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Author Topic: Lets Do The Evolution Baby! Evolutionary Arms Race Team B; Pre-Game Turn 1  (Read 1964 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Team B

Here your ancestors sit unremarkable, simple creatures in all aspects. A mating pair probably looking for a place to nest or where to find their next meal, but they could not account for what happens next. Be it a predator forcing them into a cave, a storm causing them to seek shelter in ruins or even the will of some higher power they end up in the presence of a miniscule pool of mutagenic soup left over from The War's horrible bombs. With a simple trip or stumbling they both blunder into the radioactive puddle, soaking themselves in the goo. Getting up and shaking themselves off they do not yet understand the gravity of what has happened to them, already the neurons in their brain are slowly changing. In a season their children will be born, smarter than their parents with brains geared towards higher thought if just a little more than their parents. And so like that your new kind spread, slowly evolving with the help of a little soak in god knows what into a sentient species ready to take the place of Mankind before it.

Hello Team B! Now is your time to design your new species which will be (hopefully) destined to replace mankind and your Anomalous Material resource that will be unique to your faction! I'm going to make a quick re-post of your rules and regulations and am open to answer any questions you have here or on the Discord.

Spoiler: Turn Structure (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Dice Rules. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rarity (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Pre-Game Turns (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Map Itself (click to show/hide)

As you add new zones the map will be finalized with its look with the ugly numbers removed and little art inside the circles to represent the zones. Each zone will also gain 4 'Pips' orbiting it to show team ownership of the control of the zone. The central #4 zones will start split between the two teams evenly.

Now that we've got that out of the way, lets do The Evolution baby! By the way this probably shouldn't need to be said by spying on other teams threads means the spanking of your ass shall be swift and merciless.

The Discord

The Core Thread
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 08:57:41 pm by Maxim_inc »

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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The Procyonids and Lumoss

When the bombs fell there were a lot more than Mankind in the blast zones. Rats and roaches were commonly expected to be able to survive a nuclear armageddon, but kept (relatively) safe in some backalley dumpsters was a small family of raccoons. While not atomized by uncomfortably close nuclear detonations (really, any nuclear detonation is uncomfortably close, but anyways), they had been mutated in the resulting fallout and kickstarted the process of evolution into what would become an heir to Humanity's throne.

As the increasingly altered raccoons grew larger and more intelligent, and therefore longer lived, by the generation they found themselves unable to live solely off of the scraps of those that came before. A small clan of these proto-cyonids left the concrete wastes and sought food elsewhere. The lands outside of the ancient human ruins were just as tainted however, and the clan wound up with dwindling numbers as they picked clean whatever they could find in the horrid badlands. But it was in these badlands that they also came across Lumoss. The depleting clan walked through the nights to avoid the scorching heat (and because they're nocturnal) and came across a glowing beacon that turned out to be a cave. The mild purple glow was emanating from mossy growths along the walls, and lined a small but not insignificant portion of the cave entrance. It proved to be full of nutrients, filling, and saturated with water, and so the clan found a place they could briefly find respite from the elements and recover.

Taking handfuls of lumoss, the protocyonid clan was able to delve deeper into the caves and found a clean source of water. The lumoss the clan brought with them reacted positively to the more moist environments, and the Procyonid version of agriculture was invented. As the first Procyonid clan grew over the generations and expanded outward from the first Lumoss Farms, the nomadic Procyonid clans sought trade and alliances with the only source of renewable sustenance in the area. The nomads had skilled herbalists among them and through the use of fire, something the cave-settled clans never really had a need for, they were able to dry lumoss and light the crumbled remains. The dried lumoss burned hot and slow with it's characteristic dull purple glow, and proved to be perfect fuel for the forges that had begun to craft the first metal tools native to the Procyonids. Over time these tools became became indicative of the first Procyonid City-Kingdoms. As the years passed, the land was terraformed by hand in order to facilitate more Lumoss cultivation, and the barren wastelands were transformed into arable land through a vast network of channels and the introduction of irrigation. While most of their homeland is still a dry, cracked deathscape, the Procyonid City-Kingdoms and their surrounding lands are massive oases.

Throughout the Classical era, Procyonid City-Kingdoms waged war on one another for their lands in an effort to gain more leverage via control of the Lumoss. This era came to an end as a single Procyonid City-Kingdom, led by a charismatic military figure, beat the rest of the City-Kingdoms into submission. Knowing the fractional Procyonid people would eventually undo his work if he tried to force them all under his banner, he instead formed a Council of Equals. Each City-Kingdom was still able to operate largely on it's own, but leaders had to work alongside one another to at least come to agreeable solutions to problems with minimal blood spilled. The City-Kingdoms also pay a tribute of Lumoss to the Prime City-Kingdom, as he who controls the Lumoss controls the lands.

The Procyonids were fully evolved into their modern image by the time the first clan settled the caves. They are a raccoon-based species, though significantly larger than their progenitor animal, standing on a pair of legs between 120-150cm tall and between 36kg to 50kg. While members of their society operate during the day, they feel most comfortable being awake, living, and working at night. As a society, they tend to prefer tight-knit communities and, while not outwardly hostile, do not trust strangers. This makes them better fit to working in small groups as opposed to larger hordes. By the end of the classical era they are essentially a confederation of city-states.

Lumoss is, in essence, the energy source for everything within the Procyonid lands. This is symbolic in the sense of it being extremely effective sustenance for the Procyonids, but in game-terms means it is essentially a biofuel that'll get better defined as time goes on. Currently it's like supercoal when it gets dried out and set alight for the forges, but the hope is to potentially go a steam/decopunk direction with it. But with raccoon people. And biofuel.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 11:23:12 pm by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
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Ursino Sapiens
Nuclear winter is such a bummer. I mean, here you are, a regular bear, living up in the northernmost reaches of North America- not a high-priority target for nuclear strikes at all-, and then all of a sudden it starts raining radioactive dust and all the plantlife is dead from a lack of sunlight. So, what do you do? Well, you could hibernate to try and wait it out- good luck with that. Or you could migrate south. Waaay south. There'll be a bunch of other animals migrating alongside you, but you're the biggest and meanest of them, so they're just free food.
Unfortunately, further south, while not as completely frozen, is even more radioactive. But you're a bear, you don't know that. All you know is, this valley is great. There's a bunch of weird caves full of food wrapped in slices of wood or shiny rocks, there's a river flowing into this convenient crater lake, and nothing in the area can compete with you, because you're a stonking grizzly. You and your fellow bears will make a home here, surviving off of bunkers full of rations, radioactive water, and the occasional animal that wanders into your domain.
Until one day, many generations later, one of your descendants looks at a discarded bone for a while, then picks it up and uses it to hit another bear. Congratulations, you've just attained sapience, as demonstrated by the twin traits of tool use and completely pointless violence against your fellow bear!

Ursino Sapiens originated as a species in a highly radioactive valley somewhere in the north of the Shattered Coast. Rapid mutations led to increased intelligence, and regular bear-competition-for-territory turned into tribal-war-for-vengeance-over-the-last-war. Successive groups of Bearfolk were driven out of the valley by constant warfare, colonising the surrounding valleys- where they also fought amongst each other, leading to more refugees colonising more valleys, on and on until the Bearfolk were ubiquitous throughout the area.
At some point, the very basic tribal society evolved into a slightly more complex tribal society. Tribes began to dominate entire valleys, and- seeking an outlet for their warlike instincts- invade neighbouring valleys. The Bearfolk also developed basic agriculture in this period, although hunting and foraging remained the preferred means of obtaining food.
The tribal or stone-age era ended when some enterprising bear made themselves a crude helmet and cuirass from metal scrap. When other bears realised that neither claw nor simple weapon could pierce this armour, rendering the wearer almost invincible, Bearfolk warfare- and society- changed forever. Suddenly, every bear worth their salt had a suit of hand-crafted armour. The bear with the best armour became the chief- on account of being able to defeat the previous chief in battle. Weaponry advanced rapidly to counteract the armour, with precision piercing weapons and prosthetic claws being favoured for their ability to target weak points in armour. The greatest chiefs managed to unite several valleys under their rule, and had forts built to celebrate their dominance. 


Also known as 'Eternal Ice', Gliderock is neither rock nor ice- it is a metallic substance found in large quantities around the Bearfolk territory. At a glance, it is just regular metal, white with a slight bluish tint- softer than iron, harder to work than gold or silver, it was of little interest to early Bearfolk metallurgists. That was until it was discovered that Gliderock, properly heated and treated, could be brought to a point of almost zero friction.
The earliest use for Gliderock was in sleds, used to transport materials between forts. In this usage, bars of Gliderock were made as frictionless as possible, then nailed onto the underside of wooden platforms. By slanting the front of the bars upwards, the Gliderock sled was able to traverse almost any terrain. Gliderock sleds predated the use of wheels for transport, and Bearfolk society would not adopt wheels in this capacity for a very long time.
Metallurgists discovered that Gliderock could have its frictive properties modified in almost endless ways- it was even feasible for a piece to have no friction in one direction, and high friction in a different one. However, exploiting these properties would have to wait for more advanced craftsbearship, as it was hard to achieve reliable results with the crude forging techniques employed by early Bearfolk society.

TLDR: Armoured bears, metal with adjustable friction.

Upsides of being an armoured bear: strong enough to tear lesser creatures apart, while wearing metal armour thick enough to stop (or at least slow) modern bullets. Downsides: big target, somewhat lower finesse (claws less suited for precision than fingers).
Cultural features: heavy armour, personal combat.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 01:52:48 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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It’s not too early for a votebox, your face is too early for a votebox.

Quote from: V(oteb)ox Populi
The Procyonids and Lumoss: ()
Ursino Sapiens and Gliderock: (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!

ghost armor 1337

  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: V(oteb)ox Populi
The Procyonids and Lumoss: (1)ghost armor 1337
Ursino Sapiens and Gliderock: (1) NUKE9.13

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: V(oteb)ox Populi
The Procyonids and Lumoss: (2) ghost armor 1337, MoP
Ursino Sapiens and Gliderock: (1) NUKE9.13

WorldOfHurt better vote soon to tie it back up.


  • Bay Watcher
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While I'd be okay with the racoons, I'd prefer the bears.
-The GM has said he likes the bears.
-I feel that "heavily armoured melee infantry" is a less explored niche (in a 20th century equivalent) than "sneaky night fighters".
-Lumoss is not especially inspired. It's Gooder Fuel #73. Gliderock (credit for which goes to MoP) is a more original special resource.
-I also like the idea of an unashamedly aggressive faction. Obviously all AR factions are by necessity aggressive to some extent, but it's relatively rare to find one that revels in it.
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Of course the Merethian prefers bears.

Considering the GM, the GM preference for bears is something I kind of want to avoid, seeing how much he kind of joined teams as a player himself to get players to do things he wanted to see the way he wanted to see it in his last game. Less temptation if it’s something he’s ok with and not something that’ll test his self control.

My biggest concern with the bears boils down to I didn’t make them how they’re going to handle the typical evolution of warfare in the early 1900s. Aircraft are going to be much more difficult on account of mass I imagine, and they’ll be excellent targets for small arms. Each bear could wind up as a tank unto itself, which would definitely be cool, but I think at this point in history the fighting is going to wind up being a numbers game, and bears seem intrinsically more expensive.

What is like to see from raccoons that I don’t see often in arms races *is* the night fighting that I myself haven’t really seen much of, especially in a near-ww1 setting. Trench raids and all that good stuff.

That said, I can’t really say for sure if I prefer one over the other, I could see myself having fun with both


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: V(oteb)ox Populi
The Procyonids and Lumoss: (2) ghost armor 1337, MoP
Ursino Sapiens and Gliderock: (2) NUKE9.13 , WorldOfHurt

Bears will probably let us get MOAR DAKKA, but I'm really fine either way.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: V(oteb)ox Populi
The Procyonids and Lumoss: (1) ghost armor 1337
Ursino Sapiens and Gliderock: (3) NUKE9.13 , WorldOfHurt, MoP

Boo ties.