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Author Topic: The Tales of Runlance - Year 1511 - OVERSEERS NEEDED! APPLY INSIDE!  (Read 28501 times)


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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #150 on: November 13, 2021, 10:16:45 am »


I might have a go

Ryu do I
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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At least we killed the boy and hurt an old man.
SPAMOVERLORD - play as the Empire and break ALL the cliches! | Doomhollow - A reasonably sane succession fort! | Give a Damn!


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Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #153 on: November 21, 2021, 03:58:52 am »

Maybe someone else should take a turn...

HMD Majesty

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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #154 on: November 22, 2021, 11:43:55 pm »

We suppose We could take over for a Turn after this.

We can't promise Screenshots of Everything, but a monthly Log-taking is definitely doable.


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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #155 on: November 23, 2021, 01:20:53 am »

We suppose We could take over for a Turn after this.

We can't promise Screenshots of Everything, but a monthly Log-taking is definitely doable.

Well the cu is open, so the "next turn" is right now. You up for it?
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

HMD Majesty

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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #156 on: November 23, 2021, 12:01:40 pm »

We are, but We thought Gwolfski was taking a Turn?


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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #157 on: November 23, 2021, 09:19:50 pm »

We are, but We thought Gwolfski was taking a Turn?
gwolf said they would start "tomorrow"many days ago and has no posted here since or replied to my pm

HMD Majesty

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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #158 on: November 23, 2021, 11:37:55 pm »

Oh dear.

We'll begin immediately, then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #159 on: November 24, 2021, 04:18:40 am »

Worst case scenario, alternate reality forts.  Since the goal is the Preservation and Growth of Dwarvenkind, that is a GOOD thing.

HMD Majesty

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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #160 on: November 25, 2021, 11:07:31 pm »

'Personal Log of HMD Majesty, Ruler of Runlance' is a pig tail scroll written by Her Most Dread Majesty, the Titanna Below.  The writing is on her time as the ruler of Runlance.  The prose is as follows:

Entry 9ESqr

The Dwarfs appear to have misplaced their Calendar.  Under the Circumstances, We are not entirely surprised.

Our initial Look-Through has revealed that one of the Fortress Staircases ends directly in what is now Part of the Magma Sea. 

We shall need to have that fixed.

Checking the Supplies, We have learned that the Fortress is at least reasonably supplied with Food and Drink.

Our Livestock is basically nonexistent, which is annoying but not a Disaster, and on Our Way up from the Magma Sea We took note of the Fortress Silk gathering Area.

A closer Look at the Magma Sea showed a troubling Number of uncontrolled Breeches.  Sealing these is one of Our highest Priorities.

Currently, the other Action We are prioritizing is setting up Our domestic Magma Usage.

For some Reason, the Fortress Bookkeeper had no Office, which We easily solved, there is a melancholic Dwarf wandering the Place, and Someone hooked a Lever to a Cage containing an ambulatory Corpse.

And finally, We have marked the various non-Citizen Corpses and Skeletons lying around Outside for dumping into the oversized Magma Cistern.

Entry o7AA4

One of Our Dwarfs is nearing Insanity.  Said Dwarf does not appear to be violent, so there is little for Us to do.

Also, We seem to be having Supply Chain trouble for some unknown Reason, and We have dismantled some unused Machinery.

Lastly, We are beginning Preparations for disposing of Our Prisoners.

Entry A5PTC

The Transition from Fuel to Magma is proceeding without Difficulty.

We have already torn down all non-Magma Furnaces and Forges, which appears to have been all of them.

One of the odd Dwarfs who worship Magma has been taken by a Mood.  Fortunately, the Dwarf in Question is only asking for Things We have in Stock.

Although, one does wonder how the other Cultists will take the non-Smithing skill, given We had to persuade them to haul Things.  As a religious Woman Ourself, We do understand the Desire for Purity, but any reasonable Religion worth maintaining ought to make Allowances for Circumstances.

Oh, and We have spotted a Trio of wild Elk Birds roaming one of the Floors.  So far, they have done no Harm so We are going to deal with them later.

Entry 080cN

The Cultist has created a wooden Figurine of a Dwarf killing another Dwarf.  It is very well made, but one does wonder about the History of the Fortress.

Our Magma-based Industries are progressing toward Completion at a respectable Rate.

For some Reason We have two goblin Corpses inhabiting Our Cages?  We are uncertain if they were dead last Time We checked.

The Refuse Stockpile is a worrisome Distance from the Gate, so We have created a new One which is much closer.

Entry 8OjZI

Migrants have arrived.  For some Reason, not all of their Livestock is behaving normally, which is making it a bit tricky to both get an accurate Count of Our new Population and access Our Livestock Situation.

We have received a Petition for a Guild Hall.  While it is Our standard Practice to grant and fulfill such Requests, We will need to ascertain whether We have a suitable Space to carve one out.

As it turns out, there is enough Space for two such Halls.  Which is good, because We have just received another Petition.  Above and Below, why are these Dwarfs so strange?

Entry kWbUr

We have fully transitioned to fueless Industry!

The Fortress Population stands at Seventy-Three at Present, with Sixteen Animals.

We have discovered why Body Disposal was not progressing as We had expected.  Who digs out a Magma Cistern and doesn't provide Access to the Top?

We have also moved into the first Stage of Prisoner Disposal.

While the Cistern is not quite how We would prefer it, it ought to suffice for this.

Meanwhile, We will need to deal with a Lack of Bags.

Entry gyVpL

As it turns out, there would be enough Bags if the Fortress was actually making Glass Objects.  One does wonder about the collective Sanity of these Dwarfs, although the Fortress itself is merely poorly laid out as opposed to utterly stupid.

Body Disposal is now progressing, if slowly, as is the Contruction of proper Guild Halls.

We now have some steel bars!  We do so enjoy not having to concern Ourselves with Fuel.

Entry NPAnt

We have fulfilled the Request for a Farmers Guild Hall.

Our Engravers must have done very good Work.

We have begun using up Sand, so hopefully We will fewer cancelled Sand Collection Jobs, and We have started regular Clothes Production.

And We have just found a dead Yak in Our Hospital.  Oh dear.

Entry rkJQ7

We have decided that waiting for the Cistern to be perfect would take far too long, so We have begun disposing of the Prisoners now.

And now that We have conducted a Test, thankfully with mere Recruits, We have discovered that it is possible for a Dwarf to be interrupted by by the Goblin the Dwarf is pitting.  Which is, as one might say, a Problem.

Since the escaped Goblin was a Recruit, and We removed all Equipment from the Prisoners, it was easily killed as soon as it left the Area of the Cistern.

We will now need to consider whether to continue using this Method of disposing of Prisoners.  Although, it is no less safe then using Prisoners for Training.

It really is appalling just how many Bodies have piled up.  What if a Necromancer came by?

Entry PP4CP

It is now Summer.  We have taken Care of this Fortress for a Season now, and We dare to say We have done well.  No Dwarf has died as a Result of Our Rule, We have greatly reduced the Fortress' Dependence on the Outside World, and We have moved all Animals to the Inside of the Fortress.

However, to truly make venturing Outside optional, We shall need to create a completely sealed Tunnel for Trade.

That is Our next Priority.

Entry tVjRb

A goblin Siege has turned up, which is remarkably inconvenient.

Particularly given that We are still in the Process of cleaning up the various Bits.

It would appear that whoever was removing Ramps missed one.

We may end up forced to abandon a Dwarf.

We successfully convinced the Dwarf to abandon the Log, so all Dwarfs have made it Inside.  Now We just need the Gate closed before the Goblins make it as well.

Which has occurred!

Now We may consider potential Solutions to Our Goblin Problem at Our Leisure.

Entry JiUio

It appears only thirteen Goblins got sent to besiege Us.  Given this, We have decided to take advantage of Our greater Numbers and attack them, even though for some Reason the Cultists were certain We had to drain the Magma Cistern.  Such a Course of Action would be wholly impractical, particularly since currently most of the Goblins are higher then the Level in the Cistern.

We have assigned all adult Dwarfs to Squads.  Now We are waiting on equipment pickup.

Entry GafpY

We have begun the Attack

Found a goblin Squad.  We are ill-pleased with the Numbers initially engaging, as this is probably the Squad which contains Lashers.

As We expected, a Dwarf has died.

We shall commission a Slab immediately.

There has been three more Deaths.

And another.  This is a tad excessive, We may wish to consider implementing Our standard Citizen Milita Training.

And the goblin Recruits enter the Fray!

And now the only thing left is to clean up.

Entry II56z

Seven Dwarfs have died on the Field.  Fourteen more have been hospitalized, two of which We expect to die in Hospital.

This is a completely unacceptable ratio of goblin to dwarfen Casualties.  We will begin overhauling Training at once.

Entry 6sQnU

We have a order for rock Table which repeats daily, with no conditions.  Why.  We have over a Hundred Tables, probably due to this order, We can stop making tables for a bit.

Checking the Job Orders has revealed that We also have two identical Soap orders.  Heavens Above and Below, how was that missed?

It would appear that We are limiting Food Overstock by letting it rot and wither, which is completely unnecessary and speaks of poor design.  Furthermore, We have fed over twice this Number of Dwarfs on perhaps One-Fifth this Number of Farm Tiles.  However, We feel any Reform of the Farming should wait a bit.

Entry ABePY

We have finished the Trade Tunnel, and now all We need to to is link all the Bridges up and build the Depot.  We may even have it running before the Caravan arrives.

All the injured Dwarfs have left the Hospital, hopefully without Infections.

Mining out the new Training Room is proceeding quite well, and -

Oh! Migrants!

And now another Dwarf has gone moody.  Ah well, Everything on the List is in Stock.

Entry L1fEu

So it turns out dead Crowmen can fly, and the single Crowman in the Cages was dead.  We presume they can fly while alive as well, but at the moment that is entirely irrelevant.

And now the Crowman is not only dead but inanimate.  Three or four Injuries, no Fatalities.

Entry D6AYp

Further testing of Our Prisoner Disposal System shows that it works perfectly so long as We only pit one Prisoner at a Time, and use some other Method for Prisoners capable of Flight.

And, as it turns out, Sacred Apexes which are able to fling Dwarfs about by Magic.  While they have not been reported yet, We lost two Dwarfs before Mestthos Amazedmirror tricked it into falling into Magma.

We have succeeded in providing a Craftdwarfs Guild Hall,

and Our Trade Tunnel is nearly ready for the Depot.

Entry XWHEr

One of Our Dwarfs has turned violent.  We shall deal with this.

Said Dwarf appears to have been considerate enough to not kill Anything, and We have sent him to go stand behind a suitable pair of Doors - they seem to be from a aborted Pump Stack - a Door We will install on a Passage as soon as he leaves the Hospital.

Also, the Missing Reports have come in.

Entry lahIs

We have transferred the Depot well within Time!

Also, We found a Lever which should have been taken down, so We had it removed, and Our new Training Room is seeing use.

Entry bvttih

Autumn has come.  We have perhaps not done so well in Summer as in Spring, what with escaped Prisoners and the Siege, but We do still have more Dwarfs then We started with at Seventy - well, actually Seventy-One for now.

There is little for Us to do, seeing as We are only here for a Year half-over.  Is it worth attempting to improve the Farms and start effective Livestock keeping?

We don't know.

Entry 01NiN

We have ordered the Construction of a Bridge to block off the Ramp used in the Siege, and We have also ordered the Deconstruction of every non-producing Farm Plot.

Which was most of them.

Entry CZdO8

This doesn't seem to do Anything.

One does wonder if it used to have a Purpose, a long Time ago.

Entry BeGV9

This is a ridiculous State of Affairs.

We have commissioned an equally ridiculous Number of green glass Cabinets in order to fix this.

Oh, and We told the Dwarfs to store empty Cages with the full ones.

Entry mWoxw

Traders have arrived, and We discovered We lacked a Broker.  We are planning on mostly trading Clothes, excess Plants, and perhaps Toys.

What Below...

Good Dwarf, how is that a good Idea?

Entry 9mkEl

We ended up mostly trading old Clothes, particularly since the Traders did not bring a large Caravan.

For that Matter, given what they had it was just as well.  Gives them Something useful to do.

Entry elDN9

We decided deconstructing the Fields was taking too long - namely, none of them had been deconstructed - so We instead ordered them to be left fallow.

We also discovered two properly dead Animals in Our Cages, and that while expensive dumping Sacred Apexes still in their Cages does safely get rid of them.

Entry Pr1h8

We have Migrants!

Oh, and the Mayor woke up and is now talking with the Liaison.

There is no News.

We instructed the Mayor to request Seeds of every Kind available.

Our Parent Civilization will pay over double Value for unworked Cloth, Windows, and Blocks.  Green Glass is cheap, Windows it is.

Entry 52VGJ

Found and properly named two Levers, and ensured that one Dwarf got buried.

Oh, and a Dwarf went fey.  We're a little lower on yarn Cloth then We'd like, but otherwise good.

Entry 8fw7S

We swapped the Depot Access so the Traders can leave, and one of Our Dwarfs got locked on the wrong Side.  She has Drink but no Food, so We dearly hope the Traders leave soon.

The fey Dwarf is doing rather well.

And We arranged for the first Wave of Cabinets!

Entry k23ua

The fey Dwarf has begun Work, and the Traders have left so We can let that Dwarf out.

Entry utDn9

The Artifact is complete, and well...

...We can't tell if it is Awe-inspiringly ridiculous, or ridiculously Awe-inspiring.

We decided to look over the Health of Our Dwarfs and noticed four Infections.  Knowing Dwarfs, they will either die within the Season or keep going for Years while still infected.

Our current Population stands at Eighty-One Dwarfs, so this not too much of a Problem.

Oh, and We have just spotted some Water seeping out of the Aquifer.  It is not very much Water - Aquifers just aren't what they used to be - but it is untidy so We sent a Dwarf to build a Wall.

Entry aXly4

Heavens Above and Below, how are We supposed to handle Stupid?

Right.  First, We swap the Depot Access.

Second, we wait for the Dwarf to clear the Outer Gate.

And now We have the Lever pulled as quickly as possible!

...and the Dwarf walked off before the Lever got pulled.  We're going to be at this for a while.

Or, maybe not.  There are Rocks in the Trade Tunnel...

And she's picking up a rock...

We have ordered the Lever pulled already and -

Well.  That was fast.

Now We just need to cancel and deconstruct.

Entry kBhYA

Due to the Presence of mistakenly dumped Magma-safe Items in the Cistern, We have decided to install a Drain in case some later Ruler wants to fish them out without damaging the Scenery.

We figure a Pair of green glass Doors, a glass Grate, and some Fortifications ought to suffice, so long as said future Ruler remembers to turn off the Magma Pump Stack.

Entry qLo0F

Winter is upon Us.

It seems strange to work throughout the Winter, as We prefer using Winter as a Time off for Our Dwarfs.  However, as Needs must.

We shall be focusing Our efforts at identifying both short-term and long-term Problems.

Entry yfYPU

A dwarfen Child has reached Adulthood.  We have assigned her to her Squad, and told her to go Farm as Our Fields are in dire Need of Farmers.

We have completed Stages One through Three of installing the Drain.

The Grate is covering the Drop to where the Magma can drain off the Map, and for Safety We will be removing the outer Door and replacing it with a Wall after We have linked the inner Door up to a Lever.

We have also begun farming either Peafowl, or peafowl Eggs depending on whether the Peahens will lay fertile Eggs.

Entry q8T7f

We noticed We didn't have a Fishery, which is an easy Mistake to make, so We ordered one built.

Also, We have completed installing the Drain without incident.

Entry Lb4vA

As it turns out, We forgot to build one of the Memorials.

We have ordered it built, and hopefully the ghostly Dwarf will refrain from causing too much Trouble.

Entry MMZuj

We had a minor Incident while disposing of the last Prisoner.

None of Our Dwarfs were harmed. We later received word that one of Our Dwarfs went missing during this Incident.

Entry Wovwf

Had a Run-In with a Giant Olm.

We sent the three nearest Squads - or rather, the Squads containing the three nearest Dwarfs - and killed it without Injury.

...And We just received word Someone went missing.  How?  We'll check the Combat Reports for any Clues...

Oh.  That's how.

Entry o8TKJ

We decided to have a Floor constructed over the Gate, outdoor Butchershop, and Fishery -

A Dwarf has withdrawn from Sociaty.

We're a little worried as the Dwarf might want more Bone then We have, but ah well.  We'll see.

Entry 6lC20

We discovered that Access to the third Cavern was not controlled, so We are sealing it off.

Why does that Staircase open directly into the third Cavern?  Very well, We are raising the Checkpoint Bridges.

If We lose Dwarfs because of Staircase Design...

Entry K5oeA

The moody Dwarf has created a very nice Sarcophagus.

It's not the most interesting Artifact, but it could be useful later down the Line.

Entry 5C5J0

Spring has arrived.

We are leaving a Copy of this Log for the next Ruler of Runlance, in the Hopes that it may be of Use.

Current Population: Eighty Dwarfs.

Notable Problems:

- Farmer Shortage.  It seems that there are not enough Dwarfs farming to plant all Fields.

- Equipment Mismatch.  We have been seeing this pop up in the Announcements

- Stockpile Mismanagement.  Our Food Stockpiles seem to function very poorly.

- The Blind Cave Ogre in the second Cavern.

- The Forgotten Beast in the first Cavern.

- The Lack of a properly controlled Entrance to the third Cavern.

Useful Notes:

- The Inner and Outer Trade Gates are linked to the same Lever, which is in the Lever Control Room and named 'Trade Access'.

- The two hundred Windows are for next Autumn's Caravan, assuming it makes it.

- The Lever for the Magma Cistern Drain is in the same Room as the other Magma Control Levers, and is named 'Magma Cistern Drain'.

- We have true Pairs of Sheep, Blue Peafowl, and Yaks.  With any luck, they are also breeding Pairs.

- The Squad Death Row is currently set so that any Dwarf assigned to it will strip down and station behind a Door so said Dwarf can be locked up.

- Most of the Squads are set to train one Month out of the Year while inactive, with a minimum of five Dwarfs training.

By Our Hand,

Her Most Dread Majesty.

Current save of Runlance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #161 on: November 26, 2021, 02:32:40 am »

Nice job!  I enjoyed the writing style.

HMD Majesty

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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #162 on: November 26, 2021, 12:19:28 pm »

Nice job!  I enjoyed the writing style.

Thank you!

May We ask what it was in particular that you enjoyed?  This was Our first Time taking Part in a succession Game, and We were uncertain how well We did.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #163 on: November 26, 2021, 11:21:58 pm »

May We ask what it was in particular that you enjoyed?  This was Our first Time taking Part in a succession Game, and We were uncertain how well We did.

Oh, I think that writing style, like you're the Queen of England, was the best part.


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Re: The Incompetence of Runlance - Year 1507 - OVERSEERS NEEDED!! APPLY INSIDE!!
« Reply #164 on: November 27, 2021, 08:29:40 am »

The fort is in a better position than how you found it. It was a good turn.
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