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Everyone has no problems acquiring the chips and programs they want. The granddaughter at Stephanidis Programs and Chips is nice and friendly and the clerk at the VDP vendor is bored and uncaring but poor customer service is hardly the end of the world. Hopefully the party doesn't discover that they need some other chip, as with only 500 zenny left they would need to sell something.
Of course there's other preparations that the group could make before infiltrating the university. They could probe its security without committing to anything, both in the material world and on the net. They could also ask around about the security too. Someone in the Undernet ought to know something, or perhaps Thomas and Titania could help.
The local BBSs are buzzing with the usual mixed comments about the upcoming Letia festival. As an unofficial holiday it involves lots of tourists but no time off or overtime pay. There's a new splatter of posts talking about seeing ghosts in the Kythera Memorial Servers, though some say that it's actually a new type of elite virus. The arrival of several VDP jets, and Eirini Attica's private yacht, suggests that the megacorp is holding a major board meeting. Finally Kythera University will be holding a series of public lectures on primitive automation in ancient Antikythera. You have to register for the event but it is after-hours with plenty of people milling about.