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Author Topic: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn  (Read 20132 times)

Maximum Spin

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #405 on: September 06, 2021, 02:34:54 am »

I hadn't thought of this and it's probably correct, but it's worth pointing out that you only need to destroy your lands if they're sufficiently large. As we have no idea what that size threshold is, it's possible there's only a realm shattering for great conquerors rather than each and every succession.
Okay, right, fair. I can't confirm that it happens every generation, so I should have said, there have been past conquerors who have had to divide their lands, therefore our father must have started with only a portion of a divided land, regardless of exactly when it divided.

Ceterum autem censeo elvenem esse delendam?


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #406 on: September 06, 2021, 05:25:08 pm »

Alright. Got the update 80% written. Need a tiebreaker RE the wager though:

Quote from: Sling Wager Vote
Accept: 2
Decline: 1
Request a Demonstration of Skill: 2


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #407 on: September 06, 2021, 06:14:02 pm »

Ill change my vote to Request a Demonstration of Skill first then


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #408 on: September 06, 2021, 07:41:47 pm »

Quote from: Hunting Plan Vote
Leave in Secret as per Nail's advice: 4
Gather a hunting party to go after a Brush Daemon: 0

Quote from: Choice of Priest Vote
Clarence: 3
Guthrey: 1


You quietly tell Blueblaize that while you consider yourself his rightful ruler, there are many obvious reasons as to why this arrangement cannot be acknowledged publicly. He seems a bit disappointed in this response, but is neither angry nor surprised. "Eh. Didn't think so, but I figured my odds of securing protection from you were the best they would ever be. I've seen enough humans grow up to know that this age is about the peak of your boldness."


Anne is thrilled when you permit her to experience possession. Moreso when you say you will be participating as well.

The actual possession is largely a blur to you; Your background in magic gives you some experience in using one's soul to commune with powers beyond one's self, but direct possession is general considered the most overwhelming and difficult form of magical communication to control. The last think you remember clearly is Blueblaize laying hands on you and uttering a prayer. From there, your recolection of events breaks down into several distinct events and interesting thoughts that may not be your own.

You recall being impressed with yourself, or more likely you recall Azeelrath the Silver positive impressions of you. Either way, someone considers you well qualified for the office of monarch.

A brief scene sticks in your recollection. Anne is hoisted on your shoulders. You are both chanting in a language you don't understand.

You feel a wave of... affection for and attraction toward your friend Kane. Innocent. Childlike. A crush. Is Azeelrath providing a link to allow you to share thoughts with your sister Anne? Probably. The alien thoughts drift toward jealousy when you remind yourself that the whole purpose of the trip is to arrange Kane's marriage to Simone.

Quote from: Magical Theory Roll
Skill = 4
Result = 6
Malus for Interacting with a Deity: +1
Final Result: 7

As the possession ends, there is a brief moment in which the connection between yourself and Azeelrath remains unbroken, but her power is not overwhelming your being. Spiritually you reach out, trying to gain something before your interaction with the divine concludes. The best physical analogue to this spiritual action would be trying to grab an eagle by the tailfeathers as it flies past you full speed at eye level; Your reaction is sharp enough, but there is nothing of substance for you to grab onto before the Dragon Goddess pulls away.

Quote from: Anne's Magical Theory Roll
Skill = 2
Result = 1
Malus for Interacting with a Deity: +1
Final Result: 2

...Anne, on the other hand, appears to grab a few metaphorical feathers when she reaches out despite her young age and lack of magical training. You briefly feel her presence, pushing into you through the link created by the divine. She greedily feels around your mind for several moments, that feel closer to an hour, before the link fades.

From that point on, you notice a change in your sister. She becomes less outgoing, begins to have trouble sleeping, and seems content to spend every waking moment quietly at your side, as if trying to view the world through your eyes. You are pretty sure she is just overwhelmed; Rooting around in your head could have easily exposed her to adult fears, experience, and knowledge that her young mind is ill-equipped to process. You would have warned her, and you are sure Blueblaize would as well, not to go rooting through heads if the idea of a little untrained girl gaining any sort of control over the possession wasn't entirely and inherently ridiculous. You are at least glad she choose to focus her efforts on yourself rather than Azeelrath: If it was a god's mind she was carelessly digging around in, she could have gone insane.

The following day, Anne offers you a brief and wordless demonstration of what she has purchased with her innocence. When nobody else is looking, she briefly assumes the form of a raggedy Imperial Cleric before returning to her normal appearance: The mask of Old Ginger. Intentionally or not, your sister seems to have acquired some amount of your skill in magic.


Quote from: Sling Wager Vote
Accept: 1
Decline: 1
Request a Demonstration of Skill: 3

Quote from: Wizardly Etiquette Roll
Skill = 5
Roll = 2
Final Result = 2

You pause, and consider the old man's offer. "I think I'd like a demonstration of your might before taking that wager," you reply, "I know most of the people who live out here are powerful and skilled."

He laughs. "Smart one are ya! Ta gamble without knowing the odds is folly. I like it. That answer tells me I needed ta know, kid. Respect."

The old man drags his finger through the air, as if writing in a language you do not read with an invisible implement. "As for my might, offering you a demonstration is part of the whole reason I came down here Arawn. I'm not actually particularly talented with the sling, but there is something I can show you."

A wicked grin spreads across the man's face, as a knot forms in your stomach. How did he know your name? Before your mind can dwell on the question for long, the stranger turns away from you and extends his hand through the gap in the wall he was leaning upon. An orb of black and purple energy forms in the palm of his hand, and the old man drops to one knee to roll it across the ground. As it the orb travels, the grass underneath it withers and dies. The cursed sphere seems to quickly cover hundreds of yards before it fizzles out of existence in the distance.

You guess whatever magic he just showed was powerful necromancy, capable of easily killing far more than blades of grass. As the old man rises, he flesh contorts and falls away, as it dawns upon you that his appearance was just a mask! Before you now stands a humanoid with deep green skin, black eyes, and fangs on his bottom jaw so long that they have clearly been filed down to keep them from impeding his village. A pure-blooded orc. As far as you know there is only one such person in your lands: Korrag.

"I make a habit of studying humans, you see. I know that, for a monarch, fat dealt you a bad hand. But looking upon you, I can say that you carry ta gifts you need to overcome any obstacle before your reign." The Orc smirks, "If fate did not decide that I was one of those obstacles, I'd even be rooting for ya, kid. I guess I am regardless, in a way. As a human, I don't respect you to understand me, but as an educated person I'll at least give you the opportunity. Where I come from, one's story is their most important and most valuable quality. And the most important chapter to any story is the ending. I could easily render you dead right here today, but in doing so your story would have an unsatisfactory conclusion, wouldn't it?"

Korrag offers a laugh, that while warm and inviting in tone nonetheless sends chills up your spine. "Orcs don't have words for 'friend' or 'enemy'. The only word we have for a personal relationship with somebody who isn't kin or a mate doesn't translate well to any human language. Rival would be a very rough approximation. But it is so much more than rivalry. It is to love and respect someone so much that you would give your life to contribute to their story or take theirs to ensure said story has a worthy conclusion. That sort o' relationship is the one thing I have missed since I crossed the desert north to lead a wayward and desperate people in need of leadership and identity. You might well be the only person around enlightened enough to experiment with Orcish extrapersonal relationships and worthy enough to succeed. I think yo-"

The Orc suddenly vanishes in a puff of purple smoke, as a bolt of lightning arcs from Kane's finger toward the spot where Korrag was just standing. "You will not harm one hair on my King's head, you oversized green snotbubble!" Your friend roars.

Then there is silence. Korrag doesn't return.


Quote from: Survival Roll to Hunt
Skill = 5
Roll = 1
Final Result = 1

The rest of the trip passes without incident. Seven days after you leave Wrotiron, you begin to see the massive herds of massive Dire Zebra that inform you the party has entered the Outer Savanna. Yet you still venture east for two more days to find a greater diversity of giant prey; Dire Zebra are particualarly ill tempered, violent, prone to traveling in large herds, and don't yield interesting trophies aside from the black and white pelts you could also get from a smaller mundane Zebra.

Once you reach the actual hunting grounds, the hunt begins. You spend several days dashing around the Savannah bringing down Terrorbirds, Dire Cheatah, Dire Leopards, and other dangerous but solitary prey; Your party is just not big enough to contend with a pack. Quantity over quality is the focus of the hunt; Knowing what you know about Korrag's spy ring, you discouraged Kane from bringing a Druid along to magically preserve meat and hides, so it is mainly skulls and bones that you will be bringing back home.

Skulls, bones, and ivory that is. The big catch of the trip is a singular male Dire Rhinoceros, which is easily the biggest animal you have ever seen. Usually a party as small as yours has no business dealing with a beast larger than a house that dragons would wrestle back in the day to hone and test their physical strength. But you have the benefit of both knowledge and magic; Rhinoceros, dire or otherwise, have poor vision and poor brainpower. It is a simple matter for you to distract the beast with illusions while Kane cripples it with his destructive spells. It takes four blasts of draconic lightning from your friend to knock the monster off its feet, at which point the rest of the party swarms it with their weapons, effectively subjecting the titan to a death by a thousand cuts. The horn has to be cut into three pieces to fit in the wagon.

As the wagons approach maximum capacity, Keanu approaches you and Kane with an idea. "Why don't we try to grab some living giant beast cubs? You are great with animals, sire, and we could always send some off to Penette in the nameless city..."

You consider the proposition. As tempting as it is, the circumstances of this hunt are poor for hunting live baby beasts. The easiest babies to find would be at the center of a Dire Lion or Worgyena pack, but they would be heavily guarded by perhaps dozens of lion sized hyenas or cattle sized lions. Although the magic wielded by yourself and Kane might give you a fighting chance against such a pack, a larger hunting party is typically recommended for such endeavors. Going after the litters of solitary animals would be a bit safer, but such critters often hide their young in a den or with camouflage; You could easily waste weeks searching for such a prize if you don't get lucky.

How do you respond to Keanu's idea?


Once the wagons are filled, talk of the journey home begins. Do you take the northern route, southern route, or retrace your steps through The Land of Ruin?

Kane and Simone have, so far, been getting along. Your friend tells you the plan is for you to 'catch them in the act' near the end of the journey home. Depending on your route, you can then have either Luanda or some other druid pulled from a local settlement ensure the matter is officially closed by performing a quick Mahallo wedding before Simone's family has an opportunity to object.

The fact that Anne appears, at least according to jumbled possession thoughts, to have a crush on Kane gives you reason for pause. It will be about a decade before your kid sister is ready to wed, but your friend would surely benefit more from marrying into the royal family than he would eloping himself to the daughter of a foreign Imperial Cleric. Not to mention the fact that you want your sister to be happy someday. Is the plan still on? If so, do you agree with how Kane envisions things playing out?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 07:47:57 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #409 on: September 06, 2021, 08:43:03 pm »

Spend a week or two trying to find solitary cubs, dont spend too long though.  We need to conserve strength for the journey back.

Keep to the plan for the shotgun wedding.  Speak to our sister about love and such, other fish in the sea and so on.  Would be pretty mean to demand a friend break an unofficial betrothal and hold off any marriage for ten years for our sisters crush.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #410 on: September 06, 2021, 08:46:10 pm »

Yes, we want cute, razor-clawed baby animals! Look for a solitary creature's den or a pack already in trouble, though. Don't get cocky about taking on a large pack, magic can only help with so much before the casters are exhausted. We had enough trouble against modest numbers on the elf raid.

Is the plan still on? If so, do you agree with how Kane envisions things playing out?
Yes the plan is on.
On top of whatever else, I have an idea for making a big ruckus when we get back to civilization. The whole "How dare you right under my nose?" deal. In case of a druid marriage, add in that the laws recognizing Mahallo religious freedom compel us to acknowledge it legally, but complain as much as we can on behalf of Simone's clerical father. Wrap it up by banishing them from our presence "unless you rectify your great guilt with some outstanding service to the kingdom, such as ridding the land of a Brush Daemon or similar fell creature and bringing back proof of the deed." It would be painful to lose a friend and useful magic user, on the other hand we have two of our best hunters working on Anders's project with a decent cover story. Our spymaster might even be able to funnel resources their way, not that we have much to spare.

Plus it keeps Anne apart from Kane. We do not want that going anywhere right now.

When we get a quiet moment, we need to have a serious talk with Anne to find out just how much she grabbed out of our head.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #411 on: September 06, 2021, 09:15:04 pm »

When we get a quiet moment, we need to have a serious talk with Anne to find out just how much she grabbed out of our head.
Obviously not too much otherwise she would of ran away screaming about how "none of this is real!" and "your simply a vessel for the collective's amusement!"

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #412 on: September 06, 2021, 10:51:57 pm »

Yes, go for cubs, but from a solitary animal and avoid spending too long.

Go North.

The plan is still on - sorry, Anne, but your crush is just waaaay out of the temporal realm of possibility here. Not big on the idea of sort-of-mock-banishing Kane, though - I don't feel like making that much of a ruckus for Anne's crush or Simone's father is that necessary, it deprives us of being able to use Kane and could piss him off, and a Brush Daemon needs more than just Kane and Simone to pull off - we need a proper expedition with a couple dozen people.

We should talk with Anne to figure out what she learned from us - and not only that, but I think we should probably spend some time helping her come to terms with it, considering she's struggling with what she learned.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #413 on: September 06, 2021, 10:54:14 pm »

Banishment seems way too much and wouldn't really be respecting the druid traditions.  Maybe ask for a reasonable dowry instead.  We don't know what kind of situation we will be in when we get back either lets not commit to something like that unless its demanded from the father.

King Zultan

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #414 on: September 07, 2021, 02:39:30 am »

Yes, go for cubs, but from a solitary animal and avoid spending too long.

The plan is still on - sorry, Anne, but your crush is just waaaay out of the temporal realm of possibility here. Not big on the idea of sort-of-mock-banishing Kane, though - I don't feel like making that much of a ruckus for Anne's crush or Simone's father is that necessary, it deprives us of being able to use Kane and could piss him off, and a Brush Daemon needs more than just Kane and Simone to pull off - we need a proper expedition with a couple dozen people.

We should talk with Anne to figure out what she learned from us - and not only that, but I think we should probably spend some time helping her come to terms with it, considering she's struggling with what she learned.
+1 But lets go through the ruins again and see if we can't have a proper conversation with Korrag.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #415 on: September 07, 2021, 02:18:06 pm »

Sounds like Korrag wants to be co-main characters. Friends, rivals, whatever makes for a better story at the moment. It's definitely an interesting proposal.

+1 for cubs, take as long as necessary. A few weeks for a potentially giant companion sounds like a good investment to me... and besides, it's fun!

+1 to The Plan. We're not even sure Anne's crush will last ten years, it'd be somewhat unreasonable to expect Kane to wait around that long, and Anne's got a lot of exciting marriage prospects in her future too.

-1 to making a big deal out of it. We're just japing around to get Simone out of having to marry a stuffy guy, no need to make an epic quest of it. Hell, if we were responsible we'd probably have just gone to Simone's father and persuaded him to get her a hunting man instead. This is what happens when you let idiot teenagers run a kingdom.

+1 to central, direct route. We've got no room for more trophies and should get back to our hopefully squeaky-clean city in a relatively timely manner. Cub hunt notwithstanding.

+1 to talking to Anne about her theft of our noodles. Good thing we didn't have anything important stored up there. Except for how Anne's older sister may have murdered a child to pursue her insatiable drive to master all beastkind. And how we Kirked a Druidic turncoat into being a double agent, which our wife doesn't know about. And how her crush killed a man to inherit his absolute bastard of a father's position as Chief Crucifixionist.

Anyway, I'm sure it's fine.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #416 on: September 07, 2021, 07:13:22 pm »

Sounds like Korrag wants to be co-main characters. Friends, rivals, whatever makes for a better story at the moment. It's definitely an interesting proposal.

+1 for cubs, take as long as necessary. A few weeks for a potentially giant companion sounds like a good investment to me... and besides, it's fun!

+1 to The Plan. We're not even sure Anne's crush will last ten years, it'd be somewhat unreasonable to expect Kane to wait around that long, and Anne's got a lot of exciting marriage prospects in her future too.

-1 to making a big deal out of it. We're just japing around to get Simone out of having to marry a stuffy guy, no need to make an epic quest of it. Hell, if we were responsible we'd probably have just gone to Simone's father and persuaded him to get her a hunting man instead. This is what happens when you let idiot teenagers run a kingdom.

+1 to central, direct route. We've got no room for more trophies and should get back to our hopefully squeaky-clean city in a relatively timely manner. Cub hunt notwithstanding.

+1 to talking to Anne about her theft of our noodles. Good thing we didn't have anything important stored up there. Except for how Anne's older sister may have murdered a child to pursue her insatiable drive to master all beastkind. And how we Kirked a Druidic turncoat into being a double agent, which our wife doesn't know about. And how her crush killed a man to inherit his absolute bastard of a father's position as Chief Crucifixionist.

Anyway, I'm sure it's fine.

+1 This except we spend only a maximum of two weeks looking for solitary pairs, no need to risk safety and time here

Korrag is going to become annoying isn’t he with that weird teleportation or hologram Magic he has access too, isn’t he?



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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #417 on: September 07, 2021, 08:47:36 pm »

Korrag has already been annoying with the raiders, impenetrable fortress, extensive spy network, and exotic magics. Showing up and vanishing in a puff of smoke is likely going to be the least of his obnoxious wizardisms.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #418 on: September 10, 2021, 09:17:00 pm »

Quote from: Survival Roll to Hunt for Solitary Cubs
Skill = 5
Roll = 5
Malus for Self Imposed Time Limit: +1
Final Result: 6

You spend a week exploring the Outer Savannah in search of solitary predators with cubs to steal. You manage to find a few, but each time the offspring prove to be too young to survive without their mother or a druid. Not wanting to stay out too long in case the aftermath of Nails' purge requires action on your part, you eventually call of your quest and turn back towards Bride Price empty handed except for your two wagons full of trophies.


Quote from: Imperial Etiquette to talk with Anne
Skill = 3
Roll = 4
Bonus for King Dealing with Subject: -1
Final Result: 3

One day on the journey back home you are able to send the others ahead to catch some small game to eat, giving you the opportunity to speak with Anne alone.

Although your sister refuses to give up exact details on what she knows of your secrets, she does imply more knowledge than you are comfortable when she asks "Dark Secrets and terrible plans? Is that what it means to rule, brother?"

You consider her question, and give the most honest answer you can muster. "My father, your great-grandfather, King Alan set me up with a weak Kingdom and few allies. Even now, we have much less in terms of wealth and power than my title would imply. I don't yet know what it means to truly rule. Anything unsavory I've done or covered up so far has been for my own survival, or for the survival of the few people I can trust. I hope that someday I might be able to reign with honor and virtue, but I can't even begin to guess when or if that will be possible sister. All you need to know is that I'd never intentionally hurt you or anyone else in my family."

Anne must have found this answer satisfactory, as she spends the rest of the day opening up to you. She still wont say exactly what she knows regarding your secrets, but she does talk magic. It is apparent she has acquired the full extent of your skill in illusion magic, including all the masks that were given to you. She also possess a clinical knowledge of hexes, but lacks the actual ability to weave them herself; You assume this is because your body was subjected to hexes for several years so that you were pre-acclimated to the art at a physiological level. If you wanted to help Anne in this field, you suppose you could come up with some minor hex to subject her to in hopes of capturing the same result for your sister.

Over the days following this discussion, you observe your sister slowly move back towards being the outgoing child she was before the possession incident.


You enjoy another meal with The Children of Rust, cross the Blood River, and make it out of the Land of Ruin without incident. Eventually you find yourself one day's travel away from Luanda's homestead. As Andre's two wagon driving girlfriends are not in on the scheme to marry Simone to Kane, you actually have to walk in on the couple in the act and make a scene feigning outrage.

Quote from: Mahallo Etiquette to Feign Outrage
Skill = 4
Roll = 4
Bonus for King Dealing with Subject: -1
Final Result: 3

The two drivers buy your act and are none the wiser.

The following day, Luanda performs a quick Mahallo wedding for your friends, and once you 'calm down and forgive their dishonorable deed' the hunting party, now joined by Marion, Jasper, and Clarence, spend a day feasting to celebrate the union before continuing the journey home.


The evidence of the purge is spotted as your party approaches Bride Price. Dozens of bodies, most in a state of advanced decay suggested they have been up there for weeks, hang from the city walls.

When you reach The Molar, Nails and Anders greet you with a status report. Everything went mostly according to plan. After the initial wave of crucifixion, the criminal element of Bride Price indeed assembled an attack force and overwhelmed the guard stationed at The Molar, only to find that nobody of importance was home to kill or kidnap. Palace staff were able to identify some of the attackers, who were later captured and tortured into signing confessions, both honest and falsified, implicating every major crime lord in the city.

Most of the criminal leaders were captured and subjected to public execution. A few managed to escape, either fleeing north to the saftey of affiliated bandit camps in the Titan Lands, or southeast to their hidden family compounds in the Outer Hotlands.

As an added bonus, your acting Chancelor Mathias and your Steward Horton the Elder fled to their father's house in St. Arawn in the chaos following the crime lords' failed attack, and have yet to return to town. Although firing the pair would likely anger Burt De'Ville, their cowardice presents clear and justifiable grounds for their dismissal. Do Mathias and Horton I keep their jobs? If not, do you have replacements in mind? A faction/person you'd like to recommend new councilors for you?

The one truly unexpected occurrence was the involvement of the Bleachedkin Vampires, who were seemingly aware of Nails' plan and positioned to swoop in and take over all the crime lord's operations within days of their removal. The Vampires are now the true power in Bride Price, running every illegal business and collecting protection from most of the legal ones.


On your first night back, you are approached by Vivian, a humble palace cook at The Molar who you know happens to be a Bleachedkin Vampire of middling rank. "Thanks to your deeds, and the deeds of your servants, my masters now control this city. You are a friend of our matriarch, and you are made harmless to us by means of her taboo hex. With all this in mind, the Bleachedkin of New Mahallo have decided that it would be beneficial to us if your reign were to be long and stable."

The vampire looks you in the eye and offers a low bow. "We know you lack funds to run your mortal government and protect your position of power. To that end, my masters are willing to offer you a generous portion of all the wealth we extract from this city. We know there could be a political cost to associating so openly and closely with our kind, but we believe the benefits of our offer outweigh the drawbacks."

There would be costs indeed. If you allow the Bleachedkin to serve as your defacto tax office in the city, it would be nigh impossible to conceal your relationship for long. Neither the Imperial Clergy nor the Mahallo Druids would favor affiliating with their kind. Vampiric affiliations would also sour the opinion of foreign Imperial nations and your own population of stranded crusaders toward you.

But the benefits to accepting such a deal would be considerable. You need money, and the Bleachedkin are willing to pay you simply because they know they are better off under your rule than they would be under any of the likely alternatives. If you accept the costs of openly affiliating with the vampires, you could also benefit from their ageless wisdom at your court; Usually vampires keep the offices of Imperial power at arms length as Imperial Clerics are good at sniffing them out, but if they know they don't have to fear the clerics under your command, they might even be willing to sit on your council. Lastly, if your ties to the vampires are exposed, you would do little further harm to yourself if you ever choose to openly practice your vampire affiliated magic.

Do you accept the offer?


The following day, the topic of Marion's Druidic education comes up over breakfast. Your wife is torn between seeking out a private tutor in the Druidic arts, and moving into the Grand Temple to study alongside her peers. Both options have their benefits.

The Grand Temple, of course is home to the most powerful druids: both in terms of politics and magical skill. Druids who train at the temple are usually noticeably better at the magical aspects of their job, and possess the connections required to climb the ranks of the Mahallo clergy.

Mahallo Druidism is a vast field of magic with many spirits and powers that one might choose specialize in. Picking a specialized tutor for your wife would allow you a higher degree of control over the sort of magic she learns. A tutor could also work with her in the Molar, allowing your queen to remain in your home where it is practical for you to share her bed on a nightly basis.

There are, of course, benefits to keeping Queen Marion away from the Molar. Having too many heirs could backfire if the clergy decide your realm should be subject to the rite of partition upon your death. Also, if your wife is a full time student at the Grand Temple, you would have reasonable grounds to keep her off your council and allow your mother to reclaim the role of Lady of the Court once she gives birth to your latest half-sibling.

Marion asks if you have any input on this matter. Of course, as her husband and King, you would be well within your rights to issue a demand instead.


Your sister, Anne the younger, approaches you with an interesting quandary.

"I've talked with our poor brother Alan. Told him I went inside your mind. Proved it by showing off some of your magic. Convinced him that you are not plotting his death."

She offers you a sad smile. "He has agreed to stop trying to take his own life. But mother and father don't believe him, and refuse to let him out of manacles. I don't know how I can convince them to change their mind without telling them the truth of what happened between us in Wrotiorn, and I fear they would be angry at us for practicing such risky and illegal Dragon Magic. What should I do, brother? How can we help him?"


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #419 on: September 10, 2021, 10:06:05 pm »

I guess we have to have them keep their jobs, we can replace Mathias with our Mother or King Phillip as the Stewards, but I guess we need to make the De’villes happy. Keep your jobs De’villes, but Mathias is under contract until our Mother becomes healthy I believe.

We need money desperately to maintain a standing army so we if King Penteram was to ever be challenged by our “neighboring” brothers who want to kill us, and that we could support him.

We have to accept the offer under the condition the Bleachedkin can’t publicly mock or be antagonistic against the Imperial Clergy and Mahello Druids, because we have to still keep them happy so the crusaders can support our military and the Mahello can support our military and economy.

Input for Marion: We should keep her in the Molar until we have our first male child and then she can begin a formal education in the Mahello arts, maybe we can get Archdruid Tamarto send a Private Tutor for Marion about Spirit Blocking and Spirit Countermeasures for Korrag’s Spy Ring, and send this tutor to the Molar? (We already have a shapeshifter, so this is next thing we should focus on?)

Tell Anne about Anders plan, and that we have a way to cure him in the future and are open to future possibilities, and that him having a healthy recovery and rehabilitation to society is a thing is going to happen in an immediate future.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 07:16:49 pm by Shadowclaw777 »
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