, the normal one, had also left.  Now there were just the two apes visiting.

The workers reported more swords had been completed.  The Boss was pleased.

On the other hand there could be more food in storage.

Then spring arrived.  As always there was no change in the air.  No soft rains or happy birds.  Maybe happy worms and some happy rats but no birds.

And so the Hamlet had survived one year.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2021, 03:34:01 pm »

On the 1st of Granite, 506, Elick had noticed something in the information given to her last year.

When the liaison gave her the news, mostly in the form of a data transfer, she had noticed nothing of interest to her.  But now she had time to examine the more mundane information and had noticed that many of the settlements and cities to the north and northeast were populated. 

But to the south there was a site without any known populace.  Looked kind of like a shrine.

The Fort of Queenflanks was more than a day’s travel to the south.  And there was no information on it.  Why was it called a Fort when the map information marked it as a religious site?

Elick chirped to herself in thought.  Gus’s militia could recruit the two peasants and head down there.  Maybe pick up some items.  Unguarded stuff was free stuff.  Of course they would have to go through a desert.  But so what?  The whole Earth was a trash dump.

Of course they would go armed.  And Delphinids were fast.  Hard to hit. 

Elick pondered the idea more and more and liked it.  She would recruit the two peasants, give them time to pick up a weapon, and send the trio south.

“Oh GUUUUSSSSSS!” she shouted while roaming the Hamlet.  “I got a job for you!”
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2021, 06:11:22 pm »

Elick let Gus, Rack, and Enory just enough time to get their weapons before sending them south to the shrine.  If it was a shrine.

Their orders were simple.  Loot any items, grab treasures, and, if possible, steal livestock.

She also ordered a small room made.  She would need a barracks when they came back.  So she also order a rock Weapon Rack and a Armour Stand both be made.

The squad was back a few days later and had found nothing.  Queenflanks were truly, well, empty.

“How boring,” replied Elick before going off to drink a mug of alcosoda.  She pondered raiding some of the nearby settlements but knew her pioneers would be heavily outnumbered once the other civilizations decided to crush the Hamlet.

Elick had Droe move in with her.  As they were lovers the Boss saw no reason why they shouldn’t share a bedroom.

Then she ordered a small dining room attached to their shared bedroom.  A private dining room for them both sounded nice.

As this was going on Elick noticed a subhuman in the settlement.  Nobody had bothered to announce his presence so she had no noticed.  Seemed to be a Poet of some kind.  The subhuman was already in the tavern chatting away.

And the Simian Bard was already outside.  No doubt traveling else where.  The other ape, the one with the murderous thoughts, had left already.

On the 16th of Granite a visitor was spotted come over the mountain.  A subtype human, one of those ‘Noble’ humans created to run the Great Solar Empire.  Seems this one was a Pikeman.

Maybe a sell sword?    Funny enough he came unarmed.

“We are getting a LOT of visitors,” pointed out Gus.  “Which could be good or bad.”

It was also announced another of the Bioframes had become an adult.

By the 17th of Granite the barracks were ready.  Elirk decided on a 1-1-2 training schedule.  One soldier would train two months and then two of them would train one month.  There wasn’t enough pioneers to allow for full time training so that would have to do.

Then on the 19th of Granite another Simian Bard appeared on the horizon.

“Are there any ape towns near us?” asked Gus when he detected the new visitor.

“Na,” responded Elick.  “Mostly Corvid and Yaksha to the north and northeast.”

“In other words crows and posthumans,” said Gus with a shrug of his whole body.

“There is a Venusian town to the southeast of us,” added Elick.  “Anyway, our civilization has Simian nobles.  So it isn’t strange to see them here.”

“True I guess,” murmured the Militia Commander.

Then Elick found out Haschum, the Mason, was in love with Urervel. The Furnace Operator.  She ordered them to move in with each other.  To allow the love birds some private time like she had with Droe.

And open up another bedroom for future pioneers.

The Miners were ordered to dig straight down.  On one level they found rough synthetic gems.

Then they broke into a cavern!  The Miners reported giant mushrooms that seemed to glow.

“Hmmm…that could be good or bad,” said Elick.

A stairway was ordered to be built down to the floor of the cavern.  And she ordered them to go cut down the giant mushroom when the stairs were complete.  But once the stairs were build Bat Man…well…Bat Men and Bat Women showed up and a few tried to go up the stairs!

Elick ordered a hatch made as she went to see what the Bat…er..folks were up to.

Mostly it seems they just went up and down the stairs.  In other words, they were harmless.

Elick thought about it and told the pioneers to remove the cages from the surface and put them in the first cavern.  A herd…er..colony of tamed Bat folks could be good eatin.

The cages were brought in and placed around the stairs which the Bat folks were so interested in.

While this was happening, on the 14th of Slate, mid-spring, one of the Bat folks got all the way up into the settlement and one of the Walkers attacked it.

It was wounded and Elick called the squad to put it down.  It didn’t have a chance.

While this happened another Bioframe became an adult.

By then the last cage was put in place.

As the Elirk waited for somebody to go down and cut down the giant mushrooms her sensors beeped.

Migrants were coming over the mountain.  Elick sighed.  Why?  Why?  They didn’t have enough beds for those who were HERE!  Why send more?

The Boss went to the entry way to greet the NEW arrivals.

The first was Desugui Sprinkledlustrous, a Ranger, who had no weapons.

The second was Knic Tourmanors, a Hunter, who was armed with a rail-rifle. 

The third was Otowa Flickeredbridges, who was another Hunter.  He was armed with a rail-rifle with a sword on the end.

The fourth new pioneer was another calf.  Followed by another calf.

Elick sighed but kept scanning.

The sixth migrant was Aght Commonwars.  Another Ranger with a steel drill as a weapon.

“Interesting choice,” mumbled Elick to herself.

The seventh was Nitic Furyenjoys.  A peasant.

Then there was an Armorer called Cank Notchmoths.  He had a LOT of skills.  Many of them social skills.

After him came another calf.  And another!

“Are we a nursery to the Mountainhomes?” said Elick aloud to herself.

Then there was Jolist Planeowned.  Another peasant.

Then ANOTHER calf!

Then, following the child, was Euper Leapedsoared a Bone Carver.

After the Bone Carver was another female peasant called Puffect Firstcalmed.

Then came Twidurn Worshippedplunge a Bone Carver.

Behind him was IImado Brainletter a peasant.

Then was a Woodcutter called Object Scaldedblushed. 

“Well, at least with the cavern open we MAY need another Woodcutter,” she mumbled to herself as she pondered who would get reassigned to what labor.

Then there was Irte Mutebound who was a Stonecrafter.  Another useful artist.

 Then after him was a female peasant named Sive Toepage.  Followed Men Laudedbald who was another peasant.

Then there was a male named Gulacen Pluckspute who was a Craftsman.

Then Elick was filled with joy.  Gous Spuidtouch came over the mountain and his ID and file showed him to be a Doctor.  Even before he reached the entry he found his record changed to being the Head Doctor.

Then there was another useful pioneer.  Ack Goodelbows who was a Fish Dissector.

After the Fish Dissector came a peasant called Fired Riddlelined.

Elick waited and waited.  But that was it.  So many peasants.  And kids.

She made sure to assign everybody new jobs.  Mostly fishing, mining, farming, and a few woodcutters.

One of the Hunters went right down to the caverns to hunt down some Bat people.

Elick just rolled her eyes.  Such a waste of ammo.

Then other Hunter started hunting the worms on the surface.

Still, at this point the pioneers started cutting down the giant mushrooms.  Fuel!  Beds!

There was a small scare when the pioneers cutting down the mushrooms collapsed one on the up/down stairs and trapped themselves.  But they calmed down and built a new up/down stairs with one of the mushroom logs.

By the 26th logs were being brought from the cavern, fish were being brought in from the river, and one of the Hunters even brought in a dead worm human.

Another Bat Man entered the lower level and ran right into a Hunter.  Blood all over.  And the weapon’s discharge inside the hamlet was loud as heck.

The Bat Man flew into the mines but was chased by the Hunter.

“Where is that floor hatch!” demanded Elick.

Three more cages were forged from machine parts.  Elick ordered them placed down in the cavern next to the stairway.

As things started to look up in late Spring, what with the beds being made and more food being cooked Wezir Hwellaen, the Noble Pikeman, decided to leave.  Maybe too many Bat folk running around for his tastes?

Another Bat folk was killed in the lower level.  The floor hatch did nothing to stop the wild animals.  All it did was keep the pets from entering the lower mines.  How weird.

There must have been seven or eight pioneers who sighted the Jovian Poet, Dim Romanceallied, when she walked over the bridge.  Because that was how many of them were fishing off it when she came from the east.

Then Elick got her first Petition.  It was from the Spirits of Smoothness.  For the purpose of being a entertainer.  The Boss was confused.  Which visitor was asking to stay and how many of them?

Elick shrugged her body and approved the Petition.  Having some somebody work as a entertainer wasn’t a BAD idea.

It turned out it was the female Jovian Poet.  With all the beds being made Elick was even able to give the Jovian a bedroom for herself.

Still seemed funny the Jovian had requested to be a resident so soon.  She had barely walked in the Hamlet.

On the 26th of Felsite, late spring, a subhuman Swordsman by the name of Namina Jithena came out of the north.  She was huge, with black eyes and her skin was ash gray.  She had a sword and a shield.  She meant business.

She went to the tavern and started asking questions.  Seems she was seeking facts about the location of ‘The Unremarkable Mole’.  Be it a place, person, or thing was unknown to the pioneers.

As she questioned the pioneers and a calf told a story in the tavern it became summer.
Additions to the Hamlet by Summer, 506
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2021, 11:34:18 am »

On the 1st Hematite, 506, early summer Elick was pondering the locations of the nearby civilizations again. 

Most of them were large settlements with hundreds of beings.  It would be stupid to raid them.  But how about trading with them?

If she selected a messenger and sent them off to demand tribute or something like that it would notify the other cities that the Hamlet Preat Swid existed.  Right?

The Trade Depot would get a lot more business. 

Or the other civilizations would take the demands as threats and come crush them.

“Well, only one way to find out,” murmured Elick as she started searching the settlement for somebody, anybody, to become the messenger.  Somebody idle and in need of more work.

“Hey! Sive, what you up to?” asked Elick the Peasant when she entered the tavern.

“Listening to poetry,” answered the female somewhat confused.

“Wonderful!  You’re our new messenger!” proclaimed Elick.  “I want you to go to the Corvid Uplift Hamlet of Leaderclod and demand tribute.”


“Go!  Shoo!  Go do it!” ordered Elick.

“I don’t think that’s how that works,” replied Sive.  “I think you send troops to demand tribute.”

“Really?” remarked Elick.  “GUS!”

And so the squad was sent off to ‘make contact’ with the birds.  In hopes of trade.

As the soldiers left the Hamlet Elick thought of something upsetting.  What if the birds just handed over the tribute and that was it?  No trade just a bunch of bird produced goods?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2021, 03:30:07 pm »

On the 1st Hematite, 506, early summer Elick was pondering the Jovian resident.  The women was a worshipper of Kesun the Dominant.  She was known to take the form of a Noble and was associated with thunder and lightning.  No doubt very scary.

So as Elick waited for the return of the militia with either good, or bad news, she ordered the digging out of a small room to be a temple to Kesun.  She also ordered the making of a coffer and two statues to go in the temple.

She also decided she…er…the pioneers needed a library.  Yes, yes, a PUBLIC library.  So she also ordered another room dug out and bookcases made.  As well as all the items needed to make books.  Just in case the Hamlet could not find any for sale.  They would need Stone Book Bindings and a Screw Press.  They already had a Quern in the stockpiles.

She ordered a Screw Press constructed and the Quern placed down next to it.  No time like the present to start milling and pressing!

The large empty room was finally created and called the Church of Glows.  Kesun had her temple.

The Quern and the Screw Press were also up and running.  Just needed plants.  And as they had farming plots maybe some of their produce would do?  The answer turned out to be NO.

And the library was…mostly done.

While checking out the well Elick swore she heard a splash down inside it.  Could the pioneers fish from the well? 

The reason she pondered this was because all those pioneers fishing from the outside bridge made her a little nervous.  If they could fish from the safety of the well she would feel better. 

She declared the well a fishing spot and waited to see if anybody COULD catch fish from it.

Around this time a Bat Woman entered from the mines and was killed by the militia.  More Bat meat on the menu!

Then a Bat Man got into a fight with one of the Walkers and the squad was called out to kill the creature.

Then Elick realized…the militia was back?  Or did they even go in the first place?

She went to Gus to demand a report.

“Oops!” replied Gus.  “I forget.  Hey!  Squad!  Move out!”

Elick chirped in annoyance as the soldiers ran out the entry.

The squad came back.  The demand had been rejected.  Funny enough her map and civilization data still said the birds had not made contact with the Hamlet yet.

By the 17th the well fishing test had failed and the Elick announced the well was no longer a fishing spot.

A dead Bat folk was found in the underground pasture.  Seems it had picked a fight with the Bioframes and had lost.

The hatch did NOTHING!  Elick ordered it removed and placed lower down the stairs.  Then it could be locked and keep the Bat folks out.  Only unlocked when the settlement needed more logs.

Passing the tavern, the Sugar of Fountains, Elick heard Enory, one of the Peasants, singing.  There was a large crowd listening.  Including another visitor that Elick had not seen before.

Seems the Hamlet was becoming popular.  More and more visitors would soon be showing up.  Maybe the place needed some Law and Order?  A Sheriff and a jail was needed!

She also hit on a another great idea.  Two more Trade Depots were ordered for construction.  She figured the more people they made contact with the more traders would show up.  And what happens if two groups showed up at the same time?   So there HAD to be more Trade Depots!

On rechecking her data she found that the Confederacies of Polishing, the birds, were now a known civilization.  So the map had not undated but they HAD made contact with the Corvids!

Now who to make contact with next?

While pondering that she noticed the Jovian was running about naked and seemed upset about.  So she ordered the making of a Jovian sized overcoat. 

“GUS!” she then shouted.

“WHAT!” he demanded as he came running.  “What now?  I was drilling.”

“There is a Venusian Hamlet to the southeast,” said Elick.  “Go demand tribute!”

“Not again….”

And so Gus and the other two soldiers went to demand tribute from the Venusians.

The squad was back quickly.  The demand had been refused….

…but it had done the job.  The Confederations of Diving now knew of the Brilliance of Oceans.  Wonderful!

The Library, named The Hollow Palace, was officially open.  Though it had no books or material.

Then, on the 5th of Malachite, at the start of mid-summer, Elick’s passive sensors beeped.

“No, more migrants,” she whined as she walked to the entry way. 

The first new comer was a female Miner called Meta Focusedfeast. 

After that was a Bone Carver named Oftwal Bearriddles.

Then came a Peasant called Branct Startdive.

The next one over the mountain was a young male calf.

Elick just sighed and kept reading the incoming histories.

Then came another Peasant called Junt Eighercaune.

Behind the Peasant came Ginder Pesgemo who was a Carpenter.  Not a BAD thing to have now that they had so much wood.

Then there was a Miller called Liolct Channeledtwinke.  Once again not BAD thing to have.  Now that milling was something they would likely need.

Then another Peasant comes over the mountain.  Called Faseant Cavernbears.

“At least the Peasants can learn new skills,” mumbled Elick to herself.

The next migrant was a Trader called Onchoy Dusktributes.  Funny enough most of her top skills seemed to deal more with furnaces and metals and less with trading.

Then the next pioneer to pop over the mountain was a Tanner named Gulk Tooltreaties.

“She needs to be assigned a WHOLE bunch of other jobs,” remarked the Elick to herself.

After the Tanner came another Peasant named Zete Trussedknight.

“So many Peasants and calves.  Maybe I should make a dorm for those without proper titles and the underaged?” she pondered to herself as she allowed her sensors scan for more incoming migrants.

And that was the last migrant.  Elick assigned many of them new jobs, farming, fishing, and so on.  Food was always on her mind.

On the 10th of Malachite the new office, dining room, and jail was pretty much done.  So it was time to pick a Sheriff.

Elick decided on a unskilled Peasant called Zete Flasplefindwar.  A eleven year old adult female.  Elick figured as nobody had any experience at being a Sheriff why not just pick anybody?

Then, that same day, the populace elected the Major.  The new Tanner.  Also for some reason the Head Sheriff was no longer Zete.  Did the new Mayor fire her?

Gulk Civishskyll came up the Elick and started to demand a office and dining area and everything. 

Elick just laughed.

“I am the Mayor!” Gulk said.  “And I require-”

“You’re fired,” said Elick.  “I am the Mayor now.”


Then miasma came out of one of the temples.  A rotten Bat Man, a corpse Elick had ordered removed weeks ago, was now pouring out the smelly gas.

“I told you to remove it!” exclaimed Elick as the pioneers complained.

The problem was that the corpse had somehow gotten trapped under a statue and the statue had to be removed to get to the dead Bat Man.

Then Elick realized they needed a jailer and picked another Peasant, Nitic Paytivepund, to take the job.

Elick, who was now the Mayor, Manager, Bookkeeper, and ‘Boss’, announced that the export of flasks were no longer allowed.  Course, it was unlikely there were any flasks in the settlement but she proclaimed it anyway.

She also told the Sheriff, after rehiring her, to form the City Guard.  They would not be armed but would train in melee.  So they could handle criminals without killing them.

Two more Guards were picked and she decided they would train one member per month.  She didn’t want them to be TOO good at fighting.

After all they had the Faith of Caverns to deal with trouble within the walls.

By the 18th of Galena, late summer, all the Nobles had the offices and other rooms they needed.  Some of the rooms just needed some smoothing of the walls and floors to look nice. 

The bedrooms are still being dug out and furnished.  And a dorm had been dug out and beds are being placed in it.

Then autumn came.  Elick was starting to feel a little tired.  Maybe she should give somebody else the job of Mayor?

Additions by Autumn, 506

The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2021, 11:52:05 am »

Elick wanted to capture and tame whatever the pioneers could find in the caverns.  More wooden cages were ordered to be created.  She was always paranoid about food.

 Also, the stairway was open to the cavern air on its way up to the ceiling.  Maybe walls would protect the stairway and force any creatures through the cages?

Then there was a alert.  A Neo-human Recruit had appeared coming from the east.  She was missing her right leg and was unarmed.  Maybe not a very GOOD warrior.

After Neo-human entered the tunnels and chambers she started asking about the location of the Bowel of Ending. Whatever or whoever that was

The stairway is finally blocked by walls.  Yet the new cage were not set up yet before a Grub Man entered the Mines.

“Hey Elick,” said Gus, “Don’t we need to put Cage TRAPS around the base of the stairway and not just cages?”

Elick chirped at her own stupidity and ordered Cage Traps set around the base of the stairs

Elick as felt down and disgusted by how dumb she there is a cheer from the surface.  A Corvid caravan had appeared on the southern horizon!  The birds had come with stuff! 

“Bring the mugs!” shouts Elick.  “The stone gems are reserved for the caravans from our folk!”

The the liaison from Fixtwar appeared with the caravan from the north!

“Get the gems for them!” added Elick with a happy chirp.

The problem was both caravans decided to use the SAME Depot.

“Idiots!” mumbled Elick.  “I hope the Broker can figure it out.”

First the Broker traded with the birds.  She offered all the mugs brought to the Depot for some booze, clean water, a drill, a bag of potato seeds, a few bins of cloth, and a codex on the Hamlet of Leaderclod.  It wasn’t badly written but not good either.

Either way the birds seemed happy with the trade.

Then the Broker switched to trade with the other caravan.

As this was happening Elick ordered the other two, now useless, Depots dismantled.

Tion Inaltaine now bartered with the traders from the homelands.

She traded for all the Nail-guns they had, some bags of seeds, another drill, more food, more cloth and leather, and a copy of a book.  The copy cost as much as a Nail-gun!

With so much cloth and leather Elick ordered more clothes for the Jovian.

Then the liaison found Elick and they went to the Boss’s crowded office.

All Elick asked for was seeds and drinks.

In return the liaison gave a list of exports that were in demand.

Most of it was beyond what the Hamlet could make.  But one thing that was in high demand that the pioneers could make.  Splints.  Splints were in high demand.  And so was fish.  Elick noted that fact and the meeting ended.

As Elick exited her office she was told that the stairway was now protected by walls.  And that the first cage trap was being set up.  Soon creatures from the caverns would find themselves in cages and tamed for….well…to become cattle of course.

As she ordered two large chambers dug out for, well, any future pastures somebody called out that ANOTHER caravan had shown up.  The Venusians had shown up!

“Bring all the gems we didn’t sell to our folks!”, exclaimed Elick.  “Don’t bring the mugs.  We have to save some for ourselves!”

As the gems were taken to the Depots other pioneers were storing the new items or, as with the fruits, processing them.  Drinks, for example, were being brewed.

Then Gus ran up to the Boss and said, “Migrants!  In the south!”


Elick faced south as her sensors started to detect the approaching freeloaders…er…newcomers.

The first new colonist to appear on her sensors was a Bowyer by the name of Rhetane Luretribute.  Funny enough most of her skills were in weapons and combat.  But she was also a good as a Observer and Judge of Intent?

“Our new Internal Affairs Officer!” proclaimed Elick as she sent the newcomer her new position.

Of course she would need a bedroom, office, and dining room but that would easy to set up quickly now that they had so many extra beds and other items.  And so many Miners.

The next newcomer was a bunny.  Elick quickly told somebody to place it in one of the new pastures for its own protection.

After that was another want-to-be Bard in the form of a Peasant named Snomout Chantedecho.

After her was a female Animal Dissector named Fanai Moralfuture.

“What DO Animal Dissectors do?” said Elick aloud to a passing pioneer.  They just shrugged and continued to haul stuff.

The next migrant was a female calf.  Another mouth to fed.

Then there was Imin Magicplay the Gem Cutter.  Not bad.

The next to appear on the horizon was Enton Heatsquirted the Peasant.

A Gem Setter came after that.  A male named Hymnate Dangledrider.

Another Bowyer appeared after that.  A male by the name of Adjus Shiphood. 

After that was just another Peasant named Werd Tomecoast.

Followed by another calf.

Elick sighed.

As the Boss was watching the migrants come in, and assigning them new jobs, the Broker was finally ready to start trading with the merchants from Appest Qualm.

She bought a few wineskins, more booze, and four drills.  The Venusians were very pleased with the exchange.

Back to the south another calf appeared and Elick sighed again.

Then a Peasant named Aher Dustcombines.  Who had no skills at all!

And that was the last new arrival.

“Whew,” said Elick as he gave out the last new assignment and then went to see how things were doing inside.

It was chaos but good chaos.  Pioneers were hauling all the new stuff to their stockpiles.  Or new stockpile made just to handle the overflow.

The library had become very busy as pioneers took turns reading the few books available.

Elick pondered hiring a scribe and maybe a scholar.  Though they would need paper for books to be made.  She ordered the Broker to check to see if any of the traders had sheets of paper.

Then a Thin Man had appeared in the settlement.  A Walker got into a fight with it.  It was unknown where it had come from but Gus and his soldiers were called out to deal with it.  He was killed quickly by the super fast soldiers.  The Thin Man’s body parts would end up on the menu.

Before the Broker could get to the Despot, and the pioneers could bring the other trade goods to the Depot, the merchants from Pollact Surecia, the birds, started on their journey back home.

Then their own folks from Fixtwar announced they would also be leaving soon.

By now the bedroom, office, and dining room for the Internal Affairs Officer was almost finished.  It just needed another door and some smoothing of the surfaces.

The Broker was able to buy one sheet and a musical instrument before the traders all left.  Maybe it would prove useful for one of the temples?

“Hey Boss!” shouted Gus from the entry.  “Incoming visitor!  One of the birds.  Seems to be dressed like a warrior and is armed with a scroll or something.  And in exo armor!”

“Then be polite!” shouted back Elick.

Once inside she, for it was a female, went straight to the tavern.  Ploid Postlengths, which was her name, was asking questions on where The Early Yearling was located.  Whatever that was.

Then there was a weird announcement.  Seems the Mortified Messiahs, a performance troupe, had arrived.

It seemed to be made up of a Jovian Poet and a Europan Poet.  Not a very big troupe to be honest.

Then one of the calves grew up to become a Peasant.  Rung Zomethrubaymn could now BE something.

That reminded Elick she need staff for the library.

She carefully went through her records of available workers.  And she just picked two Peasants.  One, Fired Shandejagenned, became the Scholar while Rung became the Scribe.  They were both happy because it meant they could get proper bedrooms.  When more were available.

Then another performance troupe appeared and approached the entry.  Called the Lauded Smokes it was made up of a Asura Herbalist, a Noble Poet, a Subhuman Poet,  and a Noble Fisherman.

“I….what?” remarked Elick.

“That’s what they look like,” replied Gus.  “I don’t want to know, really.” 

Then there was another alert.  A Neo-Human Bard, a female named Misent Clashdawn, was approaching.

“We have become popular,” murmured the Elick on hearing the news.

Then a Bard, called Boxiona Gessual, showed up.  A female Delphinid. 

“Hey Gus,” stated Elick as she approached.  “I have another job for you.”

“Oh…not more travelling?  Don’t we have enough traders showing up at the same time?”

“Never enough trade,” responded Elick.

Gus sighed.  “Where now? We trade with the people of Venus, the crows, and our own folks.”

“I was thinking humans,” replied Elick.

“But…they live days away to the north!  And they smell!”

“Then you better start traveling,” answered Elick with a gleeful chirp.

“Oh…damn it.”

So on the 25th of Sandstone, mid-autumn, Gus and his soldiers went to demand tribute from the humans far to the north.

As the soldiers left a Martian Poet, by the name of Vol Ucheidthrunt arrived.  A small human by all appearances.

Then there was a Subhuman Poet visiting.

Then another performance troupe had arrived called the Fenced Hands.

Elick, at this point, was not interested in visitors anymore.  They had so MANY of them!

Then Elick was notified one of the cage traps HAD caught a Grub Woman.

“If we tame her, and others, we can have meat,” Elick said to her pioneers.  “One of you get on it now!”

So Imite Ousonhacy, who WAS an Animal Trainer was given the job of trying to train the meat…er…Grub Woman.

The Fenced Hands turned in a Petition to entertain citizens and visitors.  But Elick didn’t like the name and denied it.

The squad was back.  Of course they had been turned down by the Humans.

But the Human civilization, the Tenacious Company, now knew of them.  Perfect!  More trade!

The Cat Colorbridge turned in s Petition.  To entertain the citizens and visitors.  As Cat was not a WHOLE troupe Elick did think about approving them.  But Cat was a Human Bard and the Boss was not too sure how Gus would react to that.  Most of her kind didn’t outright HATE humans but there was a feeling that most troubles were their fault.  In the end the Petition was denied.

By the 5th of Timber, late autumn, the Grub Woman was finally tamed and transferred to its own pasture.  Where it could continued to be trained.  And maybe be joined by other Grub Folk. 

Then there was another Petition from a troupe named Housed Violentthorns.  Which Elick turned down.

“Such weird names,” she mumbled to herself.

Then Eda Rayfirst turned in a Petition to entertain the blah blah blah.  Elick checked to see who Eda was.  A Noble Bard?  Denied!

Then Wrot Playfulpage turned in a Petition.  Who?  What?  Once again Elick had to check one who this was.

A Corvid Uplift Bard.  That wasn’t too bad.  A big bird must be a good singer and they were now trading partners.  Elick approved the request and found him a bedroom.

Then there was another Petition. 

Elick grumbled about paperwork even though the Petitions were being sent to her over the Hamlet’s interwebs.

Iplorti Stokerhot was a Venusian Bard.  Once again they WERE a trading partner.  So she approved and found another available bedroom for her.

With all the new folks now part of the Hamlet Elick realized she might need more temples.  Maybe she should make one that could be non-deity temple until others, for the newcomers, could be dug out?

So the Burns of Genius was dug out for anybody to pray to…anybody.

The a Petition was turned in by a SOLDIER!  A Ips Channelrelive.  Elick checked on the person.

A female Jovian Recruit.  She was currently unarmed but as they already had ONE Jovian in the settlement Elick saw no reason not to hire her.  It might piss off Gus to have a Jovian in his squad.  HA!

She was approved, given a bedroom, and assigned to the Faith of Caverns.  She was given a sword and a shield and told to wear whatever protection she wanted.

As Elick rested for a few seconds she was told three Worm Folks, all males, had been trapped in the cages.  She ordered them tamed.  Once tame they would join the Grub Woman.  Hopefully more genders of both creatures would be trapped in the future.

Then she received a Petition from the Profane Creed.  They wanted a temple and a priest.  She quickly saved the data and ordered a LARGE chamber dug out and smoothed.

Another Worm Man was killed wandering the hallways but a Worm Woman was caught by one of the cage traps.  Elick dreamed of a Worm herd of meat animals.

Then winter came and Elick pondered what the last months of the year would bring her and the village.
Working on the Temple for the Profane Creed
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2021, 05:13:16 pm »

Sorry folks.  Got to mid-winter, had a forgotten beast in the caverns, the bio-frames were starting to produce kids, the worm folks were being trained, almost finished with our first proper temple and the game crashed.  When I restarted it I was back at the start of winter.  Not knowing why I crashed, or if it would crash again, I have decided to end this story.  Sorry about that but I don't like to play games that crash.

Still it was fun while it lasted.  Though I am not sure how they kept producing sanitized water...
« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 05:38:42 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: The Cloister of Aquamarines - The Long Night Mod
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2021, 03:07:37 am »

Sad to hear that as I was enjoying the setting.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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