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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl  (Read 17001 times)


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[IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« on: August 10, 2021, 05:23:20 pm »


It was at once subtle, yet clear that something about the castle had changed. A few of the inhabitants were drawn to one of the tables in the Quarters’ dining room, where a letter and a strange device lay. The letter was penned in simple, neat handwriting, explaining that the writer had a task in Grout Bog for the assembled people to perform, and that they would have another person to assist them. This ‘Grifter’ would provide more information once they arrived at the area - and the device would bring them to where they needed to be.

The device enclosed with the letter - a small black case with a blinking blue light in one corner - emitted a low beep before enveloping the group in a teal light. When the light faded, they were surrounded by swamp.

Following the letter’s instructions, the group arrives at the meeting point to find:

Choose your Grifter (Pick 1 of 3. Majority vote will win.)

[] Sal: A lady leaning against a tree, gaze focused on the knife she’s sharpening. She looks up from her work as the party approaches and nods. “You don’t look like you’re from the Feud at all. I take it you’re the group?”
[] Rook: An old man standing in the clearing, scribbling something onto a notepad. He cheerfully waves at you as you approach. Despite the overt friendliness, you can feel him looking the party over carefully. As he puts away his pen and paper, you notice the pistols resting in twin holsters. “You must be the team. You ready to go, then?”
[] Smith: You enter the clearing to find it empty, at least for the moment. Then a drunken Kra’deshi stumbles out of the bushes, hammer in hand. “I-I’m here, I’m here! I remembered I was supposed to be here the whole time! Wait, what the Hesh are you wearing?”

Without much else to delay them, the Grifter begins to lead the team to Grout Bog, being mindful of the muddy road. As they walk, there’s time to ask a few questions.

Ask questions (Pick any of the options.)
[] Who they are: You’ve only just met this person, but they’re supposed to be guiding you. Knowing them better might help in this endeavor.
[] Your destination: Grout Bog is, so far, just a name to you. You’ll get there soon enough, but knowledge of what to expect would still be nice.
[] Advice: The circumstances that were described in the letter you received suggested that this mission would be more than just hunting down and destroying a Trespasser.
[] Something else: Go ahead and ask the grifter whatever might be useful. They might not know, but it can’t hurt to ask...
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 05:45:27 pm by AzyWng »

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2021, 05:54:14 pm »

[]Your destination:...

Ehto had been a little skeptical of the whole situation right from the beginning, and as they pushed deeper into the swamp it didn't help things. The author had been pretty coy about what they actually needed from them, and how had someone managed to get such a note smuggled into the castle in the first place? What even was this place they were heading into?

She subconsciously grasped her cloak tighter around her body. Bogs were unfamiliar to her already, but something about this one felt especially... strange.

"So uh..." Ehto began, careful to keep pace with the grifter. And an eye on anything that might climb out of the muck. "What's this Grout Bog like anyway? And what are we gonna be doing there, exactly- note wasn't very specific, just said to find you and go from there."

"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2021, 08:59:42 pm »


A swamp. She'd dealt with worse, but swamps were a pain for cleaning your uniform afterward, even one as resilient as the one the Demon Slayer Corps issued. Not to mention her hakama. Of course, these thoughts were simply skimming along the surface; the rest of her mind was occupied on taking in every detail of their surroundings, relaxed yet alert for threats.

  • Rook
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"This is a lot of effort to get some help. What are you dealing with that you need our help?"
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2021, 09:43:25 pm »


A bog was far removed from the icy tundras and glacial plains that Utzi was familiar with, but far, far more comfortable for him than the castle was. He jumps with a start when the beeping letter brings him to the new locale, but becomes significantly more relaxed once he realizes he's surrounded by plants and standing under an open sky. He breaths in a deep breath of fresh air, keeping a keen ear alert for anything edible lurking deeper within the bog, a content look on his face.

"You are our guide, correct? What sorts of dangers does Grout Bog have that we should be aware of before we can begin our hunt?"
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 12:08:48 am by nuclearwhale »


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2021, 12:54:58 am »

[Who They Are]

In all honesty, the swamp itself was of little interest to Hibiki, at least when compared to how they had arrived there to begin with. She wasn't really sure if she was more annoyed at the sudden teleportation, or curious about the device itself, but either way, she had some questions in mind.

"Before we go any further, what is a 'Grifter' exactly? And why did you go through all that trouble to get our help in the first place?"
"I guess I gotta get all funky if I'm gonna make this work."-Stretch Armstrong


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2021, 03:22:50 pm »


[Something Else]

Rory looked around the swamp with an almost bored expression. Looks pretty bog standard. He smirked at his mental pun before turning to their "grifter", his tongue flicking into the air absentmindedly.
"Nice area, any good places to eat for after the job?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2021, 10:16:33 pm »

Quote from: Voting Results
Sal: 2
Rook: 2
Smith: 1

Flipping a coin...

Heads! Sal will be accompanying the party for this subplot!

The grifter listens carefully to the group's questions, then tries to respond to each one in kind.

"Grout Bog... well, it's a dig site for Spark and relics. Laborers get sent here day in and day out. Usually they don't leave. Unless it's for the derricks." The woman pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. "As for the what, well... Been hearing disturbing news from there as of late. Seems there's been a big surge in... 'turnover rates', as the Barons like to put it. And if what I've heard is true, that's not because of the Rise... it's because of something from the Bog. But no-one seems to know what person or thing is responsible. Client said to find and put it down, so that's what we're gonna do. Oh, I'm Sal, by the way.

"As for dangers..." Sal begins listing off on her fingers. "Normally, the Bog's got Fleads, Erchins, Grawkits, insects, feral Autodogs, and people. And, of course, people are the most dangerous creatures in Havaria. Besides the workers, there's the Rise and the Spark Barons. The Spark Barons run the place, and, well..." Sal's face turns stony. "They mostly don't care about the workers beyond getting more out of them for less. The Rise want to put an end to that, and the Barons, of course, want to put an end to the Rise. Things have been getting... a whole lot more tense between the two groups, what with all that's happening in Grout Bog.

"Now, what a Grifter is? It's mostly just what they use to call folks like us. Well, when they're not calling us hunters, goons, thugs, or errand girls. I'm not really part of any of the major players, so that helps give me an edge - and deniability. No real ties to anyone, after all. The client insisted I pick you folks up. Said it was too much for just one grifter to deal with. Don't much like demands like that, but..." Sal shrugs. "Such is the nature of Grifter work. You just have to adapt for circumstances.

"I know there's a bar called The Last Stand. Could be a good place to visit before, actually. I hear everyone likes to head there from time to time. Might overhear something useful, or find an opportunity to give someone a hand."

It’s not long after the last question is answered that the group comes across the gates to Grout Bog. The big wall casts a shadow on everyone nearby. At the gates themselves, a Jarackle stands guard, with two robots at her flank - one on two legs, the other on four. In front of them, two people - one a Kra'deshi wearing tan and blue robes, the other a human wearing a brown cloak with a gas mask. The gas-masked human seems to be having an argument with the guard, one too intense for either of them to notice the new arrivals...

Flipping a coin...

Tails! Violent encounter!

But then they get interrupted.

A single dog-sized orange-and-purple larva wriggles its way past the gate. The guard blasts it to pieces in seconds, but then another shows up.

Then another.

And another.

Everyone grabs their weapons and does their best to fend off the oncoming swarm of larvae.

Pick 1 of 3, majority vote wins:

[] Protect the people at the gate and help fend off the assault: They're in need of help. Besides, if you defend them, they might be grateful.
+ The people at the gate are holding their own.
- Splitting your attention between two groups is risky.
[] Focus on keeping yourselves safe: You've no obligation to put your life at risk for these strangers, and they've no reason to expect you to help them.
[] Try to push through the gate while the others are fighting: This is the perfect opportunity to get in quickly. And if the others don't survive? That just means fewer witnesses.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2021, 10:32:32 pm »


[]Protect the People!

Ehto let out a subtle snarl as she picked up something foul on the wind. The only warning she had before the swarm showed up. She knew that the muck would reveal something to pester them eventually... if only not so soon.
   "Sounds like we're gonna have our work cut out for us here," She said, turning to the group, "We should probably try and help em. Even though they seem fine, could be useful to make a few friends in a place like this, or at least leave a decent first impression..."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2021, 11:52:29 pm »

Utzi seems... dissatisfied with the answer provided by the guide regarding what dangers should be expected. He didn't know what a "Flead" or an "Autodog" was, and since the guide moved on without providing any more description, it would simply have to be a question for later. Still, as they drew nearer to the gate, Utzi abandoned his thoughts of mild annoyance as the grubs begin charging at the gate. While he couldn't imagine what could possibly drive such edible-looking animals to risk entering an encampment of their predators, as he watched the guards shoot the beetles in a panic, he decided it probably didn't matter right now, as he removed a spear from his back and notched it into his atl-atl.

"I agree. Helping kill a dangerous beast is a good way to make sure you are welcomed into a tribe. At least for a while."

[Protect the people!]
« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 01:21:32 am by nuclearwhale »


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2021, 06:57:46 pm »


The faunus sighed at the sight of some giant grubs of some kind approaching with violent intent. He rather disliked fighting any insect larger than a small dog because they tended to blow up with gusto once he got inside. But like the times he'd done so prior, he unsheathed his weapons and went to the frontlines, holding his lance at the ready to use his opponent's size against them. "Get behind me if you can, it's gonna be messy!"

[Protect the People]


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2021, 08:17:38 pm »


"These don't look so bad." Tsubasa walked toward the creatures with an almost casual gait, a slight shift in her stance betraying her combat readiness to those who'd seen her fight before. She moved to place herself between the bugs and the people at the gate, hoping her natural tastiness to demons was something these strange creatures could smell.

[Protect the people!]
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2021, 08:06:44 am »

Hibiki couldn't help but sigh after she heard their guide's lackluster explanation about this world and its dangers. She could infer what some of the threats mentioned likely were of course, and it didn't take much to understand that 'Grifter' was simply this culture's slang term for a mercenary. But it was becoming increasingly clear that their guide knew little about the group's interdimensional origins. In the end, she hoped that whoever they were meeting with could explain the situation a litle more clearly.

But while the others prepared for war, Hibiki seemed to relax a little, slowing down her pace until she came to a complete stop, and simply pointed a finger gun at the massing swarm. A calm smile forms on her face, as she mimes pulling the trigger before she lets out an odd battlecry of, "HENSHIN!" and simply mashes the four buttons on the side of her belt. A brief moment passed as Hibiki simply runs directly at the swarm, before her backpack explodes into a cloud of floating dark gray metal that engulfs her form, burying her utilitarian space suit under layers of metallic flesh and armor plating, and quickly securing her gauntlets and bracers in place. A thin wisp of the nano material still lingered in the air, neatly covering the Rider's head as her helmet finally slides into place, and her fist raises up to slam pressurized air straight into the nearest larva.

[Protect the people!]
"I guess I gotta get all funky if I'm gonna make this work."-Stretch Armstrong


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2021, 07:45:16 pm »

Rolling a d6...


It's a grueling fight, but the swarm eventually gets turned to paste beneath the team's weapons. Besides the occasional nick from when a larva gets too close, no-one is hurt.

The team used up some of their energy in that fight. They will start the boss fight with 5% less max HP.

As soon as the last larva has been crushed, the masked woman turns on the guard. "Still think everything is under control? Look, I'm actually here about problems like that."

The guard raises an eyebrow. "Wait, really?"

"Did you even hear what I was saying five minutes ago?"

The two are interrupted again when the robed Kra'deshi speaks up. "Are we permitted to enter, as well?"

The guard throws up her hands in response. "I... Fine. But only because you're so damn stubborn."

"If one of your own was in danger, you would wait as long as it took to be let in, would you not?"

Finally, the guard turns to the party. "You, grifters. Guess you showed up at just the right time. We've got a... situation regarding the wildlife in Grout Bog." The guard hands the party a set of passes. "You're here looking for work, right? Well, just head to the Regional Headquarters, and then tell them Hrikit let you in," she says, pointing a thumb at herself. "Then show the folks there those and let them know you're here to help."

The two other visitors make their introductions - the masked woman being a chemist for the Bilebrokers named Treena, the robed Kra'deshi being a Heshian Priest named Llullably.

Hrikit, Treena, and Llullably like the party - Helped protect them when swarmed at the gate.

While the party has been allowed to enter, there doesn't seem to be any hurry to get in just yet - people are mostly catching their breath and making sure nothing else is about to try to rush the gates. You can talk with the others before entering.

Choose your action:
[] More details from... (Pick any combination of options, including all four. Note that these people probably can't handle being bombarded with questions.)
   [] Sal: She's mostly caught her breath too, having sliced and crushed her fair share of larvae.
   [] Hrikit: The guard is checking one of the bots accompanying her for damage, but she can talk and work at the same time.
   [] Treena: After downing a vial of... something, she seems the same as before the swarm showed up, though more relieved that now she can get in.
   [] Llullably: After taking a moment to re-center herself, she's just about to head to the gate, though she’s waiting a bit to see if you have anything to say to her.
[] Ask about... (Pick any combination of options, including all of them. Note that these people probably won't appreciate being bombarded with questions.
   [] Grout Bog Wildlife: Sal gave you a bunch of names, but didn't actually explain what any of those names meant. At least being able to name what's trying to maim you would be nice.
   [] The 'Wildlife Problem': Hrikit is the one who mentioned it, so she probably knows more details about what that problem is. Better to know what you're about to dive into before you take the plunge, right?
   [] About Grout Bog: It might be good to get a different perspective on Grout Bog, or the factions within it.
   [] Treena's Problem: Treena mentioned that she was here about problems similar to this one. What does she know about the situation?
   [] Llullably's Problem: The priest mentioned one of her own being in danger somehow. It might help to know more.
   [] Something else: You might not get an answer, but it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

Spoiler: Character images (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 09:13:17 pm by AzyWng »


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2021, 10:24:48 pm »

Utzi wanders the battlefield for a moment, collecting his insect-goop covered spears from the heads and thoraxes of the numerous bugs, before rubbing them on the ground to clean them slightly and slinging them over his back again. He hadn't been too badly hurt in the fight, with only a small insect bite on one of his legs causing a small amount of nearly solid, frozen blood to ooze out. As he places the last spear over his shoulder, Utzi freezes as he hears Llullably introduce herself, his eyes widening as she mentions that she is a priest, but a look of relief following shortly after when she mentions that she needs help. Taking just a moment to regain his composure, the caveman walks over to her.

"You need help? I would be honored to offer my assistance to someone who is so attuned to spirituality. What's wrong?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Griftlands: The Bog Brawl
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2021, 10:45:19 pm »


[]Ask Hrikit the guard about...
[]The Wildlife Problem

It was a bit longer and more tedious of a fight than she'd expected when she made the suggestion, but at least everyone had come out not much worse for wear. Ehto briefly considered sampling one of the squashed creatures but even a ravenous hellbeast like her knew better than to just stick unfamiliar wildlife in her mouth. Not that she'd ever had issues with consuming something poisonous before, but well... given the place the grubs lived in she had doubts they'd be very good anyway.

Pushing the impulse into the bin where it belonged, she instead approached the guard as she worked.

"Hey uh," she said, "Before we go in, just curious about this Wildlife Problem we're here for. From what we heard, people are going missing or ending up dead; how many so far? and is there anything strange when it happens, or do they just... 'turnover'?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler
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