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Author Topic: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game  (Read 4278 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:52:43 pm »

Following up on my previous inquiry, this is a caverns-only Fortress.  Note; the game is also slightly modded.  Nothing outrageous (I don't think so anyways), but enough variety to add a challenge for those players capable of pumping out steel battle axes in the first year.  I have packaged a LNP, ready to go; Click Me!  Population limits can be changed to suit the relative potato value of your computer.  The world size is Small at 152 years, so if we're vigilant about atom-smashing (or magma-ing) old clothing and occasional running 'clean all', FPS should remain stable.  Current settings are; 100 pop, 125 strict pop, 30 visitor, 80 invader, 40 monster.


A note on the Steel rework: Using the full version of Sver not only rebalances all the values of weapons & armor, it also makes producing steel a multi-industry effort.  I promise it's actually not that complicated, but is definitely more involved than the simple 2-step process of vanilla.  Here is the change list and flow chart

Packaged LNP ready to go: Click Me! (redux)

Rules are simple:
1. You can mine freely, but all building (including construction & zone) must be within the Cavern z-levels.
1a. Minecarts & tracks are the exception
2. Drawbridges are fine, but we should make an active effort to fight anything that threatens us.
3. Harvesting anything from the surface should be a last resort.  The Caverns will provide.
3a. If surface plants are needed for alcohol variety, digging a hole for sunlight is ok.

The Founders
Dig Master (and Mechanic) - King Zultan
Dig Master (and Mechanic)- some Dorf
Stone Master - recon1o6
Wood Master - Maloy
Shiny Things Master - Immortal-D
Pointy end facing the enemy - some Dorf
Keeping us all drunk & fed Master - Maximum Spin


Turn 1: Immortal-D (A Cavern Fortress created) Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Turn 2: Delphonso (A buffet expanded) Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Turn 3: Maloy (Infrastructure begun) Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Turn 4: Some Dorf

En Memorandum

recon1o6, shredded by a fungus monster in 152.
delphonso, eaten by an anklyosaur in 154.

It is the year of Armok 152, on this spec of dirt we call 'The Momentous Planes'.  The Dwarves of 'The Rack of Adventure' have prospered, largely by keeping to themselves, leaving the other races to recklessly expand.

Click to expand

Indeed, even the great evils of this world are not immune to its' savagery.  The two central Necromancer Towers have been completely destroyed.

Note the Towers are not in the Civ list

Our rulers have wisely decided that having a backup plan would be a good idea, and an expedition was sent far to the South.

And thus was ordered the mighty Cavern Fortress of Tholkokeb, 'Deep Dwellers'.  Founded at the base of a mountain ravine, this river+mountain combination would afford us protection while we establish our domination over the Caverns.

While haggling for supplies, our Liaison questioned the practicality of bringing a single egg and scoop of sand, noting that per Dwarven protocol, each must have a separate container.  He claimed this was against the spirit of expansion, and that we were quote "Gaming the system".  I told him this new Fortress was challenging enough, and he could shove it.  However, we do have something to prove here.  On that note, I purchased a breeding pair of Water Buffalo, known to be voracious grazers.  And to help us blend in, our usual compliment of War Dogs has been replaced by War Velociraptors.  Still dog-sized, but trading cuteness for brutality.  Not to be confused with Alpaca-sized 'Utahraptors', which are most famous for learning how to open doors.

A short trek later, and we arrived at the designated location.  I could immediately tell something was wrong.  I climbed a tree with my pocket map and surveyed the landscape.  Where the hells is our mountain?!

Son of a Carp.  I'm guessing the mountain biome extends into the underground, but nobody bothered to check the actual elevation.  So much for our menacing entrance.  On the plus side, the first group of locals to greet us seemed uninterested, which suits me just fine.

Since building is restricted to the Caverns, we strike the Earth with gusto.  Time will tell just how hard the Earth strikes back.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 12:50:47 pm by Immortal-D »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2021, 04:52:18 pm »

It begins! With quite the interesting launch too. Of course the damn map was wrong. Someone clear set us up wrong on purpose in revenge for "gaming the system"

Dorf me please, either pointy end towards the enemy or a stone master

I might have a turn later, bit busy atm
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 04:57:13 pm by recon1o6 »
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2021, 05:27:27 pm »

I'm in for a turn!
Dwarf me too!


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2021, 06:48:04 pm »

Woooooo! Let's gooooo

Maximum Spin

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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2021, 06:59:11 pm »

I'd be happy to be a miner or the cook/brewer.


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2021, 07:46:29 pm »

Everyone has been Dorfed and Turned as requested.  Interestingly, all of the founders share the relationship 'Kindred Spirit', which I think is neat.  I have breached the first Cavern without issue, and our war dogs have already proved their worth.  Here are newest of the founding 7 (click to enlarge);

King Zultan

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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2021, 05:08:20 am »

PTW also I'd like a dwarf.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2021, 04:16:23 pm »

10 Granite, year of Armok 152
Without so much as a hobbit-hole to make shelter, we carve a swath of ramps facing away from the river.  Our most prominent miner King Zultan received extensive training (as did all of the Founders in our respective professions), and makes short work of the top soil.  He calls out promising resources as he digs past them.  In just 2 short days, his pickaxe finds a hollow point in the stone.

Click to expand

Even from the small corner that was exposed, I can already see lines of gold and precious stones forming patterns across the walls.  There is even a patch of silk adorning a nearby column.  As the team's leader and professional Jeweler, my mind is already racing with possibilities.  With just a few of those gems, I could craft us furniture and statues to dazzle the senses.  But first thing's first.  All the wealth in the world won't help us if we are constantly harassed by the denizens.  A breach is selected near a small plateau overlooking the rest of the cavern, with tunnels leading to bedrooms and the trade depot planned as well.

2 Slate, year of Armok 152
One of the many challenges during the early expansion is that until the Caverns have been fully mapped out, digging plans will frequently need to be altered.  My initial bedroom plan ran off the edge of a cliff (literally).

As if in answer to the problem, fate saw fit to award our reputation with a few brave souls.  Human Adventurers found us and wish to join, for the purpose of battling the monsters of the underdark.  In addition to providing much needed security, they will also help us scout the Caverns, which will making expanding both easier and safer.

15 Hematite, year of Armok 152
Expansion continues steadily.  We have charted the twisting pathways of a moderately-sized chunk of the Eastern Cavern, and are now working to blockade it.  Maloy and recon1o6 have worked tirelessly transforming this actual hole in the ground into a proper Fortress; churning out beds, barrels, doors, and bricks at a record pace.  Additionally, Maximum Spin has bravely ventured deeper into the Caverns in order to collect plants for brewing.  As soon as we have a Butcher's Workshop, he can start preparing fresh roasts for us.

20 Hematite, year of Armok 152
I suppose I was being optimistic hoping our presence would go unnoticed for much longer.  A vicious Cave Hound and Troll ventured near our new entrance; King Zultan and one of the Humans took up arms to defend us.

We definitely need a rubbish pile and Butcher's Workshop soon.  Our hallways are already packed floor to ceiling with supplies, I don't want Troll bits all over our gold (and I guess not getting into the food & booze either).

8 Galena, year of Armok 152
Our first piece of the Cavern is now completely secure, save for a single wall, though it is very tall and will need some months yet to complete.  One of the children from a migrant wave was lost to another Cave Hound attack :'(  Several of the Human Adventurers have also been slain.  Our militia commander has been given leave from his normal duties to guard the drawbridge that is now the only entrance into the Fort.  Or it will be as soon as that last wall is done.  I would be remiss if I failed to mention that our faithful War Velociraptors have paid for themselves ten times over.  They have actively fought and chased away all manner of critters on the surface, plus one enterprising Kobold.  That said, they are quickly approaching the end of their useful life.

As Summer turns to Autumn, our prospects are going up every day.

So far so good.  The main hallways actually are overflowing with stockpile supplies, and the workshops have been slapped down in any available space without organization.  Still; we have farms, bedrooms for everyone, coffins for everyone else, and the perimeter wall is at 90% (might need to be completed by another Overseer).  I'm hoping to wrap my turn in the next 2 days.  Stay tuned!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2021, 02:32:46 pm »

8 Limestone, year of Armok 152
The Dwarven Caravan has arrived with a full compliment in our first year!!

A most welcome sight indeed.  As the Fort's designated Broker (also Bookkeeper & Manager, I'm a diverse Dorf), I meet with the Liaison to hash out terms and share news of the world.  The merchants have unloaded as we rush to bring them our most valuable wares.  While that was going on, I go back to overseeing construction of the walls near the end of the Caverns.  We are now completely self-contained!  I hope my successors appreciate this gift, they will be able to run this Fortress without fear of the monsters beyond.  A single bridge separates us from the Caverns at large, so expansion can now be carefully planned.  Just as I return to the Depot, I see the merchants are almost.. finished packing?!  What?  What!!  I received reports that a few critters had caused a fuss near the front bridge, and after a brief investigation, my worst fears are confirmed.

Pour one out for our hero

Son of a Carp :(  I'm so depressed, I head to our makeshift kitchen for a snack.  Maximum Spin has been doing the best he can with what he has available.

Once you get past all the crunchy bits, his biscuits are actually super tasty.

25 Timber, year of Armok 152
Autumn draws to a close, and with it the first bit of good news since we lost our traders.  One of the peasants who had been assigned to help recon1o6 starts glowing and foaming at the mouth (in that order).  Possessed by unknown spirits, he claims a Mason's Workshop.  I quickly burn a few lumps of charcoal to churn out the metal bar he needs, and the Fortress is rewarded with its' first artifact (and a useful one to boot).

I've already given myself an appropriate bedroom with gemstone furniture, but this cabinet will make an excellent centerpiece for our future dining hall.  Speaking of making this place look nice, we finally built a Rockforge where I can refine my skills.

20 Opal, year of Armok 152
So fast, it all happened so fast.  The monsters of the Caverns are coordinating their assaults.

The beast is on us before I can think to close the front gate.  Our lone militia Dwarf bravely charges, but following on the heels of this beast is a writhing mass of fungus and muck in the shape of a Dwarf.  It's over in a flash, the invaders having succumbed to their wounds.  Our lone military recruit lies dead, along with... oh no :'(

Aside from being a Founder, he was also our most experienced Mason by far.  A few of the peasants have been training, but will need time to develop their skills.  Since we are not actively expanding or collecting anything, I order the front gate shut until further notice.  I triple-check our border walls with increased paranoia, but they are secure top to bottom.  Deep Dwellers is completely safe from the Caverns on all sides, though we should still add a bridge to block the ramps leading to the surface.

11 Obsidian, year of Armok 152
My tenure draws to a close.  I opt to make notes for my successors, hopeful they can use the security I bought us to expand this ramshackle cave into a proper Dwarf Fortress.

Good luck :)

Save File


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2021, 03:31:41 pm »

damn x3 i didnt even last a year
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2021, 03:57:01 pm »

damn x3 i didnt even last a year
At least you went down swinging.  But that is entirely my fault :-[  With no active projects, I should have closed the gate, but I wanted a little more time to search for wood and haul critters back to the butcher.  On the plus side, with 2 migrants waves, there are now plenty of Dorfs to choose from, including an experienced weapon smith.  I'm sure future Overseers will want to beef up the military now that our borders are secure as well.


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2021, 05:45:09 pm »

Nice turn, Immortal. I'll get to playing on this by the weekend, hopefully.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2021, 10:07:52 pm »

Special of the Day: Menu of Del Olinoddom

A pleasure to meet you. I'm Del. I'm something of a connoisseur of unique meats and rare plants. When I heard about Deepdwellers, obviously I was intrigued. The caverns are known to be host to a practical feast of creatures and veggies. I arrived not long ago, and have to say, so far, it is a staple, solid meal.

However, I've been elected to be in charge of this place. I run a clean, efficient kitchen. My standards for a meal - masterwork. I expect the lot of you dwarves to live up to that.

This fortress is solid. Well put together, protected. A fine cut of beef. But it needs some spice. Some garnish. Something to bring out the flavor.
Now. To work.


Cavern access is currently shut off. I would open it and gather those delicious moledogs (surprisingly good, rich flavor with earthy tones. Similar to wood ear, but with a more pleasant texture) however a Giant Cave Spider is making its rounds and I'd rather not have someone stop breathing due to paralysis.

Shortness of breath from eating too fast: good.
Shortness of breath because of venom: bad.

I see...the hallways...are an actual garbage dump.
No worries, dwarves. See this as an opportunity, not an obstacle. Let's clear out these halls - make some new stockpiles - efficiencies available at every corner!

Hmph. Kobold - foul tasting, to say the least. A bit like turtle, a bit like opossum. Only the bad parts of both. Unpleasant.

Spoiler: tall image (click to show/hide)

A stockpile room is dug out underneath the workshops. In the southern portion will be everything that can be put in bins (except ammo). The northern section will accept furniture and other large pieces. Neat and easy. On the eastern side you can see a hallway up to the kitchens, and a stockpile for food and drinks.

Directly above that, our new dining hall, temple, and dormitory. Small, but suitable for now. (making this a jpeg was a bad choice.)

The dining hall is completed, but we have no tables! An affront to fine dining!

The elves arrive with a cornucopia of possibilities in tow!

The temple is completed, but we have no statues! An affront to worship!

Some human monster hunters were kind enough to die and leave us their oversized armor and weapons. With clever haggling, Immortal-D managed to send that off with the elves, who left a pile of clothing, barrels, cages, fresh fruit and nuts and a few new animals to eat - a wolf, a deltadromeus, and a deinonychus. Tantalizing possibilities!

The dormitory is finished, but we have no beds! An affront to rest!

One of our human monster-hunters has decided we should start calling him royalty. Sir, everyone in this dining hall is treated like a king.

The new temple, The Chapel of Depth, is established to no god in particular. It's an immediate success among the dwarves.

It is a resounding success with the monster-hunters - who have begun arriving in droves. Without cavern access, their ceaseless violence has been tempered. The unbearable weight of their actions leads them to look toward their gods and to look inwards.

Don't be so serious, guys... I'm going to rely on you to gather new meat soon.

The damp air of the cavern carries aromas well. This is a benefit for the chef, but a detriment for the butcher. A clever set of mechanisms will be used to dispose of any food waste.

A child made a beautiful instrument. That's nice, but I'm pretty sure I told you to peel potatoes. Get back to work!

Hmm. Clever undead. The caverns are sealed - but our surface is exposed. I send our army of monster hunters to take care of this. Should be easy work for them.


Oh no.

They were absolutely minced. This group of undead are mostly crossbowgoblins. The rest are speargoblins. A considerable threat. And...wait what's that noise?

Uhhh - kitchen's closed! Come back another time!

Whew - that was close. Closer than I'm comfortable with. Who was that speedy dwarf who pulled the lever?

Kib also made an artifact. Great contributions from this dwarf! You deserve a special treat!

Del Olinoddom, Gourmand has gone berserk


I moved the gate backwards, expecting threats from the caverns - and was immediately met with a threat from the surface. This has cut off our cavern access as well - because it is one gate... So it's either try to kill a squad of 25 undead crossbowmen or dig a second entrance into the caverns...

Stay tuned as I figure it out! Sorry recon, I forgot to redorf you. I will when I start playing again. Anyone else want a dorfing?
Dorf list: King Zultan, Maximum Spin, Maloy, recon1o6.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 12:33:46 am by delphonso »


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2021, 07:02:02 am »

Special of the Day: Menu of Del Olinoddom

Time for things to get serious.

With the passing of recon1o6, I'll need to find a replacement - this kitchen needs an authority with sense - a calm demeanor not taken by flights of fancy. Someone they can look to and feel comforted.


Arm up, men. We're going back into the caverns. I order a wall to be dismantled, opening the caverns to us once more. The meat stockpiles are running low and I intend to top them off. Either it can be you, or it can be some critter from the caverns - your choice.

One of the monster-hunters takes the lead! He mashes a mantrap into a fine meringue.

Oh - someone hide all those dead bodies out there... We're trying to get migrants some day, you know?

And for the love of god, restock those cage traps! We'll be eating well tonight!

(Dwarves rushing to restock the cage traps, after tasting Del's giant mole stew.)

Oh my! recon! Congratulations! In a year, I'll give the youngster a cake made by my own hands.
Now get back out there and pick some cave fruit!

Degel said he heard something strange behind the wall. I said I heard he wasn't making the pecan paste I had asked for. That shut him up.

(Cave hounds stuck behind the wall basically give us free reign of the caverns until a forgotten beast shows up.)

I just watched a velociraptor crawl across the walls to get back into the fortress after a wall was constructed. I know my kibble is good, but damn - I didn't know it was that good.

We caught 3 pygmies. Although I've heard that paprika and maple syrup can unlock their flavor potential, in my experience they're all bone, little meat, and no fat - not worth the hassle. I release them.

The idiots immediately fall back into the cage traps.

Kib - artifact creator and clutch lever-puller, also mother - is put in charge of the military. She'll be in charge of Kib's Cooks. Meanwhile, I'll take charge of The Cuts Above, a fall-back defense force. Kib's Cooks grab what they can for weapons - mostly...shields and nothing. Great.

If we're going to equip Kib. We're going to need magma or wood. Both of which can be found deeper. The search begins!

The caverns are exploited of their gatherables and a few trees. I expand the northern section of the fort a small bit, to encompass the exploratory tunnel.

Kib's Cooks asked why they can't at least practice combat with my knives. A 40 minute lecture about elven grown handles and dwarven folded steel later, they gave up.

Mafol, the Monster-hunter died in the caverns. He died doing what he loved, at least - stabbing 6 troglodytes.

Dwarf has an interesting taste - sweet, for a meat, probably due to the high average consumption of wines. Sinewy and tough, though - it is not dissimilar to chewing on bark. Not to mention, in the average dwarven lifespan, the chances of getting all your fat boiled off is pretty high - meaning many lack a potent flavor profile. All of this may explain why elves so frequently consume dead dwarves after battle.

Kib's Cooks murder the pygmies. They keep walking into the cage traps and I'm sick of them.

Praise the miners!

Water, trees, and magma - all in one! Stupendous. Now... about the local flavor...

I mean, while you're there...
You may as well pick one up.

Kib's Cooks murder a group of seven more pygmies...It was inevitable.

Uh. Congrats.

We're in a tough spot overall. We have plenty of cassiterite. Hematite lies near the surface, as well as our native silver. If we want to begin forging equipment, we'll either need to mine upwards, or at least re-claim the stairwell to the fortress. We're quite low on wood, so the magma will likely be necessary for keeping the ovens running.

Uh - fine - okay. Look, I'm sort of in the middle of something.

I think a better overseer than myself could maybe take the surface back - a few trap rooms and a squad of naked wrestlers might be enough. I'm not really a public-facing guy. I hire maître d's for that (Immaître-D') What I'm good at is making sure the kitchen keeps running and the customers have the best damn dining experience of their li-

Okay - is this like something I need to worry about? What the fuck guys?

The magma is sort of in an open plane, so I carved through a pillar all the way to the bottom. The pillar is conveniently located near the butcher's workshop.

Meanwhile, pygmies have begun stealing jewelry off of dead monster-hunters. Look, as long as they're not in my cage traps - we're golden.

And - claimed. Excellent.

Honestly, the throbbing cysts aren't bad. Oily, astringent. Similar to sea urchin in a few ways - though definitely hints of iron. I'm up for more. Fleshworm, on the other hand - all teeth.

I placed a few of our better-tasting animals in a pen together. It's a little love nest. Maybe in time we'll have some new velociraptors, crystalline chargers, and cats.

Damn - Spring is here already and my time is up. It was nice running the whole shop, but I'll return to my post for a while. Best of luck, whoever takes it next. Keep the larder full, and I'll keep the fort running.


Trying to prepare for whoever makes a pumpstack, I started digging out orthoclase. I'm a giant idiot and should have just dug out bedrooms on this floor. Ah well.

Spoiler: tall (click to show/hide)

I ordered up 60 blocks (order of 15) and mechanisms - all magma-proof. No idea what we'll do for corkscrews. There is silver and iron right under the surface. Good luck whoever is next - the siege has been there all year. Only a couple have died to dinosaurs - these guys are really tough.

The caverns were incredibly calm - no forgotten beasts, no massive critters - just a ton of easy to capture slaughterables and some Mind Flayer-like ladies. The fort is completely secure right now - deconstruct walls or pull levers to let the fun in.

I labelled several of the levers.

Save is here!


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2021, 09:48:48 pm »

Delightful :) I would not have considered a cavern Fortress to be the center of hauteur cuisine, but shows what I know.  Good call on the temple as well, normally I'd have an empty room designated in the first year, but building walls was rather a priority.  I'm hoping we can claim even more of the open cavern space soon.  Take it away Maloy.
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