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Author Topic: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn  (Read 20066 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #435 on: September 13, 2021, 08:20:33 pm »

We can have like our half-brother Andre go and try and romance and marry Luanda I think (and a demand if it forces us), since she’s next in line to become Archdruid?, and that’s a political connection that we could viably have to make the Mahello people more happy with us.
No, the probable next Archdruid is Noelani the 33-year old lesbian. Andre might face difficulty seducing her. Based on his reaction at our previous attempt, I think he will be unwilling to marry anybody without a firm command.

As for Vampires, fine let’s Expel the Vampire Mafia when we are given enough resources and an opportunity to do so. Maybe tell Nails to see if this is a plausible goal?
I don't think it's plausible for many years yet. Since we expect the taboo to make us seriously ill at the least, it will be a sacrificial move on Arawn's part and should not be attempted without an heir grown and educated. (Which is extra fuel for your position to keep Marion near at hand.)


How far is the Grand Temple, anyway? I thought it was a couple blocks over, not like we've got a huge metropolis here. Or is Druid study really so intense that she can't commute? With the human criminals eliminated and the Bleachedkin tied by our agreement with Mistress Mire (potentially more ties, pending vote) security shouldn't be the issue.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #436 on: September 13, 2021, 08:55:24 pm »

Actually you know what I was for plan demon lord necromancer dark emperor.  Heck if we can get the half orc to train and ally us instead lets go orcish mercenary hordes maybe?  Broker his people passage through the Titanlands to raid some much more lucrative places and some of our brother's lands if we win.  That would also make quite an interesting story...

+1 to vampire offer, but ask them to lie low for a couple of years as bureaucrats and low level advisors.

Get a spirit druid tutor for now we need an heir first thing but having our wife able to summon nature spirits is fun too.  Make it a suggestion though, as long as she is studying some powerful heretical magic I don't care.


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  • The Trashman
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #437 on: September 13, 2021, 09:52:15 pm »

Look into doing something with the Larvae looted from the Elves when we have time

Can I add this? I feel like we should do something with the larvae before we forget about it.
el basurero


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #438 on: September 13, 2021, 09:58:07 pm »

So I include Nobody :)?
Whoops, glossed over that bit :P

also not not making her a political valuable to the Druids is valuable compared to our first priority, getting a heir. A long-distance relationship means we would have less opportunities to y’know and therefore we should wait to confirm Arawn’s wife pregnancy before having her leave the Molar, I don’t know how being pregnant would affect someone’s mental studies but it should have some sort of significant impact?, but it should have an effect. She can begin her full-time studies once we have a child in the Molar, we should have royal caretakers and King Arawn then take care our firstborn.
I don't think we want to wait months and months for her to start, and then have to abandon our baby once she does. If we were going to prioritize absolutely getting an heir immediately, I feel like it'd be better to hire a private tutor. As is stands, while getting an heir is important I don't think it'll take significantly longer with her living a bit away.

As for Vampires, fine let’s Expel the Vampire Mafia when we are given enough resources and an opportunity to do so. Maybe tell Nails to see if this is a plausible goal?
I don't think it will be, and I don't want to completely scrap a potential alliance in the process, but we should ask Nails about the feasibility of rooting out the vampire menace anyway. Never hurts to explore possibilities, as Nails will no doubt agree.

Edit: Also only a partial amount of the Druid's are conspirers against us and working with Korrag, there should still be some Druids that are happy to work with us such as Halia and our grand-uncle Archdruid Tamar
Oh absolutely. In all likelihood the traitors represent a fairly small portion... but the revelation will tarnish the druids as a whole, which will give us leverage over them. Our precious wife studying under them should help emphasize what a betrayal this was.

...actually, this might not pair well with Imperial opinions on druids to begin with. Hrm. Might want to keep this a quiet, targeted affair after all...

How far is the Grand Temple, anyway? I thought it was a couple blocks over, not like we've got a huge metropolis here. Or is Druid study really so intense that she can't commute? With the human criminals eliminated and the Bleachedkin tied by our agreement with Mistress Mire (potentially more ties, pending vote) security shouldn't be the issue.
Good question. I assume the commute is short enough to be made on a whim, but too long to feasibly make every day without good reason. Bride Price's roads might be in suspect condition as well.

Look into doing something with the Larvae looted from the Elves when we have time

Can I add this? I feel like we should do something with the larvae before we forget about it.
We should wait on this until we get that elf-book from the raid clans. It'll probably describe exactly what they are and what we can do with them.

Otherwise I agree with the sentiment. I know there's things I was quite concerned about that I've forgotten about in the meantime. :o
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #439 on: September 14, 2021, 04:40:09 am »

Quote from: Vampire Vote
Accept Offer: 2
Decline Offer: 4

You attempt to politely decline the Bleachedkin's offer...

Quote from: Wizardly Etiquette Roll
Skill = 5
Roll = 1
Specializes in Dealing with the Sentient Undead: -1
You rolled a nat 1 on a check you could not fail! Crit Success!

The logic you offer is irrefutable. The rhetoric you employ would make Matriarch Mire proud. As much as you need money, openly affiliating with the Bleachedkin would likely cost you almost all of your other significant allies. As useful as a cabal of vampires might be, the Bleachedkin simply lack the resources and numbers to protect New Mahallo from invading Orc Bloods or foreigners.

Vivian bows low after hearing you out. "I will bring your answer and your reasoning to my masters. You clearly share our interest in ensuring yourself a long and stable reign, and have the wisdom to see this ambition through. I imagine those above me will seek to find a more quiet way of rendering aid unto you."

Several days later, Vivian simply tells you that her masters have found a way to address your money issues for the time being.

That evening Nails pulls you aside. "Amazing news, Sire. This morning, I received intelligence regarding a possible Thieves Guild safehouse in town that we missed in the initial purge. My men checked it out, and found a storeroom full of gold! About as much as your mother could collect in taxes over three years before the blockade began! My men will transport it discretely to your treasury over the next few days."


When Mathias and Horton the Elder return to town, you welcome them back to your council. But not everyone is so accommodating. For the first time since childhood you witness your half-brother Anders' legendary temper, as he launches into a passionate fire-and-brimstone sermon on the sin of cowardice. Never one to hold back when annoyed, your court mage singles out the De'Villes who fled. He goes especially hard on Mathias, who is himself an Imperial Cleric, questioning both the man's devotion to Agusta and place in the afterlife. Horton is exempt from the tirade, as your brother explicitly calls him 'less of a man' than his son, who choose to stay and execute the duties of the office of Marshal, even in the face of grave danger.

Anders finishes his speech. His two victims can only hang their heads in silent shame. Bishop Guthrey and Princess Beatrix rise to offer applause. To your surprise, so does Horton the Younger. Nails offers polite applause, but remains reclined in his chair with a huge shit eating grin on his face; Like his children, your spymaster takes great pleasure in seeing others belittled and abused. Kane and Kaylee, standing with the audience and free from the protocol of actual council meeting, do a poor job of suppressing their snorting laughter.


You ask Marion and her family if commuting from the temple is possible. Having made the journey several times, you know on foot you can go from the Grand Temple to The Molar in about fifteen minutes, twenty if the streets are busy.

Jasper shakes his head at your proposal. "Temple Education takes place over a very structured 11 hour day. After that, Druids are expected to socialize and network with their peers. Said peers could easily come to resent your Queen if she choose to retreat to the palace every night rather than sleep in the temple barracks."

As you don't give your wife orders one way or another, After a few days of waffling she decides to hire a twenty-something druid named Loe, who comes highly recommended as an expert in seeing and directly interacting with spirits, to serve as her tutor.

Two days later, a seemingly inconspicuous wild parrot drops a note in your lap. From Halia. The note warns that Loe is one of Korrag's spies, driven to treachery by his envy toward his much more powerful and successful elder sister Noelani. Like his sister, Loe is also a fairly infamous womanizer whom Halia thinks may not be above taking a pass at your wife if he thinks she might be receptive.

Aside from the possible threat of cuckoldry, Halia advises that Loe is mostly harmless for now. The Molar is already under heavy surveillance by the Orc's spirits, and putting a druid in their service in the building wouldn't make the situation any worse for you. In the future, he may potentially aid in some scheme to assassinate or recruit your wife, But Halia promises that you will be warned if such a plan is in the works. Do you take any action on this matter?


You advise Anne to give her parents time to accept Alan's recovery, adding that as much as you want to believe he is cured, he might be using his sister as a ploy to get out of his restraints.

After some consideration, she agrees that this is a wise course of action.


Queen Mother Anne has given birth to the latest of your siblings, a girl whom she names Beatrix after the woman who held her seat on the council over the course of the pregnancy. Your brother Anders oversaw the birth, and nobody aside from him and Phillip were permitted into the Queen Mother's chambers while she was in labor; If there were any complications or threats to your mother's health, Anders will have taken care of them quickly, proficiently, and discretely. After a few days, Anne the Elder is back to full health.

The recovery of the Queen Mother leaves you with a few choices to make. The first involves your mother's health directly. Anders confides in you that Anne and Phillip intend to continue magically extending the latter's childbearing years until either your wife or mother provides another male heir to keep the realm out of Prince Alan's hands in case of unexpected succession. Anders, however, would rather they give up, noting that tending to a magically induced high-risk pregnancy is both time consuming and stressful for him. Furthermore, he is confident that he has enough standing with the priests of the realm to keep the crown off of Prince Alan's head even if you were to drop dead tomorrow. He asks if you would be willing to command or persuade Anne and Phillip to call it quits on procreation.

Next is the matter of your council. Jasper and Clarence tell you that as Marion is an orphan raised in their care, they could easily tell a white lie to move your wife's birthday up a few months so that she may claim her place at your side in politics a bit early. In the opposite direction of things, Marion tells you that she is willing to forgo the title of Lady of the Court and focus on her druidic studies for now; She can't promise that she will be comfortable on the sidelines for the duration of your mother's natural life, but notes she could spend well over a decade as a full time student.

As for Anne the Elder, having run New Mahallo for most of your life, your mother is more than capable of serving as Steward or Chancellor. Fireing a De'Ville to give her such an office, especially so soon after implicitly forgiving their cowardice by allowing them to return, could prove tricky. In theory, Mathias is meerly acting Chancellor and can be fired at will, but Nails' position is also, in theory, a temporary one, and Mathias would likely expect Nails be removed from the council and he be given his old job back should you pick a new chief diplomat.

How do you want to set up your council?


You receive another interesting letter from Halia. The spy network has learned that Archdruid Tamar plans to soon announce his retirement, as he feels it has come time to negotiate a formal tax code with the Throne of New Mahallo, to decide what goes to your treasury and what funds the Grand Temple, and as he is your great uncle he cannot not partake in such negotiations himself without facing a conflict of interest. Korrag has authorized the murder of his three most likely successors, in hopes of landing one of his agents the top job, as well as about of dozen other innocent druids, to make the killings appear more random and less an attempt to influence the succession of Tamar's office.

Halia doesn't think she can stop the plan entirely, or even expose specific details to you, without outing herself as a double agent. What she could do is anonymously warn a victim of your choosing at the last minute. Should said Druid heed the warning, and the others die, you would effectively get to pick the next Archdruid. The note then gives you brief dossiers on the three likely probable successors that you may choose to save.

You are already familiar with Noelani, whom you briefly considered marrying. She is the undisputed most powerful of the bunch, both in terms of magic and politics. If you want the office of the Archdruid to be strong, she is the obvious choice. Her sexual orientation is unlikely to be an issue for your Mahallo subjects; An unmarried druid is free to sleep with whomever the spirits compel her too. Imperial Hardliners who disapprove of any sort of sex outside of marriage may frown on her. Some overzealous clerics even expressly condemn Lesbians in particular, as a handful of Agusta's many spouses were women, and replicating Agusta's deeds is the most unforgiveable sin of the Imperial Faith.

Martin is a better theologian than he is a caster. An ethnic Imperial, Martin's family converted to the Mahallo faith when he was 10 and had already undergone some training to become an Imperial Cleric. The man's life work is fostering reconciliation, tolerance, and understanding between the two religions of your land. The note also informs you that Martin is one of your half-brother Anders few friends, so saving him could mean something to your court mage.

Hilo hails from one of the raider clans, and is a great specialist in the druidic combat arts. Halia suggests that if you want the Archdruid in your pocket, Hilo is your man. Apparently Hilo was a wild criminal deviant in his youth, responsible for a handful of assaults and murders that were covered up by his powerful parents but uncovered by Korrag's spies. Your double agent can easily provide you with enough blackmail material to make Hilo your bitch for life should he obtain the office of Archdruid.

Do you plan to stop this slaughter of the druids? If so, how? If not, do you try and save a preferred candidate?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 04:41:47 am by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #440 on: September 14, 2021, 09:26:40 am »

I remember we talked with the Marshal about the Orcs, but did we ever advise Nails about the orc-druid-spirit threat? If not, we need to bring him into the loop immediately. Either way, warn him of the latest development, taking all anti-spirit precautions of course.

I favor Noelani for Archdruid, as our wife's tutor's sister she's practically family! :P Seriously, though, when facing off against renegades we'll want the strongest druid we can get on our side. I'd also like to save Martin, for Anders's sake, and with both Halia and Nails on the case I think at least that much is possible. But I'd like to hear other plans as well.


Ask Philip and Anne to stop having magic babies, and firmly insist that we cannot spare our Court Mage for this wearying task. The gesture is sweet, I guess, but we have our own wife now (with a prophecy attached). We are glad that Baby Beatrix is well, yet the strain on our family will only grow with each new worry.

Beyond which, we would like to offer our mother a place as Lady of the Court while Marion pursues both Druid studies and a family of her own. We believe Anne's wisdom and experience will be of great benefit to the kingdom and her family.

(We probably ought to make Mathias and Nails permanent appointments; by now it's obvious that forgot-his-name isn't returning. Edit: Mateo)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 09:30:17 am by mightymushroom »


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #441 on: September 14, 2021, 01:00:11 pm »

Send a Anne the younger to learn druidry with the queen and report back to us about any funny business

I would prefer there not to be a chance to get cucked right now so I think we should send someone loyal to us to either learn druidry with her or serve as an assistant to her so they can watch Loe. Maybe even Anne our little sister, she already knows about Korrag's spy network through the possession, and would get a chance to learn druidism while making sure there isn't any funny business and it wouldn't be suspicious to send a family member to learn with the Queen.

Leave things in the council the same for now 

We kind of missed our chance to get rid of one of the De'Villes to free up the spot on the council after pardoning their cowardry.

Have Halia warn Martin and send a letter to Anders informing of him of what might happen to his friend.

I'm not really sure about this one, but I think we should save Martin because he's one of Anders friends and have Anders protect Martin since it would look less suspicious as they're already known compatriots. Under the guise of friendship Anders can protect Martin.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 06:20:08 pm by MrThrowaway »
el basurero


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #442 on: September 14, 2021, 01:01:34 pm »

No action on Loe. Marion is head over heels for us and routinely working with us on an heir. And also being stalked by a jealous crocodile.

Attempt to persuade Anne the Elder and Phillip that we're fine on heirs. Alan even seems to be getting better! That said, we shouldn't order them.

Beyond which, we would like to offer our mother a place as Lady of the Court while Marion pursues both Druid studies and a family of her own. We believe Anne's wisdom and experience will be of great benefit to the kingdom and her family.

(We probably ought to make Mathias and Nails permanent appointments; by now it's obvious that forgot-his-name isn't returning. Edit: Mateo)
+1 to both

Let's stop the druid slaughter the only way we know how: By discretely asking our vampire allies to handle it for us. I'm sure we can offer them something in return if necessary, but this would be good for our reign, the less vampire hunty of the two religions we've got (I assume?), and public opinion of vampires.

Not sure how vampires feel about sanctified spaces, so we might have to hook up with Halia to shake any tails (except hers) before luring out a contact. Written notes also (probably) work but complicate negotiations.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #443 on: September 14, 2021, 01:14:15 pm »

All Im gonna say is thank god for crit rolls.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #444 on: September 14, 2021, 03:36:03 pm »

i say we get rid of loe, stop the magical procreation our mother is doing, and we try to effectively expose whats-his-name and stop the slaughter of druids.
i dont care what we do about the council, but we should try not to usurp any families.  we want to avoid any and all assassins and heaven knows that if we offend a bunch of rich, powerful ppl we are almost assuredly going to get a assassination attempt. 
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #445 on: September 14, 2021, 04:42:03 pm »

Send a loyal servant to serve as an "attendant" to the queen while she learns druidry

I would prefer there not to be a chance to get cucked right now so I think we should send someone loyal to us to either learn druidry with her or serve as an assistant to her so they can watch Loe. Maybe even Anne our little sister, she already knows about Korrag's spy network through the possession, and would get a chance to learn druidism while making sure there isn't any funny business and it wouldn't be suspicious to send a family member to learn with the Queen.

+1 Asking Anne the Younger to sit in is a pretty good idea. She may already know some basic concepts from visiting the Temple (where else did she get a score of 2 in magic theory?).
« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 10:32:21 pm by mightymushroom »

Maximum Spin

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #446 on: September 14, 2021, 04:54:13 pm »

Let's stop the druid slaughter the only way we know how: By discretely asking our vampire allies to handle it for us. I'm sure we can offer them something in return if necessary, but this would be good for our reign, the less vampire hunty of the two religions we've got (I assume?), and public opinion of vampires.

Not sure how vampires feel about sanctified spaces, so we might have to hook up with Halia to shake any tails (except hers) before luring out a contact. Written notes also (probably) work but complicate negotiations.
Sure, why not, +1. This seems like as good a strategy as any.


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  • The Trashman
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #447 on: September 14, 2021, 06:21:11 pm »

Send a loyal servant to serve as an "attendant" to the queen while she learns druidry

I would prefer there not to be a chance to get cucked right now so I think we should send someone loyal to us to either learn druidry with her or serve as an assistant to her so they can watch Loe. Maybe even Anne our little sister, she already knows about Korrag's spy network through the possession, and would get a chance to learn druidism while making sure there isn't any funny business and it wouldn't be suspicious to send a family member to learn with the Queen.

Asking Anne the Younger to sit in is a pretty good idea. She may already know some basic concepts from visiting the Temple (where else did she get a score of 2 in magic theory?).

Yeah I edited my vote to that since we might as well have her learn magic while being our (kind of) spy
el basurero


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #448 on: September 14, 2021, 07:43:07 pm »

I've had many ideas and needed the idea to sit in my head before I form something functional, but most of them are either not or controversial. Such as making Andre, from now failing his impression or rather losing motivation on his Imperial Clergy MILF to now towards finding a way to enamor him with Noelani. Noelani seems like the most difficult of the three to have as our Archdruid but in comparison is the most skilled, and therefore best to eventually to splurge out Korrag’s rogue Druids and Spirit spy network. However, it will make it more difficult for this Archdruid to like us with our opinions, such as making the Mahello people support their local ruler more than King Penteram, something we need to do to rekindle our taxes and manpower we gain from these locals.

Another idea was to see if Archdruid Tamar to see if the Mahello people have any sort of traditions towards arranged marriages, and if the Archdruid should get married (Noelani being a possible bride means it should be), and therefore create an arranged marriage with the next in line Archdruid, this is where Andre is taken place as it will become difficult to foster a relationship with Noelani however I don’t believe it’s an impossibility. We should also tell Archdruid Tamar about the rogue druids which I believe he already knows about their existence, but that an impending assassination scheme is taking place, maybe we could also request future information on countermeasures against Spirits spies because being watched by Korrag by our every move, is not desirable.

Anyways this all concludes, I feel like we should just get Nails to be our focus on saving the two Archdruid candidates instead of trying to be owed a favor by the vampires. Halia’s tip should go to Noelani and maybe Andre can directly talk to her and try to convince her that her life is at stake and serve as an escort until this thing blows over, this may be too blunt?, a plausible way to develop a positive relationship between the two. Nails, and the amount of agents he has at disposal, as well as tipping off Anders to save Martin if they really desire him to be alive. We denied an offer to the Vampires, so trying to get an owed favor seems really undesirable

I mean it will be difficult to have a 77 hour week schedule, because I doubt Druid training gets breaks to allow Arawn to sprinkle it on the weekends, for heir creating would make it difficult to focus on a full-time education as well as on family. So I guess we keep Loe, let’s hope we don't get a wife’s boyfriend and in an open relationship. But fine I guess she is going to have a private tutor and focus on family, and the council would be 3 De’avilles, 2 Loyalists with our Queen Mother back as Lady of the Court, wherever Nail’s agenda lies, as well as for the leading Bishop. It seems we will have majority in council decisions, and maybe on Marion’s birthday she can become Lady of the Court, and Queen Anne is pushed to Steward or Chancellor, but not getting Nails pushed off by a De'ville will be difficult to manipulate right into place.

This problem that we have
]A good chunk of this region is controlled by Mahallo Raid Clans, who are traditionally exempt from most Mahallo laws and practically more loyal to the Archdruid and your neighbor King Penteram than they are toward you!
  Seems like a thing we can fix if we were to get the Archdruid on our side, and then divert loyalty away from King Penteram towards the Archdruid and then to King Arawn, just have to spend a little effort in getting the Archdruid to be in our favor.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #449 on: September 14, 2021, 09:36:33 pm »

I've had many ideas and needed the idea to sit in my head before I form something functional, but most of them are either not or controversial. Such as making Andre, from now failing his impression or rather losing motivation on his Imperial Clergy MILF to now towards finding a way to enamor him with Noelani. Noelani seems like the most difficult of the three to have as our Archdruid but in comparison is the most skilled, and therefore best to eventually to splurge out Korrag’s rogue Druids and Spirit spy network. However, it will make it more difficult for this Archdruid to like us with our opinions, such as making the Mahello people support their local ruler more than King Penteram, something we need to do to rekindle our taxes and manpower we gain from these locals.
I don't think we should bother with Noelani, but if we really want to brute force it I'm sure she has possible avenues other than marriage. Meeting with her to figure out which of her vices or ambitions we might be able to cater to would probably be wiser than just trying to glue Andre onto her.

We should also tell Archdruid Tamar about the rogue druids which I believe he already knows about their existence, but that an impending assassination scheme is taking place, maybe we could also request future information on countermeasures against Spirits spies because being watched by Korrag by our every move, is not desirable.

Anyways this all concludes, I feel like we should just get Nails to be our focus on saving the two Archdruid candidates instead of trying to be owed a favor by the vampires. Halia’s tip should go to Noelani and maybe Andre can directly talk to her and try to convince her that her life is at stake and serve as an escort until this thing blows over, this may be too blunt?, a plausible way to develop a positive relationship between the two. Nails, and the amount of agents he has at disposal, as well as tipping off Anders to save Martin if they really desire him to be alive. We denied an offer to the Vampires, so trying to get an owed favor seems really undesirable
We really want to avoid showing our hand to Korrag, and telling everyone important about the impending threat(s) is a great way for either somebody to slip up, or Korrag to notice the jig is up because everyone is acting differently now. I think we should continue to keep this a secret to absolutely everyone we can until we're ready to bring the mallet down on the whole network. Which should likewise have plausible deniability if at all possible, so that Korrag never finds out that Halia is a double agent.

and the council would be 3 De’avilles, 2 Loyalists with our Queen Mother back as Lady of the Court, wherever Nail’s agenda lies, as well as for the leading Bishop. It seems we will have majority in council decisions, and maybe on Marion’s birthday she can become Lady of the Court, and Queen Anne is pushed to Steward or Chancellor, but not getting Nails pushed off by a De'ville will be difficult to manipulate right into place.
Since we're talking about crazy schemes, I had a probably-too-elaborate-for-its-own-good idea on this.

Step 1: We keep everything where it is.
Step 2: FOUL TREACHERY! The druids have been (almost?) slain! Spymaster, why did you not warn us of this?! You're fired! Mathias is Spymaster once more! Anne the Elder shall be our Chancellor!
Step 3: Nails, disgraced but strangely loyal to the crown, investigates the attack on his own!
Step 4: Thanks to the heroic efforts of [insert actors here] Korrag's spy ring has been revealed and brought to heel! Who would have thought it was our own druids all along, especially after we were so supportive of them in the wake of their (almost?) losses?!
Step 5: SPYMASTER! Why didn't you warn us of this?! I can't believe I fired the old Spymaster for not seeing through the (almost?) druidic assassinations, only for him to assist in uncovering their very source! You're fired and Nails is Spymaster again!

Probably faaaar too much effort and too many risks just to get mother back on the council proper, but it was a fun thought.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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