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Author Topic: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)  (Read 1923 times)


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Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« on: October 20, 2021, 07:24:42 pm »

Ketas Sinur Thruni meant Ketas the Master of Songs.  He was a Nenderthal, male, who had no occupation and no beliefs.  But he did like to sing.

He had extremely long crinkly hair was copper and blue eyes.  His nose was narrow and his chin pointy.  His voice was low and his eyebrows very thick.  His skin was a dark peach color.

He saw friendship as one of the bast things in life, valued merrymaking and parties.  But also valued tradition and artwork.

He had wandered onto the Mischiefcamped which was a human camp.  Few lived there and it was controlled by the Inky Eagles.  Funny, no humans.  Just greenskins.

He had his war elephant and his gear.  He had a weapons and some armor.  But not much else.

The camp was messy.  Stuff all over ground.  He found one hut, no door, and a campfire.  He talked to one greenskin.  Short replies.  Not rude but not welcoming.

He found nice bag and filled it with stuff.  Like silver and gold coins.  And also found things he could wear.  It was good.  Even found wineskin.  Wineskin good. 

He left and went west.  Then south to find a river in which the water was not frozen.  But elephant, which he named Dog, refused to be a pack animal.  Would not take bag.  Bad Dog!

He at least now have water.

He found town.  Nobody there.  Drank some water.  Getting hungry.  Houses have nothing.  Found statue made of ilmenite.  Not food.

He found a pack of Deinonychus.  Fought and killed one.  Butchered it.  Food.

He stayed night in forest.  Too many dinosaurs in the town.  He made fire.  Woke in the middle of the night but he just hungry.

He walked south and east next morning.  Find seabirds.  Find sea.  Sea was big and blue.

He head west.  Over sands.  Find river.  Refill wineskin.  Saw Camels.  He had food so ignored them.

He went south.  Then east.  Found another beach.  He slept on beach.  Woke up to find beached whale.  He attacked whale.  It died from its own weight plus the huge wounds he gave it.

He remember hearing about a big whale that killed other whales.  The Elders called it a Livyatan.  He found it had eight eyes.  Too much meat and bones and other stuff to carry after he butchered it.

He started to make bone stuff.  Some bone crafts he would wear.  Some he put in bag.  Then move on.  He wished the war elephant would carry something.  Silly elephant.

He went south.  Frozen river.  Went more south.  Found a flowing river.  Refill wineskins.  Giant coyotes ignored him.

He went back to whale corpse.  Decided to claim land as his own and build a house.  Maybe make storage. That way he could store bones and meat.  Keep crafting and eating.  He would still have to go to nearby river for water.  Maybe make water barrel?

He shaped stone and pulled down a branch.  Made axe and chopped down tree.  Made floor.  Got tired.  He slept and ate.  He decided to work more to make home on beach.  He would keep working on the bones and eat the whale meat.  Maybe he would work on some songs when resting?
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2021, 12:26:33 am »

I remember you talking about this, I'll look forward to seeing your Neanderthal adventurer.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2021, 04:10:40 am »


King Zultan

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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2021, 04:30:04 am »

I also PTW.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2021, 04:41:30 am »

PTW indeed. The essence of short but sweet.
and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
bool IsARealBoy = false
dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2021, 07:57:50 am »

Should I embarrassed that I only recently found out what "PTW" stands for?

Anyway, now knowing what it means I PTW as well.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2021, 01:02:18 pm »

Keta Sinur Thruni worked on the walls of the house.  The elephant helped with the walls.

Then he went to find water.  There was plenty of meat but needed water.  There was a river to the east that went north to the sea.  It was not frozen.  He drank from it and then filled his skin.

He went back and made a workshop for crafting wood.  He would need it to make a door, a bed, and stuff to hold his stuff.

He made a bed, a door, a chest and barrel.  He then went and refilled his skin with ice.

The many bone crafts and coins were moved to the chest and ice placed in the barrel.  The meat was dumped just inside the door.  A lot of small dinosaurs had shown up.  Plus crabs.

He had found a crab near his logs so he killed it and ate it.  He did not like it near his stuff.

It was nice to have a door and a bed to sleep in.  But he found his bag missing one morning.  And it had been inside!  Mystery!   Maybe the crab’s ghost had taken it?

Luckily all he lost was some food and armor he didn’t like.

He made some more bone crafts and then finished the roof.  The silly elephants liked to play on the roof.  The house was finished by the 20th of Granite.

He was happy.  So he told Dog a story.  About herself.  It was very  short as he knew nothing about her.

So he named the small building the Cloister of Bones of the Abbey of Bones and decided to give a sermon.  Not having any special beliefs he decided to give a sermon about a value.  On Craftmanship.  It was good and long.

Dog listened but seemed unimpressed.  Also she was sitting on the chest.  Pets.  Always sitting on stuff.

“I finished up some work,” he said to Dog.  “I am very satisfied.”  Ketas was very happy.  Now he could work on the bones. 

But who would he sell them to?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 01:04:52 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2021, 08:46:05 am »

Keta Sinur Thruni made a wooden display and a bucket.  And the bucket would almost get him killed.

He put the display in his tiny house.

The skull of the big whale was put on display and then he took the bucket to find a river.  The idea was simple.  Skin holds little water.  Bucket holds more water.  Can fill barrel with water.  Can spend days working and not worrying about water.

He went east.  Frozen river. 

He went south.  Frozen rivers.  And he was getting thirsty and hunger.  And he had to sleep.

He went north almost to where the rivers headed into the sea.  Frozen.  He was also VERY hunger and thirsty.

He killed a seabird but it had no meat.  He felt sad.  Killing that resulted in no food or profit was bad.

He went back to his house and ate some meat.  Picked up some whale meat to go with him.  But now he needed water badly.

He went west and then north to a river he had passed when leaving the greenskins lands.

Dog ran off as Keta approached the river.  It was flowing.   He drank from it.  He filled skin.  He filled bucket.

He than noticed the noises.  Combat.  Roars.  Utahraptors.  Dog had gone to fight raptors.  Even as Ketas realized this a raptor ran by him to the west. 

He dropped many items and armed himself with iron spear and buckler.   He moved south and found the mangled corpse of a Utahraptor.  He searched it but it was too damaged to be useful for food.  And the bones were all broken.

Dog came from the west, bouncing about happily, having chased or killed more raptors.

Keta lectured the elephant about being a bully.  “Always bigger fish,” he explained.

Dog was unimpressed.

Keta shrugged and took Dog back home after drinking some more from the river.  He went home with a full skin and a full bucket.  He was also a tad sick as he had drunk too much river water.  In other words he vomited a lot.

By the time he and Dog got home he was no longer ill.  And the water was all ice due to the cold.

After filling the barrel with the ice he went to the beach and picked up the whale’s skin.  Could he use it?  Was it worth anything?  Where would he sell it?

As Keta took it back to the house it snowed.  He sighed in annoyance.  The whole journey had been for nothing.  Snow could be collected and melted. 

“Me dumb,” he muttered.  Dog seemed to agree.

Once inside the house he removed his many bone rings, earrings, and items.  But left on the crown.  He didn’t want to slow himself down.  He also felt such a display of wealth might be bad when near the greenskins.

And until he could find a town or village to trade with he didn’t want to chance it.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2021, 11:34:34 pm »

Keta Sinur Thruni pondered which direction to go to find cities.  To go east, along the coast, would not be easy.  There would be food.  Well, crabs.  And there would be water in the snow.  As long as there was snow as the rivers would be frozen.

If he went to the northwest there would be fresh water from flowing rivers.  But while there were creatures in the warmer forests who had meat they were also faster runners.  And there would only be meat if Dog did not stomp them.

And there were dunes and wastes in the warmer regions.  Not many people lived there.

Still, if one went far enough, following the rivers, there could be cities out of the reach of the greenskins.   Towns with people.  Towns with shops.  Shops with goods he could use.  His coins might be used for payment.  But sometimes coins from one place were not accepted in other place.  Yet the bone crafts would be accepted everywhere.

He could get a proper backpack and another skin.  And maybe a proper axe.  And local coins.

After making a rough map Keta realized the ocean might be a inner sea.  And following it might just bring him back to the empty town.  Maybe.  The map was drawn on the wall with ash from his campfire so it was very rough.  Also he wasn’t good with scale.

In the end Keta decided to go west and try to keep near the rivers.  The greenskins seemed to be to the north and the east.  They would not buy his crafts.

Maybe to the west there would be markets and shops.   He put on the rings and bracelets and earrings and grabbed some meat.

Then Keta and Dog went west, along the coast till they found a river.  And went west.

In the forests they ran into two two Utahraptors and three Ceratosaurs.  Keta dropped the meat.  He preapared his iron spear and buckler.  He stopped leading Dog.

The Utahraptors ran away but the Ceratosaurs did not.  Keta and Dog fought them.  Soon all three dinos were dead.

The Keta found himself swimming.  In the fight he had followed the last dino onto a frozen pond.  And it melted.

At least he was clean.   And unharmed.  But Dog was wounded.

Keta found the meat he dropped and ate one piece.  Then he checked the Ceratosaurs to see if they had anything useful.

They moved west.   Soon stopped to drink.  Then to the far west they saw what looked like mountains.  Lots of mountains.

Keta decided to move slightly southwest.  One of the rivers they crossed was frozen.  But there was a desert.

Keta and Dog entered it and found a river there.  The river was frozen.

Keta pondered if going north would be better?  Or heading into the mountains?  He decided to head north ALONG the mountains.

Soon the ground was limestone.  But the rivers were still frozen.  He made a fire to melt the ice in his skin and went to sleep.

He woke up to eat and drink the last of his water.  Then slept til dawn.

In the morning they went north again.  And ran into another Ceratosaur.  Dog ran at it.

Keta dropped the food and armed himself.

Dog attacked it and it fled leaving blood and parts behind.  It ran too fast for Keta or Dog to catch up with it.

Keta went back, got the meat, and they headed east this time.  He was out of water and he felt he could search while going back home.

They found a river.  It was cold but not frozen.  Keta drank and filled his skin.

He took a little swim and then they both moved east.

By the time they made it back home it was the 24th of Granite.  He melted some snow he found around the cabin and went to sleep.  He woke up after the sleep to drink and eat and think.

He had explored westwards but found no cities or people.  Maybe next time he would go northeast?  Maybe the greenskins had taken a town with shops still in it?  Maybe there were small folk or not-his folk who still lived under the greenskins?
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2021, 11:47:23 am »

Keta Sinur Thruni decided to move northeast, along the coast, and see if the town or city was the empty one.  Or a new one?  His map was very rough.

He and Dog went northeast.  They passed one river and was approaching another.

He was thirsty and was looking forward to seeing if the river had fresh water.  Then he and Dog ran into the pack of Yutyrannus.  Feathered Tyrannosaurs who lived in the forests.

Dog fled and left Keta to face the four creatures.  He dropped the meat and armed himself with spear and buckler.

He killed at least one of them, badly wounded the others, but one finally latched on when he failed to dodge and ripped out his spine.

As he died he wondered who would take care of Dog? 

OOC : Have to say that last battle was amazing.  Neanderthals, at least Keta, are powerful and fast.  He was like a Ninja, moving about stabbing, dodging.  It was a good fight.  I noticed his list of kills seems to miss a few animals.  And he left behind a lot of wealth in bone crafts on his corpse and lots of coins back at his place.  Oh well.  I don’t play Adventure mode a lot but I am starting to think about trying out the Museum game after this.  I thought I did pretty well

And at least when Keta meets his Elders in the afterlife he can say he killed a forest Tyrannosaur.  But what will happen to poor DOG!?!?!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2021, 09:49:14 pm »

This was a fun thread, thanks for writing it up! Only a tyrannosaur could take down Keta.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2021, 12:03:45 am »

Primal is great for Adventure Mode.  Incidentally, the cartoon is equally amazing.


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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2021, 08:34:00 am »

Dog inherited incredible wealth. Dog is now a major target. Who will protect Dog?

King Zultan

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Re: Ketas Sinur Thruni (Adventure Using Primal Mod)
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2021, 01:36:52 am »

Dog big boy, Dog can protect Dog.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?